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Bringing Autopilot options into Natural Selection / Subnautica.
Por DreadgeNought
This is a guide both to the Use of and Implementation Ideas for an extensive "Autopilot" feature that can be made for and implemented as an Upgrade Slot feature for Vehicles large enough to ride inside of for games in the "Natural Selection/Subnautica" universe.

Introduction to the Autopilot Tool and Guid

Above is your base you start with. It is simple. It is small. It gets the job done.

Here followed is a somewhat better, nicer base you can actually take with you.
It can hold many things that come with some very nice commodidies.....

However there is something odd that this base lacks.....
an option to use any kind of "Autopilot" feature to have it go somewhere or to follow you.

Until Now.
So how does this all work?

Above is you, 'hanging out' with / inside your Prawn Suit you totally didn't name after a given Anime waifu that you compeletly do not have a massive crush on since never seeing them the first time....... *ahem*

Said vehicle unlike said waifu is 100% not a fake or made-up figment of your imagination,
and compeletely cares what you think or have to say, unlike your parents who love you very much.
(or so we hope for you, many <3's )

Said vehicles Prawn Suit and Seamoth however and the Cyclops Base-Sub,
much like your old (dog/cat/companion oter animal or robits thing, or girlfriends)
does not come when you call for them as it stands, Until Now.

- the vehicles thing. We cannot help you with those other matters.

So Basically, What is it and How do I use it?

What you need:
* the "Autopilot" upgrade unit, instaled in your uint(s) of choice.

* the handheld "Commaner Tool" equipment piece unit in your inventory.

* the "Visor HUD" chip made from in any scanner room.

What it does:
* the "Commander Tool" allows you with your PDA to remotely give commands to both Vehicles and Scanner Rooms that are in range of you, such the Vehicles or Rooms are in range of you.

(if your vehilce is not in range of you OR a scanner room that is, nothing can be done).

And Finally....... What can you do with this?

You can select a Scanner Room in range to you like you were inside of it what to scan for or to stop scanning via your PDA along with sending basic commands to Vehicles.

With ONE click of the tool when held in hand, you can send for selected in-range Vehicles
to come to you or to stop, the settings and rest done in the related PDA "autopilot" menu.

Likewise you can set in said menu for each vehicle equiped how far back to travel behind you at, along with how deep vertically per their set Horizontal planes.
Within about 10m of these distances they will stay in place, then after such time passes or you go further out they will move to close the distance to within 10m under said set distances.

If the "Quick Come/Follow" command is used on the Tool, selected vehicles to answer "Quick Calls" will come to follow to you to your preset distance for that Vehicle in the PDA menu.
*(using said "Quick Call" toggles again for them to come / stay.)

"But What About Dragons??" (or Beacons?)

Not sure I can help you with Dragons, this guid though has 'dragged on' long enough,
so I'll get to the point: Beacons. Make Them. Use Them. Put them on Everything. (except food)

They are your friends, except also loyal to you and will not leave you for the next more popular person to come their way when you are not looking ..... unless something eats them as food.

They also can be set as WayPoint Markers both for you to remember where you left your base,
along if could fit where you left your keys, or TV Remote, or your PDA.
(unless you set that one to off and thus need your PDA to change it to on)

Also however, You can set a Vehicle with Autopilot to go to a Beacon remotely.
Thus alowing you to let your Cyclops to do its own slow driving while you make sandvich,
and 30 cups of coffee and 15 bags of chips from the local dispensers you made. . .
(those things never satisfy do they. unlike beacons who are your friends.)

Point being that Beacons are Amazing. As are Dragons. Unless one wants to eat you.
(unlike Beacons, who are your friends and will never leave you or try to eat you.)

And that you can use them as a means of Remotely Piloting your choice of Vehicles,
such that you have the "Autopilot Upgrade" installed in them,
have the "Commander Tool" in your inventory, and the "Visor HUD" chip installed.
Why should I care and when can I get it?
If having your Cyclops carry your Prawn Suit while it follows you in your Seamoth to new mining grounds then being able to Quick Call your Seamoth to you for a breath instead of going all the way back to it 300m back (or drowning on the way?) does not appeal to you, well............

Like I said, while it might not be "Needed" it very much is useful to be sure,
as the above makes clear. This also is simply for such a single minor thing at that.

As "Natural Selection" and Subnautica as a part & franchise there within continues to grow,
we will see ever more points of value where being able to have easy fast remotely controled
use of our Vehicles becomes ever more a great thing to have.

We ALSO can see how fast and how easy a thing it is or would be to add in,
with a transmission over the radio of some Altera Techies having been working on a tool and it happens to have attached how to make it before they noticed and so having done so gave out a very useful tool to their galaxy... a tool that will in no way or form see misuse nor be abused by players.

Please show this idea & guide the support it needs and share it with as many as you can.

Together as was for 5 years time and now the release of Subnautica,
perhaps we can continue to lay the foundations of ever greater things to come,
as one does their Main Base they build out in the Oceans then mark with a Beacon...
so they don't lose that base. (as Beacons are our friends and do not abandon us. or our bases).

- With the voice for the PDA reading this to you,
May you be well as you seek to survive both your adventures along with their debts.
I'm sure it'll all be fine. (with enough beacons. and coffee. and snacks. )

As for when we can get this. . . . that's up to the devs,
and how much you push for them to make this a thing in game. ^-<
Special Thanks & Shout Outs
I'd like to thank Jack Septiceye along with The Mighty Jingles,

for whom along with ChristopherOdd, if not for whoms' LPs and Walkthroughs
or other such videos as made by so many other great people on YouTube,

I have as with many hopfully more to come to find this amazing game.

With this addition along perhaps with an option to let the Prawn Suit maintain level 'flight'
with the use of the Thrusters Upgrade & 'Additional Fuel Reserves' added to the game,

we may yet in this game and the many expansions to come both to it and those follwoing it
being that bit better and maybe leading the next devoted player to making the next great idea
that in turn helps keep things flowing along. . . or so at least I can help hope for anyways.

/)'GLHF, and Glory to the Truth (amen).

3 comentarios
DreadgeNought  [autor] 23 MAR 2018 a las 12:43 a. m. 
It's a "Guide" to my idea and how one would use it.

(Also that there is a lack of options for formating and visibility in normal forums)
Shadowslyph 22 MAR 2018 a las 4:39 p. m. 
This belongs in the subnautica forums. Not here. This is an idea for something that the devs could implement, it is in no way, shape or form a guide.
DreadgeNought  [autor] 18 MAR 2018 a las 6:11 p. m. 
I hope you like my hat, and my guide for adding Autopilot into Subnautica.

As anyone that plays or has played such games will know,
such a feature would be invaluable, and with as shown in my guide
it also would not be a hard thing to do or have use of that fits right in.
*(I shall leave the jokes to the readers to make) :steamhappy:

And if you do make videos such as on YouTube,
by all means do something for this if want and share the links.