The Council

The Council

191 ratings
The Council - Character and Achievement Guide
By Pnguyen540
The guide includes information about characters and achievements. Spoiler alert.

The Council is an episodic game with total five episodes. You will be playing as Louis de Richet - son Sarah de Richet (the head of Golden Order in France). Each decision you make in the game will have consequences and affect your storyline.

In this guide, you will find out more about in-game characters and achievements.


In the character information, you will find:


Shows items you currently have.


Chacters' information will be stored and revealed here.


Shows your current location and the floor plans.


Shows the skill tree of Louis


Shows Louis's talents. Completing each talent will result in additional points or skills.


Louis's traits will be added here based on his action throughout the story.
Characters - The Hosts
Each character has his or her own vulnerability and immune. Using the correct approach will help you garther more useful information. Using the incorrect one would make you feel exhausted.

Spoilers in this section: vulnerability and immune of characters.

Sir Gregory Holm

Sir Gregory Holm, Baron of Nottingham, is a highly influential British aristocrat. Confirmed royalist, Sir Gregory Holm spent his career extending the influence of the United Kingdom throughout the world. From the flourishing East India Company to the Spanish trading posts in America, he stamped his hallmark on key decisions made by the world's pre-eminent economic powers. In England, he contributed to the reduction of the national debt and, being very attached to family values, he invested time in the working class, creating charity schools in order to offer a decent education to the “future links in the next industrial revolution”. A network-builder, Holm always finds pleasure in attending the social gatherings of his old friend, Lord Mortimer.

Vulnerability: None
Immune: Conviction

Lord William Alexander Mortimer

Lord William Alexander Mortimer, Marquis of Westfordshire and peer of Great Britain, is an extremely rich English aristocrat, as discreet as he is influential. An investor of talent, Mortimer's success in business was masterful. He finished by withdrawing from the public arena and isolating himself more and more often on his private island. A major patron of the arts, he finances a large number of artists in diverse fields and takes great pleasure in bringing together unexpected personalities. He does the same with the greats of this world, men and women of influence and state. He regularly organizes social gatherings on his private island off the coast of England.

Vulnerability: None
Immune: Conviction, Science, Diversion

The Servant

All Mortimer's servants wear a mask. It is a recurring subject of conversation among the guests. No one knows the true reason.

Vulnerability: Logic, Questioning, Manipulation, Conviction, Erudition, Etiquette, Science, Diversion, Psychology
Immune: None
Characters - The Guests [de Richet]
Each character has his or her own vulnerability and immunity. Using the correct approach will help you gather more useful information. Using the incorrect one would make you feel exhausted.

Spoilers in this section: vulnerability and immunity of characters.

Louis de Richet

The only son of Sarah de Richet, Louis Mauras de Richet is a young Parisian aristocrat. Since he was a young child, Louis has moved in his mother's circles. It was, therefore, natural that on his fourteenth birthday, he entered the Golden Order, a secret society headed by Sarah. Precocious, Louis progressed quickly at her side despite the daily treatment his mother prescribed for his chronic migraines. He climbed the ladder until he was able to assist his mother in occult cases, for which he was particularly talented. As time went by, he became shaped in the image that his mother held for him. Everything points to young Louis one day becoming the head of the Golden Order.

Sarah Faustine de Richet

Sarah Faustine de Richet is a rich French aristocrat. Thirty-four years ago, Sarah took control of one of the most important secret societies: the Golden Order. A woman of strong will, Sarah endeavored to infiltrate the highest circles of society. Politics, trade transactions and secrets of states, the Order has an eye over everything. One of the biggest areas of growth that Sarah brought to the Order was the development of its branches in America, Europe and Central Africa. Not to mention the expansion of her occult section, which she took care of personally. Sarah has been preparing her son, Louis, to become the new face of the Golden Order ever since he was a young boy.

Vulnerability: Unknown
Immune: Occultism
Characters - The Guests [Leaders]
George Washington

George Washington is a founding father and first president of the United States of America. Washington shared his life between military and political success. Very early on, he was introduced by Sarah de Richet into the upper circles of an influential secret society based in France: the Golden Order. He later took the helm of the American branch. Tired of politics, he wanted to retire to his property in Virginia, but the enigmatic Lord Mortimer encouraged him to continue. On the advice of his friend, he ran for a second term and was successful. Invited by Mortimer to his island, Washington likes to attend such social gatherings incognito.

