How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness

How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness

39 人が評価
Boris the KGBee
作者: Reformed Simp
Honestly, this is the best part of the game.
Who is Boris?
Boris is an intellectual. He's Russian you see, not a homosexual... well, actually... I'll let him tell you.

I'm a bee. Yeah, I'm mean. I'm an intellectual.
I'm Russian you see, I'm no homosexual.
Goodnight comrade, your drink's been laced.
I'm gonna tie you up, pollinate your face.
I want to torture you, make you scream.
After all, I'm Boris the KGBee

You better beehave brother or I'll break your knees
I'm a mad mother buzzer, I'm KGBee
You want to buzz with me?
You can't buzz with me!
To the K to the G to the mother buzzing Bee.
You say you want to live, but you're gonna die.
You better say goodbye, here comes some cyanide.

Boris, please, you don't have to do this,
It was just business,
Was all about the honey.
I'm not a traitor, I love this country.
You've got to release me you have to see.
I’m country first I'm still KGBee.

You are no longer KGBee,
You are just a simple worker bee,
Prisoner number 33.
Have another broken knee.
Would you like a cup of tea?
That was just a joke you see.
You’ll never see a cup of tea
As long as you’re alive to bleed.
But coffee is available,
If you’d like a cup or two.
Would you like a sugar cube,
When I finish beating you?

You better beehave brother,
‘Cause i aim to please.
I’ve got a knife and a hammer and some anti-freeze
Is it hard to speak,
Through your missing teeth?
Will you try to fly,
Once I take your eye?
If you want to leave, then take my key.
But I’ll break your knees, I’m Boris the KGBee.

Oh, beehave brother...
15 件のコメント
okay 2020年6月10日 7時07分 
loved it
Unkn0wn_Gh0st 2020年3月27日 1時31分 
Well that was.... very fucking strange. No wonder it was taken of the air in less than a week. Who the fuck thought that having a kids movie about a russian bee killing and torturing was good? But as a retarded person i must say I WOULD HAVE WATCHED IT if it did exsist
painkiller🌙 2019年10月6日 1時47分 
It is brilliant, the best guide what I've ever seen commrade :russtar:
bugs 2018年10月23日 21時42分 
in case anyone was curious:steamhappy:
Reformed Simp  [作成者] 2018年8月23日 19時31分 
@Edwin ❤
Edwin 2018年8月22日 21時13分 
LOL thanks for the lyrics, just looking for it
Celtic7Guardian 2018年6月17日 21時30分 
I believe the movie was pulled a week after its release because it was far too awesome for everyone to handle and it had to be hidden before their minds exploded from the brilliance.
Boo 2018年5月3日 16時12分 
Bwahaha!!! So it does!! XD
Reformed Simp  [作成者] 2018年5月3日 15時38分 
Sounds like you need a new roomate lmao
Boo 2018年5月3日 14時53分 
Agreed; easily the best, most hilarious part. I showed my roommate, but he didn't get it. IT'S BRILLIANT.