Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) - Multiplayer

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The best classes for pissing someone off
Por ObamaBinLaden
Ever raged at a computer because someone was doing something that pissed you off? Tubing, Walling, or dare I say it, CAMPING?! Well give them a taste of their medicine because here you are going to do things that will certainly piss someone off
+ favoritos
Nos favoritos
- favoritos
Article I: Camping
Tired of campers ruining your life? Easily the most hated thing in Call of Duty, camping is something everyone complains about but everybody does or has done.

Camping effectively takes mastery, but below is a good loadout to begin with. You will also ed to pay attention to detail, and find sneaky spots, by parkour if necessary.

Primary: Barrett .50 cal - FMJ.
This is best because is has good accuracy, lots of damage dealt, high rate of fire and it's just a great gun.

Secondary: M9 - Akimbo.
Larger mags, stable gun. I recommend a handgun for this in the case of your location being discovered. Its totally up to you though.

Equipment: Claymore.
In case of an intruder, this will sneakily delver a terrifying *click* noise, then a deadly explosion. I recommend finding another camping spot once someone sets this off.

Special Grenade: Smoke grenade. You can use this to escape into the mist if you are found.

Perks (2):
-Stopping Power
-Steady Aim



Death Streak: Martyrdom
Article II: Tubing
The M203, better known as the tube, is the infamous grenade launching attachment undermounted on assault rifles. It takes ten kills with any given rifle to unlock, and as result is most commonly used by noobs. It is very effective and annoyingly powerful weapon though.

Primary. You can pretty much make an effective primary with any assault rifle. My favourites are the AK-47, ACR, SCAR-H, TAR-21, and best of all the M41A. Also include a scope, you have limited grenades

Secondary: Your choice, but I recommend a launcher. RPG or Thumper will work.

Equipment and special grenades are also your choice. To keep with the explosives theme, try C4.


-Bling (For the scope, Your Rifle shoots bullets too!)
-Danger close (Explosive damage increased)
-Perk 3 is up to you

Death streak: Painkiller

Tips: To achieved maximum effectiveness, Dont shoot them at a smooth angle, as they wont explode. Shoot your grenades at a wall or to the ground adjacent to your target for maximum effectiveness. Additionally, they can kill by directly landing into your target.
Article III: Knifing
This is lesser known but just as annoying thing to do. If you suck with guns, this attachment might take a bit of unlocking, but the tactical knife is a highly effective weapon. It allows for instant melee kills, and in quick succession, while also exasperating your enemy.

Primary: Your survival is larely based upon your mobility, so since handguns are secondary weapons use a sub-machine gun, it will allow you to move the fastest.

Secondary: Any handgun will work, since you wont be doing much shooting, but the M9 takes the least amount of kills to unlock the tactical knife attachment. The .44 magnum and Desert Eagle are the most popular choices.

Equipment: Throwing knife, most relevant to theme.
Once again your special greande is up to you.


Death streak: Final Stand
Article IV: The Glock 18 Akimbo
One of the most overpowered weapons in the game is the Glock 18 (appears in-game as G18). A rapid-firing machine pistol, it is unbalanced and pretty useless in any other way, but once used in dual-wield (akimbo) it is a formidable (and irritating) force to be reckoned with.

Primary: P90. It's light, fast-firing, very little recoil, huge mags and just a great gun.

Secondary: G18 akimbo

Equipment and special grenade are your choice.


-Scavenger (G18 burns through ammuntion very quickly).
The rest are up to you

Deathstreak: Painkiller

Good Luck
Now that you have read this guide, you are now ready to become banned from every lobby in the game, if not the game itself. At least don't hack, please.
11 comentário(s)
Tyche 7/ago./2023 às 17:39 
I tube, I LMG camp.... F$%k anyone who complains.
Miles 2/ago./2023 às 9:41 
Or with a LMG and just keep spraying down parts of the map.
Miles 2/ago./2023 às 9:40 
Best one from back in the day was one man army with noobtube.
🔰Le Me ŖคįŊ.₁₃₃₇ 22/nov./2019 às 16:06 
Nice guide man Marathon on Camping class well done
Ace Combat Enjoyer 19/nov./2019 às 14:22 
you put M41A ,not M4A1
Am-I-Insane? 19/nov./2019 às 10:40 
Tubing Class should have one man army
Meowmeow 17/nov./2019 às 22:03 
I've tried many combinations, no matter what you do, when you're lagging you will always shoot 1 second late, piling the frustration even more.
Vegas 15/nov./2019 às 12:41 
Akimbo P90 is chad gun though
acro 13/nov./2019 às 10:39 
have you ever played this game? all of these classes are so fucking wrong... christ almighty
Donkey776 10/nov./2019 às 11:20 