Rocket League
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How to Become a Better Player (Psychologically)
โดย Deze
This guide's purpose is to decribe and explain how to become a better player mentally. This is not a guide on how to have better positioning or mechanics, but this guide is just as important to mechanical improvement. We all may have experienced skill ceilings or overall uninterest in continuing to grind the ranks. I have been in this situation multiple times, and now I have broken free of the cycle.
The Bigger Picture
This guide is meant for the players who have experienced skill ceilings or mental frustration in Rocket League, and those who are seeking help that may or may not be able to find. I have experienced mental frustration, anger, and overall stress over Rocket League. This guide is to show you the bigger picture and to expand your mindset to improve yourself as a player. I will start to explain what you need to do that will break down what you should be thinking about while playing Rocket League. If you just want to have fun playing the game, then this guide isn't for you, but if you are dedicated in improving yourself to become a better player, continue reading through this guide.
Growth Mindset
The Mindset

This is one of the most important sections of this guide because mindset is everything. I have had a negative mindset where I always wanted to win, but then I lose and get angry. The growth mindset is key for improvement. Always think about what you are doing well and what could be better, for instance, mechanics or positioning. You are supposed to be uncomfortable learning new mechanics because that's the only way you will become a better player, and that's always easier said than done.

I have set a practice regiment to about an hour before I play, and an hour after I finished playing ranked. I always switch up the order and the amount of practice I put in. Training and practicing is one of the most crucial actions you can make to become a better player, but mix up your training regiment to avoid staleness and repetitiveness. You could add different training packs or switch the order, and maybe add in a workshop map like the dribbling challenge.

The overall message is to focus on improvement over winning, and never blame anybody else but yourself even though it could have been your teammates fault, but dwelling too much on your teammate is not putting more time into improving yourself. Focus on improvement and looking for ways to better yourself along with being more positive.
Toxicity Will Ruin You
Being positive will already give you health benefits, and being positive as a player will help reduce anger and frustration. I know it's hard, believe me, It has not been easy trying to find a positive in every situation, but it beats getting angry. Having emotion is natural and it shows you care, but make sure it's towards a good purpose and to not put yourself or teammates down. We are all at different skill levels and it may be hard to not view yourself as a good player, but you will become a great player.

The Power of Yet is insane.

You will not be a good player yet.
You are not a professional player yet.
You are not good at dribbling yet.

It gives you a different reaction than if.

This ties into the Growth Mindset because positivity will improve yourself as a player and will eliminate frustration and anger. Positivity is hard especially if you have toxic teammates, but you have to remember that he will not be at the level you are because of the fact that you are positive and have a better mindset than he does.
What Do You Want?
This is a question that I have come in terms of and that I have answered.

I want to become a professional player

If you share this goal, great, what are you going to do to achieve that goal?

I want to become Grand Champion

Same follow up question. What are you going to do to achieve that goal?

Goals we set are crucial in what drives us to play Rocket League. These goals will not be achieved in a week or two weeks, or even a month. That is why I see so many people lose focus and eventually give up on the goal because it takes too long or it's too hard. Once again, it's easier to say you're going to pursue this goal than to actually take the steps in achieving it.

Here's one piece of advice that will help you on your journey:

Imagine that the goal you set is a staircase, and that goal you set is all the way at the top. You look all the way up and it looks impossible and it'll take way too long, but all I ask is look at the first step. Take that step and then look at the next step, and take that next step.

Look at your goals as smaller parts. Hit Diamond, and then Champion, and then Grand Champion. You can even think smaller. Practice more and have a consistent training regiment to go from Diamond 3 to Champion 1.

There are no shortcuts. A guide or video will not show you how to jump ranks in 10 minutes of watching or reading. You have to apply the advice that they may tell you, and continue to practice to reach your goal.
Work Ethic
You must be consistent as possible in achieving your goals. Discipline is hard for some people, and to practice whenever you have time in the day. Some people would rather play ranked and that won't help as much as training or practice will. You must practice as much as you can and warm up then you can play ranked and grind. Practice will make a larger difference than only playing ranked.

  • Warm up
  • Mix up your training regiment (Don't make it boring and repetitive when it doesn't have to)
  • Play and practice as consistent as possible

These 3 tips will make all the difference and I can guarentee you that if you follow the advice and topics in this guide, you will become a better player in time. In 2 weeks or even just a week you will see improvement - large or small. In a month or two, you may have jumped up a couple ranks. The purpose is to think critically on how you are viewing yourself and the community around you with a positive mindset and a great work ethic to become a better player.

Thanks for reading, I hope this helps to whoever needs it.
64 ความเห็น
JRLNitro 22 เม.ย. @ 4: 08pm 
Best ive ever played was when i just put my mind on playing good and making good decisions. Its as simple as keeping your cool and not loosing it.
Bokkunity @tiktok #savetf2 20 ธ.ค. 2022 @ 5: 05pm 
Sigma Grindset
lilbootygod 14 ต.ค. 2022 @ 3: 16am 
ehh i just hit ball in goal. goal go BOOM hahaahaha
Doofus 12 ต.ค. 2022 @ 2: 20pm 
imagine following the advice of some weeb
Kole 11 ต.ค. 2022 @ 5: 09pm 
listen everyone sometimes peoples don't get good ranks and ik how the fact and how i regreted myself. when i first playing rl it was hard and i can't do anything such as bronze or sliver or any rank so when i did become diamond 3 or 1 it was very difficult to do. so when i did that i keeped myself to be not mad at the game becasue how well its been doing and done by the players. whatever you lose a match whatever you win a match don't mean messing around with your teammate and blaming your team its all good to be better at somepoint.
MojaveGhost 7 ก.ย. 2022 @ 2: 15am 
people wants to win all, can't accept there is better basketball players than you, better gamers than you, people prettier than you, better workers in your skill areas in your job, practice makes you better, not a master or maybe, but better, dopaminergic world, all the pple wants instant achievements wtf, work b****
MojaveGhost 7 ก.ย. 2022 @ 2: 07am 
should get some friends dawg, or try to talk to your teammates to not go ALL to the frikin ball haha, crystal snow generation, read
ShadowOfEnigma-g0?- 2 ก.ย. 2022 @ 9: 34am 
I find this game fun *WHEN* the MMR ranking is relatively close and the teams are equally skilled. Even if I lose, if it was a game with 3-5 minutes over time, that was a damn good game, yes Im disappointed I lose, but hell, it's better than the trash filled games I come across 75% of the time where ONE player dominates everything. Everyone else ends the match with 200-400 points. One player has 1000-1500. Seems legit.
It's either that or a 3 man squad all communicating and working together vs some random 3 people who all think they need to be doing the exact same thing(all going for ball, all going for block, all going for goal, etc).

Is what it is. Just a game.
Very fun when it's well balanced. Just seems to be far and few between to find balance due to the smurfs and toxic community.
Oh hey it's a good match? Too bad, your teammate will go AFK or quit within 30 seconds. Oh hey it's a close match? Too bad, your teammate will quit if the other team makes a goal.
Sivaas_ 27 ส.ค. 2022 @ 5: 35pm 
This guide is useless. When 9 times out of 10 the tm8's are trolls. It's a team game but it's a trash filled community.
solar 29 ก.ค. 2022 @ 7: 15am 
the guy below the guy below the guy below the guy below me is speaking facts