Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

59 人が評価
Dresden's Sack, Liberation & Diplomatic Options Mod Patch 17 & 18
タグ: mod, Campaign
1.800 KB
2018年3月10日 11時14分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Dresden's Sack, Liberation & Diplomatic Options Mod Patch 17 & 18

This mod gives all diplomatic and occupation options to all factions: Sacking, Liberating, Looting, Razing, Subjugating, Confederating, Forming Satrapies and Forming Client States. For Patch 17 & 18.

For a version compatible with Patch 19 (current game versions) go here

Click here for a version that is compatible with Divide et Impera

This mod simply opens up the options, it does not change how they function. Annexing cities or changing how these options work in game is not possible.

Compatible with Radious's mod and most other mods. Save game compatible.

To install this mod, click Subscribe. Then, Run Rome 2 and click Mod Manager in the Rome 2 launcher. Make sure this mod's checkbox is checked green and then hit Play.

If you want a mod that has the occupation options only (sack, liberate, loot, raze) go here.

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21 件のコメント
MakeAmericaGreatAgain2024 2018年9月6日 7時43分 
When paying as Rome, after conquering the last city of a faction, I wonder whether I can create a satrapy instead of a client state. I'd like the subjugated state to lose its independent diplomacy so satrapy is a better option than client state. Am I able to do that as Rome through this submod?
Dresden  [作成者] 2018年8月25日 12時33分 
This wont be udpated, its for previous game versions. If you want the updated version
K.Sausez 2018年8月25日 3時21分 
Could you please update ? ^^
Felixdogdog1314 2018年6月19日 8時01分 
Do satrapies work for Rome? I seem to only have the option to make client states too conquest cannot make a satrapies for rome ,rome only made them a client state
MDK419 2018年5月3日 18時40分 
Rome should have been able to sack from the get go. The devs really messed this game up. They was to worried about the graphics or some shit. Didn't stop to think rather or not should they do it. Leave most of the mechanics alone d*mmit. Only thing that needed fixed was the path finding in battles. Leave the rest alone and maybe just add to them. And don't even get me going on this stupid army limiter ( which is what the upkeep was for ) and the population. Which totally ruind the immersion of the game for me.
Artig0 2018年3月31日 8時18分 
Do satrapies work for Rome? I seem to only have the option to make client states. Other than that, everything else works great! Awesome mod, thanks :)
Alexander The Greek 2018年3月23日 17時55分 
If one version is older they are missing textures because CA changed the tables and all skins.
Dresden  [作成者] 2018年3月23日 10時44分 
This mod has nothing to do with textures and clearly states its for an older game version
Alexander The Greek 2018年3月23日 7時20分 
this is an older versions and they are missing textures. Please update!
iuser2011 2018年3月18日 22時50分 
After more testing - there is no problem between this mod and "Radious AI". Actually "Radious AI" itself is a problem now. I've tested with only "Radious AI" enabled: barbarians don't have "Create Confederation" option.

What the hell is going on, I have same patch 17 game and same "Radious AI" mod, all worked fine for a long time...