War Thunder

War Thunder

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100% Achievements: A Comprehensive Guide
Von ErickaUnlimited
An accurate, detailed and complete guide on how to unlock every achievement in War Thunder.
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Being an MMO game, War Thunder is always changing and growing with new vehicles, nations and other oddities being added periodically. The thing about War Thunder is, many of the achievements are tied to a multitude of different portions of content, whether that is playing different nations, different game modes, or doing something particular within said game mode.

That makes completing something like this very time consuming and very difficult. The cost of doing them all can be as cheap as you want, as expensive as you want (if you buy your way through the content) or as time consuming if you plan to play entirely for free.

If you're really looking to complete this game, be prepared for a colossal amount of time and dedication in doing so. Luckily, no achievements are tied to missable content and nothing is connected to "FOMO" (fear of missing out). Happy hunting!

In-Battle Achievements
Remember, you can check your Steam achievement progress at any time under your in-game username menu. You can find them under "Username" > "Achievements" > "Trophies".

"Cadet", "Graduate", "Warrior", "Veteran" & "Legend"
Spend 10 hours in battle, Spend 100 hours in battle, Spend 250 hours in battle, Spend 500 hours in battle, & Spend 1000 hours in battle.
These four achievements are newer than the old, legacy ones, so for those of us that already have extensive hours in game, you'll earn this once you obtain the necessary hours in battle post achievement introduction. Any hours prior to their introduction will not count.

For those that started after the introduction of these achievements, your time will accumulate as normal when you reach each of these milestones.

Get 'Mission Maker' 10 times.
Obtainable in both ground and air battles, you need to make both the first and last kill in a game to earn this. This award is only given to one player per battle. Another way to look at it is you need to earn both the "First Strike" and "Final Blow" medals in the same game to unlock this one.

Hands down the most luck-based achievement on the list, earning mission maker can only be swayed every-so-slightly in your favor by taking a vehicle that is repetitively quick and can get into the fight before everyone else.

I wouldn't recommend a suicide rush for it, but nobody is getting mission maker spawning in a T95 as their first tank.

"Tiger", "Falcon", & "Hornet"
Win 50 battles using ground vehicles, Win 50 battles using aircraft, Win 50 battles using helicopters.
Self-explanatory, no? Win a total of 50 battles across arcade, realistic or simulator battles in tanks, aircraft or helicopters respectively. Upon 50 wins in each category, you'll earn their respective achievement.

"Shark" & "Piranha"
Win 50 battles using bluewater fleet, Win 50 battles using сoastal fleet.
Win a total of 50 battles across arcade or realistic using bluewater and costal ships respectively. Upon 50 wins in each category, you'll earn their respective achievement.

"Doomsday!" & "Peaceful Atom"
Make a nuclear strike and end the mission with a victory, or Shoot down a nuclear weapon carrier.
With the introduction of nuclear bombs to War Thunder, these two achievements were established. In either ground arcade or ground realistic battles, you can acquire a nuclear bomb to end the match in victory for your team.

In arcade battles, you need 15 "plane points" to call in a bomber or use your airstrike ability to call it in on a teammate's bombing run. Nuclear bombs are available from battle rating 6.0+ for both arcade and realistic battles.

For arcade, earning plane points can be done, mostly, by kills. However, you do earn points for activity in battle, but the exact method to how those points are distributed are not revealed by Gaijin.

For realistic, you need 2,500 spawn points to have a bomber with a nuclear payload available.

Successfully dropping a nuclear bomb will net you the "Doomsday!" achievement, while the inverse (shooting down an enemy bomber prior to dropping a nuclear bomb) will earn you "Peaceful Atom" as a reward.

If you are in arcade and the call-ins are helicopters instead of planes, you cannot obtain a nuke. They only appear with planes.
In-Battle Achievements
"King of the Hill"
Destroy in one battle 5 players' vehicles while standing on the strategic point captured by your team.
Obtainable in ground or naval battles, you need to stay within the circle of any captured point and eliminate five enemy vehicles. You do not need to do this on the same capture point or all in the same tank; the kills do not need to be consecutive, but you do need to do it in the same battle.

You do not need to be part of the capturing process in order for the kills to count. Typically, I would recommend a battle with a single capture point that your team controls; you can also do a work-around by capturing a point, then using a bomber to kill five enemy targets. Oddly enough, it counts.