Vulnerability: Unknown
Immune: Politics, Manipulation

Manuel Godoy

Manuel Godoy: Secretary of State and Head of the Spanish Government. A favorite of King Charles IV of Spain, Godoy rapidly climbed the political ranks. Lover of Queen Marie Louise Bourbon of Parma, he attracted the envy of Spanish princes. As Secretary of State, he developed and strengthened the Spanish colonial empire, especially in the Americas. A close friend of Louis XVI, King of France, he worked hard for the king's liberation, but in vain. This served to fuel his resentment of the Republican government of France. Invited by Sir Gregory Holm, Godoy arrived at Lord Mortimer's manor with the firm intention of calming expansionist desires of the United States of America on their continent.

Vulnerability: Occultism, Manipulation
Immune: Etiquette, Politics

Emily Hillsborrow

Emily Hillsborrow is an English Duchess close to the English crown. Discreet about her origins, Emily only came onto the political scene after her wedding, which some qualified as a marriage of interest, to an old English aristocrat on the decline. Libertarian, modern, and discreet, she has taken it upon herself to establish close ties with her peers. In recent years, she has become the favored diplomat of the Queen, which may have been what prompted her prime minister, William Pitt, to take her as private secretary - thus provoking much suspicion and jealousy. As a regular visitor, Emily accepted Sir Gregory Holm's invitation to come to Lord Mortimer's island because, for nothing in the world, would she miss one of these famed receptions.

Vulnerability: Psychology
Immune: Logic, Questioning

His Eminence the Cardinal Giuseppe Piaggi

His Eminence the Cardinal Giuseppe Piaggi is a legate of Pope Pius VI. A distinguished speaker, Giuseppe Piaggi worked throughout his career to serve the principles of the Roman Catholic Church. A man of science and an amateur philosopher, he quickly caught the ear of the Pope who discretely named him Cardinal “In Pectore”. He was thus able to use this relationship of trust to help Pius VI in his difficult mission of guiding the faithful. Invited by Sir Gregory Holm, Piaggi is delighted to meet his old friend Mortimer in order to represent the interests of the Holy See.

Vulnerability: Questioning, Manipulation
Immune: Logic, Erudition

Johan Christoph von Wöllner

Johan Christoph von Wöllner is the Prussian Minister of Religion. A friend of King Frederick William II of Prussia, von Wöllner, secretly managed the affairs of State. A former pastor and member of a Masonic Lodge, he had all the time he needed to convert his King to his point of view. Together they opened their own lodge under the influence of the Rosicrucians. Passionate about the occult sciences and alchemy, he led a war of religion in his country and fiercely combated the ideas of the Enlightenment. A friend of Sir Gregory Holm, von Wöllner believes in spiritual alchemy, of which the material prima is the human soul.”

Vulnerability: Diversion
Immune: Occultism

Jacques Peru

Jacques Peru is one of the fathers of the Revolutionary Tribunal of Paris. During the Terror, he quickly became one of the most worrying figures in all of Paris. He distinguished himself by taking part in the siege of the Bastille and in the capture of Louis XVI, the current King of France. He was involved in the creation of the “Revolutionary Tribunal”. Is he a man of law or a torturer? Nobody dares say. This judge of the people has overseen many trials that sent opponents and traitors of the Revolution to the guillotine. Peru interrupted his revolutionary activities after Lord Mortimer, his patron, invited him to join an important social gathering.

Vulnerability: Etiquette, Psychology
Immune: Diversion, Questioning

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte is a young lieutenant in the French army. In his early youth, Napoleon was uprooted from his native Corsica and thus bore a grudge against the aristocracy, the clergy and the French people who failed to accept him. He joined the French army with the firm intention of making a name for himself and marking history by proving his true worth. Searching for backing of any kind, he attracted the sympathy and support of Lord Mortimer. Invited to the latter's reception, Napoleon intends to prove his value to the world.

Vulnerability: Etiquette
Immune: Conviction, Politics

Elizabeth Adam

Elizabeth Adam is the daughter of John Adam - the vice president of the United States. Elizabeth was rejected by her parents at birth and was declared stillborn. Brought up in isolation, she grew into a frail young woman with bipolar disorder, devoured by her terrible fits of anxiety. Her deepest secrets were slowly gnawing away at her from inside.

Vulnerability: Questioning, Conviction
Immune: Psychology, Manipulation

In form of Asahel/Louis (in chapter 5)
Immune: Conviction, Manipulation, Questioning & Diversion

Emma Hillsborrow

She is the twin sister of Emily Hillborrow. Living in the shadow of her sister, Emma shares the same identity with her in the eyes of the world. The two sisters linked their destiny in the most intimate way possible. Workplace, boyfriends, lovers, the two sisters shared everything together. This double identity was much appreciated by Charlotte de Mecklembourg-Strelitz, the present queen of England, when she asked the two sisters to serve the crown. It is thus tired of her role that Emma travels to Mortimer Manor as diplomatic representative of England.

