96 人が評価
Admin Commands & Chat Commands
作者: E1310
easy way to find what commands that can be used by the admin and the players in game
to use any click " / " or the "Enter" key to get the chat up
Player Commands
Player Chat Commands
Displays your authorization level
/mark (waypointname)
Drops a waypoint at the current position. Accepts an optional text string for the waypoint.
/pay [playername],[amount],[currencyname]
Pay an amount of money to another player
/pay E1310,100,dogecoins
Returns a list of online players
Toggles Third Person Camera
Attempts to unstick your avatar
Shows your ID
Admin Commands (Copied from Wiki)
/admin [player]
Adds a user as an Admin
/admin Ecko
Gives Ecko admin rights on the server
Spawns all blocks
Spawns all player constructable blocks
Spawns all plant blocks
Unlocks all skills
The player will receive property claim flags too.
Spawns all diggable blocks
Spawns all world objects
Spawns from the player's current position in a single line heading East.
Add atmosphere
/ban [player],(reason)
Bans a user
/ban Ecko[br /]/ban Ecko,Breaking the rules.
Bans Ecko from the server.[br /]Bans Ecko with the reason: "Breaking the rules."
Kicks the player if they are online when they are banned.
Toggles bunny hopping
Builds every worldobject in an appropriate building and fills it with fuel
Takes a while to spawn.
Spawns 100 Hares
Spam a bunch of stuff to chat
USE WITH CAUTION. This will create 5-10 chat channels and will continue to spam until server is next shutdown/restarted.
Removes all active laws
Set and lock the server time to noon
You can only reverse this by editing timeofdayscale in your server settings. This has a default value of 48.
Set the percent of a destroyed atmosphere to display, blended to over a given number of seconds
Destroys the meteor in orbit.
/dump (parameter)
Dumps all items from your inventory.
/dump[br /]/dump selected[br /]/dump carried
Dumps all items in your inventory.[br /]Dumps only the currently selected item in your inventory.[br /]Dumps only the item you are carrying.
Parameter is optional. Entering an invalid parameter causes the command to do nothing.
Dumps all carried items.
/durability (#)
Set the durability of the item you are holding
/durability[br /]/durability 500
Sets the item's durability to 1.[br /]Sets the item's durability to 500.
Can be set over the item's usual maximum durability. Causes the durability bar to extend past it's usual max limit.
Max your calories
Does not affect nutrition.
Toggles fly mode
Shift to move faster, can move through objects / ground.
/give [itemname],(amount)
Give yourself an item
/give Lumber[br /]/give Lumber,10
Gives the player 1 lumber.[br /]Gives the player 10 lumber.
Will not give the player anything that they couldn't hold normally. Won't exceed the player's carrying weight.
/giveskillpoints [player],(amount)
Give skillpoints to another player
/giveskillpoints Ecko[br /]/giveskillpoints Ecko,100
Gives Ecko 10 skill points.[br /]Gives Ecko 100 skill points."
/kick [player],(reason)
Kicks s user
/kick Ecko[br /]/kick Ecko,Breaking the rules
Kicks Ecko from the server.[br /]Kicks Ecko with reason: "Breaking the rules."
Only works if the player is online.
/leader (player)
Set the leader
/leader[br /]/leader Ecko
Elects the commanding player as leader.[br /]Elects Ecko as leader.
The player will be awarded with the same items and powers as if they were elected normally.
/level [x(default=10)],[y(default=10)],[BlockType(default=GrassBlock)]
Level the terrain
/level[br /]/level 50,50
Spawns an 11x11 plot of grass.[br /]Spawns a 50x50 plot of grass.
Any terrain spawned will reach to the center of the world from whatever height the command was called.
Uses your currently selected tool on surrounding blocks
Begin the meteor impact sequence
Triggers world layers to act as if they were hit by a meteor
Make the meteor strike instantly
/meteorrain [count],[timeBetween],[radius]
Makes meteorites rain down the sky
/meteorrain[br /]/meteorrain 20,3,10
Spawn only 1 meteorite[br /]Spawn 20 meteorites with 3 seconds between each meteorite in a 10 blocks radius
/move [x],[y],[z]
Moves you to position x, y, z; where xyz are integers.
/noah (count)
/noah[br /]/noah 5
Spawns 1 of every animal.[br /]Spawns 5 of every animal.
Resets all skills to zero
Kills nearest animal
Opens the server UI
Only works if the server is running in same directory as the client (e.g. single-player).
Claim all property
/ownnone (player)
Revoke your property
/ownnone[br /]/ownnone Ecko
Revokes all of your property.[br /]Gives all of your property to Ecko
USE WITH CAUTION. May crash server / kick player.
Pass all pending laws
Creates x PPM of air pollution
Rains tailings from the heavens to ruin the world
Kills all animals
USE WITH CAUTION. May crash server / kick player.
Toggles record mode
Prevents animals from running from the player. Enables recording mode.
Regenerates a world layer, restoring it to the state it would be in if the world were newly generated
/removeadmin [player]
Removes a user as an Admin
15 件のコメント
heylonne 2024年8月18日 12時44分 
toujours code 502 sur eco stop revenais a l ancienne version pas bug rien mais la fini je joue impossible je suis déçu
heylonne 2024年8月18日 12時40分 
depuis les mises a jours un jouable des choses manque ou ont est toujours coupé en plein jeu je regrette de l avoir pris ce jeu . je comprend que vous avez fait des mise a jour pour le mieux de tous mais c est raté franchement avant c était mieux
JK_Wolf 2022年3月22日 22時46分 
lol u all dont know the 1 usefullest command XD /carryall
fellow_human100101 2022年2月24日 16時10分 
fellow_human100101 2022年2月24日 15時47分 
dmthorn 2021年8月30日 17時52分 
how do I have the ability to use admin commands
Kenny 2021年8月22日 9時23分 
Will there be an updated post like this for the recent updates?
E1310  [作成者] 2021年4月7日 22時17分 
Hey WelJelBel, I am sorry to hear that. but sadly as far as I know there are no UNDO commands.
but keep in mind this is an old post, there might be new commands.
WelJelBel 2021年3月31日 12時28分 
I have used /build tech admin command and it has destroyed what i had built and replaced with lower tier materials and removed all my machinery.....HELP, is there a way to reverse this command
leomide 2021年1月2日 2時12分 
The commands are not up to date anymore. A lot have been removed or changed