Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Ten przedmiot jest niezgodny z grą Counter-Strike 2. Zapoznaj się ze stroną z instrukcjami, aby dowiedzieć się, dlaczego ten przedmiot nie będzie mógł zostać dodany do Counter-Strike 2.
Rankup // The Global Elite
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Różne: Naklejka
Rozmiar pliku
15.754 MB
25 kwietnia 2018 o 21:57
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Przedmiot został zaakceptowany do Counter-Strike 2!

Następny przedmiot
w kolejce
W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez TheDanidem
Rankup! CS:GO Competitive Sticker Collection
Przedmioty: 9
I've never been Global so I don't know how it feels being one... but I know many and I've seen them play/played with them. It feels kind of natural for most of them to play at this level! they just enjoy themselves and have fun, I reflected that when you scrape the paper version.

I always liked the design for this rank, how powerful it feels so I respected it as much as possible.

These stickers have 2 stages!

I always liked the idea of leaving secret messages in the stickers when you scrape them, like I did in my Queen of Pain sticker. But how cool would it be if you could leave behind another version of the sticker when you scrape in a clean way, without wastes from the borders and so on?

I've explored and played a lot with the stickers material and I've finally found a way that allows this. So if you are more of a casual cs:go player or you're just not a fan of the rank name/borders in the sticker, scrap it away and enjoy your new sticker!

I've tested all the stickers thoroughly to ensure this, and it works in almost all of the sticker slots! During this testing I've found plenty of really cool combinations with many guns and skins, I hope you find them all!