Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

36 Bewertungen
Fire Emblem Spring Time Japes Pack (5 Civs!)
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1. Apr. 2018 um 21:08
3. Apr. 2018 um 0:31
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Fire Emblem Spring Time Japes Pack (5 Civs!)

In 2 Kollektionen von Kobazco
Definitive List of Fire Emblem Mods
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Mods Mangs is Using
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This is a pack of 5 Civilizations made for April Fools. While they are all "memes" they are all fully playable and mostly balanced Civilizations.

Jeigan?! Where are we?!
It seems we're in the description of a Civilization V Mod.
What the gently caress is that?
A place for you to tell the curious mod browser what this mod pack does.
Great. Just what I needed. Jeigan, role the footage.
Yes Sire.

The following mods are included in this Modpack:
Marthipan's Posse by Kiang
Camilla's Spring Festival by Kobazco
Olver of Tanas by TheMH06
The Virgin Jungby by Lord of Admirals
Arthur of JUSTICE by Mathetes

Marthipan's Posse by Kiang
UA: Infallible Lord
Start the game with Marth, a powerful Combat unit who is resurrected in the capital everytime he is killedin battle. Every 15 turns, Marth may visit a Village to demand tribute or to conscript a posse.

UU: Adoring Follower
Replaces the Horseman. Is a hovering unit that recieves a +25% combat boost when fighting near Marth. The Adoring Follower's base combat strength scales by era.

UI: Village
The Posse's Unique Improvement. Villages can be built after researching Construction, and Marth must begin his turn or move onto a tile with a Village in order to "Conscript a Posse" or demand "Tribute". These abilities have a base 15 turn cooldown that is increased upon conscripting a Posse. The Village initially provides +2 Gold, and it's boosts improve at certain technologies.

Arthur's Fatesurica by Mathetes
UA: Hero of Justice
All military units heal for 10 more HP than usual per turn. All cities enter a 30-turn We love the King Day at the turn after a social policy tree is finished.

UU: Heroic Ally
Stronger than the Horseman, which it replaces. Their combat strength is boosted when fighting adjacent to an allied unit. These units gain experience when a solcial policy is enacted.

UB: Hero Figure Workshop
Yields slightly higher production than the Workshop, which it replaces. Provides the unique Hero Figure luxury resource to the player.

Oliver's Tanas by TheMH06

UA: All Things Beautiful
All Religious buildings start with an artist specialist slot. Recieve a large burst of Tourism each time a Great Merchant or Great Artist is born.

UU: Senate Saint
A mid-game ranged unit that earns faith and culture from defeating enemy units. Can spread religion 2 times like a missionary. Available earlier than the gatling gun, but is cheaper and weaker.

UB: Tanas Manor
Replaces the Hermitage. +50% Culture. +1 Happiness for each 2 Social Policies you have adopted. Contains 3 slots for Great Works of Art. Requires an Opera House in all Cities to be built. Costs more production the more cities there are in the empire.

Camilla's Spring Festival by Kobazco

UA: Easter Egg Hunt
Grassland tiles provide +1 Culture. In addition, all cities founded by the Spring Festival spawn 1 Easter Egg resource within 3 tiles of their city. The Easter Egg Resource provides +1 food when worked, and can be improved by a pasture for an additional +1 gold and happiness.

UU: Harvester
A unique swordsman that does not require Iron to produce, the Harvester may also build tile improvements as if they were Workers.

UU: Pikebunny
Slightly stronger than the Pikeman, which it replaces. In addition, the Pikebunny gains a 40% combat boost while fighting in Grasslands.

Jungby led by Midir by Lord of Admirals

UA: The Virgin Jungby
Horse resources are doubled and +1 Movement for Scouts, Ranged, and Mounted units. +1 Culture from Forts and Citadels.

UU: Beigen Reiter
A fast Ranged unit that can move after attacking and strength scales with the latest Ranged units. Requires horses and replaces the Chariot Archer.

UB: Beigen Stables
A unique Stable that provides +15% production when building mounted and ranged units in addition to the regular stable bonuses.

Adoring Follower Unit Flag Icon -- B Barrett from The Noun Project
Map rip for LS -- Zephiel87
Village improvement graphic -- Walter Hawkwood
Village conversion and icon -- DJS Henninger
"Marth" unit model -- zwei833
Lua UI tutorials, tips, and helpful irl examples -- Whoward, Sukritact's E&D, and JFD's Abraham Lincoln
Arms of Sorrow -- Mod Thumbnail
5 Kommentare
Kobazco  [Autor] 12. Juni 2020 um 13:01 
If that's happening, there's probably a conflicting mod that uses the same leader names or something.
Kadża 26. Jan. 2019 um 9:05 
i can find other characters than Posse :(
Kiang  [Autor] 6. Apr. 2018 um 22:30 
@Oscar FJP: Yes, it is extremely unbalanced, because it is a meme civ. However, Villages can only be built on tiles with access to fresh water, and they can't be built next to each other, so they're difficult to spam.
FJP 6. Apr. 2018 um 13:09 
lmao, that conscript posse ability is easily one of the most broken things i've ever seen. Build like 15 villages, and when war comes to you, you can just conscript posse, and you'll have a capable army. Nice :money:
QuattroKerbecs 1. Apr. 2018 um 21:37 
Oh god....
*immediately upvotes cuz memes* :Monokid_DGR: