TROUBLESHOOTER: Abandoned Children

TROUBLESHOOTER: Abandoned Children

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General Guide Mastery Set Effects, Mastery Drop List etc.
Por RexEviL y 7 colaboradores
Use Ctrl + F for quick search. Do every mission at least once in Hard or Cruel, it will unlock every boss in troublemaker list, especially violent case. You can see if you did the mission or not by looking at the colors in mission control. Yellow color means you haven't done that mission.Always do violent case mission in Hard+ difficulty.

Class respective unique masteries such as Magic Knight, Black Mage and other Advanced class masteries become available when you lvl your class lvl. You can check which masteries it unlocks by going into class change page.

When crafting masteries, double click on masteries to go into crafting page of that mastery.

When you unlock the troublemaker list, you can check which enemy drops what and where it can be found.

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Power Leveling For Humans & Beasts
There are two ways
Equip Insight on everyone and level everyone together. This is quite good if you want everyone to be at same level. Not recommended for end game.

Put Yearning on low levels and supporter on high levels this will give your low level characters double exp. Mostly used if your characers levels are higher then new character.

Put Learning, Understanding, Insight and Supporter on your highest level character and make only that character kill. This will allow low levels to earn more exp then your highest level character. This is esspecially useful if you like using only 1-3 character. Rest of the team can just stay and earn exp.

Use Challenge Mode and Play it on low level Missions. Make your low level characters kill enemies you will earn more exp when your level is lower.

Use Insight+Understanding+Learning+Supporter on Heixing and level any low level character in first 2 mission on challenge mode.
Since you don't need to bring albus to first 2 missions you can use any character you want.

Power Leveling For both Humans and Beasts
-Reconstruction District of Silver Cloud, Don't forget to switch Jurisdiction if you plan to do at least 5 times.
-Use Gisele to take out patrolling enemy
-Go behind truck and Aoe with Heixing use recharge first.
-Thats it, use line of sight to avoid battle and clean the rest of the mission.
-It should max class lvl in 1 and half mission.
-It takes around 2-3 runs to max beast lvl depending on starting lvl. Characters take a bit more time.
How to max enemy progress by using Jurisdiction
How to max enemy progress by using Jurisdiction.
1. Go to Wall District and choose Magenta Street.
2. Choose Information Dealer.
4. Increase Difficulty to Normal or above. ( Note I haven't tried it on normal but Oliver should be available. If you cannot find Oliver switch to hard or above. )
5. Go to Mission Control and choose "Backstreets of Magenta" violent case.
6. Choose 1 Swat 5 VHPD and North.
7. Preferably you should be using Albus. It is best to have only 1 character here.
8. Use Turning over a new leaf skill and move albus to right side of the location as far as possible. Use Wind Walk afterwards.
9. You should be seeing Oliver now. If not Use Owl Eye or increase your Move Distance. I use md 13 here.
10. Retreat after you defeat Oliver. Send Albus back to start point. It takes around 1-3 min.
11. You get 25 information per mission which means 125 information after report. Bosses need only 25 information to max. Which means you can potentially max any boss after only meeting once. But do note that It is random and same enemy can get 2-3 information update.

This is the build I use for this mission. I also have 13 Move Distance.
Taming Guide
  • Giselle
  • Tame Beast skill. Unlocked by default.
How to Tame
  • Tima/Yasha/Dorori/Negoori/Draki/Crabmit/Mungo
  • Taming skill needs you to be unmoving for 10% of Beast HP as Action Time. It cannot be lowered or increased by any means.
  • During the process the beast must not get hit or taming fails.
  • You will notice taunted buff on the beast you want to tame take extra care to not hit accidentally or you will have to wait 6 turns to try tame again.( Can be lowered thanks to catharsis or reload.)
  • Process is finished when its Gisele's turn again, regardless of whether she is stunned or has other debuffs taming succeeds.
Small tricks to use
  • In the taming process beast must not get hit but it doesn't mean you can't use restricting type debuffs such as Anne Constricting Root and Starlight Prison.
  • Starlight Prison prevents beast from moving and makes it immune to all damage. You can also use it on Gisele as well. In case you are surronded and don't want gisele to die.
  • Taming requires you to wait 10% of Beasts HP as action time. Which means the lower its HP faster you can tame it. Rainbow dorori is easiest beast to tame since it will go into hibernation and revive with 1 HP.
How to Grind
  • Set game speed to absolutely fast.
  • Turn on High Risk High Reward
  • Switch to Cruel difficulty
  • Use legendary laborer, item collector sets.
  • Only use 1-3 characters maximum to clear entire map. Giselle, Heixing and Ray best for farming beasts, pick your poison.
  • Make sure your farming character can 1 hit every enemy in that map.
  • For taming, have a tanky and strong character like Sion battle mage use power control to lower beast hp to 1 for instant taming.
  • You can tame 4 of the same type of beast every mission. Leave your beasts at keeper.
  • Giselle Tame-Reload-Tame.

Do not;
  • Use all characters to farm
  • Spend more than 20 minutes grinding. If you are spending more than 20 minutes per mission while grinding, you are obviously doing something wrong.
Mastery Sets - Basic
Mastery Sets - Alphabetical Order
Mastery Set - Common (55/55)
- Fire/Ice/Lightning/Wind/Water/Earth Blessing
  • Fire/Ice/Lightning/Wind/Water/Earth Resistance I + II + III
  • Trigger Regeneration if you take Fire/Ice/Lightning/Wind/Water/Earth damage
- Physical Resist. I/II/III
  • Blunt I(II,III) + Pierce I(II,III) + Slash I(II,III)
  • Physical Resist I Effect : Physical property damage is reduced by 15%.
  • Physical Resist II Effect : Physical property damage is reduced by 30%.
  • Physical Resist III Effect : Physical property damage is reduced by 50%.
- The Best Choice
  • Tactical Envelopment + Tactical Sense + Concentrated Fire + Strategist
  • Tactical Sense: Block Chance further increases by 5% if there are more enemies than allies within line of sight
  • Tactical Envelopment: If there are more allies than enemies within your line of sight, your Hit Chance will increase by an additional 5%.
  • Extra Effect: Critical Hit Damage increases by 15%.
- Final Resistance
  • Indomitable Will + Will to Survive + Survival Training + Body Training
  • Final Resistance : If your HP is below 33%, you block all incoming attacks.
  • Extra Effect: HP increases by 300.
- Ironman
  • Muscle Armor + Muscle Training + Body Training + Solidity
  • HP increases by 300.
- Shukuchi
  • Lightning Reflexes + Run + Bounding Stride + Extreme Speed
  • Speed increases by 10
  • Move distance by 1.
- Awaken
  • Recharge + Overcharge + Limit Break + Rearrangement
  • Rearrangement: SP increases by 10 when the Overcharge state expires
  • Recharge: using Recharge triggers overcharge state
  • Recharge: Increases the number of usages of Recharge by 2
  • Extra Effect: Overcharge duration increases by 1.
- Darkness Hunter
  • Ambush + Lightning Reflexes + Nocturnal + Owl Eye
  • Following Effects occur in the evening, at night, and in dark indoors.
  • Effects will not trigger when under Location Exposed
  • Lightning Reflexes: Dodge all responsive attacks from the enemies.
  • Ambush: Attacks on non-battle or enemies asleep will hit with 100% chance.
- Positioning
  • Blind Spot + So Close Yet Far + Position of Advantage + Concentration
  • Position of Advantage: Action time decreases by 20 when an attack on the enemy in a Still Stance , Elevated Position is hit.
- Lunatic Beast
  • Indomitable Will + Berserker + Roar of Victory + Aggression
  • Berserker: Action Time decreases by 15 when hit by enemy.
  • Berserker: Berserker move distance increases by 2
  • If Rage state is triggered, damage taken decreases by 20%
- Executioner
  • Competence + Opportunity Strikes + Heavy Strike + Final Blow
  • Action time decreases by 15 for every 1 target that is out of action by your attack
  • Increases your Attack damage by 10%
- Judgement
  • One Shot One Kill + Roar of Victory + Lone Wolf + Extreme Speed
  • With successful attack, damage increases by 40% of lost HP
  • Increases your Attack damage by 10%
- Undefeated
  • Counterattack + Lightning Reflexes + Forestallment + Veteran
  • LR: 5 SP when LR activated
  • F: When enemy out of action due to forestallment, action time decreases by 10
  • C: When enemy out of action due to counterattack, action time decreases by 10
- Third Heart
  • Second Heart + Indomitable Will + Will to Survive + Luck
  • Second Heart: Resurrect with full HP upon resurrection
  • Second Heart: Triggers 2 times during mission
- Macho Man
  • Muscle Burst + Muscle Tolerance + Muscle Armor + Muscle Training
  • Armor increases by 100
  • Resistance increases by 100
  • Attack Damage increases by 10%
- Overpower
  • Forestallment + Final Blow + Concentration + Alacrity
  • Forestallment: Reactivated if no enemy adjacent. Action increases by 10.
  • Forestallment: SP -10 when target out of action.
- Tracing Eye
  • Keen Sense + Nocturnal + Owl Eye + Hawk Eye
  • When you put an out of combat target out of action, the enemy that becomes alerted has a 20% chance of triggering confusion
  • Increases sight by 1
- Argonaut
  • Luck + Overcharge + Limit Break + Indomitable Will
  • Overcharge is activated when your hp is below 33% when hit by enemy
  • Chance of triggering Luck increases by 7%
  • Increases your maximum SP by 50
  • Increases your Overcharge duration by 1
- Skilled Military Strategist
  • Ambush + Chain Tactics + Luck + Run
  • Run: Additional AT -10
  • Chain Tactics: Additional AT -10 for allies within the radius of 4 tiles
  • Ambush: Recover 1 Action point if non-battle or sleeping enemy out of action.
- Combat Training
  • Survival Training + Concentrated Fire + Muscle Training + Body Training
  • 100 HP, 10% CD, 30 Armor, 3% Block
- Goddess of Fortune
  • Lucky No 9 + Lucky No 8 + Lucky No 7 + Luck
  • Luck: Random buff when activated.
- Swift Footwork
  • Lightning Reflexes + Opportunity Strikes + Body Training + Alacrity
  • LR: -20 AT when activated
  • Crit Chance: +5%, Dodge +3%
- Mighty Strike
  • Concentration + Concentrated Fire + Opportunity Strikes + Heavy Strike
  • Critical Hit Chance increases by 5%
  • Critical Hit Damage increases by 20%
  • Attack damage increases by 5%
- Please Help Me!
  • Hide Yourself Well + Inner Peace + Enough Rest + Hideout
  • Hideout: Trigger Conceal
  • Hide Yourself Well: AT - 10 when dodging atk in conceal status
  • Increases your Block chance by 10%
- Unpredictable
  • Overwhelm + Punishment + Forestallment + Counterattack
  • O,P,FR,CA: Enemy Dodge -25%, Enemy Block -50%, AT -10 when enemy dies due to responsive atk.
- Altruist
  • Fellowship + Team Player + Comradeship + Sacrifice
  • F: If enemy is out of action due to ally in your sight, AT - 10
  • TP: If enemy is out of action AT - 10 to ally adjacent
  • Sacrifice: Trigger overcharge within 6 tiles to ally.
- Revolutionist
  • Adventurer + Superiority + Charisma + The Will to Resist
  • Charisa: 6 tiles
  • Adventurer: AT - 10 when higher lvl enemy out of action
  • Superiority: Trigger Chance to Win, when lower level enemy out of action
  • TWTR: When hit by higher lvl enemy AT - 10
- Distorted Heart
  • Mutant + Trace on + Curse + Jealousy
  • Jealousy: When you put a target out of action, you gain all buffs they had.
  • Curse: When you take damage from an enemy, increase that enemy's action time by 10 for each debuff they have.
  • Trace On: Reduce your action time by 10 for each buff you copy with Trace On.
- Linked Lightning Tactics
  • Strategist + Chain Tactics + Lightning Tactics + Ambush
  • Activating Lightning Tactics further reduces Action Time by 10
  • Upon triggering Lightning Tactics, Action Time of allies within the radius of 4 tiles further decreased by 10
  • Putting out of action a target afflicted by Confusion debuffs decreases cooldown of all abilities by 1
- Linked Fire Tactics
  • Strategist + Chain Tactics + Fire Tactics + Ambush
  • Activating Fire Tactics further reduces Action Time by 10
  • Upon triggering Fire Tactics, Action Time of allies within the radius of 4 tiles further decreased by 10
  • Putting out of action a target afflicted by Confusion debuffs decreases cooldown of all abilities by 1
Mastery Set - Common (Continued) (55/55)
- Can't wait anymore
  • Alacrity + Deep Sea Escape + Extreme Speed + Waiting
  • DSE: If Action Time exceeds 200, you take the turn right away
  • Become Overcharge state when Deep Sea Escape is triggered
  • Increase your speed by 10
- Escape Death
  • Luck + Overcharge + Cheating Death + Lightning Reflexes
  • Every time Luck is triggered, chance of activating Cheating Death increases by 30%
  • Every time Overcharge states is triggered, chance of activating Cheating Death increases by 30%
  • If Lightning Reflexes is triggered. chance of activating Cheating Death increases by 10%
  • Accumulated percentage of activation is reset when Cheating Death is triggered
- Autoimmunity
  • Body Training + Resilience + Solidity + Indomitable Will
  • BT: increases HP by 3 for every character level additionally
  • Duration of physical debuff decreases by 33% (if the duration is below 1 turn doesn't apply)
  • Duration of mental debuff decreases by 33% (if the duration is below 1 turn doesn't apply)
  • Increases your HP by 100
- The perfect stakeout
  • Hideout + Ready To Go + Hide Yourself Well + Hunker Down
  • Hideout: Increase distance traveled by hideout to 6
  • Ready To Go: Action Time Further decreases by 5 if you dodge an attack while covering
  • Hide Yourself Well: Damage taken during Conceal state further decreases by 15%
- Offensive Choice
  • Strategist + Concentrated Fire + So Close, Yet So Far + Aggression
  • Aggression: Critical hit chance further increased by 2% per enemy in sight
  • So Close, Yet So Far: Deal an additional 1% damage per tile from the target
  • Increase Critical hit chance by 10%
- Defensive Choice
  • Patience + Tactical Sense + Sentinel + Survival Training
  • Tactical Sense: Block chance further increased by 5% if there are more allies in sight than enemies
  • Block chance further increases by 2% for each enemy in sight
  • Block chance increased by 10%
- Seasoned hunting dog
  • Competence + Opportunity Strikes + Bounding Stride + Hunting Dog
  • Increase move distance by 1
  • Increase hit chance and critical hit chance by 5%
- Perfect ego
  • Tough Spirit + Veteran + Will to Survive + Indomitable Will
  • Become immune to Confusion and Vindictive Spirit state.
- The last lunacy
  • The Twilight of Pain + The Joy of Lunacy + Will to Survive + Berserker
  • The Twilight of Pain: At the end of your turn, gain 5 SP per 20% of your HP you are missing
  • The Joy of Lunacy: Each time you gain a Rage type status, increase rage or vigor by 5.
- The wanderer of the battlefield
  • Wanderer + Quick grasp of the situation + Joint tactics + Position of Advantage
  • Wanderer:Increase hit chance further by 5% when attacking after moving
  • Quick grasp of the situation:At the of your turn, if there are no enemies in your line of sight decrease your action time by 10.
  • Joint tactics:Decrease your action time by 5 if a adjacent ally ends their turn.
- Air walk
  • Run + Bounding Stride + Bounding Leap + The One who Walks on the Sky
  • When using a dash or dashing attack, if the destination is at least 1.5m higher than your starting point, decrease your action time by 20
  • When using a dash or dashing attack, if the destination is at least 1.5m lower than your starting point, gain Acceleration
  • Increase speed by 10
- Conqueror
  • Superiority + Suppression + Tough Spirit + Sense of Duty
  • Suppression: Increase effective range to 6 tiles.
  • Superiority: Gain Chance to Win when you put a lower level target out of action.
  • Sense of Duty: Your Action Time is reduced by 10 when you put a target out of action and you have more allies than enemies in your sight.
  • Tough Spirit: Activating Tough Spirit grants you Excitement.
- Incarnation of Jealousy
  • Control + Eyes of Jealousy + Jealousy + Trace on
  • Landing a critical strike on a beast of lower level and dealing damage higher than 66% of its HP grants the Beast Obedience.
  • If your race is beast, this effect will not activate if the target Beast has a higher rank than you.
- Riposte
  • Perfect Pose + Clenched Fist + Avenging Strike + Counterattack
  • Perfect Pose: Increase the hit chance of Counterattacks 10%.
  • Clenched Fist: Decrease your action time when you knockedback an enemy with a Counterattack by 5 per tile they were moved.
  • Avenging Strike: Increase the damage of Counterattacks by 10%.
- Basic Tactical Training
  • Tactical Sense + Will to Survive + Body Training + Strategist
  • Tactical Sense: Increase Block chance by 5% if there are more enemies than Allies in your sight
  • Will to Survive: Reduce damage by 10% when you are below 33%.
  • Increase HP by 100.
  • Increase Max Vigor by 10.
- March
  • Patience + Willpower + Bounding Leap + Bounding Stride
  • Gain the Patience state when you end your turn with a move action, and you didn't use an attack, support, or heal ability.
  • Increase HP by 100.
- Basic Survival Training
  • Patience + Solidity + Survival Training + Will to Survive
  • Increase Armor by 100, Resistance by 50, and Block chance by 10%.
- Pressure Tactics
  • Strategist + Tactical Envelopment + Tactical Pressure + Concentrated Fire
  • If you make an enemy out of action, your Action Time reduces by 5 per 1 allies in adjacent 4 tiles from the target.
Mastery Set - Human (9/9)
- Faithful supporter
  • Supporter + Understanding + Insight + Learning
  • Increase the EXP of lower Level characters by 50% of the EXP you gain when killing an enemy
- Legendary Laborer
  • Mass Extraction + Large Bottom Pocket + Treasure Hunter + Material Collector
  • The number of materials increases by 100% when you acquire materials.
- The Expert
  • Practiced Hands + Large Bottom Pocket + Large Top Pocket + Compentence
  • Reduces the Action point required to use item ability by 1
  • Increases the number of uses of item ability by 2
- Social Life
  • Consideration + Speak Up + Guilty Conscience + Politely Decline
  • Increases property limit for each mastery by 2 and maximum mastery points by 2
- The seeker of enlightenment
  • Honesty + Persuasion + Open Mind + Self-examination
  • Increase the property limit of each mastery group by 2.
- Egoist
  • Principle-ist + A Strict Refusal + Flexibility + Rational suspicion
  • Increase the property limit of each mastery group by 2.
- Keyboard Warrior
  • A Strategic Retreat + Hysteria + Brazenface + Sophistry
  • Increase the property limit of each mastery group by 2.
- The Golden City
  • Treasure Hunter + Alibaba + Treasure Island + King's Wealth
  • Legendary: Recover 25% hp
  • Epic: Random Positive Buff
  • Rare: AT -10
  • Uncommon: Vigor increases by 10
- Bodybuilder
  • Body Training + Glutton + Muscle Armor + Muscle Tolerance
  • Increase duration of food buffs by a further 50%
  • increase HP, Armor, and Resistance by 100
Mastery Set - Swordsman Class (Albus, Alisa) (9/9)
- Repetitive Sword Training
  • Body Training + Patience + Swordmaster + Bloodshed
  • Increase HP by 50, Slashing hit chance by 5%, Slashing Critical hit chance by 5%, and Slashing Critical damage by 10%.
- Combo attack
  • Bladestorm + Swordmaster + Adventurer + Extreme speed
  • Bladestorm: Attacks activated by Bladestorm will always hit.
  • Adventurer: Additional 10% damage to higher lvl enemies.
- Bloodbath
  • Hemorrhage + Bloodshed + Blood Scent + Blood Thirst
  • During your turn: Fully Recover all action points when putting enemies in Bleeding out of action.
  • During enemy turn: Action time decreases by 30 when putting enemies in Bleeding out of action.
  • Target must be in bleeding status
  • Only works if the enemy was already bleeding before the attack hit. Can work with multi-hit abilities.
- Retaliation
  • Counterattack + Sharp Blade + Swordmaster + Alacrity
  • When Dodging: Counterattacks will definitely hit the enemy. (100% hit Can Crit)
  • When Hit: The counterattack will be a critical hit on the enemy. (100% Crit/Hit)
- Sen no Sen
  • Acuity + Extreme Speed + Sharp Blade + Forestallment
  • Forestallment always Critically hits
- Carry All Before
  • Counterattack + Bladestorm + Forestallment + Roar of Victory
  • Activate Chance to Win whenever C, B or F hit.
- Merciless Sword
  • Wound Slashing + Wound Infection + Sharp Blade + Swordmaster
  • Wound Infection: AT +30 to enemy if target has a bleeding or bruise type debuff
  • Wound Slashing: Ignore 20% block on bleeding, bruise status.
  • Increases Slashing Attack damage by 15%
- Bullet Slice
  • Adventurer + Alacrity + Sharp Blade + Weapon Blocking
  • Block increase by 3% for every one tile away from the enemy when hit by range attacks.
- One strike, one head
  • Sword Manual + Swordmaster + Sharp Blade + Sharpening
  • Putting an unharmed target out of action using a Slashing attack ability in a single attempt decreases all ability cooldowns by 1
  • Increases your Slashing attack Hit Chance by 5%
  • Increases your Slashing attack critical hit chance by 10%
  • Increases your Slashing attack critical damage by 15%