Vulnerability: Conviction
Immune: Manipulation, Questioning
Achievements - Episode 1
Spoilers in this section: confrontations and consequences


Hazards of the trade
Be disfigured by Gerard von Borchert
Choose ACT
Consequence: Louis has a scar on his face, shoots Borchert and he is dead

Fantastic pair
Get rid of Gerard von Borchert with your mother
Consequence: Borchert is knocked out and alive

Off the Coast of England

At the begining of the game, you will be able to choose your class. Each will come with skills, and each skill costs three points to level up. All the skills in the chosen class will automatically start at level 1.

Novice detective
Become a detective
You choose the Detective class at the begining

Novice diplomat
Become an diplomat
You choose the Diplomat class at the begining

Novice occultist
Become an occultist
You choose the Occultist class at the begining

Missi Dominici
Persuade Cardinal Piaggi to give you the letter
Confrontation: YES, Professional secret, You can count on me, OK no worries
Consequence: Keeping it seal or use Subterfuges specialty will gain you FAITHFUL trait

The new order
Choose to stay with George Washington and Emily Hillsborrow
Consequence: Learn about Sarah and the Golden Order

Ancien Régime
Choose to follow Lord Holm and Cardinal Piaggi
Consequence: Observe Sir Holm and Miss Adam

Sweet dreams
Complete the first quest

Night Stroll

Son of Lafayette
Assist George Washington
Consequence: Learn about Sarah (if choose "Let it go" at the Salon)

Close call
Escape the confrontation with Peru
Confrontation: Remind him, There is nothing better, any option

Seeker of truth
Conduct the investigation about your vision
Consequence: Learn about the plan that involves you

Eyes don't lie
Convince Emily of the purity of your intentions when she surprises you in her room
Confrontation: Swear your innocence, Reassure her, Worry about her, Share the information.

Rough night
Complete the second quest

Wines and Cannons

Motherly embrace
Manage to get Elizabeth Adams to talk about her past
Confrontation: To know the truth, Mention her sister

Imperial nobility
Persuade Napoleon that he can trust you
Confrontation: No I cannot agree on such a deal, It would need a counter-revolution or I know his motives (if you search Napoleon's room)

Important people
Complete the third quest


Open Pandora's box
Upon entering the secret chamber, the vase is on the left. Read the inscription (require linguistic skill) and open it

Your suspiscious mind
Draw Emily Hillsborrow's secret out of her
Confrontation:I trust you, Psychology, Already has a partner, Woman + her sister

Forbidden fruit
Join Emily Hillsborrow in your room
Consequence:Meet Mortimer the next morning

Knight in shiny armor
Accept to follow Elizabeth Adams
Consequence:If suggest Elizabeth to "stay on the island," Louis will be accused of her murder (if refuse to drink) or wake up next to the dead Elizabeth (if keep drinking). Telling her to "leave the island" will keep her alive during the ending

Once upon a time...
Complete episode 1

Additional Achievements

In the same game, choose 20 answers before the time is up

Overcome 5 confrontations in episode 1
Do not fail during any confrontation

Out of breath
Drop to 0 effort points during a quest
Use all effort points during one quest

Reach level 5 in episode 1

Acquire ten skills of level 1 during episode 1

Complete a quest without using consumables

Starter, main dish and coffee
Use exactly one consumable of each type during a quest

Raise a skill to level 3 during episode 1
Achievements - Episode 2
A tragic fate
Complete the fifth quest
Finish chapter 1 Where is My Mother?

The nightmare
Complete the sixth quest
Finish chapter 2 The Nightmare

Into the lion's den
Complete episode 2
Finish chapter 3 The Maze
Achievements - Episode 3
Dangerous stakes
Complete the eigth quest
Finish chapter 1 - The Conclave

Double game
Complete the ninth quest
Finish chapter 2 - Face To Face

The hand of Týr
Complete episode 3
Finish chapter 3 - The Trial of Faith
Achievements - Episode 4
Leap of Faith
Complete the eleventh quest
Finish chapter 1 - Spearhead

New Blood
Complete the twelfth quest
Finish chapter 2 - Farewell

Welcome to the family
Complete episode 4
Achievements - Episode 5
Final Vote
Complete the fourteenth quest
Finish chapter 1 - The Final Vote

