Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

103 voti
New Killer Idea - The Alchemist
Di starry e altri 1 collaboratori
This is my idea on a new killer, I'd like to hear all your thoughts about it. Thanks for the attention.
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Killer Main Info
Real Name : Conner Lenners
Nickname : The Alchemist
Bio : Conner was once a great mind, ready for new and exciting experiments, but one day all of that had gone to waste...Conner became a shell of a man as he made an expirement on his little sister that unfortunately turned out in her death. His family blamed him for it for the rest of the life he had left, he felt abandoned by his friends aswell. But than one day on a drunk night, he was drained out of hope and wanted to take it out with an overdose, just than...the Entity whispered lightly and Conner smiled. He killed his family and than when he woke up in a pool of blood around a campfire, but he knew his purpose. He had the longing for experiments and killing.

Gender : Male
Realm : The Science Laboratory
Abillity : Alchemist's Bio-weapon
Weapon : Sickle
Speed : 113% (70% while in Infected mode)
Voice Actor: Alex Lin (I figured he could do creepy laughs as well)

The Alchemist is an effect enduced killer, able to use his abillities to weaken survivors with a couple of effect statuses with his abillity and perks.
Power Overview
Power: Alchemist's Bio-Weapon
One of The Alchemist's finner creations, or should you say deadlier ? The Alchemist pulls out infected blood from his arm and puts them in a syringe-like item. Upon pressing M2 on a survivor within 4m in front of you, you enter Infected Mode which slows you down for 10 seconds. The survivor injected suffers the following status effects:
If 0 generators were completed when you inject the survivor they gain these effects:
Hindered - 30 secs
Mangled - 30 secs
If 1 generator was completed when you inject the survivor they gain these effects:
Hindered - 60 secs
Mangled - 60 secs
If 2 generators were completed when you inject the survivor they gain these effects:
Hindered - 120 secs
Mangled - 120 secs
Blindness - 40 secs
Exhausted - 15 secs
If 3 generators were completed when you inject the survivor they gain these effects:
Hindered - 130 secs
Mangled - 130 secs
Blindness - 80 secs
Exhausted - 30 secs
If 4 generators were completed when you inject the survivor they gain these effects:
Hindered - 140 secs
Mangled - 140 secs
Blindness - 115 secs
Exhausted - 60 secs
Exposed - 30 secs
You gain a 5% speed boost
If the door is open when you inject the survivor they gain these effects:
All the status effects above are 200secs
Killer Loadout - Perks
Luck of the Devil - Once/Three times/Five times per match when you hit a survivor they suffer a random status effect for 30/60/120 seconds. The odds of getting your stun's time reduced is increased by 20%/40%/60%.
I feel a tingle through my spine down to my ankle bone...feeling cold and warm at the same time.

Blood for Blood - That blood looks beautiful, doesn't it ? Your inner bloodthirst awakens. When a survivor fails a skill check 12/20/36 meters away from you, they get 1/2/3 of their perks locked for 30/50/70 seconds.
He almost bit me ! I swear he did !

Treacherous Heart - You are a traitor by heart, you can't really escape this and your victims cannot either. Once per match you have one obsession. When your obsession completes a generator they suffer from the Exposed status effect for 30/70/120 seconds. When you hit your obsessions get a speed boost of 5/10/13% (STACKS)
The feeling of success makes me feel guilty.
Killer Loadout - Add-ons

Connor's Shoes
A pair of shoes, looking to be fresh and clean. Infected mode is reduced by 1.5 seconds.

Short Needle
It appears to be a short needle, nothing much.
● Terror Radius is reduced to 28 meters.
● When a survivor is infected effects last 20 seconds longer.
● Speed is slightly decreased.

Dried Hair Sample
A hair sample, unknown from who or from what. Inject survivors 2 seconds faster.

Broken Syringe
It looks to be a used up Syringe, it can barely hold the needle on. Upon infecting the survivor they have an 8% chance to gain the Injured status.


Connor's Tie
A professional looking tie, ready for work ? Infected mode is reduced by 3 seconds.

Long Needle
A sharpie, that one. Can make you bleed for sure.
● Terror Radius is reduced to 25 meters.
● When a survivor is infected effects last 30 seconds longer.
● Speed is slightly decreased.
80% more points to Deviousness.

Potassium Cyanide
A deadly chemical, it can be deadly to dogs...and humans.
● Infected mode lasts 2 seconds longer.
● Survivors that are infected run 10% slower.
100% more points to Deviousness.

Fresh Syringe
A brand new syringe, it looks to be. Upon infecting the survivor they have an 15% chance to be put into injured state.

Light Acid
A teeny bitsy amount of Acid can't hurt, right ? Survivors in the Infected state trigger a considerably hard skill check every 50 seconds.

Little Sister's Doll
Conner's sister always had this doll close to her...even on her funeral day. Inject survivors 3seconds faster
How could you, Conner

Some fingernails that have pink polisher on them...wait a minute!
● Infected mode lasts 5 seconds longer.
400% more points to Brutality.


Heavy Acid
Burns the waste created in a laboratory or somebody's skin...Survivors in the Infected state trigger a tremendously hard skill check every 50 seconds.