Mastery Set - Fighter Class (Irene, Sion, Leton, Ray) (9/9)
- Revenge
  • Counterattack + Final Blow + Clean Hit + Close Combatant
  • When Dodging: Counterattack damage increases by +50%
  • When Hit: Counterattack damage increases by +100%.
- Gatekeeper
  • Shedding + Sentinel + Close combatant + Stretching
  • Sentinel: Block further increases by 2% for every enemy within sight.
  • Shedding: AT -10 when triggered.
  • Block increases by 20%
- Iron Fortress
  • Iron Wall + Energy Suit + Enhanced Suit + Solidity
  • 100 Armor
  • 100 Resistance
  • Iron Fortress damage on allies within 4 tiles decreases by 15%
- Heavy Punch
  • Bruise + Heavy Strike + Close Combatant + Body Training
  • Bruise Becomes Severe Bruise and chance to activate increases by 50%
  • Increases Melee Attack damage by 15%
- Street Fighter
  • Lightning Reflexes + Martial Arts Manual + Close Combatant + Extreme Speed
  • MAM: Hp +30 for every fighter and Common mastery
  • LR: Activate Chance to Win
- Solitary Fighter
  • The Only One Left + Lone Wolf + Close Combatant + Run
  • LW: AT - 20 When attacking if there are no allies within 6 tiles.
  • TOOL: Damage -20% when there are no allies within 6 tiles.
- Wandering Brawler
  • Wanderer + Standing Alone + Lone Wolf + The Only One Left
  • Wanderer:Reduce you action by 10 at the end of your turn, if there are no allies within 6 tiles.
  • Standing Alone:Putting an enemy out of action, with no allies within 6 tiles, grants you Chance to Win.
- Fist Faster than Light
  • Extreme Speed + Close Combatant + Clean Hit + Clenched Fist
  • If a nearby foe gains a Stun type status when you attack them with a melee attack, decrease your action time by 10.
- The Fight King
  • Muscle Training + Clean Hit + Heavy Strike + Trained attack
  • When attacking an enemy with a physical attack ability, decrease that enemy's block chance by 1% per class mastery you have equipped.
Mastery Set - Elementalist Class (Albus, Sion, Irene, Anne, Bianca) (8/8)
- Soul Stealer
  • Burning the Soul + Soul Drain + Mage + Willpower
  • Burning the Soul: Additionally decrease targets vigor by 10 when crit.
  • Burning the Soul: Recover the same amount of vigor burnt.
  • Max Vigor increases by 20
- Magic Control
  • Magic Bash + Magic Acceleration + Burning the Soul + Willpower
  • Burning the Soul: vigor decreases increases by 100% when crit.
  • Magic Acceleration: -50% additional vigor consumption
- Magic Training
  • Magic Bash + Mage + Body Training + Willpower
  • HP increases by 100
  • ESP increases by 100
  • Resistance increases by 100
  • ESP Hit 10%
- Magic Penetration
  • Mage + Magic Bash + Magic Acceleration + Magic Theory
  • When using ESP attack ability, Decrease the target's resistance by 25%.
- Utility Magic
  • Magic Variety + Release Magic + Magic Optimization + Improving Magic
  • Increase Max Vigor by 20 and Vigor recovery by 5.
- Improved Magic Shield
  • Mage + Distortion Field + Magic Shield + Improving Magic
  • Magic Shield: Decrease vigor used for magic shield by 10.
  • Distortion Field: Further decrease damage taken by 10%.
- Magic Research Student
  • Mage + Magic Variety + Improving Magic + Magic Theory
  • For every 3 different types of masteries equipped, the following effects take place.
  • Reinforce Destructive Power: Damage dealt by ESP attack abilities increases by 5%.
  • Reinforce Control: Increase critical hit chance by 5%.
  • Reinforce Explosive Power: Increase critical hit damage by 10%.
- Magic Circulation
  • Release Magic + Magic Bash + Magic Optimization + Magic Acceleration
  • Release Magic: Increase Release Magic level by 1.
  • Increase Vigor Recovery by 5.
Mastery Set - Dancer Class (Irene, Leton) (7/7)
- Dance! Dance! Dance!
  • Cheerful Move + Fancy Move + Powerful Move + Delicate Move
  • Performance effect lvl +1
- Wonderful Dance
  • Cheerful Move + Move Your Body to the Rhythm + Fancy Move + Skilled Body Control
  • Speed +10
  • Move Distance +1
- Dynamic Dance
  • Move Your Body to the Rhythm + Powerful Move + Delicate Move + Skilled Body Control
  • Atk +10%
- Quickstep
  • Cheerful Move + Extreme Speed + Move Your Body to the Rhythm + Bounding Stride
  • During your turn, if you use 3 consecutive Cheerful dance abilities, restore 1 action point. This can activate once per turn.
  • Increase Speed by 10 and move distance by 1.
- Krumping
  • Muscle Training + Move Your Body to the Rhythm + Powerful Move + Muscle Burst
  • During your turn, if you use 3 consecutive Powerful dance abilities, you gain the Rage status. This can activate once per turn.
  • Increase your attack damage by 10%.
- House Dance
  • Move Your Body to the Rhythm + Wanderer + Fancy Move + Limit Break
  • During your turn, if you use 3 consecutive Fancy dance abilities, increase your SP by 30. This can activate once per turn.
  • Increase your max SP by 50.
- Ballet
  • Stretching + Delicate Move + Keen Sense + Skilled Body Control
  • During your turn, if you use 3 consecutive Delicate dance abilities, you gain the Peace status. This can activate once per turn.
  • Increase your block chance by 10%.
Mastery Set - Shaman Class (Anne, Bianca, Misty) (7/7)
- Warmth of Life
  • Willpower + Shaman + Abundance + Origin Of Life
  • Origin of Life: Recover 10 vigor at the start of turn for every ally within range
  • Origin of Life: AT -5 to every ally within range
- Soul Guardian
  • Patience + Soul Guide + Shaman + Soul Healer
  • Soul Guide : Vigor additionally recover by 5 when target in sight is Out of Action.
  • Soul Healer : Target's Vigor additionally recovers by 10 when using ESP recovery ability.
- Careful Healing
  • First Aid + Healing Wave + Shaman + Willpower
  • Healing Wave: Action time additionally decreases by 10 when the target recovers all HP by using ESP healing ability
  • First Aid: Additionally recover target's HP by 5% when removing physical debuff
- Steady Cure
  • Patience + Strategist + Healing Wave + Abundance
  • Action Time is reduced by 10 when using heal ability again after using heal ability during the previous action
- Rebirth
  • Soul Binding + Soul Guide + Soul Healer + Second Heart
  • Decrease the duration of Revived state on you by 2 turns.
- Commune With Spirit
  • Spirit Binding + Willpower + Shaman + Spirit Affinity
  • Spirit Binding: ESP power increases by 10 per human and shaman mastery equipped.
  • Spirit Affinity: Reinforces ESP ability - your cast delay is reduced by 1% per human and shaman mastery equipped
- Shining Light
(Earth SP Only)
  • Shaman + Shooting Star + Abundance + White Heat
  • Abundance: Hp increase by 50% of maximum Vigor
  • White heat: Chance of Activating Blind on target will additionally increase by 50% When earth property attack is successfully hit.
  • Increases your ESP damage by 15%

Mastery Set - Priest Class (Anne) (4/4)
- Flagellant
  • Patience + Prayer + Penance + Devotion
  • Prayer: If you use a heal ability, increase the amount you heal by 10%.
  • Penance: When you take damage from an enemy's attack, your SP further increases by 5.
  • Increase Armor and Resistance by 100.
- Apostle
  • Gospel + Prayer + Recovery Support + Devotion
  • Gospel:
    • Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Water - When Gospel activates, give the target Discipline instead of Faith.
    • Spirit - When Gospel activates, give the target Strengthen instead of Bravery.
  • Increase number limit of Recovery Support by 1.
- Sabbath
  • Resilience + Inner Peace + Meditation + Enough Rest
  • 33% of your HP and Vigor are restored every 7th turn.
- Rapture
  • Overcharge + Limit Break + Prayer + Penance
  • You also gain Excitement when you gain Overcharge.
  • increase your Maximum SP by 50 and your overcharge duration by 1.
Mastery Set - Gunman Class (Heixing, Giselle) (8/8)
- Blood Red Bullet
  • Hemorrhage + Piercing Shot + Blood Scent + Blood Thirst
  • Piercing Shot: Bleeding changes to Severe Bleeding and the chance of activation increases by 25%
  • Ranged Crit Damage increased by 30%
  • Increases Shooting damage by 10%
- Rapid Fire
  • Chain Fire + Reload + Competence + Extreme Speed
  • Chain Fire cooldown reduced by 5
  • Reload: Cast delay further decreases by 25%
  • Increases your Speed by 10
- Steady Chain Fire
  • Concentration + Fixed Fire + Reload + Chain Fire
  • Under Still Stance you gain the following benefits
  • Fixed Fire: when you attack an enemy with a shooting attack while under Chain Fire, your action time will decrease by 10.
  • Chain Fire: when you attack an enemy with a shooting attack while under Chain Fire, the cooldown of Chain Fire will be reduced by 2.
- Field Strip & Cleaning
  • Concentration + Rifling Reinforcement + Zeroing + Gunbarrel Reinforcement
  • Reinforces Piercing shooting attack abilities - Your attack power scaling increases by 10%, and reduce cast delay by 10%
  • Increase your ranged attack hit chance by 10%
- You're Already Dead
  • Headshot + Sharpshooter + Fixed Fire + Concentration
  • Headshot +15% chance. When attack puts an enemy out of action, action time decreases by 20.
- I know it all already
  • Overwatch + Sharpshooter + Zeroing + Position of Advantage
  • Overwatch: critical hit additionally increases by 25% when response shot is triggered, action time decrease by 30 when taking enemy out of action from response shot.
- This is my turn
  • Strategic Focus + Tactical Reform + Sharpshooter + Fire Support
  • putting a target who previously was damaged by an ally out of action triggers Chance to Win
  • putting a target who previously dodged an ally attack out of action triggers Chance to Win
  • FS: Fire Support activation limit increases by 2
- It Was No Accident
  • Luck + Coincidental Hit + Headshot + Sharpshooter
  • Luck: Increase Headshot chance by 10% when you have the Luck buff.
  • Coincidental Hit: Bleeding is changed to Severe Bleeding.
  • Headshot: Increase Headshot chance by 10%.
Mastery Set - Thrower Class (Ray) (6/6)
- Break Through the Dead Angle
  • Delayed Throwing + Parabolic Orbit + Position of Advantage + Throwing Fast
  • Parabolic Orbit: Increase you hit chance against enemies in cover by 10%, when you benefit from Elevated Position or Still Stance
  • Delayed Throwing: When you attack enemies in cover, and you benefit from Elevated Position or Still Stance Decrease the enemies block chance by 10%.
- Pierce Through the Battlefield
  • Throwing Fast + Lightning Reflexes + Quick Reaction + Run
  • Activate Chance to Win when LR, QR or Run activates.
  • Increases your Speed by 10
  • Increases your Move Distance by 1
- Penetrate the Sky
  • Throwing Fast + Throwing High + Long Toss + Position of Advantage
  • Enemy Block Chance decreases 3% per tile.
- Break Through the Earth
  • Parabolic Orbit + Position of Advantage + All-out Pitching + Throwing High
  • When you attack an enemy with a Throwing attack ability, reduce their cover effect by 50%.
- Break Through the Light
  • Concentration + Extreme Speed + All-out Pitching + Throwing Fast
  • When you attack an enemy with a Throwing attack ability, ignore 10% of the target's dodge chance
  • Increase your Throwing attack damage by 10%.
- Break Through the Limit
  • Concentration + Overcharge + All-out Pitching + Limit Break
  • Increase SP gain by 25%.
  • Increase Max SP by 50 and overcharge duration by 1.
Mastery Set - Scholar Class (Ray, Kylie) (4/4)
- Bookworm
  • Great Scholar + Educational Book + Professional Book + Catharsis
  • Remove debuff at the start of turn and give excitement if any debuff removed.
- The Early Bird
  • Extreme Speed + Informant + Advance Information + Applicable Knowledge
  • When you have 100% information
  • Advance Information: +50%
  • Applicable Knowledge: CD -1 when enemy out of action.
- Treasure Map
  • Treasure Hunter + Educational Book + Professional Book + Treasure Island
  • Increase chance of obtaining loot by 30% for all allies
- Treasury of Knowledge
  • Great Scholar + Learning + Understanding + Insight
  • Exp Increases by 50% for all allies.
Mastery Set - Thief Class (Kylie, Misty) (6/6)
- Night Mist
  • Owl Eye + Nocturnal + Smokescreen Movement + Fog Walker
  • During Evening, Night, or in dark indoors, if you are under Smokescreen, you become immune to critical strikes
- Safecracker
  • Competence + Deception + Stealthily + Unlock
  • Every time you open an Item Box and obtain an item, you gain Excitement.
- Quick Thief
  • Extreme Speed + Bounding Stride + Keen Reflexes + Full Sprint
  • Keen Reflexes: The damage you take from enemies is further decreased by 0.1% per 1 Speed.
  • You gain Acceleration when you activate Full Sprint.
  • Increase your Speed by 10. Increase your Move Distance by 1.
- Snatch
  • Greedy Hand + Extreme Speed + Deception + Unlock
  • If you move by Dashing or Dashing Attack and approach 1 enemy along your pathing, trigger the effects of Steal/Robbery on that enemy.
  • Does not apply if to an enemy that is within the 1 tile radius of your destination. Can only be activated 1 time during your turn.
- Honorable Thief
  • Greedy Hand + Nerve of Thief + Stealthily + Unlock
  • Nerve of Thief: Your Critical Hit Chance further increases by 5% per 1 Concentration, Hide type status.
  • Greedy Hand: The chance of Steal activation further increases by 1% per 1 Thief masteries.
  • [Unlock] Activating Unlock grants you Peace status.
  • Stealthily: Activating Stealthily grants you Patience status.
- Escape Plan
  • Nerve of Thief + Smokescreen Movement + Fake Trade + Hideout
  • Smokescreen Movement: Automatically Dodge the first attack taken every turn while under Smokescreen status.
  • Fake Trade: Inflict Slowdown to the enemy who could not move due to the activation of Fake Trade.
  • Hideout: At the end of your turns, if you are not located on a tile with Smokescreen and an enemy is within sight, move to an area where Smokescreen is active if there are any within 6 tiles.
Mastery Set - Warrior Class (Alisa) (7/7)
- Indomitable Warrior
  • Tough Warrior + Spirit of Warrior + Tenacity + Indomitable Will
  • Increase armor and resistance by 100 and block chance by 10%
- Seasoned Warrior
  • Tough Warrior + Swift Attack + Sweet home, battlefield + Clash
  • Swift Attack: Decrease your action time by 10 when you attack an enemy with lower speed than you.
  • Clash: When you attack and enemy with lower attack power than you, that enemy gains Armorbreak.
- Encourage Warrior
  • Spirit of Warrior + Sweet Home, Battlefield + Tenacity + Encourage
  • Spirit of Warrior: Increase your hit chance by 3% per Excitement type state you have, when using an attack ability against an enemy
  • Encourage: Improves Support ability- Reduces Action point required for using your ability by 1.
- Aggressive Warrior
  • Spirit of Warrior + Aggression + Berserker + Clash
  • Spirit of Warrior: Increase your Critical hit chance by 3% per rage type state you have, when using an attack ability against an enemy
  • Clash: Increase you damage dealt by 10% if your attack power is higher than your target's attack power.
- Warrior of Herculean Strength
  • Muscle Training + Tough Warrior + Clash + Heavy Strike
  • Muscle Training: Increase you attack power by 3 per character level.
  • Clash: Increase you damage dealt by 10% if your attack power is higher than your target's attack power.
- Wandering Warrior
  • Wanderer + Spirit of Warrior + Swift Attack + Sweet home, Battlefield
  • Wanderer: attacking a target after moving increases hit chance by an additional 5%.
  • Swift Attack: When you attack an enemy with less speed than you, increase that enemy's action time by 10.
  • Sweet home, Battlefield: Putting an enemy out of action gives you an additional 10 Vigor.
- Glorious Warrior
  • Charisma + Spirit of Warrior + Roar of Victory + Glorious Scar
  • When you put an enemy out of action, Allies in your Passion aura increase their SP by 5 and gain a stack of Chance to Win.
Mastery Set - Marauder Class (Alisa) (5/5)
- Dismember
  • Blood Thirst + Brutality + Blood Scent + Elaborate Chopping
  • Each time you put a Bleeding target out of action, your Action Time decreases by 10 and your Ability Cooldown decreases by 1 turn(s).
- Merciless Pillage
  • Brutality + Greedy Eye + Unending Greed + Hidden Spoils
  • Unending Greed: You gain Acceleration each time you obtain an item.
  • Greedy Eye: Your SP increases by 10 each time you obtain a Gem type item.
  • Hidden Spoils: You obtain 1 additional item(s) of Rare rarity or higher than you had not obtained already upon the completion of a mission. The item(s) available through this effect are limited to the items available within the mission.
  • Increases your Slashing attack Critical Damage by 30%.
- Cutting Achilles' Heel
Brutality + Tendon Cut + Elaborate Chopping + Quick Chopping
- Cruel Hound
Brutality + Hunting Dog + Unending Greed + Contempt for the Weak
- Twisted Pleasure
Brutality + Aggression + Roar of Victory + Contempt for the Weak
Mastery Set - Wind Type (Albus, Bianca) (9/9)
- Running like Wind
  • Run + Wind Road+ Bounding Stride + Fair Wind
  • Reinforce Windwalk ability with the following: increase maximum distance by 1, and reduce cooldown by 1.
  • Increase move distance by 1.
- Storm Hammer
  • Fair Wind + Strong Wind + Wind Hammer + Raging Wind
  • Wind Hammer: Trigger Armorbreak if the target is immune to knockback
  • Wind Hammer: AT -10 when attacking a target with wind attribute attack and target is knocked back.
  • Wind Atk +10%
- Blood Wind
  • Strong Wind + Wind Hammer + Wind Blade + Wind Magician
  • Action Time decreases by 30 when taking out enemies and wind Sp increases by 20.
  • Increases Your Wind attack damage by 20%
- Second Wind
  • Wind Wall + Headwind + Haze + Wind Road
  • Wind Wall: Further decrease damage from Shooting, Throwing, and fall attack abilities by 10%
  • Haze: Damage from melee attacks decreases by 10%.
  • Trigger Regeneration at the start of the turn if hp is below 33%
  • If regeneration is already granted when going below 33%, Recover 10% of your health
- Storm Magician
  • Willpower + Wind Magician + Extreme wind + Storm Blade
  • Overcharge +1
  • Wind Atk +10%
- Wind Gust
  • Wind Road + Wind Blade + Raging wind + Whirlwind
  • Wind Road: AT -10 when activated
  • Raging Wind: 50% additional chance to activate slowdown.
- Circle of Wind
  • Fair Wind + Call of Wind + Wind Magician + Extreme Wind
  • Fair Wind: Wind Sp gained from Wind abilities increases by 10%
  • Call of Wind: Improves Call of Wind, Reduces cooldown of the ability by 2.
  • Increase Wind attack damage by 10%.
- Circulatory System
  • Wind Road + Seasonal Wind + Headwind + Windless Land
  • Wind Road: Activating this mastery grants you Acceleration.
  • Seasonal Wind: Activating this ability further decreases your action time by 1.
  • Headwind: Further decrease damage toward you by 1% per tile away from the attacker you are.
  • Windless Land: Further increase your block chance by 10% against Shooting attack abilities, Fall attack abilities, and Throwing attack abilties.
- Great Valley Wind
  • Wind Road + Valley Wind + Wind Blade + Strong Wind
  • Valley Wind: Every 5 times you use a Wind ability, you gain Magic Stamp.
Mastery Set - Lightning Type (Sion) (11/11)
- Generator
  • Acute Pain + Electric Shock + Energy Conversion + Lightning Magician
  • Energy Conversion +15 sp extra.
  • Electric Shock: increase chance of triggering a lightning type debuff by 25% with an attack ability.
  • +30% Lightning critical damage.
- Back Up Power
  • Condenser + Overflowing Energy + Energy Conversion + Static
  • Energy Conversion: Trigger Flash as much as sp converted
  • Overflowing Energy: Trigger Flash as much as sp acquired during overcharge
  • Static: When character receives damage from adjacent enemy, the damage isn't dealt to character.
  • Lightning Attack Critical Damage +30%
- Giant Thunder
  • Lightning Magician + Thunderbolt + Acute Pain + Atom Decomposition
  • Thunderbolt: When lightning attack is hit, chance of triggering stun increases by 0.15% for every 1 SP
  • Atom Decomposition: Increase the effect by 1% per lightning mastery
- Large Condenser
  • Condenser + Extreme lighting Strike + The Thunder of Rage + Energy Conversion
  • Condenser: Number of Flash triggered increases by 50%
  • Maximum SP 50
  • Overcharge +1
  • Lightning Critical Damage +30%
- Nerve Stimulus
  • Body Training + Willpower + Extreme Speed + Electric pulse
  • Electric Pulse: Increase SP earned from ESP skills by 25%
  • HP +100
  • Speed +10
  • ESP + 100
- Thunder Bolt
  • Lightning Magician + High-Voltage + Lightning Bolt + High Voltage Electric Shock
  • Lightning Bolt: Doing the fixed damage of Lightning Bolt on someone with a lightning type debuff decreases action time by 10.
  • Lightning Bolt: Enemies damage by Lightning bolt trigger electric shock, enemies inflicted with electric shock, trigger High-voltage Electric shock.
  • Increase lightning attack damage by 10%.
- High Performance lightning rod
  • Lightning Magician + Thunderbolt + Lightning Rod + Energy Conversion
  • Lightning Rod:Activating Lightning Rod increases Lightning SP by 10
  • Increase Lightning hit chance by 20%
- Reinforced Nerve Network
  • Electric Pulse + Accelerate Nerve Network + Overflowing Energy + Control Nerve Network
  • Electric Pulse: Increase Lightning Sp gained by 25%, when you use a Lightning ability.
  • Accelerate Nerve Network: Increase your hit chance by 1% per Lightning mastery equipped.
  • Overflowing Energy: Gain Flash equal to Lightning SP gained while in Overcharge state.
  • Control Nerve Network: Increase Armor and Resistance by 10 for each equipped Lightning Mastery.
- Circle of Lightning
  • Electric Pulse + Call of Lightning + Lightning Magician + Extreme Lightning Strike
  • Electric Pulse: Lightning Sp gained from Lightning abilities increases by 10%
  • Call of Lightning: Improves Call of Lightning, Reduces cooldown of the ability by 2.
  • Increase Lightning attack damage by 10%.
- Nerve Network Condenser
  • Accelerate Nerve Network + Condenser + Short Circuit + Control Nerve Network
  • Condenser: When you use a Lightning ability, increase your amount of Flash by the amount of Vigor or rage consumed.
  • Short Circuit: increase the damage given to Lightning attack abilities by an additional 25% of your Lightning Resistance.

