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How to complete Speedrun in less than 1 hour
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This is the guide if you want to complete Speedrun in less than 1 hour and unlock the McFly Jacket costume.
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If you want the "Dressed to kill" achievement, then you need to complete the game in speedrun mode in less than 1 hour. It's a requirement to unlock the last jacket: McFly jacket. This guide will assist you in tackling this.

This guide assumes that you've completed the previous speedrun challenges (1:30:00 and 1:15:00 ones) and you can manage to complete the game in those times more or less consistently, yet you struggle to run it under 1:00:00.

You can use glitches to do this achievement easily by skipping certain levels. I don't prefer this approach, so I will not provide any advises how to do it. But I will advertise video guides for this method, provided by a great runner Jackintoshh: YouTube Playlist
Step 0: Analyze your timings
Before jumping into the game you'd better take your time and compare your current level completion times to the following time sheet. This way you can see what levels you should practice more:

Creeps Nest: 00:03:30
Creeps Firehole: 00:04:00
Nerve: 00:02:00

Hanza Compound: 00:05:30
Hanza Assembly: 00:04:30
Hanza Cargo: 00:07:00
Hanza Transfer: 00:03:30
King's Lair: 00:01:30

Hell: 00:05:00
Furnace: 00:05:30
Walkways of Terror: 00:03:30
Mother's Womb: 00:08:00
The Heart: 00:01:30
Heaven: 00:04:00

Total: 00:59:00

With these timings you would have a spare minute for any misadventures. Most of these times are a bit inflated: it's simple to kill Nerve in 1 minute 30 seconds, but I added additional 30 seconds to this stage due to the fact that this boss fight is early in the game when you don't really have any abilities to use. Also Nerve can be punishing if you aren't prepared for him properly.

Same with The Heart - this level should take around 45 seconds if you do everything right, but we double on that just in case you will die there somewhere along the way.

Try to record your timings next time you run the game and check what levels are problematic for you.
Step 1: Learn the abilities p.1
I love Ruiner for the variety and versatility of skills. But in speedrun mode we gotta use the best of the best. This section will explain what abilities you should use and under what circumstances.

General note: you HAVE to respec unused abilities. If you fight versus weak enemies and you don't need your Stun Grenade, just respec it and take something actually useful for the current situation. While you're in the skillpoint menu the timer stops completely - use it to your advantage.

I. Dash

Upgrade it to:
  • Must-have: Rank 1
  • Situational: Ranks 2-3

Dash is your only mandatory skill in Ruiner. It's so essential, some game segments were designed around dashing (TrafficKing gauntlet for example). To get good times in speedrun mode, you need to get good with the Dash.

First upgrade makes it a very useful damage mitigation tool. This upgrade helps a TON on boss battles, most notably against Mother encounters, as you can Dash through her laser beam and take much less damage than you would've without the upgrade. Extra Dash charges are only useful until you reach Overload. If you already have Overload - don't bother with upgrading this skill past Rank 1.

Dash comes in two forms: Quick Dash and Aimed Dash. To do a Quick Dash just press the Dash button. To perform Aimed Dash: hold the Dash button, move your cursor to the destination, press LMB (Attack) button and release the Dash button.

Before Overload, you need to use Aimed Dash when travelling through the levels. The reason for that is simple: Quick Dash covers less ground, yet still consumes 1 Dash charge. Aimed Dash allows you to get maximum value from your Dash charges. Make sure NOT to hang around in aimed state, since the time around you is slowed down, but the speedrun timer isn't.

4th upgrade gives extra damage to attacks while dashing. Difficult to utilize this perk on M+KB setup, so don't bother. You won't need that extra damage anyway.

II. Power Attack

Upgrade it to:
  • Must-have: Rank 1

Main damage ability. Useful across almost all of the encounters in the game. A no-brainer.

Rank 1 upgrade gives it even more damage. Nuff said. Rank 2 on the other hand works only with one-handed weapons, so it can be safely ignored.

