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[ENG] Dragon Ball FighterZ walkthrough Ultimate-Guide (Storylines, Archievments, Arcade, Training and more)
โดย Blutr@usch
Welcome fighters!

In this guide you get all informations about Dragon Ball FighterZ. All special events, 100% story completion, accumulated all information for the achievements, hints for the training and a lot more.

Here you also find general informations for beginners, advancers and professionals, for example: Arrangement of your team, the hard story mode, informations about the player skills and the link events.

I would be glad about a positive assessment and favouring very much! =)
16.06.2018: Characters of DLC 1 and DLC 2 included
11.04.2018: release date
The Characters
Here is a small overview of the old and also new playable characters which may not be absent in FighterZ:

These characters are also available, but are not introduced:
- C21 and C21 (good) (good version only in the third story arc playable)
- Son Goku SSGSS and Vegeta SSGSS (if you have unlocked/bought them)
- Broly and Bardock (released: DLC 1)
- Vegito SSGSS and fused Zamasu (released: DLC 2)
Training, Battle tutorials and Combos
In the area "Practice" you can train according to heart desire what I recommend to every fighter ;)

The area is subdivided into three possibilities: "Training", "Battle Tutorial" and "Combo Challenge". In "Training" you can finish free training against coms to find out with which combos and attacks you make how much damage or to increase with your abilities as a fighter. The coms are many-sided adjustable, from "stand there an I'll beat you" up to "attack me and I'll try to survive". The health of the coms is charging durable.

In the "Battle Tutorial" you learn everything about the fights. From the basis training up to the end of all eventualities. You are depended what you should make and you learn what with which to which expiries happens. This mode is intended, primarily, for introduction.

The third mode "Kombo challenges" is more demanding than the both before it. In this mode 10 combo challenges which you must finish are given of every character. Finish first all characters so far from like you are able. Here you recognise which characters to your play style and to yourself fit. If you have concluded all combo challenges and have decided on a 1-man-team, it is to be recommended to repeat so often the challenges, until they have engraved in your brain, finally, you become only better if the fights become the routine.

Info: Yes some challenges interfere PROPERLY, but head high, bit by bit all are finishable ;)
The Story Mode
At this place you can begin the story of FighterZ. I have found time again to provide a small overview about the story mode, the story arcs and of course the conditions of the "special events" for you.

The Story Arcs
In the story mode are available to you exactly 3 story arcs. The "Super Warrior", the "Enemy Warrior" and the "Android 21" arc. In the beginning you cannot jump in the stories, as well as in the maps. Nevertheless, this changes after end of the story and after every finished map.

Only one small remark at this point: If you are no fan of videosequences and skip them, you'll miss the context ;)
The Map
Now on every map you play, you have a boss, several small clone fights, tutorial fights, rescue- and maybe Majin Boo fights. You should play per map so many fights and every rescue to activate all characters and to rise your level. Pay attention to the number of your moves! If you have not enough moves at the end to reach the bossfight, you have lost the map and must play it again from the beginning.

Super Warrior Arc
In the "Super Warrior Arc", the first arc, you fight with our well-known friends against well-known enemies, against clones of the villains, also against clones of yourselves and the allies.

Super Warriors:
Goku (SSJ)
Vegeta (SSJ)
Majin Boo
Gotenks (SSJ3)
Goku (SSGSS)
Vegeta (SSGSS)

To finish the Super Warrior Arc on 100% you need the following constellations of your team and the following opponents to activate the 37 special events:

Enemy Warrior Arc
The second arc "Enemy Warrior" is on the one hand the counterpart of the Super Warrior Arc, but contains a few unexpected events, constellations and backgrounds of the story.

Playable here:
Goku (SSJ)
Vegeta (SSJ)
Majin Boo
Gotenks (SSJ3)
Goku (SSGSS)
Vegeta (SSGSS)

To finish the Enemy Warrior Arc on 100% you need the following constellations of your team and the following opponents to activate the 30 special events:

Android 21 Arc
The "Android 21 Arc" is by far the most being tight, as the last arc also the hardest. In the beginning you are on the move with only 2 characters and beat up everything and everybody. Of course you get sometime...

