PC Building Simulator

PC Building Simulator

Ocen: 128
Quick Start Guide and FAQ (Old, but worth reading)
Autorstwa: *FPCG | Levi / Back soon
After 8 hours of playing, I jumped on the game's Discord and noticed that many players have the same questions, so I'll answer some of then here. Also, I'll give some general hints.

I'll update this guide when new updates roll out. If I made any mistakes or you have a suggestion, please say so in the comments!
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For those wanting to buy the game

Q: Does the game have VR Support?
A: Currently not available.

Q: Can I build any rig I want?
A: Yes, there's a Free Build mode for that, with all currently available hardware, with no costs.

For those already playing

Q: One of my job is past the time limit and I don't know what to do.
A: Open the e-mail for that job and click on "Quit"
Career Mode
  • First of all, your uncle is a big ol' bag of d*cks. He gave you the workshop, but got money for gas so you start the game with negative $15 on your account.
  1. About money, there's 3 things you need to know
    1 - If you have -$1000 or more, you can still buy stuff. Simple as that.
    2 - If you have less than -$1000, the bank will charge you $10 each day.
    3 - If you have less than -$3000, you can't buy anything! If you reach this value and can't finish your jobs or sell spare parts to get above -$3000, you can't continue on that save file.
  2. You start with only 1 workbench. You can unlock the second one at Lvl. 3 and the third one at Lvl. 8. Yeah but why should I buy then? 3D Mark. You'll need to run 3D Mark on this machine. And the other machine too. And the other one. AND ANOTHER ONE. I'd say 85% of the machines you pick up, you have to run 3D Mark on it for testing purposes, and the test takes 1m30s to complete, plus installation and restart times (around 30s). If you don't have other workbenches, you'll have to sit and wait, and that's not fun.
  3. Try to have 3 rigs at the workshop or in transit the whole time. That's the limit. You won't receive any e-mails while you have 3 rigs in the shop / in transit. When you finish a job and collect the money, you'll get another e-mail with another offer, and when you pick a job, the machine will always arrive the next day, so always try to leave the workshop with no rigs on it and 3 on transit for the quickest profit.
  4. At the time of creation of this patch (March 28th), you can't see the client's specs in the e-mails, so you may or may not get a profit from it. Sometimes the client wants a 2TB HDD, which costs $70, and he'll pay you $60 for the job. In that case, you can just decline.
    However there's jobs which involves discovering the problem, and the fix might cost more than what he's paying you.
    I have yet to cancel a job. If you want to do so, just open the respective e-mail and click on Quit (refer to the image on the FAQ section). That will make the client's rig vanish from the workshop.
  5. You can have your parts delivered in 3 ways: Same day ($100), next day ($30), or 3-5 working days ($10). Those valus are fixed. Doesn't matter if you buy a single fan or 30 VGAs. As you won't get much money early on, stick with next day delivery. And be sure to buy everything you need after looking at all rigs. Example: This machine needs 8GB of RAM. You go to the shop and buy it. Then you check another machine and it needs a new PSU. You go the shop and buy a new one. Then you check the last one and buy another cooler. Doing that, you pay for shopping 3 times, and you don't want to do that. Check one of then, put everything you need on the cart, check the other ones and do the same. When you're sure you can end your day, buy everything.
  6. Generally speaking, the jobs don't pay you too much. You'll almost always stay on negative balance (or maybe I'm just too bad with management). However, the game does not punish you for not being honest. There's certain jobs that requires you for example, to just change the broken HDD. You open the rig, and it's a 2TB HDD. You can put a 250GB HDD on its place and still receive the money with no penalties or anything. This works with every job that requires you to only change specific part(s).
  7. DO NOT accept jobs that wants uber 3D Mark Scores. 3500 should be your score limit. Clients often wants to pay ~$170 for a rig with over 4000 on 3D Mark, and you need expensive VGAs / CPUs for that score, usually around $700 in total price.
  8. Don't worry with correctly removing cables or turning off the PC when you're swapping hardware. PC booted up and it's ready for delivery? Just pick it from the workbench and put it on the hallway, no need to turn it off then remove the cables before picking it up.
    The same goes to the Flash Drive and installed programs. You do not need to remove then before returning the rig to the hallway.
  9. If you don't have enough workbenches, you can pick a rig the way it is and put it on the hallway. It will stay there until the moment you finish the job, so don't worry.
  10. If a specific part in your inventory have a note with the owner's name, that means you can't change it. That usually occurs on "Diagnose and fix" jobs. If you think for example that the PSU is broken, remove it and there's a note on it, that means it isn't broken. The problem is in another piece.
  11. The storage on the back right (the one you can unlock at Lvl. 6) serves only for putting rigs (or empty cases) on it instead of the hallway. Nothing more.
  12. You have to pay the workshop rent and electricity bills. TURN OFF ALL COMPUTERS AND THE LIGHTS BEFORE YOU FINISH YOUR DAY.
  13. Install Will It Run on the main PC, so you you can just check the specs you need without installing it on the client's rigs.
Other stuff
  • Buy at least the Auto-connect Tool. Trust me, it will make things faster.
  • I hate Omega OS. You will hate Omega OS. Everyone will hate this freaking startup sound after a few hours.
That's it for now. i hope you enjoy this game as much as much as I do!
Komentarzy: 63
ertgb 27 czerwca 2022 o 21:47 
there is plenty of water cooling support now
y0LAs 23 lutego 2022 o 17:37 
For the electricity bill, only lights cost you money.
All you need to do is turning the lights off at the end of the day and the electricity bill will be cut in half.
You can let all your computers on all the time it won't change the amount at all.
Also if you choose to play your career in the last IT Expansion workshop (the one with the slide) there is no lights switch and the game will assume the lights are always on, charging you the maximum amount.
Redstonian101 27 lipca 2021 o 23:18 
you can no longer downgrade parts anymore lol
Maddog69GR ( TAW ) 9 marca 2021 o 8:37 
Good Guy even is Old !!!
TheHyenadon25 10 września 2020 o 14:51 
decent guide thanks :)
Orgulas_Axios 28 maja 2020 o 0:26 
Actually a pretty decent guide
*FPCG | Levi / Back soon  [autor] 27 kwietnia 2020 o 18:25 
Yes, the last time this guided was updated was in April 2018. I just changed the title now so people won't think it's something new
Rahko 27 kwietnia 2020 o 12:35 
This is a bit out of date, isn't it..
Rocky McRockerson 23 sierpnia 2019 o 5:42 
You will get money depending on how much you spent on the PC. So if they have a budget of 4k and you buy 2k worth of parts, you will get 2k. Budget just puts a limit to how much you can get, so if you buy 5k worth of parts you will only get 4k.
Cootuh 17 sierpnia 2019 o 10:28 
Is the client paying extra for the budget or am I only receiving the labour cost and the budget get's subtracted?