Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

68 ratings
Enemy Armor Guide
By Distance9
A guide listing the Armor types in the game so you can tell which properties affect them.

Information is current as of Patch 4.7.3.

My Other Guides :

Weapon Traits :


Weapon Properties :


Type of armor affects every type of weapon and the damage it will do to an enemy in the game.

Certain types of weapon will do anti-armor damage and othes will be deflected and only do damage with a critical hit.

Knowing which type of armor an enemy has means you can roll your weapon and item properties do do more damage to the different enemy types.
Unarmored (Infantry)
Slave Rats, Clan Rats, Chaos Zombies, Marauders, Maulers, Assassins, Loot Rats*, Globadiers, Storm Sorcerers, Leech Sorcerer, Burblespew Halescourge and Rasknitt.

*Loot Rat's Sack stops arrow based projectiles.
Chaos Warriors, Maulers, Stormvermin, Ratling Gunners, Warpfire Throwers and the secondary type of the Stormfiend (on his arms and head).
Monster (Resistant)
Rat Ogre, Chaos Spawn, Bile Troll, Storm Fiend (Unarmored Sections + "baby"), and Packmasters.
Plague Monks and Chaos Berzerkers.
Fully Armored
Chaos Warriors, Sharrik, Bödvarr and the head section of maulers.
Players (Friendly Fire)
Players are their own unarmored armor class.
Bonuses on charms and weapons increase damage against these armor classes.

Damage vs Monsters will increase your damage against Monster Bosses and Packmasters etc.
Lankycide Book 20 Feb, 2023 @ 4:34am 
I have a question and I can't seem to find the info anywhere on the internet or in the Steam guides. Do Packmasters count ONLY as Monsters, or do they count as Skaven as well? Meaning, if I have a +10% power vs. Monsters trinket and a Handgun with +10% power vs. Skaven, do they both apply and stack against Packmasters?
Distance9  [author] 23 Jun, 2018 @ 1:43am 
Both CW and Mauler heads are superarmor, CW however can only be damaged by ranged on the head.

A few patches ago they changed vs armor property to work against superarmor.
EvenMoarDakka (twitch.tv/emdakka 22 Jun, 2018 @ 9:13pm 
theres not a single spot on CW that is just "armored", its entirely Super armor,

head of maulers is "regular" armored
Distance9  [author] 25 Apr, 2018 @ 5:56am 
Just the enemies listed under Monster/resistant.
Preston 25 Apr, 2018 @ 5:47am 
Power VS monsters: is it only for packmaster special or for all specials (like gunners and leeches)?
John Ridden 24 Mar, 2018 @ 3:49am 
It's such a trap from the developer to not have "armored" include chaos warriors. This explains why my bounty hunter couldn't oneshot CW's, it's because I used some COMMON SENSE with the build.
Rider 21 Mar, 2018 @ 8:35pm 
Ok, cool. Thanks for the info Distance.
Distance9  [author] 21 Mar, 2018 @ 7:13pm 
Power vs Armored is only for skaven since all chaos armor is classed as super armored.

If you stack vs both chaos and skaven it's a flat boost vs everything in the game.

Since legend has been nerfed in to the ground on the last patch there's barely any armor on the maps anyway so you're best off going with the flat bonuses vs races.

You might want to take vs armor and vs skaven purely for in to the nest since that seems to be the only skaven only map in the game and would help out against the boss.
Rider 21 Mar, 2018 @ 1:23pm 
Do you recommend stacking power vs chaos and skaven, or power vs chaos and armoured? ASking specifically for legend.
Distance9  [author] 20 Mar, 2018 @ 7:46pm 
If you stack 10 power vs skaven and 10% power vs chaos on both your weapon and charm you will have 20% more power vs everything in the game.