Mind Maze
Complete the fifteenth quest
Finish chapter 2 - Mind Jail

Carrion Comfort
Complete episode 5
Finish chapter 3 - The last Move
Possible Endings
Spoilers in this section: brief descriptions of endings that involve character names and their actions

Episode 1

1. Louis is accused for murdering Elizabeth
2. Louis is suspected for the murder of Elizabeth
3. Louis is suspected for the missing of Elizabeth

Episode 2

1. Louis gets shot by Peru
2. Louis discovers the hidden basement and is approached by Sarah
3. Louis discovers the hidden basement and is approached by Washington

Episode 3

1. Louis gets his hand chopped
2. Louis opens the hidden door successfully

Episode 4

1. Louis sides with Holmes, with or without the intention of betraying
2. Louis sides with Moretimer, with or without the intention of betraying

Episode 5

1. Louis kills Mortimer with the Holy Lance
2. Louis is poisoned and dies
3. Mortimer consumes Louis's soul
4. Mortimer's Father consumes Louis's soul
5. Louis is welcomed to the family
6. Mortimer is buried alive
7. Louis is buried alive
8. Louis kills Mortimer with an old nail
9. Submit to Asahel to kill Mortimer

The endings might or might not involve Emma, Emily and Asahel.

Credit to maugame92 for ending 4 and 5 (link to video)
Credit to Khol'DYasiu for ending 6 and 7
Credit to maugame92 for additional alternative endings (shared by dm.kevorkov)
Credit to mr Green for ending 8 and 9

Special Thanks to Contributors
A special thanks to contributors who help to add information to this guide.

Ruik Sky
mr Green
Pnguyen540  [author] 3 Apr @ 6:45am 
Hi @Tronykus, thank you so much! I have updated the guide.
Tronykus 27 Mar @ 2:49pm 
Awesome guide!! Thank you so much!

I have more information:

1. For Gregory: you can add the value "None" into the "Vulnerability" line (Verified).

2. For Emily: the value "Manipulation" should be removed from the "Immune" line (Verified).

I completely agree with the rest.

PS Unfortunately, for Sarah and Washington, I've also been unable to learn their values for "Vulnerability".
SotiCoto 6 May, 2022 @ 4:42pm 
Cool! That should make things easier.
Pnguyen540  [author] 6 May, 2022 @ 4:05pm 
Hi @SotiCoto, after reviewing your feedback and the guide and spoiler warning, I think it would be best to modify the spoiler warning further before removing the spoiler bars. Hope this would provide you a better experience to review after coming back from the game. Should others provide feedback expressing the need for spoiler bars, I would review their feedback and weight the options again.
SotiCoto 6 May, 2022 @ 12:53pm 
I see... though I can't relate.
I would imagine going into a game uninformed would lead to a less full story experience rather than a fuller one. I already missed some things on the wharf through personal failing rather than choice, and it has left rather the wound on my confidence and motivation. I've only just started the game and I'm already mucking it up. :mhwhelp:
Pnguyen540  [author] 6 May, 2022 @ 12:38pm 
Hi @SotiCoto, sorry if the spoiler-blocked bars were in your way and cause the inconvenience. Some people prefer to have spoilers for the characters section so they can have a fuller story experience. With the Endings, some people prefer to explore different endings on their own and where each might lead them, then review to see what other possibilities are.

I understand that different people might bear different opinions towards what to and what to not spoil. Thank you so much for your feedback.
Mccoy 6 May, 2022 @ 11:37am 
@Pnguyen540 I've read it in the game files. Unfortunately, finding the exact moment when it's possible discover the Washington vulnerability is more more more difficult.
SotiCoto 6 May, 2022 @ 11:24am 
Why have you spoiler-blocked most of the guide?
I don't suppose anyone would even bother coming in here if they didn't mind knowing how things are going to go, and having to hover the cursor over each line of text in order to read it is a nuisance.

Not criticising the rest of the guide, mind you. It looks very well-written. Just the spoiler bars are inconvenient.
Pnguyen540  [author] 6 May, 2022 @ 11:10am 
Hi @Mccoy, so far, I have not read any guide or walkthrough that reveals Washington's vulnerability as you said. I might have missed several walkthrough videos since. If you could point me to the video or guide, I would gladly update the guide. Thank you in advance, and sorry for not being so helpful with your question :(
Mccoy 6 May, 2022 @ 6:53am 
I think that Washington vulnerability is the "erudition". Does anyone know how to obtain it?