- Electric Field Induce
  • Condenser + Overflowing Energy + Electromagnetic Field + Static
  • If Flash aura is deactivated due to use of Attack Ability, you regain half of deactivated Flash aura.
Mastery Set - Fire Type (Irene) (13/13)
- Final Flame
  • Phoenix + Cauterize + Eternal Flame + Inner Flame
  • Cauterize: +8% max hp when debuff recovered.
  • Phoenix: Overcharge revival
  • Generate 5 Fire Sp when turn ends.
- Dancing Flame
  • Flame Crash + Raging Flame + Roaring Blaze + Flame Magician
  • Roaring Blaze: Attack abilities that inflict a fire type debuff have a 25% higher chance of inflicting that debuff.
  • Flame Crash: +25% damage when attacking enemies with fire type debuffs.
  • Fire Critical damage +30%.
- Flame of Vengeance
  • Flame Magician + Flames of Regeneration + Lord of Hatred + Phoenix
  • Flame of Vengeance: Recover 1 action when enemy in fire type status out of action due to fire type attack.
  • Phoenix: Take action right away after revival.
- Hellfire
  • The Joy of Burning + Burn + Pyromaniac + Burning Breath
  • The Joy of Burning: Vigor increases by the amount of fire triggered by this ability
  • Burn: Recover 8% hp when enemy buff removed
  • Burning Breath: Activate Armor Disabling when fire atk hit
- Lord of Flame
  • Eternal Flame + Extreme Heat + Fire of Abyss + Lord of Hatred
  • Eternal Flame: Fire SP +20 when overcharge removed
  • Lord of Hatred: Fire SP increases by 1 per 5% of lost hp when attacking with fire atk.
  • Overcharge +1
- Fireworks
  • Eternal Flame + Kindling + Pyromaniac + Fire of Abyss
  • Eternal Flame: +5 SP at the start of your turn
  • Pyromaniac: +5 SP whenever it activates
- Flame Bolt
  • Flame Magician + Fire Bolt + Roaring Blaze + Screamy Blaze
  • Flame Bolt: Damage increases by 100% when attacking targets with flame debuff
  • Flame Bolt: Trigger burn on damaged target. If target is already has burn, Inflict Severe Burn
  • Increase Fire attack damage by 10%
- Sea of Fire
  • Eternal Flame + The Joy of Burning + Conflagration + Spreading Fire
  • The Joy O.B : Fire extends to 4 tiles
  • Conflagration : Fire extends to 4 tiles
- Enormous Flame
  • Raging Flame + Fire Bolt + Roaring Blaze + Kindling
  • Fire Bolt: increase fixed damage by 50
  • Increases Fire attack damage by 10%
- Suprathermal
  • Flames of Despair + Flames of Regeneration + Extreme Heat + Fire of Abyss
  • Flames of Despair: Attacking an enemy with a fire type debuff decreases their block chance by 15%.
  • Flames of Regeneration: Increase healing from Flames of Regeneration by 50%.
  • Increase max SP by 50.
  • Increase Overcharge Duration by 1.
- Circle of Fire
  • Kindling + Call of Fire + Flame Magician + Extreme Heat
  • Kindling: Fire Sp gained from Fire abilities increases by 10%
  • Call of Fire: Improves Call of Fire, Reduces cooldown of the ability by 2.
  • Increase Fire attack damage by 10%.
- Holy Fire
  • Burning Plains + The Joy of Burning + Flames of Regeneration + Conflagration
  • If you end your turn while in the Exposed State, and there are more than 3 fire tiles within 3 tiles of you, you recover 3% of your HP per fire tile.
- Fire of Recovery
  • Burning Plains + Fire of Life + Extreme Heat + Flames of Regeneration
  • Fire of Life: For each Fire mastery, further increase HP gained by 10.
  • Burning Plains: When this mastery is activated, further increase your block chance by 1% per Fire mastery.
  • Extreme Heat: While you are in the Overcharge state, increase all HP restoration towards you by 100%.
  • Flames of Regeneration: When this mastery is activated, your Vigor or Rage is increased by the number of Fire masteries you have equipped.
Mastery Set - Earth Type (Anne) (11/11)
- Bright Light
  • Earth Magician + White Night + Shooting Star + White Heat
  • White Night: at morning and afternoon, Earth SP gained from using Earth abilities increased by 50%
  • White Heat: When attacking a target with an Earth attack ability, increase the chance of blind by 50%
  • Increase Earth attack damage by 10%
- Guardian Of the Night
  • Shooting Star + Nocturnal + Eclipse + Owl Eye
  • Nocturnal: Additional +3% dodge, block, hit, crit hit.
  • Eclipse: Earth sp +20%
  • Night Sight +1
- Sand castle
  • Earth Magician + Prosperity + Weathering + Rock Castle
  • Rock Castle: When receiving an attack that would result in out of action, Cancel the attack. Only activates once per mission.
  • Weathering: +10 Earth SP
- White Sandstorm
  • Shooting Star + Weathering + Sandstorm + White heat
  • Sandstorm: Range is increased to 6 tiles
  • Weathering: When attacking a target with earth type atk within the range of sandstorm, damage increases by 1% per 1% hp of the target lost
  • Shooting Star: Gain 1 action point when putting a target with a flash type debuff out of action, while in range of Sandstorm
- Furious Sand Storm
  • Great Plains + Weathering + Rock Castle + Sandstorm
  • Under the Exposed State, you receive the following benefits:
  • When attacking an enemy with an Earth type attack that is within range of Sandstorm, the enemy's Block chance decreases by 1 for every Earth mastery equipped.
  • The Slowdown debuff granted by Sandstorm is changed to Strong Slowdown
  • When taking damage from a Physical type attack by an enemy that is within Sandstorm's range, the enemy's Critical Hit Damage decreases by 5% for every Earth mastery equipped.
- Blood Moon
  • Earth Magician + Eclipse + Nocturnal + Moonlight Blade
  • Activate Bleeding if any type of buff is triggered to the enemy
  • Earth Critical damage +30%
- Verdure Magician
  • Earth Magician + Willpower + Verdure + Goddess of abundance
  • Vigor + 20
  • Overcharge +1
  • ESP +100
- Stone Hammer
  • Solidity + Stone Throwing + Rock Fist + Rock Castle
  • Attacking a target using a Physical attack ability triggers Armorbreak on the target
  • Putting a target out of action increases Earth SP by 10
  • Activating Rock Castle grants you Stone Skin
  • Increase your armor by 200
- Circle of Moonlight
  • Eclipse + Call of Earth + Earth Magician + Verdure
  • Eclipse: At Evening and Night, Earth Sp gained from Earth abilities increases by 10%
  • Call of Earth: Improves Call of Earth, Reduces cooldown of the ability by 2.
  • Increase Earth attack damage by 10%.
- Huge Rockslide
  • Verdure + Rockslide + Stone Throwing + Rock Fist
  • Landing a Fall attack ability on an enemy in Exposed State, while you are in the Overcharge state, triggers Stun on target enemy.
- Benevolence of the Earth
  • Earth Magician + Great Plains + Natural Recovery + Goddess of Abundance
  • Activating Natural recovery under Exposed state increases the amount you heal from all sources by 100%.
Mastery Set - Ice Type (Leton) (11/11)
- Big snowman
  • Frozen Touch + Snowman + Cold Wave + Bone-Chilling
  • In Snow, Cold, or Cold Wave, increase damage done by Ice attack ability by 15%
  • Increase Ice attack damage, Ice attack hit chance, and Ice attack Critical hit chance by 5%
  • Increase Ice Critical damage by 10%
- Snow Storm
  • Ice Magician + Frosty Wind + Shatter + Frozen Touch
  • Frosty Wind: AT -10 to adjacent enemy at the end of turn.
  • Shatter: Damage +25% to enemy in ice type status.
  • Chill attack critical damage +30%
- Ice Soldier
  • Ice Magician + Bone-chilling + Ice Shield + Frost Sword
  • HP, Armor, Resistance +100
  • Ice Attack Hit Chance +5%
- Frost Bolt
  • Ice Bolt + Ice Magician + Frozen Scythe + Frost Sword
  • Ice Bolt: When Ice Bolt does damage to a target with an Ice type debuff, increase that target's action time by 20.
  • Ice Bolt: Targets damaged by Ice Bolt gain Frostbite, if they already have Frostbite, they gain Freezing.
  • Increase your Ice attack Damage by 10%
- Frozen Earth
  • Cold Wave + Extreme Cold + Frozen Breath + Absolute Zero
  • Cold Wave: Ice SP created increases by 25%
  • Frozen Breath: Activated Armor disabling when hit
- Frozen Soul Reaper
  • Bone Chilling + Shatter + Frozen Scythe + Absolute Zero
  • When attacking targets with freezing status recover 1 action point if the target is out of action
- Frozen Blade
  • Ice Splinters + Shatter + Absolute Zero + Frost Sword
  • Ice Splinters: Target with Ice debuff triggers Severe Bleeding
  • Shatter: +25% damage against targets with ice debuff
- Frost Magician
  • Ice Magician + Willpower + Extreme Cold + Cold of Despair
  • Overcharge +1
  • Ice Atk +10%
- Circle of Ice
  • Cold Wave + Call of Ice + Ice Magician + Extreme Cold
  • Cold Wave: Ice Sp gained from Ice abilities increases by 10%
  • Call of Ice: Improves Call of Ice, Reduces cooldown of the ability by 2.
  • Increase Ice attack damage by 10%.
- Large Snowflakes
  • Cold Wave + Soft Hails + Extreme Cold + Permafrost
  • Soft Hails: When you are attack by an enemy and you have the Exposed State, increase your dodge chance by .5% per Ice mastery you have equipped.
  • Permanent Snow: Duration of all Ice type buffs and debuffs you cause are further increased by 1.
  • Increase your Ice Attack Critical Damage by 30%
- Great Snow Mountain
  • Great Snow Plains + Ice Castle + Ice Shield + Cold of Despair
  • If the incoming damage is less than 5% of your health, increase your Ice SP by the number of Ice masteries you have equipped.
  • Increase your Armor and Resistance by 200.
Mastery Set - Water Type (Misty) (8/8)
- Misty Rain
  • Mist Magician + Dewdrop + Drizzle + Rain Bucket
  • Rain Bucket: For every currently applied Water mastery, your Maximum Vigor/Rage further increases by 2.
  • Dewdrop: Water SP gained at the start of your turn further increases by 5.
  • Drizzle: Water SP gained from using Water Abilities further increases by 25%.
- Cloud Sorcerer
  • Mist Magician + Deep Sea + Heavy Rain + Rain Shower
  • Overcharge duration increased by 1
  • Increase water attack damage by 10%
- Circle of Water
  • Drizzle + Call of Water + Deep Sea + Mist Magician
  • Drizzle: Water Sp gained from Water abilities increases by 10%
  • Call of Water: Improves Call of Water, Reduces cooldown of the ability by 2.
  • Increase Water attack damage by 10%.
- Fairy's Spring
  • Drizzle + Still Water + Dewdrop + Hideout
  • Still Water: Further decrease your targets block and Dodge chance by 1% per Water mastery you have equipped, when you attack with an attack ability and you are under Still Stance.
  • Hideout: When activated, your action time is reduced by the distance you moved
- Blood Well
  • Blood Thirst + Blood Scent + Blood Ripple + Life Drain
  • Life Drain: Increases the amount of HP recovered upon Life Drain activation by 25%.
  • Blood Ripple: Attacking a target using a Water attack ability trigger Bleeding on the target.
- Venom Sorcerer
  • Infiltrating Poison + Boiling Poison + Double Extreme Poison + Divide and Rule
  • Infiltrating Poison: Increase the duration of all poison type status effects and debuffs by 1.
  • Divide and Rule: When activated, restore 7% of your HP. If you removed any poison type states, increase the HP you restore by 100%.
  • Boiling Poison: Reinforce attack ability that inflicts a poison type debuff. The chance of triggering a poison type debuff is further increased by 25%.
- Poisoning the Water
  • Infiltrating Poison + Double Extreme Poison + Call of Water + Boiling Poison
  • Attacking a target using Water attack ability triggers Poison on the target.
- Powerful Drug Prescription
  • Dewdrop + Dilution + Divide and Rule + Rain Bucket
  • Dewdrop: Increase Water SP gained at the start of your turn further by 5.
  • Divide and Rule: When you activate this mastery, you gain a random physical buff.

Mastery Set - Spirit Type (Heixing, Giselle, Ray, Kylie, Alisa) (9/9)
- The Spirit of Hero
  • Pouring Spirit + Overwhelming Spirit + Overflowing Spirit + The Spirit that Never Gives Up
  • The Spirit that Never Gives Up: Dodge and block further increases by 0.1% per 1 SP when attacking enemy lvl is higher.
  • Overwhelming Spirit: Enemy dodge and block further decreases by 0.1% per 1 SP when target is lvl in lower.
- Commander's Spirit
  • Great Morale + Morale Boost + Overwhelming Spirit + Sharp Spirit
  • Morale Boost : Chance to win application range increases to 6 tiles
  • Overwhelming Spirit : Decrease lower level enemies SP by 20 when critical attack hits.
- The Zenithal Vigor
  • Great Morale + Overcharge + Extreme Will + Overflowing Spirit
  • Great Morale : Increase SP by number of Spirit Masteries at the start of the turn.
  • Overflow Spirit : SP increase by the amount of enemies out out of action during overcharge.
- Green Old Age
  • Great Morale + Veteran + Overwhelming Spirit + Veteran's Vigor
  • Great Morale: Increase Hp by 30 for each equipped Spirit mastery.
  • Overwhelming Spirit: Increase your damage by 10% against lower level enemies.
  • Veteran's Vigor: Reinforce attack abilities, for each Spirit trait increase your base damage by 10%.
- Renowned Commander
  • Charisam + Veteran + Inspire + Veteran's Vigor
  • When your turn starts, All allies within your Charisma gain Bravery.
- Sturm and Drang
  • Concentration + Determination + Inspire + Shout of Concentration
  • Inspire: The damage you inflict is further increased by 1% per mental Buff.
  • Shout of Concentration: When you use Shout of Concentraion, you gain a random mental buff.
- The Will beyond Extreme Will
  • Integration into One + Pouring Spirit + Extreme Will + Shout of Concentration
  • Change Shout of Concentration into Subconscious.
  • Subconscious - Immune to action time reduction from enemy attacks, dodge all responsive attacks from enemies, and you do not consume Vigor or Rage when you use an ability.
- Solidarity
  • Integration into One + Morale Boost + Sharp Spirit + The Spirit that Never Gives Up
  • Morale Boost: Ally that gains Chance to Win state from this mastery also increases their SP by how many stacks of Chance to Win they have.
- Vocation
Determination + Professionalism + Sharp Spirit + Veteran's Vigor
Mastery Set - Irene
- Repetitive Training
  • A Million Times of Training + Martial Arts Manual + Muscle Training + Body Training
  • Body Training: Additional 3 HP per lvl.
  • Muscle Training: Additional 3 Attack Power per lvl.
  • Martial Arts Manual: 2% damage reduction per fighter and martial art masteries.
- I am the Hero Irene
  • A Million Times of Training + A Hero Never Gives Up + The Responsibility of Hero + My dream is To Be a Hero
  • A Hero Never Gives Up: When reviving take your turn and give all allies within line of sight Excitement.
  • The Resposibility of Hero: When Hero is active, if ally within line of sight is put out of action you take your turn.
Mastery Set - Giselle
- Perfect Marksmanship
(Sniper Only)
  • Sniper + Sharpshooter + Headshot + Precision Sniping
  • Precision Sniping: +100% to effects.
Mastery Set - Kylie
- Refactoring
(Hacker Only)
  • Data Structure + Algorithm + Code Optimization + Divide And Conquer Algorithm
  • reinforce protocol abilities as following. Cooldown is reduced by 1 and required vigor decreases by 25%.
Mastery Set - Leton
- Last Frozen Fire of Life
  • Life Drain + Frozen Breath + Freezing Blood + Frozen Touch
  • Frozen Breath: Armor disabling lvl +1
  • Life Drain: Remove 1 Frozen Blood when mastery activates
  • Damage increases by 10% per Frozen Blood lvl
- Freezing-Resistant Side Effect
  • Antifreezing Fluid + Best Condition + Inner Peace + Enough Rest
  • Antifreezing Fluid: Create 30 additional Antifreezing Fluid.
  • Enough Rest: When consuming Antifreezing Fluid recover +10% HP.
  • Inner Peace: When consuming Antifreezing Fluid recover +10% Vigor.
- Psi Control Training
(Martial Artist Only)
  • Body Training + Internal Power + Skilled Body Control + Endless Training
  • BT: HP +3 per lvl
  • IP: +10 ESP per common mastery
  • SBC: cast delay reduced by 1% per Dancer and Martial Arts mastery used
- Frosty Fortress
(Martial Artist Only)
  • Ice Castle + Ice Shield + Iron Wall + Endless Training
  • Iron Wall changed to the Frost Armor. Trigger Frosty Fortress to allies within 4 Tiles when you have Frost Armor Active.
  • Armor +100
  • Resistance +100
Mastery Set - Bianca
- Black Witch
(Only Witch)
  • Illusionist + Suppression + Catharsis + Wind Witch
  • Suppression: Pressure is changed to Strong Pressure.
  • Catharsis: Activating Catharsis decreases your action time by 10.
  • Illusionist: Improves Illusion, Increase the number of uses by 3.
  • Strong Pressure - Decreases enemy block chance and dodge chance by 20%.
Mastery Set - Beast (21/21)
- Apex Predator
  • Predator + Predator's Eye + Predator's Sense of Smell + Predator's Sense of Smell
  • Putting a target whose current HP is lower than yours out of action grants you Excitement

- Beast King
  • Charisma + The Eye of the King + The King's Sense of Small + The King's Sense of Hearing
  • When attacking: Damage dealt increases by 2% per 1 currently applied Beast masteries
  • When attacked: Damage taken decreases by 2% per 1 currently applied Beast masteries

- Bloody Monster
  • Blood Thirst + Predator + Blood Scent + Bloody Beast
  • Blood Thirst: Every time you put an enemy with Bleeding type bebuff out of action, SP increases by 10.
  • Blood Scent: Attacking a Bleeding type affected target increases Critical Hit Chance by 15%.
  • Bloody Beast: When Bloody Beast is activated, Rage increases by 10.

