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The Imperial Remnent
The Imperial Remnant was an empire formed from the unified holdings and rump states of various Imperial warlords who had ruled their own territories following the final collapse of the Galactic Empire in 11 ABY. As the galaxy's largest Imperial power, the Remnant adhered to the tenets of the former Galactic Emperor Palpatine's New Order; although slavery and anti-alien sentiment were abolished, the Remnant maintained a strong military and limited public expression. The military was composed of the Imperial Navy, Imperial Army, and Stormtrooper Corps; making up the Remnant's war machine were traditional Imperial vehicles such as star destroyers, TIE Series starfighters, and Imperial walkers. Led by a Council of Moffs and the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet from its inception in 12 ABY, the Remnant was later ruled by a Head of State, which eventually became a democratically electable position in a wave of sweeping reforms. The citizens of the Remnant remained under its rule by their own choice, preferring the order and efficiency of New Order policy.
The Remnant was born in 12 ABY when Admiral Gilad Pellaeon led the United Warlord Fleets—themselves formed when Admiral Natasi Daala killed thirteen squabbling warlords and unified their holdings—out of the galaxy's Deep Core and united them with surviving Imperial factions in the Outer and Mid Rims. With a well-defined stretch of territory and several Star Dreadnoughts in his fleet, Pellaeon was elected Supreme Commander by the Moffs of the Rim factions. He called the new state the true Empire, but it was also known as Pellaeon's Empire or simply the Empire. Pellaeon continued the former Galactic Empire's fight against the New Republic in the ongoing Galactic Civil War, and expanded the Remnant's borders through the successful Orinda campaign in that year. However, New Republic advances continually won territory over the next seven years, reducing Imperial space to just eight sectors in the Outer Rim and forcing a relocation of the Imperial capital from Orinda to Bastion. Realizing that the war was lost, Pellaeon sued for peace in 19 ABY; although his efforts were nearly undermined by a power grab from a Sinister Triumvirate of Imperials, he exposed them as traitors and signed the Bastion Accords with New Republic Chief of State Ponc Gavrisom.
A tense relationship between the Remnant and the New Republic existed in peace time, and when the latter government requested Imperial assistance in repelling an invasion by the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong in 25 ABY, the Moffs elected to instead sit the Yuuzhan Vong War out and fortify their own territory against the invaders. After conquering much of the galaxy and capturing the New Republic capital of Coruscant, the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Bastion in 28 ABY and forced an Imperial retreat. Pellaeon was finally able to convince the reluctant Moff Council to take the fight to the enemy, and under his direction, the Imperial Remnant joined the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, the New Republic's successor state. 29 ABY saw the Yuuzhan Vong defeated by the Galactic Alliance's combined fleets at Coruscant, and Pellaeon later retired, but 41 ABY saw him resume his role as Supreme Commander when Galactic Alliance Chief of State Jacen Solo requested the Remnant's aid in prosecuting the Second Galactic Civil War against a Confederation of breakaway planets. When Pellaeon refused to support Solo's brutal tactics in the Second Battle of Fondor, he was assassinated by Solo's Sith apprentice Tahiri Veila, and with Drikl Lecersen acting as their de facto leader, the surviving Moffs pledged themselves to Solo.
In the final weeks of the war, Lecersen authorized the creation of a nanovirus that targeted the bloodline of the royal family of the Hapes Consortium, members of the Galactic Alliance–opposed Jedi Coalition. When Solo was killed in a lightsaber duel, the Coalition rejoined the Alliance and confronted the Moffs with an ultimatum: Face war crime trials for the deployment of the nanovirus, or install a young man named Jagged Fel as their new Head of State and force the outmatched Confederation to surrender. The Remnant withdrew from the Galactic Alliance after the war, but in 43 ABY Fel participated in attempts at reunification. He survived an assassination attempt in 44 ABY by a power-hungry Admiral Daala, who hoped to usurp control of the Remnant—now commonly known as the Galactic Empire. Fel subsequently issued democratic reforms and called a general election among the Remnant's citizens, and with his assistance, Admiral Vitor Reige defeated the popular Daala and became the new Head of State. Fel later returned to the post and used his "Victory Without War" initiative to spread Imperial influence throughout the galaxy while aiding poverty-stricken worlds, and the Remnant absorbed much of the Galactic Alliance's territory. At some point before 127 ABY, the Remnant was reorganized into the Fel Empire, a dynastic monarchy with Fel as its Emperor.

Design Inspiration from Ansel Hasio https://www.artstation.com/fractalsponge

https://www.patreon.com/Black_Disciple support me at my patreon and get access to exlusive ships from 1500 - 8000 meters in length. i appreciate all of you that love my work it really means a lot to me designing is what makes me happy :)
项目 (40)
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Contentor Mark II Class Fleet Provider
创建者: \|BD|/
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Victory Class Star Destroyer
创建者: \|BD|/
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Procursator Class Star Destroyer
创建者: \|BD|/
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Imperator II Class Star Destroyer
创建者: \|BD|/
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创建者: \|BD|/
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SIZE 3...
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SIZE 1...
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