Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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Re-naming Mod
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1.220 MB
2 mag 2018, ore 10:22
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Re-naming Mod

Are you tired of having all your units sound similar? Tired of having five different "Elite" units that aren't even UUs? Did you just want names that are more unique or historically accurate? Are you just irritated when you're trying to play as "Venice" and your Crossbowmen are "Genoese?"

Worry not! With this mod, many units are renamed to be more historically accurate and/or distinct from each other. NO longer will your Cannon Galleons become "Elite", Nor are there generic terms like "War Galley". Many UUs have been renamed to fit their histories closer. Many other untis that previously all just sounded the same now have more unique names across the board, which means you should be able to finally tell your elites from your imperials.

Seriosuly, wasn't having 3 "Skirmishers" getting atleast a little annoying?
2 commenti
Soully  [autore] 12 mag 2022, ore 20:09 
Hi! I'm actually going to make a version for Age of Empires II: DE
|Xendor| 12 mag 2022, ore 13:40 
Underrated mod, only hoped it was compatible with unit counter information, but I guess one can't have everything