"At one blow"
Destroy 5 targets within 1 second
Obtainable in both ground and air battles, you need to destory five ground targets (AI or player controlled targets). Typically obtained via bombing AI targets in air battles, you can also obtain this during ground battles. On any map, if you can bomb five targets (player controlled or AI) at once, if you should be so lucky, with a bomber plane.

However, there is a way to do it on the map "Advance to the Rhine". This particular map has several AA emplacements a way off screen that actively will shoot at you; they also show up on radar as well. If you take a bomber over there and drop your payload, you can destory enough of them to earn this achievement. It's a waste of a bombing run so I'd recommend doing it on a sure-fired win already towards the end of a game, but that's up to you.

Depending on where the game spawns your bomber, you may or may not be in range of the targets right away. If you play the map enough, eventually you'll spawn nearly on top of them (and be fired on immediately) and be to target them with plenty of time.

Alternbatively, has shown in the map above, if you can manage to obtain a bomber very early on, a large portion of both teams (for some reason) almost always funnel down the lines shown above. A well placed bombing run can net you five targets easily.

This is just one example on one map; there's plenty of opportunities on various other maps.

Get 'Shadow Strike' 100 times.
Obtainable in both ground and air battles, "Shadow Strike" is an in-game medal for destorying an enemy without taking any damage in return. Despite what achievement may hint at, you do not need to accomplish this while being hidden/undetected by the other team.

This also includes successful bombing runs where you destroy player-controlled vehicles on the ground, so there are a few ways to achieve this one.

Get 'Intelligence' 10 times.
Obtainable in ground battles, this requires marking of a player-controlled enemy tank/SPAA before a friendly player-controlled plane destroys them. Done in ground battles, you can either do this by spotting using your active scouting ability.

You'll need to set a hotkey for this, so go under your Options, Miscellaneous and then look for "active scouting. Assign the key binding and, while in battle, be the first person to mark an enemy vehicle. Once it is spotted, if a teammate destroys said vehicle, you'll be awarded this medal.

Do note, scouting is an ability that is assigned only to light tanks and a few select SPGs.

"Air Support"
Get 'According to Intelligence' 10 times.
Obtainable in ground battles, this requires destroying a player-controlled tank/SPAA that has been spotted by an allied vehicle. Done in ground battles, you can destroy the tank/SPAA by any means: machine guns, rockets or bombs. This must be done with an aircraft.

This is the inverse of "intelligence" medals, but using aircraft to destroy ground targets. Instead of using your active scouting ability, you have to reply on your team to scout for you.

An easier way to obtain this would be to squad with friends and have some bring light vehicles to scout and you focus those targets.

"Dead Weight"
Destroy a player's vehicle which is tied to other player's vehicle by a cable.
Obtainable in ground battles and rather difficult achievement to earn, this one requires you to kill an enemy vehicle that is tethered to another tank. You can destroy either enemy vehicle that is attached to either end of the cable.

This is more of an "opportunity strikes" deal; running into two people towing one another is just a matter of luck, not skill. You'll just have to be patient until you find the right situation.

Destroy 5 players' vehicles at the distance of 1.5 kms or more.
Obtainable in ground battles, the achievement claims the enemy tank/plane must be 1.5kms or further for the award to be granted.

However, some users claim that it has been awarded to them at length ranging as far down as 1.0kms. Personally, I have been given this award for units around 1.2kms so the description may not be entirely accurate to how the game calculates it.

Land on an aircraft carrier.
Obtainable in air battles, you need to successfully land your plane on an aircraft carrier; lower your speed and head straight onto it and the game should "hook" you to it and land your plane.

"Street Brawler"
Destroy 2 players' vehicles within 30 seconds from a distance of 10 meters or less.
Obtainable in both ground and air battles and fairly straight forward by description, you need to destroy two player-controlled vehicle in rapid succession from within a 10m radius around your current position.

I'd recommend doing this in a tank; one with a quick reload or an autocannon.
In-Battle Achievements
"High-precision strike"
Destroy 1 player vehicle with a guided bomb at a distance of 20 km or more.
To gain access to guided bombs, you'll have to work your way into the high ranks of whichever aviation technology tree of your choice and set the correct armament. Obtain a single kill from no less than 20km to unlock this achievement.

