Far Cry 5
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All FC5 Prepper Staches
Készítő: Crimson Fucker
For all those who love looting, this is the guide for you.
To all those who just booted up the game and found this little Guide on the Prepper Staches in this Guide Log, this guide will locate and show you where all the staches are. Note: This guide will be added to since i've just started my playthrough, HAPPY CULT HUNTING!
What are Prepper Stashes?
Now onto the nitty gritty of things, "What is a Prepper's Stash?" Someone who just got FC5 may ask themselves? There were chests in FC3 & FC4, are those the stashes? Bluntly, no, The stashes are inside buildings or bunkers possibly submerged in water. They will have certian things in them, mainly money, medkits, and crafting supplies, but sometimes they will have weapons. You will be able to identify them by a teal blue diamond on either your map or compass.

You can find these staches by talking with Civies you've saved, and they'll tell you about a Stash they've heard about, which will mark it on your map. Let's start with the first one you get in the game shall we?
What might be required to reach some of the Stashes
OH! And before I forget,
Since we are speaking of the Prepper's Stashes, let's get onto what you might be needing, not just your strength and willpower, but other perks, so,

#1 Grappling hook

Some of the stashes are under some bridges, on mountians, or cliffs so you'll need a grappling hook to hook onto certian hooks.

#2 Lockpicking

Some of the stashes might have locked doors or safes,

so it is required to get the lockpicking perk if you want to get everything without having to retrace your steps for the safes and stashes.
NOW, let's finally talk about the first Stash!
Dutch's Island

Since Dutch's Island only has one Prepper Stash, we'll mark the entire Island as one stash.
The first one is actually very close to the first outpost you liberate,

Which is Sunken Funds. You'll get the mission from either one of the Civies you save, or from Dutch on said island. The mission start, for any of them, is nine times out of ten in a box, and the paper is yellow. Head towards the diamond on your compass and you'll see a shack with the paper in a box on the wall.

You'll see a set of double steel doors on the ground near the paper, and you can open them,

You can go in, but it is submerged in water,

and you won't get the full amount of loot, what you'll need to do is pump the water, close to the doors, right by the shack that the paper is on, is a water pump,

but it has no power. "What must I do?" You may ask, well whenever there is a waterpump, or wherever, there is always a powerbox near. You'll need to turn around and go towards the Boathouse.

The front door is open, letting you inside, but there is another door going into the boat area, which is locked. You might think, I could just come back to it later with the lockpicking perk, yeah, you could but i'm guessing your like me Who is a greedy ♥♥♥♥ and want it now. "The door to the back area is locked, how do I get in now?!" You might be saying, at ease, there is another way in, it is a boathouse after all. Go behind the boathouse in the water, and you'll see a way in.

After going under the boat door, you'll need to climb up, you'll see the door you couldn't open and a key on a table. Pick up the key and unlock the door, on your left, facing opposite the door, you'll see a power switch.

Flip it and quickly make your way back to the shack, turn the pump on and the water will drain.

Go down the stairs and the water should be draining. There will be a few crafting Items in the room, and in the back there will be a boarded up room.

Break open the boards with your weapon of choice and there will be a room behind it, filled with loot, money, and a bow and arrows.

That was the first one I was found in the game. More to come.

This is the second Prepper's Stash I found in the game, which is Swingers, can't imagine what is needed.

Once you liberate the factory near the gardeners market, the Stash is SouthEast of the factory.

There are two ways to get up to the Stash,

The paper is right by the bridge.

Climb down onto the platform below you and jump over to the platform in front of you. Walk under the scaffolding and you'll see a hook.

Hook onto it and swing over to the next hook,

Hook onto it and jump onto the platform in front of you.

Land on it, and jump up and walk to the end of the platform, you'll see another platform,

jump over and Walk to the other side of the platform and you'll see another hook,

Hook onto it and swing over to the next hook,

Swing over to the final hook and hook onto it,

You'll see the final platform, land on it.

Go to the back of the platforn and you'll see a lower platform, go down to it.

Turn around and you'll see boards, Land on them and you'll break them, going through them, I originally thought you could land on them.

Around you will be the loot of Money, Perk mags, Crafting supplies, A bow and Arrows, and a few throwing knives, and one medkit.

There are a few ways to recognize if you are close to them, I will show you a few,

Or if you are on the road,

That is the Second Stash I found.
Long Range Lockpick

This one is a simple one, if you have good aim. The Prepper's Stash is SouthWest of The Pumpkin Farm, and NorthEast of Fall's End,

You'll see a water tower and the paper is on a Military Crate near the stairs down,

If you try to open it, the door is locked on the other side, no key is nearby. If you climb the ladder near the door, you'll see a boarded up shack on the other side of the river. If you go to the other side, the front way in is boarded up.

If you look at the tower, you'll see an open window, IDEA!!!

Ufortunately, some cultist saw me and I had to deal with him,

As it turned out, that one cultist had stormtrooper aim,

Inside the shack, you'll see the first sniper rifle the game gives you.

Pick it up, and then admire it for a few seconds,

Scope in and line up the shot,

Blow out lock and an alarm will sound,

You might have to deal with some cultists, but deal with them and make your way in, inside, you'll see your loot of a stock AR, Money, Perk mags, a few crafting supplies, a few throwing knives and an Aluminum bat.

This is the third Stash I found in the Game. More to come.
Man Cave

I actually found this Stash mission while making my way to the last one, so a win in my book. This stash is inbetween an outpost and a Character Location.

The Stash is east of Fall's End, close to the river.

The Paper is on two Military crates inside a box,

Had to deal with some story BS and make my way back here, I saw a zipline and an Idea popped into my head,

Climb the house and limb onto the silo, then Zipline to the roof of the garage, land on the ground and you'll see the gate out padlocked.

Close to it, you'll see a truckbed covering a bunker hatch,

Shoot out the lock and release the brakes on the truckbed, and the bed should roll out, if not, use an explosive of your choice to get it to move. Open up the bunker hatch and climb down the ladder, walk to the other side of the bunker and you'll see another ladder,

Climb up it and you'll see a nice suprise,

On a side note, I found this little beaut inside the garage!

Best Stash so far! More to come!
D.I.Y and D.O.A

This is a Stash I happened to run into by raiding an empty house, the Location note is on a table in the living room.

The paper to the mission is on the shack to the side of the house.

Go into the shack and you'll see a trapdoor going down to a floor below.

You'll need to go back and forth through the rooms, and when you do, the power will be turned on by yours doing. Inside you'll find body armor, money, ammo and three perk mags on a shelving unit. You'll also see an openable crate.

On a box, you'll find a pile of cold hard cash.

And on the other side, you'll find a few sniper rifles and ammo.

That was the next Prepper's stache i found, More to come.

This is the next Prepper's Stache I found after liberating an outpost.

The location of this Stache is NorthWest of Nick's Home and SouthWest of Fall's End.

4 megjegyzés
snao 2019. dec. 5., 2:47 
Bill70 2019. jan. 12., 10:19 
Thank you so much for the time and effort you have put into this ,, tis very helpful ,,especially the "swinger" one ,,, goddam bin trying that one a few times now ,,was annoying ashell as I kept mis judging the jumping points ........ :steamhappy:
cpark101 2018. márc. 31., 2:59 
it is on the shore outside the drainpipe cheak both ends for the body
Dr. Melon 2018. márc. 30., 21:45 
I was wondering about the "Playing With Fire" stash, I won't tell you where it is in case you want the game to be a surprise, but I'm pretty sure I figured it out but I just couldn't find the object of interest to open the door.