- Cannibal Beast
  • Predator + Predator's Eye + Person Murdering Training + Human Hunter
  • Putting a Human target out of action or inflicting Bleeding debuff on the target triggers Frenzy.

- Cold-Adapted Monster
  • Cold-Adapted Beasts + Ice Sac + Ice Skin + ESP Gene
  • Cold-Adapted Beasts: dodge chance, Block, Hit Chance, Critical Hit Chance increases by 5% under Snow or temperature Cold, Cold Wave.
  • Ice Sac: If you are located upon Ice Mist, you recover your 8% of your health.
  • Ice Skin: When Ice Skin is activated, Rage increases by 10.
  • Immune to Ice type debuffs.
  • Extra Effects: Increases your Armor and Resistance by 100.

- Dream within dream
  • Catnap + Lucid Dreaming + Sleepyhead + Sleeping
  • If Sleep type debuff is removed, you gain random Sleep state for 50% chance.

- Heat-Adapted Monster
  • Heat-Adapted Beast + Flame Sac + Lava Skin + ESP Gene
  • Heat-Adapted Beast: dodge chance, Block, Hit Chance, Critical Hit Chance increases by 5% under Snow or temperature Cold, Cold Wave.
  • Flame Sac: If you are located upon Fire, you recover your 8% of your health.
  • Lava Skin: When Lava Skin is activated, Rage increases by 10.
  • Immune to Fire type debuffs.
  • Extra Effects: Increases ESP damage by 10%.

- Rare Mutant
  • The Eye of a Mutant + Mutant + Mutant's Sense of Smell + Mutant's Sense of Hearing
  • When attacking: Damage dealt increases by 3% per 1 debuffs inflicted on you.
  • When attacked: Damage taken decreases by 3% per 1 buffs granted on you.

- Somnambulism
  • Dream come True + Good Dreams Tend to Spread + Sleepyhead + Hibernation
  • A Tamed beast: Travels to where your summoner is.
  • Ordinary beast: Travels to the nearest target withing ally's line of sight.

- The Monster under Moon Light
  • Moonlight Beasts + Lightning Reflexes + Moonlight Skin + ESP Gene
  • Moonlight Beasts: Increase your Dodge chance, Block, Hit Chance, and Critical Hit Chance by 5% Evening, Night, and Dark indoor
  • Lightning Reflexes: Activating Lightning Reflexes decreases Action time by 5.
  • Moonlight Skin: When Moonlight Skin is activated, Rage increases by 10.
  • Immune to Flash type debuffs.
  • Extra Effect: Increases your Night Sight by 3.

- The Monster under Rain
  • Rain Beasts + Lightning Sac + Lightning Skin + ESP Gene
  • Dodge chance, Block, Hit Chance, and Critical Hit Chance increases by 5% under Rain.
  • Lightning Sac: If you are located upon Electric Field, you recover your 8% of your Health.
  • Lightning Skin: When Lightning Skin is activated, Rage increases by 10.
  • Immune to Flash type debuffs.
  • Extra Effect: Increases your Night Sight by 3.

- Venomous Monster
  • Poison Fang+ Poison Sac + Venom Leather + Sharp Teeth
  • Poison Fang: Landing a critical hit on the enemy under Poisoned state grants the enemy Slowdown state.
  • Venom Leather: Damage received from enemy under Poisoned state decreases by 20%.
  • Immune to Poisoned type debuffs.

- Wild Life
  • Hard Bone + Knowledge of the Wild + Long-Lasting Life + Turf War

- Unstoppable Beast
  • Muscle Training + Heavy Strike + Massive Body + Strong Charge-in
  • Strong Charge-in: For every 1 abilities that reinforces the ability, increases the attack power scaling of the ability by 5%.
  • Massive Body: For every 1 ability that reinforces the ability, increases the attack power scaling of the ability by 5%.

- Life Flame Skin
  • Rough Skin + Fire of Life + Lava Skin + Thick Leather
  • Rough Skin: Armor, Resistance increases by 30 per 1 currently applied Beast masteries.
  • Fire of Life: For every 1 currently using Fire masteries, HP futher increases by 20.
  • Thick Leather: If you're attacked by an enemy, the enemy's Critical Hit Chancer futher decreases by 25%.
  • Immune to Ice type debuffs.

- Electrostatic Leather
  • Rough Skin + Lightning Skin + Static + Thick Leather
  • Rough Skin: Armor, Resistance increases by 30 per 1 currently applied Beast masteries.
  • Static: If a target is damaged by Static, give Electric Shock to the target.
  • Thick Leather: If you're attacked by an enemy, the enemy's Critical Hit Chancer futher decreases by 25%.
  • Immune to Earth type debuffs.

- Frost Wind Skin
  • Rough Skin + Frosty Wind + Ice Skin + Thick Leather
  • Rough Skin: Armor, Resistance increases by 30 per 1 currently applied Beast masteries.
  • Frosty Wind: Within the coverage of Frosty Wind, the enemy becomes the Slowdown state.
  • Thick Leather: If you're attacked by an enemy, the enemy's Critical Hit Chancer futher decreases by 25%.
  • Immune to fire type debuffs.

- Full Moon Leather
  • Rough Skin + Moonlight Blade + Moonlight Skin + Thick Leather
  • Rough Skin: Armor, Resistance increases by 30 per 1 currently applied Beast masteries.
  • Moonlight Blade: Increases ESP Power by 15% of Earth Resistance.
  • Thick Leather: If you're attacked by an enemy, the enemy's Critical Hit Chancer futher decreases by 25%.
  • Immune to Lightning type debuffs.

- Fancy Venom Leather
  • Rough Skin + The Pain of Poison + Thick Leather + Venom Leather
  • All targets who're suffering from Poisoned by Venom Leather status also become Contraction.
- Five Colored Skin
  • Rough Skin + Distortion Field + Thick Leather + Colorful Sac
  • Do not get critical strikes from ESP Attack Ability
- Succeeding the Ancestor
  • Awakening True Colors + Records of Ancestors + Cold-hearted Beast + ESP Gene
  • Records of Ancestors: At the beginning of the mission, from Genetics masteries that can appear, additional 1 of them occur.
  • Awakening True Colors: At the beginning of the mission, from Instinct masteries that can appear, additional 1 of them occur.
  • ESP Gene: At the beginning of the mission, from ESP Power masteries that can appear, additional 1 of them occur.
Mastery Set - Tima (8/8)
- Rough Beast
  • Rough Skin + Strong Jaw + Sharp Teeth + Sharp Claw
  • +100 HP, Armor, Resistance
  • Slashing hit +5%, Crit +10%, CD +25%
- The Assassin in Bush
  • The Hunter in the Bush + Predator in the Bush + From One Bush to Another + Walker of the Bush
  • THIB: When attacking enemy that doesn't receive Bush, AT +30 if crit.
  • PITB: Trigger concentration when starting turn in Bush
  • Speed +10
- The Hunter of the Field
  • From One Bush to Another + Walker of the Bush + Position of Advantage + Hideout
  • FOBTA: Grants Chance to win
  • Increase distance of Hideout to 6 and will move you to a Bush if in range
- Warrior's Successor
  • Predator + Warrior's Descendant + Threat + Aggression
  • Threat: activating Threat decreases action time by 10
  • change Ferocious Tima/Nimble Tima to Ferocious successor/Agile successor
  • Ferocious successor: Increase hit chance by 20% and Attack damage by 30%
  • Agile successor:Increase speed by 25, move distance by 1, and sight by 1. When you dash or dashing attack 8 or more tiles, decrease action time by 15
- Guardian's Successor
  • Predator + Guardian's Descendant + Sentinel + Solidification
  • Solidification: Fortification increases by 1 level
  • change Firm Tima/Intelligent Tima to Indomitable successor/Clever successor
  • Indomitable successor:decrease damage received from enemies by 30%, and increase block chance by 20%
  • Clever successor:When you dodge an enemy attack, decrease action time by 15. Increase speed by 25 and dodge chance by 15%
- Hunting in Packs
  • Predator + Gathering + Linkage between Packs + Pressing of the Pack
  • Pressing of the Pack: Increase the range of Pressing of the Pack by 2 tiles.
  • Linkage between Packs: attacking an enemy that was attacked by an ally within your line of sight increases that enemy's action time by 10.

- Bush Ambusher
  • The Hunter in the Bush + Ambush + Surprise Attack + Conceal in Bush
  • If you attack an enemy within 8 tiles while in Conceal in Bush status and make the target out of action, enemies within 2 tiles of the target becomes Confusion.

- Shadows in the Bush
  • From one Bush to Another + Sneakily + Bush Walker + Conceal in Bush
  • Sneakily: Sneakily is always activated regardless of your Move Distance when you are in Conceal in Bush status
  • Conceal in Bush: The duration of Conceal in Bush status is increased by 2.
Mastery Set - Yasha (12/12)
- Spider Web Tailor
  • Spiderweb Connecting + Spiderweb Widening + Spiderweb Spraying + Spin a Web
  • AT -3 per spiderweb created.
- The Assassin in the Net
  • The Hunter Above the Net + Predator in the Net + Hidden Spiderweb + Spider Web Stunts
  • THATN: When attacking an enemy on spiderweb, Sticky spider web triggered.
  • SWS: AT-10 when dodging on spiderweb.
  • Speed +10
- Strong Venom
  • Corrosive poison + Acidic Poison + Neurotoxin + Paralyzing Poison
  • Damage dealt increases by 25% per 1 poison state debuffs a target possesses
  • putting out of action a Poison type debuffed target recovers Action Point by 1
- The Fisher of Men
  • The Hunter Above the Net + Rapid Slacklining + Sly Fisherman + Extreme Speed
  • The Hunter Above the Net: When you use Climbing the spider web and you put an enemy out of action while they are in a web, recover 1 action point
  • Rapid Slacklining: While not exposed to an enemy, recover 1 action point when you use Climbing the Spider Web
  • Sly Fisherman: Gain Acceleration when you are not exposed to an enemy and use Spider Web Movement, Prey Fishing, or Putting Down the Prey
- Fresh-Caught Fish
  • The Hunter Above the Net + Prey in the Net + Rapid Slacklining + Sly Fisherman
  • The Hunter Above the Net: Putting a target out of action with Prey Throwing recovers 1 action point
  • Prey in the Net: reduce action points needed for Putting Down the Prey and prey Throwing by 1
- Ultra-speed Network Web
  • Net Connection + Extreme Speed + Spiderweb Connecting + Spiderweb Widening
  • For each Web tile you make, decrease your action time by 1.
- Sticky Cobweb Pouch
  • The Hunter Above the Net + Hidden Spiderweb + Prey in the Net + Cobweb Pouch
  • The Hunter Above the Net: While you are in a spider web, if you put an enemy out of action who is under the Sticky Spider Web state, you recover 1 action point
  • Prey in the Net: When this mastery is activated, if the enemy is under the Sticky Spider Web state, further increase their action time by 10.
  • Hidden Spiderweb: When you activate this mastery, if the enemy is already on a Spider Web tile, they gain the Sticky Spider Web state.

- Merciful Web
  • Net Connection + Spiderweb Connecting + Hideout + Rapid Slackining
  • Repaying Web: During the mission, you have 1 chance(s) to cancel the damage sufficient to put you out of action.
  • Merciful Web: Upon the activation of Repaying Web, you move to Web and use Climbing the Spider Web if there are any Web near 6 tiles from you.

- Web Binding
  • Spiderweb Widening + Cobweb Pouch + Spider Web Stunts + Spin a Web
  • Spiderweb Widening: If you create Web by Spiderweb Widening, enemies on that terrain become Sticky Spider Web.
  • Spider Web Stunts: If you're on Web the following effects take place. If you evade a melee attack from an enemy, that enemy becomes Sticky Spider Web

- Web Dance
  • Net Connection + Perfect Pose + Lightning Reflexes + Spider Web Stunts
  • If you're on Web, the following effects take place.
  • Perfect Pose: Executing Counter Attack, Responsive Attack on a target or attacking a target while you are under Still Stance state, will grant you an automatic hit.
  • Lightning Reflexes: You unconditionally dodge all enemies' Responsive Attack.

- Web Dinner
  • The Hunter Above the Net + Predator + Predator in the Net + Prey in the net
  • You become Full->Very Full->Extremely Fulfilled when you make an enemy out of action on Web.

- Yasha Drop
  • Body Training + Muscle Armor + Rapid Slackining + Repressing Down
  • Repressing Down: Damage dealt to enemies under Exposed State futher increases by 50%.
  • Rapid Slackining: You gain Stone Skin when you activate Climbing the Spider Web.
Mastery Set - Dorori (9/9)
- The Assassin Above the Sky
  • Strong Wing Stroke + The Hunter Above the Sky + Predator of the Sky + The One Who Walks on the Sky
  • SWS: AT-10
  • THATS: When attacking enemy in Elevated Position state AT-10 if crit.
  • Speed +10
- Higher Than You
  • the Hunter Above the Sky + Hideout + Position of Advantage + The One Who Walks on the Sky
  • The Hunter Above the Sky:If an enemy exists within the sight at the start of the turn, activate Chance to Win when no character is placed above the character.
  • Hideout:The moving range is extended to 6 tiles when activating this mastery.
  • Hideout:When activating this mastery, the destination is changed to the highest place when elevated position is activated. This mastery won't be activated if there is no place that elevated position is activated.
- Rapid Fluttering
  • Strong wing stroke + Extreme Speed + Burning Wing Stroke + Storm Wing Stroke
  • The extra movement cost for elevation changes during movement will be removed.
  • Move distance increases by 1.
- Rapid Snatch
  • The Hunter Above the Sky + Predator of the Sky + Gigantic Wings + Burning Wing Stroke
  • When you attack an enemy and you have the Elevated Position state, decrease that enemies block chance by 1% per Dorori mastery you have equipped.
- Dorori Echolocation
  • Echolocation + Strong Wing Stroke + Humongous Ears + Lightning Reflexes
  • Echolocation: Attacking an enemy with Position Exposed state will always hit.
  • Humongous Ears: If an enemy with Position Exposed state attacks you, increase your dodge chance by 20%.
  • Lightning Reflexes: Always dodge Responsive attacks from enemies with the Position Exposed state.
- Wild Dorori
  • Strong Wing Stroke + Gigantic Wings + Giant Incisor + Humongous Ears
  • Increase HP by 200, Speed by 10, Move Distance by 1, Melee attack damage by 10%, Fall attack hit chance by 5%, Fall attack Critical hit chance by 10%, and Fall attack Critical damage by 15%.

- Double Infection
  • Giant Incisor + Poison Fang + Sharp Teeth + Contaminated Teeth
  • if you attack a target who has Disease type debuffs or causing Disease type debuffs on a target, the Vigor or Rage of the enemy is decreased by 10 and the target become Poisoned.

- Skydiving
  • Predator in the Sky + Position of Advantage + Piercing Strike + Repressing Down
  • If you attack an enemy with Fall attack ability when you're in Elevated Position, the Block of the target is decreased by 30%.

- Soundwave Detector
  • Echolocation + Perfect Pose + Position of Advantage + Humongous Ears
  • Granted that it is not your turn, the following effects take place. All enemies finishing their turn near 15 tiles from you becomes detected.
Mastery Set - Negoori (10/10)
- The Assassin Above the Water
  • The Hunter Above the Water + The Predator Above Water + From Water to Water + The One Who Walks on Water.
  • THATW: AT +30 to the target in water/polluted water when critically strike and are in water/polluted water.
  • TOWOW: AT-10 when you dodge in water or polluted water.
  • Speed +10
- Mucus Secretion
  • Mucus Scattering + Acidic Mucus + Mucus Skin + Strong Hind Legs
  • Mucus Scattering: You bring removed status effects by activating Mucus Scattering to yourself
  • Acidic Mucus: Activating Acidic Mucus decreases Action Time by 10
  • Mucus Skin: Removing debuffs decreases Action Time by 10
- Hear Me Sing!
  • Strong Hind Legs + Neverending Singing + Roaring Cry + Happy Song
  • Happy Song: reduce the action point cost of heal and support actions further by 1
  • Increase speed by 10 and Move distance by 1
- Gray Sniper
  • The Gray Eyes + Tongue Whip + Forestallment + Counterattack
  • The Gray Eyes: Your Counter Attacks and Responsive attacks have a further 5% increase to their Hit Chance and Critical hit chance.
  • Tongue Whip: Landing a Counter Attack or Responsive Attack further decreases the enemy's vigor or rage by 10.
  • Forestallment: Increase the number of time you can activate Forestallment by 1.
  • Counterattack: Increase damage by Counter attacks by 10%.
- Moist Mucous Skin
  • From Water to Water + Moisture + Mucus Skin + The one Who Walks on Water
  • Moisture: While you are in Water or Polluted Water, decrease damage taken by enemies by 15% and further decreases that damage by 10%.
  • Mucus Skin: Remove all physical debuffs at the start of your turn.
- Wild Negoori
  • Strong Hind Legs + The Gray Eyes + Tongue Whip + Mucus Skin
  • Increase HP by 200, Move Distance by 1, Sight by 1, Hit chance by 10%, Critical hit chance by 10%, Armor by 100, and Resistance by 100.

- Cheer up!
  • Charisma + First Aid + Neverending Singing + Happy Song
  • Charisma: Every time you use Healing Song Ability or Support song Ability, Vigor or Rage of allies within the range which Charisma is increased by 10.
  • Happy Song: Reduces the Action point required using your ability by 1.

- Licky Licky
  • Perfect Pose + The Gray Eyes + Tongue Whip + Licky
  • Perfect Pose: Executing Counter Attack, Responsive Attack on a target or attacking a target while you are under Still Stance state futher increases Hit Chance by 10%.
  • Licky: Number limit on Licky activation increases by 2.

- Naeeegool!!
  • Superiority + Suppression + Neverending Singing + Roaring Cry
  • Suppression: Every time you use song Ability, enemies within the range which Suppression applies gain Noise.
  • Superiority: At the start of your turn, enemies who have lower level than you within the range which Suppression applies gain Excitement.