"Arcade 1000"
Destroy 1000 players' vehicles in arcade battles.
Destory any number of tanks, SPAA or planes in Arcade battles. At 1,000 total kills, this achievement will unlock. Please note, assists do not count towards the total, nor do destorying AI controlled vehicles.

"Realistic 500"
Destroy 500 players' vehicles in realistic battles.
Destory any number of tanks, SPAA or planes in Realistic battles. At 500 total kills, this achievement will unlock. Please note, assists do not count towards the total.

"True 100"
Destroy 100 players' vehicles in simulator battles.
Destory any number of tanks, SPAA or planes in Simulator battles. At 100 total kills, this achievement will unlock. Please note, assists do not count towards the total.
In-Battle Achievements
Get 'Avenger' 5 times.
Obtaining the avenger medal involves the act of killing an enemy vehicle after they have just destroyed an allied tank. There is a time limit between them killing your teammate and you killing them, however, the exact time frame is not published.

Get 'Heavy Metal Hero' 10 times.
Obtainable only in ground battles, you need to destroy the most ground vehicles of other players. If several players have equal number of destroyed targets, the award is given to the one with highest overall score.

You'll need to kill no less than 12 player-controlled ground vehicles. There is a multipler for realistic and simulation battles: Multiplier: RB (x2), SB (x2). Earn it ten times to unlock this achievement.

Do note that there is an in-game medal called "Heavy Metal Fury" which is different and does not county towards this achievement.

Get 'Hero of the sky' 10 times.
Obtainable only in air battles, you need to destroy the most aircraft in Air Battles (not less than 13 enemy aircraft) to earn this award. Earn it ten times to unluck this achievement.

Sink 5 aircraft carriers.
Obtainable only in air battles and either in Realistic or Simulator; there are a few ways to earn this achievement:
  • Play on certain events such as the past WW II Chronicles event - often times these will have unique scenarios that will net you additional carriers to attack. For instance, this event had four of them on the map at a time. Unfortunately, these aren't common so stick to the previously mentioned method inbetween such events.
  • Get a Pacific map like Saipan and either torpedo (minimum two) or bomb them with, for example (B29 with 40x500lbs) to earn this achievement. You can find them either on the far right and/or left of the map.

  • Note There are NO aircraft carriers in Arcade battles.

"Raining Lead"
Destroy 10 players’ vehicles with artillery strikes.
Artillery is a researchable modification for all light and medium tanks, as well SPAA. SPGs do not have the ability to call in artillery. Call in artillery and kill any ten enemies over time to unlock this achievement. It does not matter what vehicle type you destroy and does not have to be in one battle, so you'll get this over time.
In-Battle Achievements
"Weapons of Heroes"
Destroy 10 enemy ships by ramming them.
Knock out any ten ships over the course of any number of battles by ramming them.

As long as the knockout is done via ramming, you may damage them in any manner beforehand. I'd recommend damaging them to a lower crew total before attempting it, because even a full crewed coastal boats can survive a destroyer ramming them.

It's an extremely difficult achievement to obtain and requires you to have the perfect series of events and a fairly unobservant enemy to pull off. Not only that, but you have to do it ten times.

"Size Doesn’t Matter"
Destroy 3 destroyers in a boat without losing your vehicle.
Destroy any three destroyers (assists do not count) with a single boat prior to death or the end of a match. All three kills must be player-controlled vessels.

"Just a Scratch"
Get the 'Adamant' award 5 times.
Achieving this isn't really all that difficult. It amounts to being hit by enemy fire and surviving. This is counted by enemy tanks, SPAA, aircraft or artillery fire. You'll probably earn this without even trying.

Specifically, per Gaijin, you need:
"The player's ground vehicle must receive more than 9 non-critical hits without being destroyed to receive the award."

What this means is: ricocheting or bouncing shots, receiving incoming fire that does not cause critical damage (damaged major components components), lose of crew members or destruction on the tank.

Play 3 battles, taking first place in any team.
Achieve first place on the score board over the course of any three battles to earn this achievement. This can be done in any mode you feel like and you do not have to win the match; you just need to be first by the end of the match on your team.

Deal 10000 damage while controlling an aircraft or a naval vessel.
This achievement is cumulative damage dealt over the course of your career playing either aircraft or naval vessels.

"First dozen"
Destroy 12 players’ vehicles while controlling an aircraft.
This applies to other enemy aircraft, not ground vehicles. Nor does this achievement count when playing a plane in ground battles. You must be playing air battles (AB, RB or SB) for the kills to count. Destroy your first dozen to unlock this achievement.