Goku (SSJ)
Vegeta (SSJ)
Majin Boo
Gotenks (SSJ3)
Android 18
Android 16
Android 21 (good)
Goku (SSGSS)
Vegeta (SSGSS)

To finish the Android 21 Arc on 100% you need the following constellations of your team and the following opponents to activate the 13 special events:

Hard Mode (Story)

After you have finished the story in the normal mode, arises the possibility to play the story once more in the hard mode. (100% are not necessary for it.)

In the hard mode you can level up all characters higher and faster and activate more link events. Now also you can activate the missing player's skills.

As a proof of the end of the story arcs in the hard mode you get 2 stars on your arc pictures (see picture) and you get new titles for your player's card.
The Link Events

As already further on top described you can activate for all characters so-called "link events". For this you need the necessary level height for the respective step. The link events are again small videosequences in those the characters speak with the soul. They speak about the history, the future, about the link and more.

For example Level 10 = link event 1 (Link level 1/7)

Every playable character has exactly 7 connecting events, so you must level up every character for at least level 70 to activate all events. Here a small overview of all available characters in the story mode.

The maximum level which you can reach is a level 100!

Goku (SSGSS and Vegeta (SSGSS) have no link events!

Hints for the story
General tips:

- If the constellations are deposited white, it is enough from normal clone fights to finish. Should one of the characters be deposited red, it is a given opponent against you must fight, otherwise no event is activated.

- To get Son-Goku (SSGSS) and Vegeta (SSGSS) you must bring in each case the link level on 40. If you have done this, the SSGSS are automatically added to the characters. (Therefore, the two free places in the Super Warrior Arc).

Before there is grumbling: I KNOW , that you can receive the both also by Zeni or PreOrder :P

Tips for the Super Warrior Arc:

- Freezer, nappa and Ginyu you find on map 11, 12 and 13

- Cell you find on map 12 and 13

- Kid Boo's appearance is accidental on every map. To accelerate it that he appears you simply move on the map without accepting fights. Moves are enough! Plus: Kid Boo appears only as a clone!

- Gohan & Krillin versus Android 16: You must release 8 Gohan on map and, equip before the boss's fight against Android 16, your team withGohan and Krillin.

Tips for the Enemy Warriors Arc:

Freezer & Cell versus Goku: Playable on map 5
Krillin & Cell versus Android 16: The boss fight on map 9
100% Story Completion

To conclude the story mode on 100% you must conclude all three stories. Pay attention to the constellations of your team. By the right constellation you activate bit by bit so-called "special events". This are videosequences in those the characters with each other speak before they fight.

Without special events you finish the story NOT on 100%. This is why I have taken sometimes the time to perform you as you activate all special events with which constellation. Every story has her own events and you can play bit by bit every arc on 100% to come therefore in the whole progress also on 100%.

The constellations are different, given opponents, partly easy fights need partly against clones. It pays attention, on this occasion, to whether a really clone fight is demanded or a real opponent's fight is necessary.

Player Skills
In the story mode you can use 3 player skills which more Zeni introduces in you, your health raises, the opposing level reduce etc. you can raise these abilities (only one time opponent's level higher / lower) from level 1 to level 6 preserved. (level 1 - 3 normal mode; level 4-6 hard mode). Each of these abilities are freely combinable. In which constellation you use them, nevertheless, is dependent on it like you play what you concentrate upon and which level your characters have.

Here for you a small overview of all available player skills:

The Arcade Mode
In the "arcade mode" you can freely finish just as one likes quick and short fight rows to improve, to try out teams or to collect Zeni, without it has effects on your BP. Goal should be to be concluded here the level on rank S, because you see at this once that you have mastered the level and it gives a nice Zeni-reward by the end on rank S.