- Slime Drop
  • Strong Hind Legs + Acidic Mucus + Mucus Scattering + Repressing Down
  • Acidic Mucus: Attacking a target using Fall attack ability triggers Acidic Poison on the target.
  • Mucus Scattering: If you hit an enemy with Fall attack ability, remove 1 status effect from the target.
Mastery Set - Draki (9/9)
- The Assassin in Fog
  • The Hunter in Fog + The Predator in Fog + From One Fog to Another + The One That Walks in the Fog
  • The Hunter in Fog: When attacking a Smokescreen state enemy in Smokescreen state, the action time increases by 30 if critical attack is hit.
  • the Predator in Fog: Activate Concentration when starting the turn in Smokescreen state
  • Speed increases by 10
- Glittering Scale
  • Firm Scale + Fine Scale + Weird Scale + Molt
  • Fine Scale: Damage is additionally reduced by 25% when activating this mastery.
  • Molt: When using molting ability, positive buffs will be triggered as many as the number of buffs removed.
  • Armor increases by 200
  • Resistance increases by 200
- Powerful Breath
  • Breathing Sac + Dirty Breath + Catching Breath + Rough Breath
  • Ranged attack hit chance increases by 10%.
  • Ranged attack Critical hit chance increases by 15%.
  • Ranged attack Critical damage increases by 30%.
- Massive Scales
  • Massiveness + Firm Scale + Fine Scale + Indomitable Will
  • Massiveness: When you activate this mastery, decrease your action time by 10.
  • Increase Armor and Resistance by 200.
- Blissful Satiety
  • Predator + Cannibalism + Enough Rest + Overeat
  • Predator: When this mastery activates, gain a random food buff
  • Cannibalism: When this mastery activates, gain Overcharge.
  • Enough Rest: When you recover your health, gain 10 Rage
  • Overeat: Landing a Critical strike with an Attack ability that has a predation effect give you a random food buff.
-The Mightiest Teeth
  • Muscle Training + Aggression + Huge Tooth + Sharp Teeth
  • When you attack an enemy with a Melee attack ability, decrease that enemy's block chance and dodge chance by 1% per Draki mastery you have equipped.
  • Increase Melee attack hit chance by 5%, Melee attack critical hit chance by 10%, and Melee attack critical damage by 15%.
-Deep Breath
Concentration + Breathing Sac + Heavy Strike + Rough Breath

- Infected Breath
  • Concentration + Breathing Sac + Dirty Breath + ESP Gene
  • Attacking a target using Shooting attack ability triggers Weapon Disabling on the target.

- Iron Scale
  • Firm Scale + Fine Scale + Steel Armor + Steel Helmet
  • Steel Armor: If you're attacked by an enemy, the Critical Damage of the enemy reduces by futher decreases by 3% per 1 Draki Masteries.
  • Steel Helmet: If you're attacked by an enemy, the Critical Hit Chance of the enemy reduces by futher decreases by 3% per 1 Draki Masteries.
Mastery Set - Crabmit (9/9)
- Perfect Carapace
  • Body Training + Rough Skin + Regular Exercise + Solid Carapace
  • Increase HP by 500, Armor by 100, and Resistance by 100.
- Reinforced Claws
  • Body Training + Huge Claws + Sharp Pincers + Herculean Tongs
  • Increase Melee attack damage by 15%
  • Reduce the cooldown for Tongs Trim.
- The Assassin under Ground
  • The Hunter under Ground + The Predator under Ground + From Burrow to Burrow + Lying in Ambush in Burrow
  • The Hunter under Ground: Landing a critical strike on an enemy without the burrow state and you are in the burrow state, increase that enemy's action time by 30.
  • The Predator under Ground: At the beginning of your turn, if you are in the burrow state, you gain the Concentration buff.
- Burrow Trap
  • Detect Vibration + The Hunter under Ground + Ambush + Lying in Ambush in Burrow
  • Dealing damage to an enemy not under burrow state while you are under the burrow state, grants enemies within 2 tiles of the enemy Surprised.
- Return to Burrow
  • Detect Vibration + From Burrow to Burrow + Position of Advantage + Hideout
  • From Burrow to Burrow: Activating this mastery grants you Chance to Win.
  • Hideout: At the end of your turn, if you aren't in the Burrow state, you move up to 4 tiles to a location unexposed to an enemy and use Burrow. This won't activate if there is no location not exposed to the enemy.
- Corpse Sweeper
  • Corpse Disposal + Predator + Multi-Joints Crab Leg + Sharp Pincers
  • Predator: When this mastery activates, gain a random Food Buff.
  • Corpse Disposal: When this mastery activates, gain a random Food Buff.
- Strong Skin
  • Massiveness + Rough Skin + Afterdeath Molting + Solid Carapace
  • Afterdeath Molting: When this mastery activates, gain Strong Skin.
  • Solid Carapace: You are immune to critical strikes while you are under the the Afterdeath Molting state. This is always prioritized in all combats.
- Shooting the Wrong Mark
  • Extreme Speed + Multi-Joints Crab Leg + Tactical Fanout + Lightning Reflexes
  • Multi-Joints Crab Leg: If you are attacked by an enemy, increase your dodge chance further by 1% per tile between you and the enemy.
  • Tactical Fanout: If you are attacked by an enemy, decrease that enemies hit chance by 1% per ally in that enemy's line of sight.
  • Lightning Reflexes: You can dodge 2 more responsive fire attacks per turn.

- Harden Exoskeleton
  • Muscle Armor + Muscle Tolerance + Solid Carapace + Solidification
  • Muscle Armor: Increases Armor by 4% of Max HP.
  • Muscle Tolerance: Increases Resistance by 4% of Max HP.
  • Solidification: The duration of Fortification is increased by 2.
Mastery Set - Mungo (9/9)
- Assassin in Cover
Hunter in Cover + Predator in Cover + Cover to Cover + Hunker Down

- Hideout of Mungo
Predator in Cover + Cover to Cover + Position of Advantage + Hideout

- Imitation Memory
Quick Grasp of the Situation + Mimicking Attack + Mimicking Evasion + Imitation

- Clever Beast
Clever Flanking Attack + Clever Hunter + Clever Footstep + Clever Fingers

- Skillfull Mimicking Attack
Clever Hunter + Mimicking Attack + Clever Fingers + Imitation

- Quick Mimicking Evasion
Extreme Speed + Clever Footstep + Mimicking Evasion + Imitation

- Relentless Footstep
Alacrity + Extreme Speed + Clever Footstep + Lightning Reflexes

- Overwhelming Grasp
Body Training + Muscle Training + Strong Grasp + Muscle Burst

- Mungo! Mungo!! Mungo!!!
Strong Grasp + Clever Footstep + Clever Fingers + Mungo! Mungo!
AC.MS - Great Swordsman Class (Albus) (9/9)
- Sword of Protection
  • Weapon Blocking + Blade Evasion + Blade Deflection + Dazzling Blade
  • Weapon Blocking: Additional -20 Action time
  • Blade Evasion: Additional 10% decrease
- Traces of Blood
  • Red Thorn Sword + Bladestorm + Bloodshed + Wound Slashing
  • Bladestorm: +15% chance, additional +30% if target has bleeding.
- Blade of Destruction
  • Castle Gate Breakthrough + Armor Split + Red Thorn Sword + Extreme Speed
  • Armor Split: 100% chance to Armorbreak
  • CGB: +30 AT to enemy if enemy blocks
  • Increases Slashing Attack damage by 15%
- Blade Phantom
  • Red Thorn Sword + Enough Rest + Life Drain + Wound Slashing
  • Wound Slashing: Enemy Block Chance -25% when they have a bleeding or bruised type debuff
  • Life Drain: +25% hp recovered
  • Enough Rest: AT - 10 Additionally. If at full health the effect is decreased by 60%
- Bloody Berserker
  • Blood Thirst + Blood Scent + Berserker + Red Thorn Sword
  • Putting a Bleeding type debuffed target out of action triggers rampage
- The Sword of Counterattack
  • Dazzling Blade + Bladestorm + Blade Evasion + Counterattack
  • Blade Evasion: further decrease damage taken by melee attacks by 10%
  • Bladestorm: When you counter attack, increase the chance Bladestorm will activate by 15%. Increase this chance by an additional 10% if you blocked or dodged the attack that triggered your Counter Attack.
- Sword of Land
  • Thousand Cuts + Armor Split + Castle Gate Breakthrough + Full Power Slash
  • Attacking with a Slashing attack ability triggers Destroy Weapon on the target.
- Sword of Savior
  • Thousand Cuts + Full Power Slash + Sword of Heart + Battojutsu
  • Thousand Cuts: If you attack an enemy with Slashing attack ability, your Hit Chance increases by 1% per human mastery equipped.
  • Full Power Slash: If you attack and enemy with a Slashing attack ability, the damage you inflict increases by 1% per human mastery equipped.
  • Sword of Heart: Block increases by 1% per currently equipped human mastery
  • Battojutsu: Reinforces Slashing attack abilities - The cast delay of this ability decreases by 1% per human mastery equipped.
- Sword of Sky
  • Extreme Speed + Thousand Cuts + Bounding Stride + Battojutsu
  • Speed increases by 2 per Swordsman and Great Swordsman mastery equipped.
  • Increase move distance by 1.
AC.MS - Magic Knight Class (Albus) (10/10)
- Infinity Sword
  • Cursed Sword + Invisible Sword + Holy Sword + Blood Absorbing Sword
  • Cursed Sword: Random negative status applied to the target that has been hit by slashing type attack.
  • Trigger Curse of Sword when enemy is out of action.
  • Curse of Sword:
  • Vigor consumed as many as the number of enemies killed.
  • Speed 1
  • Attack Power 5
  • ESP 5
  • Armor 3
  • Resistance 3
  • can be stacked up to 99 max.
- Justice Victory Blade
  • Avalon + Holy Sword + Roar of Victory + Veteran
  • Holy Sword: +20% damage to criminals
  • Holy Sword: -10 action time when hit by criminals
  • Holy Sword: 10 vigor when you put criminals out of action
  • Holy Sword: SP increases by 10 when you put criminals out of action
- Promised Land
  • Avalon + Sage + Recluse + Mage
  • Avalon: Additional -25%
  • Vigor Recovery +3
- Blood Memory
  • Enough Rest + Life Drain + Blood Absorbing Sword + Recluse
  • Blood Absorbing Sword: +25% hp recovered.
  • Life Drain: +25% hp recovered.
  • Enough Rest: AT -10 when activated. If at full health the effect is decreased by 60%
- Magical Swordmaster
  • Mage + Swordmaster + Magic Sword Veil + Magic Sword Control
  • +10 ATK per Swordsman mastery
  • +10 ESP per Elementalist mastery
  • +5 ATK & ESP per Magic Knight mastery
- Soul Reaver
  • Invisible Sword + Death Bringer + Cursed Sword + Soul Drain
  • Cursed Sword: At the end of your turn if Vigor is at maximum Vigor decreases by 10 and you gain Curse of Sword
  • Soul Drain: If you put enemy out of action, you gain Lost Spirit
- Bloodlust Sword
  • Blood Thirst + Death Bringer + Blood Absorbing Sword + Bloodshed
  • Death Bringer: Causing a bleeding type debuff with a Slashing type ability grants you Curse of Sword.
  • Blood Absorbing Sword: Activating Blood Absorbing Sword grants you Curse of Sword.
- Holy Demonic Sword
  • Death Bringer + Holy Sword + Magic Sword Control + Avalon
  • Death Bringer: Putting an enemy from a Criminal organization out of action with a Slashing attack ability grants you Curse of Sword.
  • Holy Sword: Incoming damage from a Criminal organization enemy is further reduced by 10%.
- Shadow blade
  • Extreme Speed + Invisible Sword + Death Bringer + Magic Sword Control
  • Invisible Sword: Attacking an enemy with a Slashing attack ability decreases enemy block chance by 1% for each stack of Curse of Sword you have.
- Blessing of Avalon
  • Distortion Field + Magic Shield + Holy Sword + Avalon
  • If you have over 30 vigor and take damage that would put you out of action, the damage is nullified and all of your vigor is consumed.
  • Magic Shield: If you take damage that is greater than your max vigor, reduce that damage by 3% for every 30 vigor.
  • Magic Shield: reduce the amount of vigor used by magic shield by 10.
AC.MS - Black Mage Class (Sion, Bianca) (7/7)
- Forbidden Magic Book
  • Magic Library + Magic Book + Great Wizard + Sage
  • Magic Book: Additional ESP damage increases by 5% per elementalist and black mage masteries.
  • Magic Library: Damage received decreases by 1.5% per common ability used.
- Magician's Path
  • Magic Theory + Mage + Magic Resonance + Great Wizard
  • Magic Resonance: 8 tiles
  • Magic Theory: Trigger Magic Backflow when you debuff target using esp abilities
  • Vigor +20
- Magical Accelerator
  • Magic Acceleration + Magical Reactor + Magic Resonance + Great Wizard
  • Magic Acceleration: When atk is hit action time -10
  • ESP Cast Delay -50%
- Investigate Origin
  • Magic Variety + Magic Book + Origin of Magic + Magic Library
  • Origin of Magic: For each correctly used ESP mastery, damage done by ESP attack ability increases by an additional 1%.
  • Magic Library: Damage taken decreases by 1% per ESP mastery equipped.
- Improved Magic Stamp
  • Spring of Magic + Release Magic + Magic Optimization + Magic Stamp
  • Improves Magic Stamp, Reduces Magic Stamp's cooldown by 4.
- The Time of Sage
  • Spring of Magic + Magic Book + Sage + Cool-headed
  • Improves Cool-headed, Reduces Cool-headed's cooldown by 4.
- Archmage Staff
  • Great Wizard + Magic Resonance + Magic Bash + Reinforce Magic Tool
  • Improves ESP attack abilities, Reduces casting time by 20%.
  • Increases ESP from equipped items by 15%.
AC.MS - Battle Mage Class (Irene, Sion) (8/8)
- Magic Explosion
  • Magic of Opportunity + Magic Withdrawal + Magic Duplication + Magic Absorption
  • Damage increases by 100% with a chance of 4% per CMP level.
  • Action time decreased by the number of stacks of concentrated magic power removed, if magic Explosion activates
- Moving Castle
  • Magic Armor + Magic Field + Core Magic Reactor + Iron Heart
  • Magic Armor: 25% damage reduction to allies within 4 tiles when used.
  • Armor 100
  • Resistance 100
- Overflowing Magic
  • Magic Acceleration + Magic of Opportunity + Core Magic Reactor + Willpower
  • MoP: 2 additional CMP when dodging or blocking attack
  • MA: Create 2 additional CMP when starting turn in Magic Acceleration state
- Magic Conversion
  • Magic Withdrawal + Magic Absorption + Close Combatant + Mage
  • MA: When activated recover 5% max hp per 1 CMP generated, when battling adjacent foes
  • MW: When activated recover 5% max hp per 1 CMP generated, when battling adjacent foes
- Magic Restructuring
  • Impulse Fields + Magic Field + Iron Heart + Mage
  • Trigger CMP when activating: IF, MF, IH
- Magic Accelerating Circuit
  • Iron Heart + Core Magic Reactor + Magic Duplication + Supporting Magic Circuit
  • CMR: AT-1 per CMP at the end of turn per 2 CMP. If CMP is not activated, creates 1 CMP
  • MD: AT-1 per every 2 CMP created by MD.
- Magic relief
  • Core Magic Reactor + Magic Bash + Magic Erosion + Close Combatant
  • Core magic Reactor: when removing concentrated magic power, recover HP by 8% of the maximum health for every 3 concentrated magic power removed.
  • Magic Bash: When removing concentrated magic power, create 1 concentrated magic power if the enemy is put Out of Action.
  • Magic Erosion: trigger Magic Backflow to the damaged enemy when removing concentrated magic power.
- Battle mage of steel
  • Steel Armor + Steel Helmet + Iron Wall + Iron Heart
  • Steel Armor: Enemies that hit you have 50% less Critical hit damage
  • Steel Helmet: Enemies that hit you have 25% less Critical hit chance
  • Iron Wall: gain Iron wall at the end of your turn
  • Iron wall is no longer removed when you use an ability
  • Increase Slashing resistance, Piercing resistance, and blunt resistance by 100
AC.MS - Martial Artist Class (Irene, Leton) (11/11)
- Movement on Silence
  • Counterattack + Returning Enemy's Force + Releasing Force + Neutralizing Enemy's Force
  • Neutralizing Enemy's Force: Increases reduced damage from blocking enemy's attack by 25%
  • Returning the Enemy's Force: Damage dealt using Counterattack Increases by 150% of the amount of damage blocked
  • Block +10%
- With Full Heart and Full Strength
  • Rend + Heavy Strike + Releasing Force + Clean Hit
  • Rend: Trigger Armorbreak when melee atk hit
  • Heavy Strike: ability cooldown -1 when you put enemy out of action
  • Increases Melee Attack damage by 15%
- Mountain
  • Shedding + Wrestling + Massiveness + Close Combatant
  • Massiveness: Trigger Chance to win when activated.
  • increase radius of close combatant, shedding and wrestling to 2 tiles
  • Increases Block by 10%
- Overcoming Limit with Effort
  • Hard Energy + Powerful Move + Releasing Force + Rend
  • RF: +25% damage when using melee atk
  • Rend: Level of Armorbreak increases by 1
  • Critical Hit Damage +30%
- Improvisation
  • Cheerful Move + Returning Enemy's Force + Listening Energy + Neutralizing Enemy's Force
  • REF: During Counter atk AT -10 if enemy out of action
  • LE: During Responsive atk AT - 10 if enemy out of action
  • Increases block chance by 10%
- Moral Training
  • Fancy Move + Posture Breakdown + Wrestling + One-inch Punch
  • PB: AT +10 to the target when activating this mastery
  • OIP: AT +10 to the target when activating this mastery
  • Increases Melee Hit chance by 15%
- Unbending Will
  • Close Combatant + Wrestling + Delicate Move + Strength Absorption
  • Wrestling: Block Chance increases by 10% when receiving damage from a nearby enemy
  • SA: Damage decreases by 10% when receiving damage from a adjacent enemy
  • Increases HP by 200
- Body and Mind Training
  • Body Training + Hard Energy + Internal Power + Martial Arts Manual
  • BT: HP + 15 for every common mastery
  • HE: ATK + 15 for every class mastery
  • IP: ESP + 15 for every esp mastery
- Strike When the Iron is Hot
  • Posture Breakdown + Connected Energy + Clean Hit + Clenched Fist
  • If a Adjacent foe gains a Stun type status when you attack them with a melee attack, you attack the target again with the same ability
  • Speed +10
- Practical Offensive Tactics
  • Practical Martial Arts + Close Combatant + Martial Arts Manual + Wrestling
  • For every Common mastery, HP increases by 10.
  • When battling with an adjacent enemy, your Block Chance increases by 10% when attacked, and your Hit Chance increases by 10% when attacking.
  • Critical Hit Damage increases by 3% per Common mastery.
- Practical Defensive Tactics
  • Practical Martial Arts + Returning The Enemy's Force + Neutralizing Enemy's Force + Shedding
  • Attacking an enemy with Counterattack decreases their Block Chance by 20%
  • When targeted by a melee attack, Block Chance increases by 10%.
  • Upon the activation of Shedding, your Action Time decreases by 1 for every Common mastery currently equipped.
AC.MS - White Mage Class (Anne) (5/5)
- Saint
  • Holy Shield + Mental Stability + Patience + Miracle
  • Miracle: Targets Action Time -10 when activated
  • Mental Stability: Recover hp 5% additional when removing mental debuff
  • Holy Shield is now 6 tiles.
- Child of Light
  • Holy Shield + Origin of life + Healing Wave + Patience
  • Origin of life range is now 6 tiles
  • Holy Shield now also applies Will of Light buff
  • Will of Light : Immune to mental debuffs
- Devoting Love
  • Miracle + Recovery Support + Devotion + Light of Redemption
  • Miracle: the chance of activation increases by 20%.
  • Recovery Support: Action time is reduced by 10 if the target is not fully recovered.
- Miracle Shield
  • Miracle + Holy Shield + Blessing of Regeneration + Light of Redemption
  • When you activate Miracle, allies in the range of Holy Shield gain 10 Vigor and they gain Regeneration.
- Decent of the holy ghost
  • Miracle + Soul Binding + Soul Guide + Light of Redemption
  • Activating Miracle grants you Spirits in Bondage
    • Spirits in Bondage- Increase vigor Recovery by 1 per stack, and ESP power by 10 per Stack (Max 9 Stacks)
AC.MS - Witch Class (Anne, Bianca) (12/12)
- Soul Reaper
  • Witch's Jealousy + Soul Guide + Vindictive Spirit + Witch's Book
  • Witch's Jealousy: Negative Status applied as many as positive status removed
  • Soul Guide: Trigger Lost Spirit when enemies in sight out of action
  • Lost Spirit
  • Ally: Moves to ally and buffs
  • Enemy: Moves to enemy and curses
  • Vigor Recovery 3
  • Esp 50
  • up to 5
- Joyful Witch
  • Witch's Prank + Trace On + Mutant + Witch's Book
  • Mutant: Action time decreases by 5 per status effect triggered by Mutant
  • Trace On: Copy all enemy's buffs and debuffs when hit by enemy
- Hellgate
  • Witch's Prank + Vindictive Spirit + Soul Guide + Shaman
  • Trigger Vindictive Spirit within 6 tiles.
- Archwitch
  • Mage + Sage + Witch's Book + Magic Theory
  • Witch's Book: ESP attack +5% per esp mastery
  • Magic Theory: Cast Delay -30%
- Blood Witch
  • Witch's Jealousy + Arresting Force + Life Drain + Origin of Life
  • Life Drain: Allies in the range of Origin of Life, when target is damage with a bleeding debuff, gain 20% of the damage dealt as Hp gain.
  • Arresting Force: Trigger the debuff from Arresting Force to all enemies in range of Origin of Life when AF activated.
  • Witch's Jealousy: SP increases by 5 per 1 removed debuff
- Witch of Envy
  • Eyes of Jealousy + Witch's Jealousy + Arresting Force + Jealousy
  • Witch's Jealousy: Gain all buffs removed with Witch's Jealousy.
  • Jealousy: If you have less buffs than your target, increase damage by 15%
  • Arresting Force: Increase chance of granting Arresting Force's debuff by 30% on a hit.
- Witch of Avarice
  • Witch's Wish + Mutant + Witch's Jealousy + Trace On
  • Witch's Wish: Your buffs will only be removed when their duration is over.
  • Witch's Jealousy: When you activate Witch's Jealousy, increase the duration of all of your buffs by 1.
- Witch of Indolence
  • Witch's Wish + Inner Peace + Witch's Idleness + Enough Rest
  • Witch's Wish: Increase the duration of your buffs by 1.
  • Witch's Idleness: If you use standby or end your turn with at least one action point left, you recover 10 vigor.
- Witch of Wrath
  • Witch's Wish + Vindictive Spirit + Witch's Anger + Sacrifice
  • Vindictive Spirit: Duration of Vindictive Spirit is increased by 1, when activated by this mastery.
  • Witch's Anger: If you attack an enemy that damage you or an ally in your sight, increase your damage dealt by 3% per witch mastery equipped.
  • Sacrifice: Increase the duration of Hatred on allies by 1, when activated by this mastery.
- Witch of Pride
  • Magic Variety + Sage + Witch's Book + The Third Eye of Witch
  • Witch's Book: Increase damage dealt by ESP attack abilities by 5% for each equipped Elementalist mastery.
  • The Third Eye of Witch: Reduce action points required for The Gazing Eyes and The Eyes of Mind.
- Witch of Gluttony
  • Witch's Wish + Glutton + Witch's Idleness + Abundance
  • Food Buffs last for an entire mission.
- Witch of Lust
  • Witch's Wish + Witch's Jealousy + Witch's Anger + The Third Eye of Witch
  • The Third Eye of Witch: The Gazing Eyes changes to The Eyes of Mind.
  • The Eyes of Mind allows you to switch which enemy's sight you can see from 2 times, with the range starting from the target currently with the state The Eyes of the Mind.
AC.MS - Sweeper Class (Heixing) (9/9)
- I Am Legend
  • Excitement + Close Suppressive Fire + Close Fire + Weapon Disabling
  • CSR: AT -20 when enemy out of action.
  • CSR: Enemy Block -20% when MSR activated.
  • Weapon Disabling: Trigger Destroy Weapon when hit with piercing atk.
- I'm Want More
  • Ruthless shot + Piercing shot + Recoil Control + Excitement
  • Recoil Control: Additional -10 AT
  • Ruthless shot : Will lower skill cd by 1 when 2 or more enemy in line of sight are taken out of action.
- This Is My Gun
  • Gun Lightening + Rifling Reinforcement + Gunbarrel Reinforcement + Gun Remodeling
  • Piercing attack damage increase by 15%
- I Don't Give Up
  • Excitement + Fixed Fire + Re Mop up + Ruthless Shot
  • Ruthless Shot : 2 or more enemies not out of action after attack, Cd reduce by 1.
  • Re Mop up : Damage on same target increase by 25%
- High-Velocity Armor-Piercing Bullet
  • Armor-Piercing Bullet + Rifling Reinforcement + Firearm Inter-changeability + Gun Remodeling
  • Armor-Piercing Bullet: When you attack a target within 8 tiles, with a piercing shooting attack ability, increase the damage dealt by 15%.
  • Firearm Inter-Changeability: Increase bonus by 3% per trait the reinforces an ability.
- Upgraded Armor-Piercing Bullet
  • Armor-Piercing Bullet + Piercing Strike + Weapon Disabling + Gun Remodeling
  • Armor-Piercing Bullet : Attacking an enemy under Armorbreak with a piercing shooting ability will increase that attacks damage by 25%.
  • Piercing Strike : Attacking an enemy will further decrease their Block chance by 5%.
  • Increases your Piercing Attack damage by 10%.
- I'm Ready
  • Prepared Fire + Close Suppressive Fire + Re Mop-up + Close Fire
  • Prepared Fire : Using piercing shooting ability under Still Stance further decreases the ability's cooldown by 1.
  • Close Suppressive Fire : Responsive Attacks from Close Suppressive Fire will always hit.
  • Re Mop-up : Attacking an enemy that activated Re Mop-up further increases yuour Hit Chance by 10%.
- Fear me.
  • Threat + Recoil Control + Warning Shot + Ruhless Shot
  • Upon using Piercing shooting attack ability, if there are more than 2 targets withing the range of Piercing shooting attack ability, an enemy in Cover gains Contraction.
- Everything needs a slice of luck.
  • Luck + Overcharge + Lightning Reflexes + Quick Cover-Up
  • Luck: The chance of activation of Luck increases by 3% every time you end your turn in Exposed State status.
  • Overcharge: If you become Overcharge status when you're in Exposed State, gain Luck status.
  • Lightning Reflexes: The number limit on Lightning Reflees activation increases by 2 in Exposed State state.
AC.MS - Ranger Class (Heixing) (9/9)
- I Can Do This
  • Armor-Piercing Bullet + Sharpshooter + Machine Hunter + Nimble Fingers
  • Armor-Piercing Bullet: When attacking machine enemies or enemies wearing heavy armors, trigger Armorbreak to the damaged target.
  • Armor-Piercing Bullet: When attacking machine enemies or enemies wearing heavy armors increase critical hit damage by 50%
  • Increase ranged attack critical hit damage by 50%
- I'm Not Down Yet
  • Revenge Shot + Fixed Fire + Cover Move + Position of Advantage
  • Cover Move: Damage received decreases by 30% when in cover
  • Revenge: Number of possible revenge shoots increases by 3
- I Am Here
  • Cover Move + Position of Advantage + Fire Support + Base Defend
  • Cover Move : Damage on enemies increase by 20% when in cover
  • Fire Support : Number of Fire Support increase by 3
- You Won't Catch Me Off Guard
  • Cover Move + Base Defense + Overwatch + Reload
  • If you attack an enemy and you are next to cover at the end of your turn, you gain Overwatch
  • If it is not your turn and you put an enemy out of action with Overwatch, gain overwatch for 1 additional chance.
- I resist.
  • Resistance Shot + Cover Move + Base Defense + Nimble Fingers
  • Resistance Shot: Reduce your action time by 10 when you put an enemy out of action with Resistance Shot.
  • Cover Move: Enemies you attack have 10% reduced block chance, if you benefit from Cover Move against attacks from that enemy.
- This Is The End
  • Poison Bullet + Reload + Sharpshooter + Nimble Fingers
  • Poison Bullet: Trigger poison on damaged target
  • Poison Bullet: Poison cloud when you put enemy out of action
- You Can't Do Anything
  • Anti ESP Bullet + Sharpshooter + Shot of Silence + Nimble Fingers
  • Anti ESP Bullet: Trigger Magic Backflow when shooting attack hits.
  • Shot of Silence: increase esp ability cooldown by one on activation.
- So There You Are...
  • Tracer Bullet + Zeroing + Sharpshooter + Nimble Fingers
  • If you attack an enemy with in Marked Target Status with Single Target piercing shooting ability, the target's Block decreases by 30%.
- I've got you in my sight
  • Quick Grasp of the Situation + Tracer Bullet + Excelltent Perception + Overwatch
  • Excelltent Perception: When Excelltent Perception activated, enemies in Exposed State status gain Revealed status.
  • Overwatch: When attacking an enemy with Revealed status by the activation of Overwatch is autonatic critical hit
AC.MS - Grenadier Class (Ray) (6/6)
- Opportunist
  • Reckless Charge + Quick Reaction + Lightning Reflexes + Run
  • Quick Reaction: Additional -10 AT when dodged.
  • Reckless Charge: When activating reckless charge activate conceal if covering possible
  • Increases your Dodge by 10%
- Perfectionist
  • Hit and Run + Identical Target + Parabolic Orbit + Grenadier's bag
  • Grenadier's Bag: Number of uses for equipped item increases by 2
  • Identical Target: Recover 1 action point when attacking previously attacked target and target is out of action.
  • Hit and Run: Upon using Hit and Run, moving distance increases by 100% after using Attack ability
- Bomber
  • Position of Advantage + Direct Hit + Reckless Charge + Shockwave
  • Direct hit: when activating direct hit, activate Excitement if the target is out of action
  • Reckless charge: when activating reckless charge, activate Excitement
  • Increases Throwing Attack damage by 10%
- Upgrade Grenade
  • Shockwave + Throwing High + Long Toss + Grenadier's Bag
  • Reinforce grenade ATK items, Basic damage increases by 400%. Item count +2.
  • Reinforce grenade SPT items, Effective range increases by 1
  • Support items number of uses increases by 2
- Opportunity Creator
  • Nimble Preparation + Delayed Throwing + Parabolic Orbit + Hit and run
  • N.P : Vigor increase by 10, action time down by 10 on activation
  • D.T : Action time increase by 10 when throwing attack hits
  • Increases your Speed by 10
- Nimble Grenade Throwing
  • Grenadier's Bag + Practiced Hand + Direct Hit + Throwing Fast
  • Practiced Hand: If you use an Item Throwing Ability, and you used an Item Throwing Ability the previous turn, reduce your action time by 20.
  • Direct Hit: If you use an Item Throwing Ability and activate Direct hit, the damage is increased by 25%.
AC.MS - Alchemist Class (Ray) (5/5)
- Passion For Gold
  • Make Chemical Compound + Alchemic Bag + Luck + Practiced Hand
  • Equivalent Exchange: Additional 50% chance.
  • Alchemic Bag: Item usage increases by 2
  • Make Chemical Compound: UCC increases by 2 at the start of turn
- Shake it! Shake it!
  • Make Chemical Compound + Throwing Fast + Quick Reaction + Shaking
  • Shaking: Shaking is activated every 3 attacks.
  • Quick Reaction: UCC increases by 1
  • Make Chemical Compound: UCC increases by 1 at the start of turn
- High Purity Healing Potion
  • Skillful Support + Long Toss + Potent Potions + First Aid
  • First Aid: When removing physical debuff give buff to target.
  • Potion Enhancement: Increases HP item usage by 2
- Earnest Researcher
  • Great scholar + Professional Book + Applicable Knowledge + Make Chemical Compound
  • Great Scholar: The highest training point among Basic, Support, attack, defense, ability abilities is calculated as 2 times more.
  • Make Chemical Compound: The maximum level for Unstable Chemical Compound increases by 5.
- Modified Potion
  • Alchemic Bag + Educational Book + Potent Potions + Make Chemical Compound
  • Potent Potions: If you use a potion with a side effect, the side effect will always activate.
AC.MS - Sniper Class (Giselle) (6/6)
- Piercing Bullet
  • Sniper + Predicted Fire + Watch for a Chance + Prior Planning
  • 100% chance to cause Armorbreak
  • Piercing critical damage +30%
- Shadow in the Dark
  • Position of Advantage + Shadow Sniping + Base Defend + Blind Spot
  • Shadow Sniping: When attacking without getting exposed to enemy recover 1 action if the enemy out of action.
  • Blind Spot: Additional 2%
- The Ruler of the Battlefield
  • Sniper + Creating Opportunity + Predicted Fire + Fire Support
  • Creating Opportunity: -10 AT to enemies within 3 tile of attacked target.
  • Fire Support: Number of Fire Support increases by 3.
- Sniper in Shadow
  • Shadow Step + Predicted Fire + Shadow Sniping + Blind Spot
  • the following effects occur while not detected and using a ranged shooting attack
  • Shadow Step: If enemy is not out of action AT-20
  • Shadow Sniping: If enemy is not out of action cooldown for ranged abilities -1.
- High Ground Sniping
  • Sniper + Position of Advantage + Highland Covering + Base Defense
  • If you are in cover and have elevated position when attacked, you gain the following effects.
  • Base Defense: Decrease action time by 10 when you are attacked by an enemy.
  • Highland Covering: Getting attacked by an enemy reduces the enemy's hit chance by 2% for every meter between you and the attacker.
- The Best Snipe
  • Sniper + Skilled Sniper + Watch for a Chance + Breakthrough
  • Skilled Sniper: Additional 0.5% per sniper masteries.
  • Watch for a Chance: Additional 25% to exposed enemies.
  • Extra Effect 10% Piercing Hit chance
AC.MS - Hunter Class (Giselle) (10/10)
- Planned Trap
  • Camouflage + Trap Hunter + Chain Tactics + The Mindset of Hunting
  • Camouflage: AT -10
  • Chain Tactics: AT +10 for enemies within the radius of 4 tiles
  • Trap Hunter: AT -10 when enemy out of action due to traps.
- Linked Trap
  • Powerful Trap + Fire Support + Base Defense + Trap Hunter
  • Powerful Trap: Trap damage against enemies increases by 25%
  • Fire Support: Fire Support is triggered and will always hit if an enemy within your line of sight is not put out of action by the activated trap.
- The Hunter and the Hound
  • Beast Training + Chain Tactics + Pincer Attack with Beast + Trap Hunter
  • Chain Tactics: If Chain Tactics occurs when summoned beast attacks enemy AT- 10
  • Pincer Attack with Beast: If trap is activated and summoned beasts attacks the target leading it to out of action. Fear is triggered 3 tiles around the target.