"Knowledge is Power"
Get 'According to Intelligence' 10 times.
To achieve a mark of "According to Intelligence", you need to have a friendly vehicle "Scout" an enemy tank, then kill said tank. This is easily accomplished in a squad where one teammate scounts the enemy and you go in for the kill. Do this ten times to unlock this achievement.
In-Battle Achievements
Destroy 30 players' vehicles by setting them afire.

Obtainable in either ground or air battles, you will need to light the enemy on fire and have that tank/plane burn up and be destoryed from that fire. Please note, lighting them on fire and then destroying them by other means (allied destroyed/you assisted, ammo rack denotation, artillery strike) will not count towards the total.

With the introduction of fire extinguishers on stock tanks (baseline is one per tank) and two for those that have FPE researched, coupled with allies now being able to put out fires, it has made this achievement a little more time consuming.

Don't put too much effort in going for this, though. You'll get it over time if you play enough and going exclusively for kills by fire is probably just going to get you killed.

Get 'Thunderer' 10 times
Obtained in air battles, you need to destroy 18 or more ground AI ground units in a battle. Do this ten times to unlock this achievement.

"But... how?!"
Shoot down a plane with tank cannon in simulator mode.
Obtainable only in simulator battles, this achievement is very misleading. While you have to shoot down an enemy plane, it does not have to be done exclusively with a tank. You can use a tank's main gun, its machine guns or even SPAA and it will count once the battle is over. Far easier than it really sounds.

Destroy 2 players' vehicles while your vehicle's on fire.
Obtainable in both ground or air battles, you need to be on fire while simultaneously destorying two enemy combatants before either putting out your fire via an extinguisher, or being destoryed. Lighting yourself on fire (via artillery in ground battles) will still count for the achievement.

I don't know why you'd want to go that route, but if you happen to put yourself in such an unfortunate situation, you can still capitalize on it I suppose.

Get 'Wing Breaker' 10 times.
Obtainable in ground battles, you need to destroy the most air targets in tank battles (at least 5 enemy aircraft have to be destroyed whilst driving ground vehicles in tank RB or SB mode). You can destory these with either tanks of SPAA.

Get 'Eye for an Eye' 5 times.
Obtainable in both ground or air battles, "Eye for an Eye" is an in-game medal for destroying an enemy player after they have destroyed you in battle. This is only possible in the same battle and if the player that destroyed you is player-controlled.

Playing ground assault against enemy AI will not count. If you're in a mode like arcade, you'll see the enemy have a skull icon above them when you're in the air; that is the player that just killed you. You can only have one "nemesis" at a time and it is the last person to kill you.

"Accurate Fire"
Get 'Triple Strike'.
Obtainable in both ground or air battles, "Tripple Strike" is an in-game medal for destorying three enemy tanks in a row without missing (ground battles), or destorying three AI ships in one pass (air battles).

Alternatively, you can obtain this using a bomber in ground battles and getting three of more consecutive kills in rapid succession.

"Fully Modified"
Purchase 50 modifications.
Obtainable in either ground battles, air battles, or a combination of the two, purchase a total of 50 modifications (upgrades) across any number of tanks or aircraft for any nation.

"Speed up!"
Activate 10 boosters.
You'll earn this rather quickly, as you earn a booster as a daily bonus for logging in each day, as well as during special events and from the War Bond shop using earned war bonds. Activate any ten boosters (lions of research points) to earn this achievement.

You do not need to use them completely, nor use any specific types of boosters for this achievement.

This achievement does not coun wagers or any orders used during the match. Gaijin offers a log-in crate for each day you log into the game, so, at most, this achievement can be obtained in no more than ten days (assuming you activate them).

"Vengeful Spirit"
Destroy a player's vehicle while being dead.
There's a few ways to accomplish this. Either with planes or tanks, lighting an enemy on fire, then getting killed prior to them being destoryed by the fire will earn you this achievement. Another method is artillery fire in a light/medium tank tank. If you die and your artillery destorys a tank (or plane somehow), you'll be awarded this medal.

"Element of Surprise"
Capture an enemy strategic point with hostile team players in direct vision.
In ground battles, capture a strategic point with enemy tanks in your direct field of vision. The enemy combatant(s) do not need to be physically looking/firing at you when you capture it.