In the Arcade mode you can put together your team directly or play also with an accidental team.

As the last step you can select which course you would like to play.
There are a total of 6 courses (3x easy and 3x hard) split up in:
- Snake Way Course: 3 fights
- Extreme Gravity Spaceship Course: 5 fights
- Hyperbolic Time Chamber Course: 7 fights

Ranking, Player Card and Titles
In many other plays the rank is not defined clearly, but not with FighterZ. We make a distinction here between online rank (point system) and the, let us call it "colour rank" (The colour of the small box before your name). Of course you can see on a blow all your information of course also on your fighters card (Player Data):

As you see on the card (on top), there is also a title you can choose. You get these titles in different manners. You can acquire them with Zeni, receive titles by end of the Storylines and of course fights.

The online ranks:

Living Legend
  • 1.000.000+
Super Saiyan Blue
  • 900.000 - 999.999
Super Saiyan God
  • 800.000 - 899.999
  • 700.000 - 799.999
Super Saiyan 3
  • 600.000 - 699.999
  • 500.000 - 599.999
Supreme Kai
  • 400.000 - 499.999
Super Saiyan 2
  • 330.000 - 399.999
  • 270.000 - 329.999
Super Saiyan
  • 220.000 - 269.999
Frieza Clan
  • 170.000 - 219.999
  • 120.000 - 169.999
  • 70.000 - 119.999
  • 30.000 - 69.999
  • 0 - 29.999

The "colour rank":

The colour rank arises from your whole fights in the play, speak ranking list fights, wrestling matches and what belongs to it everything. You start basically with a white small box. This means that you have still finished not enough fights and too few data are given. After the 30th fight you get your first colour. Normally it is pale green (Pale green is well-balanced).

The colour system is like a lasting proof about your fight results. If you win against players with better colours, here you can also rise in the rank. If you lose several times against equipollent or weaker players, you descend of course with the colour.
Enclosed to the general overview the topical list of the achievements for you.

How to collect Zeni fast
The collecting of Zeni for the three achievements "Millionnaire" (1,000,000 Zeni),
"Deep Pockets" (5,000,000 Zeni) and "Set for Life" (20,000,000 Zeni) is extremely luxurious and time-consuming.

There are some possibilities mZeni to earn, e.g., the daily quests, finishing fights, acrade play etc.

The topically quickest possibility Zeni is to be earned as follows:
- Story arc "Super Warriors" hard mode
- Chapter 9, map 15
- And 3x "Victory Zeni Up lv. 6" set

Now you must only even play the map 15 again and again to you so much money has earned as you would want.

To finish the map 15 with a Llvel 100 team you need approx. 15 minutes.
Per end of the map you earn approx. 25,000 Zeni.

Reslut: 1 hour = 100,000 Zeni / 10 hours = 1,000,000 Zeni ... so on ...

Short: For the achievement "Set for Life" you need a pure playing time of approx. 200 hours.
6 ความเห็น
salxicha 28 ส.ค. 2023 @ 11: 11am 
@AggroedApe set 1 player and other as CPUs :)
AggroedApe 7 ก.ย. 2022 @ 7: 13pm 
how on earth does one get tournament achievement there are never any tournaments these days
O.G.Trashboat 11 ก.ค. 2020 @ 9: 20am 
You can spend the zeni & still get the achievement set for life. Zeni spent still counts towards the set for life achievement.
Tobster 9 ก.ค. 2020 @ 5: 07pm 
The Enemy Warrior arc combinations - one of them says Goku + Majin Buu vs. Freeze, while it is in fact Goku + Majin Buu + Frieza.
Raiji 30 ก.ค. 2019 @ 8: 28am 
You can spend zeni and get the 20 mil achievement
Chihiro's Prophet 19 ธ.ค. 2018 @ 11: 57am 
Set for Life is still way to freaking boring to get. You basically resist all temptation to spend zeni on ANYTHING until you eventually get it, probably right before you die IRL.