- Monster Hunter
  • Beast Training + Pincer Attack with Beast + Beast Hunter + Beast Friend
  • Beast Training: Grant Brave Beast to summon Acc, Crit Hit, Dodge, Block +10% Crit Damage +25%.
  • Pincer Attack with Beast: +20 AT to enemy beast when attacking.
  • Beast Friend: -5 AT
- Hunter of Moonlight
  • Camouflage + Trap Hunter + Nocturnal + Ambush
  • Camouflage : Random positive buff when activated
  • Ambush : Recover one action point when defeating non-combat and sleeping targets
  • Trap Hunter : Trap usage count increase by 1
- Hunter's Life
  • Beast Training + Treasure Hunter + Material Collector + The Mindset of Hunting
  • Chance to earn materials x2 and amount +200%.
- Skilled Hunt
  • Fire Support + Pincer Attack with Beast + The Mindset of Hunting + Camouflage
  • Fire Support: Increase hit chance by 10% when Fire Support is activated by your summoned beast's attack.
  • Pincer Attack with Beast: Increase hit chance of Pincer Attack with Beast by 15%
  • The Mindset of Hunting: Improve Chase to Swift Chase and Hunt to Skilled Hunt.
- Monster Trainer
  • Beast Training + Beast Trainer + Beast Friend + Monster Taming
  • Beast Trainer: When taming is successful, 2 more additional masteries to choose from.
  • Beast Trainer: When summoned Beast ends turn withing 2 tiles, AT for both summoner and the beast decreases by 10.
  • Reduce time needed to tame a beast by 50%
- Beast Binding
  • Beast Training + Beast Trainer + Beast Unity + The Mindset of Hunting
  • Beast Training: Grants extra mastery Loyal Beast to Summoned beast.
  • Beast Unity: Increases the maximum level of Unite by 5.
- Beast Synchronisation
  • Beast Unity + Commune with Beast + Beast Friend + Pincer Attack with Beast
  • Beast Unity: Increases the maximum level of Unite by 5.
  • Commune with Beast: When you summon a beast, you and Summoned beast gain Unite status.
  • Beast Friend: When Beast Friend is activated, you and Summoned beast gain Unite status.
  • When Pincer Attack with Beast is activated, you and Summoned beast gain Unite status.
AC.MS - Engineer Class (Kylie) (7/7)
- Disassemble Specialist
  • Extreme Speed + Kinetics + Solid Mechanics + Applicable Knowledge
  • When summoned or hacked robot attack an enemy robot the chance of acquiring materials increase by 2 and amount by 200%
- Giant Battery
  • Fluid Dynamics + Powerful Main Battery + Solid Mechanics + Consecutive Attack
  • Physical Attack: Decrease enemy armor by 20%
  • ESP Attack: Decrease enemy resistance by 20%
  • Increases Attack and ESP of equipped items by 20%
- Main Battery Fusillade
  • Extreme Speed + Kinetics + Powerful Main Battery + Consecutive Attack
  • Consecutive Attack -5 cooldown
  • Attack abilities that put enemies out of action reduce that ability's cooldown by 1
- Mechanical Engineer
  • Kinetics + Fluid Dynamics + Solid Dynamics + Thermodynamics
  • When your Robot or stolen robot combats another robot: +20% damage on attack / -20% Damage on being hit
- Nimble Responsive Attack
  • Extreme Speed + Kinetics + Remote Responsive Attack + Thermodynamics
  • -20 Action Time when you, your summoned Robot or stolen robot Counter attacks or preforms Responsive attack
- Extra Parts
  • Sub Gear + Restore Protocol Automatically + Veteran + Extra Protocol
  • Sub gear: All Equip item abilities use increase by 1
  • Auto Restore Protocol: Protocol use restore increase by 1
  • Extra Protocol: Protocol use count increase by 1
- Improved Main Armament
  • Powerful Main Battery + Consecutive Attack + Extra Protocol + Thermodynamics
  • Powerful Main Battery: Increase the attack range of Attack Protocol abilities by 1
  • Consecutive Attack: If you use an Attack Protocol ability under the state Consecutive Attack and you put an enemy out of action on the first attack, reduce the ability cooldown of Consecutive attack by 3.
  • Extra Protocol: Increase the number of uses of Attack Protocol abilities by 1.
AC.MS - Hacker Class (Kylie) (6/6)
- Information Specialist
  • Veteran + Parallel Process + Delay Process + Information Confusion
  • PP: PP effect increases by 25% when combating in Information Confusion range.
  • DP: PP effect increases by 25% when combating in Information Confusion range.
  • DP: Information Confusion extended to 6 tiles.
- Multi Processing
  • Parallel Process + Distributed Process + Delay Process + Algorithm
  • If 2 or more protocol abilities are used in a turn, Decrease action time by 2 per available uses of all protocol abilities
- Programmer
  • Data Structure + Abstraction + Professional Book + Algorithm
  • SP increases by 1 per every scholar and hacker mastery you are using when enemy out of action.
- Information Domination
  • Reverse Engineering + Veteran + Advance Information + Information Confusion
  • Increase duration of Administrator Authority by 2, when you use Administration Protocol.
- Codebreaking
  • Reverse Engineering + Unlock + Veteran + Greedy Hand
  • The chance of successfully hacking is increased by 1% per 1 equipped Thief, Hacker masteries.
- Restart Optimization Algorithm
(Kylie Only)
  • Reverse Engineering + Reboot + Algorithm + Divide And Conquer Algorithm
  • Reverse Engineering: Hacking Protocol grants Stolen Robot its turn right away.
  • Reboot: Increase the number of uses of reboot by 1.
  • Divide And Conquer Algorithm: Using reboot reduces the cooldown of all protocols by 1.
AC.MS - Superstar (Leton) (8/8)
- Huge Prosperity
  • Enthusiasm + Encore + Regular Performance + Professional Mind
  • Effective Range of Coolness and Finale increased to 8 tiles
- The Shining Man
  • Rising Star + Spotlight + Crowd Captivator + Luminosity
  • Luminosity increased to 6 tiles
  • Crowd Captivator increased to 6 tiles
- The Shadow of Light
  • Rising Star + Undiscovered Past + All Rounder + Professional Mind
  • UP: 1 masteries will be additionally counted to number of clown, dancer, singer and musician masteries currently used for every 4 superstar masteries
  • All Rounder: 1 masteries will be additionally counted to number of clown, dancer, singer and musician masteries currently used for every 5 common and human masteries.
- Encore Performance
  • Rising Star + Spotlight + Enthusiasm + Encore
  • When Finish move is activated, 1 AP will be recovered if accumulated number of Coolness is greater than 1
- Overwhelming the Crowd
  • Fancy Move + Powerful Move + Crowd Captivator + Luminosity
  • Luminosity: Level of inferiority and contraction increases by 1.
  • CC: The level of chance to win increases by 1.
- Show on Tour
  • Cheerful Move + Enthusiasm + Delicate Move + Regular Performance
  • If previous effect and current effect are same AT - 10 else SP + 10.
- A Surprise Performance
  • Rising Star + Spotlight + Surprising + Ambush
  • Surprising: Trigger surprised to all covered enemies within the radius of 4 of the surprised enemy.
  • Ambush: Trigger Contraction to all enemies withing the radius of 4 tiles of the attacked enemy.
- Street Dancer
  • Move Your Body to the Rhythm + Undiscovered Past + Enthusiasm + Improvisational Wrap Up
  • Improvisational Wrap Up: Upon using Improvisational Wrap Up, increase your coolness by 1.
AC.MS - White Knight (Alisa) (10/10)
- Master of Weapons
  • Weapon Expert + Weapon Break + Weapon Return + Melee Weapon Expert
  • Weaponry Expert: Ignore speed penalty from your equipped weapons.
  • Weaponbreak: Attacking an enemy with a physical attack ability triggers Destroy Weapon.
  • Weapon Return: Decrease your action time by 10 when this mastery activates.
  • Increase attack power gained from items by 10%.
- Relentless Strike
  • Muscle Training + Weaponry Expert + Bone Breaking + Clash
  • Bone Breaking: Attacking an enemy with a physical attack ability triggers Armorbreak.
  • Clash: Hitting an enemy who was lower attack power than you, with a physical attack ability, triggers Armorbreak on that enemy.
  • Increase attack power gained from items by 10%.
- An opportunity not be lost
  • Veteran Duelist + Neutralize Counters + Counterattack + Melee Weapon Expert
  • Neutralize Counters: Decrease you action time by 30, when this mastery activates.
  • Counterattack: When you activate Neutralize Counters, you Counterattack. This does not work if the counterattack canceled by Neutralize Counters was triggered from your Counterattack.
- Master of Close Combat
  • Veteran Duelist + Expected Risk + Neutralize Counters + Weapon Return
  • Veteran Duelist: you gain Acceleration if you dodge or block an enemy's attack.
  • Expected Risk: Activating this mastery decreases your action time by 10.
  • Weapon Return: Activating this mastery decreases your action time by 10.
  • Neutralize Counters: Activating this mastery decreases your action time by 10.
- Forced Duel
  • Veteran Duelist + Veteran + Provoking strike + Weapon Return
  • Veteran Duelist: if an enemy damages you for less than 25% of your Max HP, they gain the Taunt state.
  • Provoking strike: Attacking a target with a physical attack ability triggers Taunt on that target.
  • Weapon Return: Damage done by an adjacent enemy, under Taunt stated is decreased by 25%.
- Knight of Sword
  • Veteran Duelist + Sword Manual + Swordmaster + Melee Weapon Expert
  • Veteran Duelist: For each Swordsman mastery you are using, increase your hit chance, critical hit chance, dodge chance, and block chance by 1%.
  • Sword Manual: Critical hit damage is increased by 7% per warrior and white knight mastery equipped.
- Master of March
  • Body Training + Tough Warrior + Expert of March + Sweet home, Battlefield
  • Speed increased by 10 and Move Distance increases by 1.
- Fatal Bone Breaking
  • Concentration + Muscle Training + Bone Breaking + Heavy Strike
  • Bone Breaking: Increase Armorbreak by 1 level.
  • Increase your attack damage by 10%.
- Crushing Weaponbreak
  • Competence + Muscle Training + Heavy Strike + Weaponbreak
  • Weaponbreak: Increase Destroy Weapon by 1 level.
- Adept Combat Stance
  • Competence + Veteran Duelist + Sweet home, Battlefield + Combat Stance
  • Combat Stance: change Attack Stance to Press Attack Stance and Defense Stance to All Out Defense Stance.
  • Press Attack Stance - Increase hit chance by 20% and attack damage by 10%.
  • All Out Defense Stance - Increase block chance by 20% and reduce damage taken by 10%.
AC.MS - Barbarian (Alisa) (8/8)
- Bloody Brawl
  • Lunacy + Frenzied Charge + Dogfight + Outrage
  • Putting more than 3 enemies out of action in a single attack decreases your action time by 5 per enemy put out of action.
- Immortal
  • Lunacy + The Joy of Lunacy + Forgotten Pain + Heart of Lunacy
  • Heart of Lunacy: When this mastery triggers, gain Immortality for 1 turn.
- Wildcat Engine
  • Lunacy + Frenzied Charge + Berserker + Anger Strike
  • When you put an enemy out of action, increase action time by 10, and Berserker moves you to the closest enemy within your line of sight.
  • Increase Move Distance by 1.
- Wrath of Berserker
  • Lunacy + Berserker + Outrage + Rampage
  • Berserker: Increase rage by 10 when this mastery activates.
  • Rampage: Improves Rampage, Max out you rage and reduce rage needed for abilities by 100%.
- Tenacious Barbarian
  • Tough Warrior + Tenacity + Will to Survive + Forgotten Pain
  • Will to Survive: Reduce damage taken by an additional 5%, while below 33% HP.
  • Tenacity: Increase block chance by an additional 5%, while under 33% HP.
  • Increase HP by 300.
  • Gain Immunity to physical debuffs.
- Cry of the Wrath
  • Roar of Victory + Sweet home, Battlefield + Encourage + Outrage
  • Roar of Victory: Increase SP gained for putting an enemy out of action by 5.
  • Sweet home, Battlefield: Putting an enemy out of action increases rage by 10.
  • Encourage: Improves Encourage, change bravery buff to rage buff, max out your rage (and vigor/rage of allies in encourage's radius), and reduce rage needed for abilities by 100%.
- Massive Muscle
  • Body Training + Muscle Armor + Muscle Tolerance + Forgotten Pain
  • increase HP, Armor, and Resistance by 10 per Warrior and Barbarian mastery.
- The Liberated
  • Frenzied Charge + Overflowing Rage + The Joy of Lunacy + Outrage
  • When you gain Overcharge and have a rage-type state, you gain Trance.
  • All Rage-type states are removed.
AC.MS - Rogue (Misty) (8/8)
-Master of Concealment
  • Alacrity + Concealment + Deception + Stealthily
  • Concealment: Speed +10, Move Distance +2 during Hide
  • Stealthily: Stealthily is always activated regardless of your Move Distance
  • Deception: Hide duration +2
-Wild Cat
  • Alacrity + Adrenalin Rush + Break Fall + Keen Reflexes
  • Dodge Chance +1% per thief, rogue mastery
  • Dodge +10%
-Bloody Thief
  • Blood Thirst + Blood Scent + Eviscerate + Hemorrhage
  • Blood Scent: Additonal +20% Hit chance when attacking Bleeding target
  • Eviscerate: Rupture duration +2
  • Concealment + Get Fully Ready + Nocturnal + Ambush
  • Get Fully Ready: Your responsive attack at Evening, Night or Dark Indoor never miss
  • Nocturnal: When you are in Hide Status, +10% Hit, Crit, Dodge, Block chance at Evening, Night or Dark Indoor
  • Ambush: +100% Damage when in Hide status at Evening, Night or Dark Indoor.
-Vicious Robber
  • Greedy Hand + Greedy Eye + Slice and Dice + Legerdemain
  • Greedy Hand: Chance of Robbery increases by 1% per thief, rogue mastery
  • Greedy Eye: Now appliciable to all items.
  • Slice and Dice: +10% Crit When attacking enemy with consecutive attacks ability.
-Neurotoxin Dispension
  • Pouring Poison + Envenom + Acid Poison Dispension + Legerdemain
  • Envenom: Neurotoxin available
-Improved Slice and Dice
  • Extreme Speed + Concentrated Fire + Slice and Dice + Legerdemain
  • Consecutive Attacks Ability: Basic damage +100% Cast Delay -Legerdemain%
-Harassing Attack
  • Deception + Weak Point Attack + Distraction + Legerdemain
  • Deception: Weak Point Exposed duration +1
  • Weak Point Attack: Attacking a target with physical ability triggers Weak Point Exposed
  • Distraction: If Distraction activated enemy who attacked you becomes Weak Point Exposed with a 25% chance.

AC.MS - Ninja (Misty) (8/8)
- Ninja First Aid Kit
  • Ninja Toolbox + First Aid + Recovery Jutsu Improvement + Support Ninjutsu Improvement
  • If an ally within 4 tiles is put out of action, revive that ally and restore their HP by 33%.
- Ninja Medic
  • First Aid + Healing Wave + Soul Healer + Recovery Jutsu Improvement
  • Reinforces Recovery Ninjutsu Ability as follows:
  • Increases the number of uses by 2.
  • Reduces the cooldown by 2.
  • Reduces casting delay by 25%.
- Shadow Ninja
  • Taijutsu Improvement + Deep Shadow Jutsu + Perfect Preperation + Assassination Tool Throw
  • Perfect Preparation: When Perfect Preparation is activated, reduce the cooldown of Shadow Technique by 2.
  • Deep Shadow Jutsu: Increases the number of uses by 1 and reduces the casting delay by 25% for Shadow Technique ability.
  • Assassination Tool Throw: Contraction level increases by 1.
  • Increases your Speed by 10.
- Mist Ninja
  • Perfect Preparation + Smokescreen Movement + Thick Mist Jutsu + Support Ninjutsu Improvement
  • Perfect Preparation: When Perfect Preparation is activated, if you are in Smokescreen status, you gain Hide status. Does not activate if an enemy is within 4 tiles.
  • Smokescreen Movement: If you are attacked by an enemy while in Smokescreen status, the enemy's Critical Hit Damage is reduced by 100%.
  • Thick Mist Jutsu: Increases the number of uses by 1 and reduces the cast delay by 25% for Mist Technique.
- Water Release Ninja
  • Spirit Binding + Ninjutsu Upgrade + Murky Water Jutsu + Spirit Affinity
  • Reinforces Water Release Technique as follows:
  • Increases the number of uses by 1.
  • Increases the attack range by 2.
  • Reduces the cooldown by 3.
  • Reduces casting delay by 25%.
  • increases the ability's Basic Damage value by 50%.
- Assassination Tool Expert
  • Ninja Toolbox + Fake Trade + Assassination Tool Throw + Ambush
  • Ninja Toolbox: The total number of uses for for the item equipped in the Ninja Toolbox slot increases by 2.
  • Fake Trade: While in the Hide status during Still Stance, Hide is not removed upon using Knife Throw.
  • Assassination Tool Throw: If you attack an enemy with Knife Throw while in Hide status, your Critical Hit Damage increases by 50%.
- Speedy Ninja
  • Taijutsu Improvement + Extreme Speed + Keen Reflexes + Chakra Opening
  • Increases your Speed by 10
  • Increases your Move Distance by 1.
    Increases your Dodge chance by 10%
- Ninjutsu Ninja
  • Deep Shadow Jutsu + Thick Mist Jutsu + Chakra Opening + Murky Water Jutsu
  • Reinforces all Ninjutsu abilities as follows:
  • Increases the number of uses by 1.
  • Reduces cooldown by 1.
  • Reduces Cast Delay by 25%
AC.MS - Slaughterer (6/6)
- Butcher Stained in Blood
  • Blood Thirst + Blood Scent + Blood Rampage + Resistance of Blood
  • Attacking an enemy, while you or the enemy is under Bleeding type state, the damage you deal increases by 1% for every 1% missing HP.
- Guillotine
  • Extreme Speed + Elaborate Chopping + Quick Chop + Adept Chopping
  • If you make an enemy out of action with Slashing melee attack ability, your Action Time is reduced by 10.
  • Extra Effect: Increases your speed by 10.
- Slaughterhouse
  • Murderous Intent + Elaborate Chopping + Fresh Meat + Adept Chopping
  • Murderous Intent: For every 1 Marauder and Slaughter mastery(s), your critical hit chance is futher increased by 1%.
  • Elaborate Chopping: Attacking a target using Slashing melee attack ability, reduces an enemy's Block and Dodge chance by 5% additionally.
  • Fresh Meat: When Fresh Meat is activated, your Vigor and SP is restored by 10.
- Strong Desire to Survival
  • Unending Greed + Life Drain + Fresh Meat + Enough Rest
  • Unending Greed: Your HP is restored by 10% when Unending Greed is activated.
  • Life Drain: Activating Life Drain increases HP recovery by 100%.
  • Fresh Meat: Activating Fresh Meat increases HP recovery by 200%.
- Fresh Meat on the Table
  • Brutality + Murderous Intent + Fresh Meat + Quick Chop
  • The chance of activation of Fresh Meat is increased by 33%. Activating Fresh Meat increases HP recovery by 100%.
  • If you don't have any food effect when Fresh Meat is activated, gain random food effect
- Battle Royal
  • Murderous Intent + Quick Grasp of the Situation + Fierce Battle + Sweeping Attack
  • Quick Grasp of the Situation: Your Action Time futher decreases by 5 per enemy in sight ending its turn.
  • Fierce Battle: For every 1 currently using Marauder, Slaughterer masteries, hit chance, critical hit chance, dodge chance, block increases by 1%.

camouflage chain tactics sharpshooter pincer attack

Fanatic Pyromaniac
pyromaniac burn cauterize phoenix

lord of despair
raging flame flame crash flames of despair lord of hatred

kingdom of winter
frosty wind permafrost cold wave ice castle

unstable air storm blade raging wind whirlwind

valley of the wind
unstable air valley wind seasonal wind light breeze

unstable air haze windless land light breeze

diligent worker
determination optimism professionalism competitive spirit

will to fight hot-blooded overwhelming spirit sharp spirit

grand spirit
great morale integration into one optimism inspire

passionate BRAWLER
will to fight hot-blooded competitive spirit optimism

high tide fluctuating waterflow vortex unending tide

devil's triangle
circumpolar current high tide kelpie unending tide

red tide
circumpolar current blood ripple life drain unending tide

Improved emergency rescue system:
Emergency rescue system + Alternator + Mobility + Emergency drive

Fuel explosion:
Emergency fuel + Overclocking + Engine amplifier + Suicide bombing

Improved sub attack equipment:
Reinforced machine + Sub attack equipment + Fire stability control + Module optimization

Improve sub armor equipment:
Reinforce machine + Sub armor equipment + Inertia control + Module optimization


Furious Barbarian Warrior
Anger Strike Dogfight Rampage Overflowing rage


Enhanced Explosive Compound
Alchemist Bag Shaking Explosive Compound Make Chemical Concoction

Purified Revival Potion
Alchemist Bag Revival Potion Potent Potions Skillful Support


Blood Shredding
Adrenaline Rush Eviscerate Hemorrhage Slice And Dice

Sthealthy Cleanup
Concealment Stealthily Ambush Distraction


Nimble Preparation Shadow Throw Direct Hit Hit and Run


Eyes of the Sharpshooter
Skilled Snipe Sharpshooter headshot Eyes of the Sniper

great cataract
flood vortex kelpie waterfall

the deluge
flood fluctuating waterflow heavy rain rain shower

fast two-handed
body training muscle training two-handed slash quick chop

gospel atonement prayer penace

meditation atonement prayer devotion

greedy hunter
beast + giant + legend + machine hunter

pack maneuver
extreme speed + grasp + chasing a herd + gathering

metallic muscle armor
solidity + enhanced suit + muscle armor + steel armor

relentless fire breath
burn + wound burning + burning breath + screamy blaze

white mage
celestial shield
patience + penance + holy shield + light of redemption

one headshot at a time
sniper + one by one + sharpshooter + headshot

sneak through mist
smokescreen movement + stealthily + fog walker + shadow among clouds

master maneuver
professional book + master maneuver + remote responsive attack + applicable knowledge

improved consecutive attack
precise adjustment + master maneuver + power control + consecutive attack

improved aiming procedure optimization
attack balance control device + reinforce weapon aim + aiming procedure optimization + massive information processing AI

multi-layer security system
dummy system program + system restoration program + system security program + massive information processing AI

real-time information analysis system
advanced radar + high-performance sensor + optimized information distributed processing

improved additional booster
inertia control + additional booster + preheating system + heat circulation optimization

improved reinforce weapon aim
attack balance control device + inertia control + reinforce weapon aim + heat circulation optimization

overcharged booster
thermal circulation device + additional booster + engine amplifier + heat conversion optimization
improved energy charge
supercharge device + fast recharger + shock conversion + optimized energy conversion

improved shock absorption
engine accelerator + shock conversion + damage absorbing + optimised energy conversion

improved supercharge device
supercharge device + high-end fuel + overclocking + optimised energy conversion

prosperity complication weathering lingering infection
fatal disease
wound infection complication moonlight blade lingering infection

improved auto rearrangement
auxiliary radiator self repair thermal circulation device auto rearrangement

improved auto dodge mobility
alternator self repair mobility auto dodge mobility
improved auto fire support
attack balance control device weight dispersion aiming assistance operational unit auto fire support
quick aim control
attack balance control device inertia control weight optimization aiming assistance operational unit
Improved auto suppressive fire
defense balance control device weight dispersion aiming assistance operational unit auto suppressive fire

armor-piercing rifle
attack balance control device sub calculating device reinforce weapon output reinforced rifle

advanced fuel supply
emergency fuel supplementary battery supplementary fuel energy storage device

improved auto responsive fire
defense balance control device advanced radar broadband sensor auto responsive fire
Mastery Drop List - Reference to Another guide
Mastery Drop List - Unique
Beast Hunter
Kill 100~ beast boss. Not sure about exact number.

Machine Hunter
Kill 100~ machine. Not sure about exact number.

Material Collector
Kill x beast, to get y materials. Something like this just keep killing.

Mass Extraction
Extract 100~ psi-stones.

Inner Peace
Stand by x times.

Hide Youself Good
Conceal 10 times

Ready to Go
Dodge ranged atk 10~ times in cover.

Deep Sea Escape
Have more than 300 AT

Lucky 7, 8, 9
When luck triggers 7, 8, 9 times.

Beast Training
Win 10 missions with beast

Beast Trainer
Tame 10 Beasts

Shadow Step
Trigger Shadow Sniping.

Powerful Trap
Build 10 traps, doesn't have to trigger.

]For achievement mastery you need to run out of protocols again.

1st time unlocks Engineer Extra Protocol, Hacker Reboot

2nd time unlocks Engineer Restore Protocol Automatically, Hacker Code Optimization

Check Troublemaker information for Beast masteries.
Mastery Drop List - Misson Reward
Scent of the Past
  • Albus - 300 xTraining Manuals
  • Irene - The Resposiblity of Hero, A Hero Never Gives Up
  • Sion - Hysteria, A Strategic Retreat(Retreat)
  • Ray - Strict Refusal
  • Heixing - 20x High Extractors
  • Anne - Waiting
Astonishing Reunion
  • Albus Alone - Open Mind
  • Random - Lottery
  • Balanced - Persuasion
Taking a Step Back...
  • ATK - Principle-ist
  • Wait - Flexibility
*Let me know if its correct*
Mastery Drop List - Company Mastery
Tangled Skein
- Tough Battle
Damage Dealt increases by 5% per 10% hp lost.

To Make Matters Worse - Repair
- Enforcing Breakthrough
If there are more enemies than allies block and dodge +1% per enemy.