"Treasure Hunter"
Open 10 chests.
Open any ten chests to earn this achievement. You'll get this without even trying, as you're awarded them each day when you log in and for completing special tasks from the war bond shop.
In-Battle Achievements
"German Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using German vehicles.
During battle, while playing German vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same.

"American Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using US vehicles.
During battle, while playing American vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same.

"British Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using British vehicles.
During battle, while playing British vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same.

"South African Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using South African vehicles.
During battle, while playing South African vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same.

South Africa is a sub-tree of the British tech tree and is comprised of the vehicles listed below, as well as the Rooivalk Mk1F CSH helicopter. Do note that the Fox is a British vehicle and does not count towards this achievement. The ones that do are the following:

"Chinese Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using Chinese vehicles.
During battle, while playing Chinese vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same.

"Russian Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using Soviet vehicles.
During battle, while playing Soviet vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same.

"Italian Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using Italian vehicles.
During battle, while playing Italian vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same.

"Israeli Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using Israeli vehicles.
During battle, while playing Israeli vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same.

"French Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using French vehicles.
During battle, while playing French vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same.
In-Battle Achievements
"Finnish Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using Finnish vehicles.
During battle, while playing Finnish vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same. Finnish tanks are housed within the Swedish technology tree and currently consist of the following vehicles:

"Australian Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using Australian vehicles.
During battle, while playing Australian vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same.

Australia isn't a sub-tree, but a cluster of aircraft, ships and tanks scattered around a couple different technology trees. Centered around the British tree, the one outlier is the M1A1 AIM, which is housed in the American technology tree. For ease of use, they are as follows:

Ships & Costal
Matilda Hedgehog
HMAS Tobruk
Boomerang Mk. I
Sentinel Mk. I
HMAS Arrow
Boomerang Mk. II
Sentinel Mk. IV
HMAS Nepal
Beaufort Mk. VIII
Centurion Mk.5/1
HMNZS Leander
Beaufighter Mk. 21
M1A1 AIM (American Tech Tree)

"Japanese Ace"
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using Japanese vehicles.
During battle, while playing Japanese vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same.

"Hungarian Ace
Destroy 100 player vehicles while using Hungarian vehicles.
During battle, while playing Hungarian vehicles, destroy 100 enemies to unlock this achievement. The enemy can be from any nation, even the same. Hungary is a sub-tree of Italy and, to date, consists of the following vehicles:

Collection Achievements
"French Collection"
Order 50 French vehicles
Purchase any number or tanks, SPAA or planes from the French tech tree to unlock this achievement. Please note, simply researching the vehicle without purchasing it does not count towards the total number of "ordered" vehicle.

"Chinese Collection"
Order 50 Chinese vehicles
Purchase any number or tanks, SPAA or planes from the Chinese tech tree to unlock this achievement. Please note, simply researching the vehicle without purchasing it does not count towards the total number of "ordered" vehicle.

"Swedish Collection"
Order 50 Swedish vehicles.
Purchase any number or tanks, SPAA or planes from the British tech tree to unlock this achievement. Please note, simply researching the vehicle without purchasing it does not count towards the total number of "ordered" vehicle.

"British Collection"
Order 50 British vehicles.
Purchase any number or tanks, SPAA or planes from the British tech tree to unlock this achievement. Please note, simply researching the vehicle without purchasing it does not count towards the total number of "ordered" vehicle.

"US Collection"
Order 50 US vehicles.
Purchase any number or tanks, SPAA or planes from the US tech tree to unlock this achievement. Please note, simply researching the vehicle without purchasing it does not count towards the total number of "ordered" vehicle.

"Soviet Collection"
Order 50 Soviet vehicles.
Purchase any number or tanks, SPAA or planes from the Soviet tech tree to unlock this achievement. Please note, simply researching the vehicle without purchasing it does not count towards the total number of "ordered" vehicle.

"German Collection"
Order 50 German vehicles.
Purchase any number or tanks, SPAA or planes from the German tech tree to unlock this achievement. Please note, simply researching the vehicle without purchasing it does not count towards the total number of "ordered" vehicle.

"Japanese Collection"
Order 50 Japanese vehicles.
Purchase any number or tanks, SPAA or planes from the Japanese tech tree to unlock this achievement. Please note, simply researching the vehicle without purchasing it does not count towards the total number of "ordered" vehicle.