Katie's Hair Brush
It's just Conner's little sister's hair brush which she fixed up her messy hair with.
● Lunge of weapon considerably reduced.
● Action speed is slightly increased
100% more points to every category.
Katie ! My dear, are you bleeding ?! - Miss Lenners

Digoxin Syringe
A syringe filled with a deadly chemical Digoxin, with a sticker "DANGEROUS" slapped upon it.
● Upon infecting the survivor they have a 25% chance to be put into injured state.
● Infected mode lasts 4 seconds longer.
25% more points to Deviousness.

Laboratory Coat
A fresh and patted out coat, ready for experiments and such. Infected mode is reduced by 4.2 seconds.

Poisoned Tea
Tea that is not reccomended for one to drink. Exposed status effect is increased by 30 seconds.

Very Rare

Muscle Relaxers
Pills that are supposed to be taken when one overworks themselves to their limit or over.
● Survivors CANNOT gain any other status effects than Exhausted and Hindered.
Exhausted and Hindered status effects are increased by 60 seconds.
● When all the generators are powered survivors may gain the Exposed status effect for 45 seconds when injected.

Deadly Syringe
A syringe with a deadly serum inside it that can cause many reactions to the human body and mind.
● Upon infecting a survivor they have a 50% chance to be put into injured state.
● Infected mode lasts 4.5 seconds longer.
Exposed status effect is increased by 10 seconds.
30% more points to Deviousness

Katie's Laboratory Kit
She always admired her big brother and wanted to become like him, not knowing what he'd actually become.
● Lunge of weapon is tremendously decreased.
● Action speed is considerably increased.
200% more points to every category.
"Mommy ! Look, I can become just like big brother now." - Katie Lenners

Plague Acid
Don't touch at any cost !
● Survivors in the Infected state trigger a tremendously hard skill check every 50 seconds.
Non-infected survivors that are 10m close to the survivor are applied with the following status effects:
● Hindered : 30secs
● Mangled : 30secs
● Exhausted : 30secs

Batrachotoxic Jar
A jar filled with a deadly chemical created from a frog excretions.
● Infected mode lasts 5 seconds longer.
● lLunge is increased by 6%
● Terror Radius is increased to 52m
● Action speed is slightly decreased.

Ultra Rare

Plagued Syringe
Expect high death rates..
● Survivors in the infected state trigger a tremendously hard skill check every 20 seconds.
Non-infected survivors that are 15m close to the survivor are applied with the following status effects.
● Hindered : 35secs
● Mangled : 35secs
● Exhausted : 35secs
● Exposed : 25secs
● Upon infecting a survivor they are put into Injured state.
Confusion Effect for survivors.
(Confusion Effect makes the survivors screen shake rapidly for 30 seconds. Confusion Effect triggers every 60 seconds. If the survivors have been injected before but they aren't Infected now Confusion Effect still applies.)
● Survivors in the infected state will be put into dying state if they are in the killer's terror radius for more than 40secs (not including chase).
● Terror Radius is decresed to 20m.
● Infected mode lasts 10 seconds longer.

The Realm of Conner - The Science Laboratory
This is where people usually learn about different chemical reactions and the nature around them. Instead, now it is a dark and twisted place reformed by The Entity, the chemicals have never been this deadly. Will you be one of the experiments or the scientist ? You make that choice. Expect unhuman and gross things to appear there, but don't fear...They have to be the least of your worries when you know a scientist is out on his way and test your knowledge about some deadly chemicals. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt..that much.

Get The Chemical Feature mini-chapter that includes a new killer and a new map for free.
(You can't actually I'm just trynna make this look kinda realistic lol)
Updated Addons - 26.3.2018
Updated Addons - 27.3.2018
Updated Addons and tweaked Short/Long Needle, Fixed some typos - 29.3.2018
Added Strawpoll 29.3.2018
We have made a strawpoll, so you can vote if the killer is overpowered, balanced or underpowered
92 commenti
Plaquer 27 set 2019, ore 10:34 
Personally I think the infection should have a cooldown (after the reduced speed) but it also should atleast injure the survivor when they are infected
مُجَاهِدِين 30 lug 2018, ore 5:00 
I think we did a pretty good job so far...
Dandy Axolotl 16 apr 2018, ore 12:29 
Blood got blood should have a downside for the killer when triggered, such as maybe while affecting a survivor, it slightly reduces lunge.
Wasabi 2 apr 2018, ore 17:47 
nice idea !!
balmi 1 apr 2018, ore 11:22 
blood for blood is shit if you don't play freddy and that is a very good buff for him
Doctor_(Ks) 31 mar 2018, ore 18:00 
blood for blood would be great with unerving presence in a doctor
humpty 31 mar 2018, ore 3:12 
@baked weeb potato Weapon : Sickle It clearly states this in the overview
Pastor A -suka 31 mar 2018, ore 1:35 
so the syring is its ability but whats the weapon
Nine 30 mar 2018, ore 17:12 
Wow, a lot of time and effort went into this charcter. +1
Joshua 30 mar 2018, ore 13:46 
I think this should be made +1