To Make Matters Worse - Retreat
- Safety First
Damage received decreases by 5% per 10% hp lost.
Machine Module Set
- Over boosting
  • Overclocking + Engine Accelerator + Auxiliary Engine + Engine Amplifier
  • SP acquired amount increases by 50%.
  • Maximum SP increases by 50.
  • Overcharge duration increases by 1.
- Additional Machine Reinforcement
  • Reinforced Machine + Additional Reinforcement Module + Additional Support Module + Supplementary Output Reinforcement
  • Reinforced Machine:Increase Frame Module slots by 1 (increase Frame Property limit by 2).
  • Additional Reinforcement Module:Increase reinforcement module property limit by 1.
  • Additional Support Module:Increase Support module property limit by 1.
- Additional Machine Optimization
  • Reinforced Machine + Additional AI Module + Additional Security Module + Supplementary Output Control
  • Reinforced Machine:Increase Frame Module slots by 1 (increase Frame Property limit by 2).
  • Additional AI Module:Increase AI module property limit by 1.
  • Additional Security Module:Increase Security module property limit by 1.
- Improved Armor
  • External Armor Reinforcement Coating + Internal Resistance Coating + ESP Neutralizing Armor + Special Armor
  • Increase your HP by 500.
- Compatibility Optimization
  • Additional Reinforcement Module + Engine Accelerator + Compatibility Augmentation + Engine Amplifier
  • Compatibility Augmentation: Double the bonus from Compatibility Augmentation for the type of module with the most training points.
  • Increase Overcharge Duration by 1.
- Multiple Coating
  • Reinforced Machine + EMP Cover Coating + External Armor Reinforcement Coating + Internal Armor Resistance Coating
  • Increase armor 100, resistance 100, armor from items 5%, resistance from items 5%.
- Self-Defense Optimization
  • Damage Absorbing + Auto Restore Device + Auto Overwatch Movement + Auto Dodging Response
  • Damage Absorbing: Activating the module decreases action time by 5
  • Auto Restore Device: Activating the module decreases action time by 5
  • Auto Overwatch Movement: Activating the module decreases action time by 5
  • Auto Dodging Response: Activating the module decreases action time by 5
- Additional Armor Reinforcement
  • External Armor Reinforcement Coating + Durability + Elasticity + Special Armor
  • HP +300
  • Armor gained from equipment increases by 10%
- Additional Output Reinforcement
  • Supplementary Output Reinforcement + Supplementary Output Control + Output Transfer Device + Compatibility Optimization
  • Max Output +3
- Autonomous Behavior Reinforcement
  • Overdrive + Auto Rearrangement + Emergency Drive + Survival Mode
  • Overdrive: When Overdrive is activated, take your turn.
  • Auto Rearrangement: Activating Auto Rearrangement decreases your action time by 20.
  • Emergency Drive: activating Emergency Drive decreases your action time by 20.
  • Survival Mode: activating Survival Mode decreases your action time by 20.
Reinforcement Program Module Set
- Supplementary Reinforcement Program
  • Reinforced Machine + Unified Reinforcement Program + Attack Balance Control Program + Defense Balance Control Program
  • Reinforced Machine: the Maximum health, attack, ESP, defense, and resistance of equipped equipment additionally increase by 3% for every 1 reinforcement program modules currently used.
  • Unified Reinforcement Program: Critical damage increases by 5% for every 1 reinforcement program modules currently used.
- Security Optimization Program
  • Additional Security Module + Auto Restore Device + System Restoration Program + System Security Program
  • Activating Auto Restore Device increases SP by 10
  • System Security Program: The chance of getting hacked further reduces by 25%.
  • System Restoration Program: Control Right Acquisition is removed after 3 turns instead of 6.
- Aim Enhancement Program
  • Aiming Assistance Operational Unit + Reinforce Weapon Aim + Battlefield Assessment Program + Enemy Information Analysis Program
  • Battlefield Assessment Program: If you attack an enemy who avoided or defended a previous attack, Hit Chance and Critical hit chance will increase further by 10%.
  • Increases your hit chance by 15%.
- Enhancement Information Program
  • Disk Radome + Information Confusing Device + Battlefield Assessment Program + Enemy Information Analysis Program
  • Enemy Information Analysis Program: Increase the stats gained from gathering information on enemies by 50%.
  • Information Confusing Device: Increase the effective range of Information Confusion to 6 tiles.
  • Disk Radome: Increase the effective range of Information Establishment to 6 tiles.
- Enhanced Disk Radome
  • Infrared Sensor + Sub Calculating Device + Disk Radome + Battlefield Assessment Program
  • Disk Radome: Information Establishment changes to Information Sharing: Hit/Critical hit +10%, Gain another 10% hit and critical hit when targeting an enemy who blocked or dodged an ally's previous attack
  • Sight +1
- Search Reinforcement Program
  • Infrared Sensor + High-performance Sensor + Disk Radome + Enemy Information Analysis Program
  • Disk Radome grants revealed status for enemies
Control Program Module Set
- High-end Stability Control Program
  • Weight Dispersion + Weight Optimization + Fire Stability Control + Weight Management Program
  • Fire Stability Control: When attacking without any movements, enemy's dodge decreases by 1% for every 10 remaining loadable weight of the machine.
  • Fire Stability Control: When attacking without any movements, critical damage increases by 1% for every 20 of the machine's total weight.
- Supplementary Control Program
  • Central Control Program + Machine Control Program + Attack Balance Control Device + Defense Balance Control Device
  • Machine Control Program: Casting delay time is reduced by 5% for every 1 Control Program modules currently used.
  • Central Control Program: Decreases enemy's Critical Hit damage by 5% for every 1 Control Program modules currently used.
- Responsive Fire Control Program
  • Machine Control Program + Auto Fire Support + Auto Suppressive Fire + Auto Responsive Fire
  • Auto Fire Support: Reduce your action time by 10 if your put the target out of action with Auto Fire Support.
  • Auto Supressive Fire: Reduce your action time by 10 if your put the target out of action with Auto Supressive Fire.
  • Auto Responsive Fire: Reduce your action time by 10 if your put the target out of action with Auto Responsive Fire.
- Speed Control Program
  • Alternator + High Speed Driving Program + Inertia Control + Fire Stability Control
  • Alternator: Increase Fuel gained from Alternator by 100%.
  • High Speed Driving Program: Increase Fuel gained from High Speed Driving Program by 100%.
- Mileage Control Program
  • Emergency Fuel + Fuel Conversion Program + High-End Fuel + Supplementary Fuel
  • High-End Fuel: Reduce all effects of fuel consumption by an additional 5%
  • Fuel Conversion Program: The amount of fuel recharged from the module increases by 50%
  • Maximum Fuel +200
- Enhanced Information Jammer
  • Infrared Sensor + Sub Calculating Device + Information Confusing Device + Damage Optimization Analysis Program
  • Information Confusing Device: Information Confusion changes to Information Manipulation: Dodge +10%, Threat/Aggro on machine type enemies decreases by 50%, Reduce damage taken by 15% if the damage type of the attack is the same as the previous damage that you took.
  • Sight +1
Heating Module Set
- Engine Thermal Efficiency Improvement
  • Thermal Circulation Device + Auxiliary Engine + Preheating System + Engine Amplifier
  • Preheating System: Further reduce cast delay by 10%.
  • Increase Max SP by 50 and Overcharge duration by 1.
- Super High-Powered Flamethrower
  • ESP Amplifier + Ultrahigh pressure nozzle + Highly Efficient Flamethrower + Reinforce Weapon Output
  • Damage dealt to enemies with Fire attack ability will increase by .25 per Heating SP. This will be doubled if this drone is an Incineration Drone.
Information Module Set
- Aim Precision Improvement
  • Advanced Radar + Aiming Assistance Operation Unit + Reinforce Weapon Aim + Aiming Procedure Optimization
  • Advanced Radar: Your attacks will never miss enemies with the Detected state.
  • Aiming Procedure Optimization: When you attack an enemy, ignore block equal to .1% of your current Information SP.
- Multi-scan System
  • Infrared Sensor + Advanced Radar + High-performance Sensor + Broadband Sensor
  • If you attack an enemy or are attack by an enemy, that enemy gains the Detected state.
  • Increase your Sight by 1.
Recharge Module Set
- Additional Energy Pack
  • Emergency Fuel + Supplementary Battery + Fast Recharger + Engine Amplifier
  • Emergency Fuel: Increase your number of charges by 1.
  • Fast Recharger: Using Fast Recharge triggers Overcharge. Increase the number of charges for Fast Recharge by 1.
- Full Power Attack
  • Weapon Output Controller + Engine Amplifier + Fire Stability Control + Reinforce Weapon Output
  • Fire Stability Control: Activating Fire Stability Control in Overcharge will further decrease your action time by 10.
  • Weapon Output Controller: Attacking an enemy while in Overcharge state will further increase your damage dealt by 30%.
Machine Module Set - Drone
- Reinforced Ice Missile
  • Reinforced Machine + Esp Amplifier + Reinforce Weapon Aim + Reinforced Freezing Laser
  • ESP of the equipped item increases by 10%.
  • Ice attack Hit Chance increases by 10%.
  • Ice attack Critical Hit Chance increases by 10%.
- Reinforced Flame Missile
  • Reinforced Machine + Esp Amplifier + Reinforce Weapon Output+ Reinforce Fire Thrower
  • ESP of the equipped item increases by 10%.
  • Fire attack Critical Damage increases by 10%.
- Reinforcement Rifle Bullet
  • Reinforced Machine + Reinforce Weapon Aim + Reinforce Weapon Output + Reinforced Rifle
  • Piercing attack Hit Chance increases by 10%.
  • Piercing attack Critical Hit Chance increases by 10%.
  • Piercing attack Critical Damage increases by 30%.
- High speed Hovering
  • Alternator + High-speed driving program + Hover Propeller + Mobility
  • High Speed Driving Program: When moving 8 or more tiles by charging-in or using charge-in attacks, dodge all responsive attacks.
  • Alternator: fuel amount that can be charged increases by 100% when activating this mastery.
Item Upgrade & Salvage
First you need to unlock worktable.
  • You can activate a worktable on the warehouse.
  • Activation condition is as below:
  • Warehouse must be activated.
  • Completed the mission 'Blue Fog Street'.
  • [Updated] Items over 30%(same as 45 items) of inventory
(Taken as is from patch notes)
How it works
  • You can upgrade any item up to +9.
  • Upgrading item increases only base stat of item.
  • For example atk/esp for weapons,.
  • Upgrading item consumes X main material type according to item rank and Y general material.
  • X can only be obtained by salvaging same rank and type(weapon/armor) item and can only be used to upgrade same rank and type(weapon/armor).
  • Y can be obtained by salvaging any item type and any rank and can be used to upgrade any item according to its specific options.
  • Salvaging +1-9 gives 50% of materials spent.
Crafting & Gathering
  • Crafting items with a meter below unlocks same lvl epic and 5 lvl higher rare of same type.
  • FE: Max lvl 20 rare = lvl 20 epic + lvl 25 rare.
  • Maxing lower tier materials unlock higher grade.

Crafting Guide
  • Salvage everything you don't need.
  • You need to finish Intruder story mission C4.1
  • You need energy extractors to collect materials.
  • Repeating story mission doesn't consume energy extractors. You will need to use your own energy extractors on other missions.
  • Psi-Stones can be small, medium or large.
  • Small can drop Dust with high chance and Fragment with low chance.
  • Medium can drop Dust, Fragment, Element and Crystal with low chance.
  • Large can drop Dust, Fragment, Element, Crystal or Core with low chance.
  • Larger rocks drop more material.
  • Gathering consumes 1 action point.
How to Beat any Boss
Requirements for Albus

This build doesn't require you to have good armor or good weapon as long as you have means to heal.

1- Use above masteries, most of them are easy to get.

2- Make sure you have low dodge, you are supposed to get hit instead of dodge for retaliation to work. Put as much block as you can.

3- At least 2 healing pots available or anne present.

4- Send Albus to boss and make sure he has over 50% max hp.

Important Note: Lack of Massiveness and Veteran makes albus vulnerable to stun. Make sure you use massiveness or veteran once you get them. You may replace Tactical sense, Stretching and Survival Training later.
Not recommed for end game.
Mastery Board - Albus

Acts as Bodyguard for any glass character or stall any strong enemy with weapon break

Final GS
Mastery Board - Sion

The most basic form of BM. Same with Irene. Build as you like.

Designed to offtank/dps in 58v. Distorted Heart allows fast AT off turns.

Machine BM, Copy to Irene
Mastery Board - Irene

The most basic form of BM. Same with Sion. Build as you like.

A different kind of Battle Mage build, focused on Responsives and staying at max CMP.

This build focuses on having max CMP stacks all time instead of using Magic Explosion to deal damage you benefit from Ignore Block to kill enemies.

1- Permanent 500 ESP , since basic attack is not ESP it will not consume CMP and still benefit from damage.
2- 9% battle glove, 15% 3 piece set, 22% fight king and additional 50% Ignore block on responsives.
3- Each Kill recovers about 200 HP per turn, even if you are at max CMP stacks it still counts CMP generated.
4- If you ever need more healing, you can use any esp atk to recover hp and recover half of CMP.
5- Mungo uniform for ice immunity, feel free change it.

0 6 16 25 cmp build

Adjusted MA
Mastery Board - Anne
Mastery Board - Heixing

Final Ranger
Mastery Board - Ray

  • Random material Farming build for 44v Draki Nest, Also works in Golden Island 52v.
  • Designed to work everywhere where your lvl is higher and your hp is lower than your enemy


  • Permanent Trance Overcharge -50% damage reduction. +60% hit chance
  • The Spirit of Hero gives -40% Enemy Dodge Block All time due to Ray being higher level.
  • The Spirit of Hero gives +40% Dodge and Block All time due to All enemies having more hp than Ray.
  • Acidic Mist/Ice Cloud creates smokescreen +40% ranged dodge.
  • A lot of buffs due to exchange.

  • No Veteran = Vulnerable to Stun, Either use Tool or Change board. Take out Extreme Will > Brazenface and put Rational Suspicion for Veteran. Should you do this -35% Hit chance, -5% dodge/block ignore and dodge block.
  • No Snowman = Vulnerable to Freeze, Can switch to Mungo Jacket for 10% less crit and some HP loss.

Ray Machine, remove body training and machine hunter, use catharsis and 1s1k for everything else.
Mastery Board - Giselle

Swap Control for anything

Tame Beast Rush, Summoner crab rush
Mastery Board - Kylie

"It just works"

Final Kylie Hacker
Mastery Board - Leton

Ma Adjusted
Mastery Board - Bianca

Immortal Witch works everywhere.

Black Mage 1 hits through block, set items only, no need to farm anything.

Final BM Bianca, swap 1s1k and catharsis for legend hunter and machine hunter
Mastery Board - Alisa

Experimental WK, swap machine hunter for provoking stance for everything else
Mastery Board - Misty

Basic Hide 1s1k standby

How it works
  • Standby
  • Hide, Full Sprint Move to enemy or scout
  • Kill enemy with Knife Throw, 1s1k triggers, either standby for 16 AT turn or position yourself. Always stay in Hide and away from teammates

For taming, simply use power control and atk the beast you want to tame.

Add awaken and shadow ninjutsu skill for hide on demand.

0 AT, leaf per turn misty.
1- Throw Ray Grenade on her to reduce hp to 20%~
2- Use Water Stride and standby on exposed state/no covers.
3- Please Help Me Set gives -10 AT when Hideout Triggers, this works in Hide status. Twilight of Pain -20 AT, Vermillion -10 AT and set -10 AT. Aim of this build to reduce your AT to 36 before ending your turn in exposed/no cover state.
4- Use Water Stride to position yourself
5- Knife Throw leaf
6- Knife Throw or move and standby

Machine Misty
Mastery Board - Beast Awaken Boom Crab

Use Awaken and Grading. You can get max 4 crabs.
Sleeper Egg

Stationary buffer
Draki egg is now a perpetual buff provider. Random buff + acceleration on random members. Less members you have better.
  • Tame egg, change mastery to pathfinder or inrush whichever you prefer, equip gold wing charm tool.
  • Level egg
  • Summon egg
  • Hibernate when its turn.
  • It does everything on its own.

Advanced Dynamic egg buffer

Same as above, except egg now follows tamer, additionally giving extra buffs.
With this build your egg now gives patience 100% due to obedience mastery.

For Giselle;
Control mastery for permanent Excitement buff
For Hunter;
Beast Friend + enough rest for AT reduction, hp and vigor recovery.

3rd option for egg

Only If you want your egg to follow you faster. Homogenity to spread chance to win to everyone.
Game Mechanics - Mastery
- Doesn't give immunity to stun

- Halves target block but it doesn't have effect on Keen Sense and Thick Leather

Prior Planning
- Halves target dodge but it doesn't have effect on target distance

Acute Pain, Hemorrhage, Flame Crash, Shatter
- Requires target to be in shock, bleed, burn status, it doesn't work in the same attack you inflict status

Roar of Victory
- Multiple kills with same attack counts as 1

- 20% chance to stun works on massiveness

Clenched Fist
- Can be used to knockback and stun enemy as well as preventing counterattack by enemy without massiveness. Doesn't work on moving enemy. But it does work if enemy tries to atk and trigger forestallment.

Final Blow
- 100% chance to crit enemy below 33% hp. Final Resistance has priority over it.

- Doesn't work well even if you kill, skill will be on cooldown, need catharsis to work but not enough slots

One Shot One Kill + Catharsis or Pyromaniac
- 1S1K works on max hp, catharsis per kill. Pyromaniac per fire critical not kill.

How Treasure Hunter, Alibaba, Treasure Island and Scavenger works
Important Notes & Guide Updates
Not all sets are good. Sometimes it is better to have mixed masteries.
Maxing Progress unlocks all masteries belonging to respective enemy.
You can check masteries and stats belonging to character you are currently using by clicking on magnifying glass on top right corner.

Play at hard or cruel difficulty when doing violent case.

Simply do every mission once and be patient it will unlock everything you want to know.

Fandom Wiki
Discord Channel
658 comentarios
Xaxil Nightsun 1 JUL a las 5:00 
the suggestion for the low dodge is due to how retaliation will always crit if you get hit, dodging the attack will only make it so the counter won't miss.
sean_ix 19 JUN a las 18:56 
/quote Requirements for Albus
2- Make sure you have low dodge, you are supposed to get hit instead of dodge for retaliation to work. Put as much block as you can. /quote

Consider editing (if you sill are). Maybe a patch changed something.
I can confirm that as of 6/19/2024 Albus will retaliate after a dodge. The retaliation mastry set bonus requires Alacrity (+10% dodge) and claims a successful dodge guarantees a hit. This is counter to "supposed to get hit instead of dodge".

- Retaliation
Counterattack + Sharp Blade + Swordmaster + Alacrity
When Dodging: Counterattacks will definitely hit the enemy. (100% hit Can Crit)
Duskmare 25 FEB a las 15:51 
Firmly Combined Frame - Reinforced Machine, Weight Dispersion, Durability, Elasticity.
Gives +10 armour per machine mastery equipped.
Hi! There's a mystery set called a windless fort. Anyone knows how to trigger it?
Phil108 6 NOV 2023 a las 10:50 
Hi, incredible guide, thank you :)
About the sets in temp, "battue" is Camouflage + Ambush + Sharpshooter + Pincer Attack with Beast
Spectrum 17 SEP 2023 a las 11:42 
Wonderful Dance is now "The SP generated by the ability is increased by 25%"

Dynamic Dance is now "If you make an enemy out of action by Dance type Ability, the Performance effect of that Ability is added by 1"
Spectrum 15 SEP 2023 a las 23:06 
Social Life was changed to: Increase number of Ability mastery slot and maximum training points by 2. Ability property limit increases by 4.
Yolk Blazer 11 AGO 2023 a las 9:06 
Water Master Set

Diluted Explosion

Double Extreme Poison - Dilution - Divide and Rule - Call of Water
Yolk Blazer 3 AGO 2023 a las 10:55 
Common Mastery Set

Pack Maneuver

Extrem Speed - Quick Grasp of Situation - Chasing a Herd - Gathering
Joakim 12 JUL 2023 a las 21:29 
I found one not listed here yet.
Misty - Rogue:
"Fade into the mist"
Concealment - Deception - Smokescreen Movement - Fog Walker