"Italian Collection"
Order 50 Italian vehicles.
Purchase any number or tanks, SPAA or planes from the Italian tech tree to unlock this achievement. Please note, simply researching the vehicle without purchasing it does not count towards the total number of "ordered" vehicle.

"Israeli Collection"
Order 50 Israeli vehicles.
Purchase any number or tanks, SPAA or planes from the Israeli tech tree to unlock this achievement. Please note, simply researching the vehicle without purchasing it does not count towards the total number of "ordered" vehicle.
Rank Achievements
"Rank 1"
Win 100 battles using vehicles of rank 1.
Win a total of 100 battles using vehicles from the rank #1 section of any given nation's tech tree. This can be done on either ground or aviation battles and any number of the two, as well as any combination of battle types (arcade, realistic, simulator).

"Rank 2"
Win 100 battles using vehicles of rank 2.
Win a total of 100 battles using vehicles from the rank #2 section of any given nation's tech tree. This can be done on either ground or aviation battles and any number of the two, as well as any combination of battle types (arcade, realistic, simulator).

"Rank 3"
Win 100 battles using vehicles of rank 3.
Win a total of 100 battles using vehicles from the rank #3 section of any given nation's tech tree. This can be done on either ground or aviation battles and any number of the two, as well as any combination of battle types (arcade, realistic, simulator).

"Rank 4"
Win 100 battles using vehicles of rank 4.
Win a total of 100 battles using vehicles from the rank #4 section of any given nation's tech tree. This can be done on either ground or aviation battles and any number of the two, as well as any combination of battle types (arcade, realistic, simulator).

"Rank 5"
Win 100 battles using vehicles of rank 5.
Win a total of 100 battles using vehicles from the rank #5 section of any given nation's tech tree. This can be done on either ground or aviation battles and any number of the two, as well as any combination of battle types (arcade, realistic, simulator).

"Rank 6"
Win 100 battles using vehicles of rank 6.
Win a total of 100 battles using vehicles from the rank #6 section of any given nation's tech tree. This can be done on either ground or aviation battles and any number of the two, as well as any combination of battle types (arcade, realistic, simulator).

"Rank 7"
Win 100 battles using vehicles of rank 7.
Win a total of 100 battles using vehicles from the rank #7 section of any given nation's tech tree. This can be done on either ground or aviation battles and any number of the two, as well as any combination of battle types (arcade, realistic, simulator).

"Rank 8"
Win 100 battles using vehicles of rank 8.
Win a total of 100 battles using vehicles from the rank #8 section of any given nation's tech tree. This can be done on either ground or aviation battles and any number of the two, as well as any combination of battle types (arcade, realistic, simulator).
PvE Mission Achievements
"True and Fable"
Win 50 single missions.
Complete 50 different single missions. These are different from the multiplayer aspect of the game. You can find the mission menu under "Battles > Single Missions" on the main menu of the game. You'll bring up a list of various missions and be able to play them as you like. You're not required to complete them on a specific difficulty, so play as you see fit. Once the mission has been completed, you'll notice a star and a check mark on the respective mission and difficulty that has been completed.
For more of my guides, check out the link below:

30 Kommentare
ErickaUnlimited  [Autor] 19. Sep. um 10:39 
@MlodyStachu - It's on my list to be updated this weekend with the additional achievements that have been added.
MlodyStachu 19. Sep. um 10:34 
could you update?
ErickaUnlimited  [Autor] 14. Juni um 9:08 
Yeah, RB and SB have multipliers so the threshold is lower. Suppose I should indicate that.
Vergil 14. Juni um 7:43 
Similar applies to Heavy Metal Hero, not sure if the minimum is 6 but it probably is.
Vergil 10. Juni um 6:25 
Regarding the Air-to-Air achievement, you get Hero of the sky with only 6 kills in air realistic battles. so that could make it easier to obtain than arcade battles.
ErickaUnlimited  [Autor] 18. Mai um 15:02 
@tpservello - Whatever works!
tpservello 18. Mai um 13:40 
by accident
tpservello 18. Mai um 13:38 
I got "Vengeful Spirit" by crashing into someones planes wing
deathsickle.warrior 29. Nov. 2023 um 18:45 
DmitryRJ 9. Okt. 2023 um 6:26 
Alguém gostaria de fazer algumas conquistas juntos?