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Stolte Inc. Longswords
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24 mars 2018 à 11h08
25 mars 2018 à 12h51
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Stolte Inc. Longswords

Dans 1 collection faite par Mae
Stolte Inc.
8 objets
UPDATE 1.1: Added tier 6 Solarium Longsword, craftable at the separator module.

Shortswords and broadswords are great and all, but what about those times when you need the reach of a broadsword with the flexibility of a shortsword? Enter the longsword, a blade that bridges the gap between the two.

These elegant weapons are one-handed, allowing them to be paired with a shield. They have a longer reach and higher damage than a shortsword at the cost of longer cooldowns between combos. Their attack is unique, a modified version of the Electrobaton's two-hit combo albeit with a longer reaching swing.

Lastly, there's a craftable version of each longsword available at the anvil and its upgrades, all the way up to tier 6's Solarium Longsword. In addition, they can be found randomly generated in loot and at vendors using broadsword blades with shortsword handles.

To get the true sword-and-board experience, I recommend you pair this with my other mod, Stolte Inc. Shields, which overhauls the way shields work:

Have fun with your sleek new swords!
5 commentaires
Lienom Zekon 17 juil. 2022 à 9h42 
thnk for letting me know
Mae  [créateur] 16 juil. 2022 à 11h38 
@lienom zekon

nothing about the mod has changed. you most likely have a conflict with another mod, or one of Starbound's updates broke the mod. either way, I'm not available to troubleshoot or fix my old mods anymore.
Lienom Zekon 16 juil. 2022 à 6h47 
can't aim with them anymore
Azriel 31 juil. 2018 à 5h02 
Getting this error recently.

Exception caught in client main-loop (StarException) Unknown damage definition with kind 'icestolte_longsword'.

This is after using the station provided by the Weapon Fusion Station mod to upgrade a crafted titanium longsword with a randomly generated tier 3 longsword with ice attribute on it that I found. Seems there might be some sort of mod conflict going on (which I have been using the Fusion mod for awhile now and have never had any mod weapons error before) that might need to be addressed? I will post a similar message on the mod page for the Fusion Station mod as well.
God Emperor Freddy Fazbear 7 avr. 2018 à 7h40 
Can you make this work with Faster Combat?