Speaking of weapons, Power Attack has three different attack types. They correlate to the three types of melee weapons in the game, but only two of them are in the speedrun mode: one-handed melee and two-handed melee. (The third one, special melee, is present only in NG+ and Arena modes. Those weapons have unique Power Attacks). Which means that we have 2 types of Power Attacks available...

One-handed weapons: Powered Slash
  • Pipe
  • Nerve
  • Nano-7

When you use a Power Attack with those weapons, it will shoot a blast wave from your weapon at a decent range. If the blast wave hits enemies, it DOES NOT reduce your weapon charges, UNLESS you also hit them with the weapon during the swing.

Powered Slash will one-shot any regular enemy in the game if you have Rank 1 upgrade installed. It's very useful to give yourself longer reach with melee weapon equipped. Use this skill often, but make sure to keep an eye out on your energy levels.

Two-handed weapons: Whirlwind
  • Firestarter
  • VIS Carver
  • Armour Breaker
  • HF Blade
  • Fox Blade

Activating Power Attack with any of those two-handers will launch a Whirlwind attack. You spin your weapon around for a second or so, dealing high damage to anything that got hit by the circle of death. The radius of your attack depends on the reach of your weapon. Armour Breaker and HF Blade have the highest reach of all two-handed weapons, the rest comes second.

This attack is nuts. It deals insanely high DPS for it's cost (even with subpar weapons!). It consumes only one weapon charge, no matter how many hits were inflicted. You can Dash during Whirlwind animation, allowing you to AoE clear large packs of enemies. And it is the ultimate best skill for boss fights.

Thing is, Whirlwind deals more damage the closer you are to the center of enemy's hitbox. To penetrate the hitbox, do a Quick Dash towards your target after initiating Whirlwind. If positioned properly, a single Whirlwind attack can kill Heavy Cyborg at full health. But you need something else to pull that off though...

III. Overload

Upgrade it to:
  • Must-have: Rank 1
  • Recommended: Rank 3

Deal even MORE damage and travel VERY fast? Yes please!

First upgrade is essential. It allows you to spam Dash and travel much faster than your regular Aimed Dash. You can bind mousewheel as your Dash key and start flooding poor game's input system with all those Dash commands...

Rank 3 upgrade makes Overload consume less energy. When paired with Grid Converter, you can increase your Overload uptime significantly. In general, you should probably go for the Rank 3 upgrade, but feel free to re-spec it if you need some points elsewhere.

Anyway, Overload is also used in critical moments to increase your damage output. Obviously this is best used on bosses where energy shouldn't be that much of an issue, provided if you start with full energy and got hit a couple of times during the fight. Note that each kill while Overloading will consume energy, so try not to use it against regular enemies: it's probably overkill anyway.

In short: use Overload for infinite Dash charges to travel and to increase your damage while fighting bosses. Pair with Power Attack for best results.

IV. Frag Thrower

Upgrade it to:
  • Must-have if you have the skill: Rank 2

Frag Thrower is bread and butter on stationary bosses (Angels, Mother) since they don't evade attacks. Increases your DPS at a pretty heavy energy cost, so you have to get Rank 2 upgrade if you plan on using this skill during the next fight.

When fighting Angels, stand near the Angel's "head" and try to time your Frag Thrower explosion when Angel Cores are getting ejected. If you manage to get all 3 cores at once while they're in the air, not only you become a qualified badass, but you also save a ton of time on those fights, since you don't need to Dash around the arena trying to hit those cores ASAP.

Step 1: Learn the abilities p.2
V. Stun Grenade

Upgrade it to:
  • Must-have if you use this skill: Rank 2

Much less useful counterpart of Frag Thrower, this skill allows you to stun your enemies to kill them easier (thus quicker). It was nerfed a while back, so now it consumes a TON of energy for each use. Because of this, I wouldn't recommend using this thing after you get Overload, cause that's what should be spending most of your energy.

However, early on in the game it has some good use cases. For instance, Donvius and Cpt. Bogdan. They both aren't that beefy, but they hit like a truck. And can block/dodge your attacks. Stunning them allows you to get some free damage in, no matter if it's a shotgun blast or a Whirlwind attack.

If you really need stuns in your playthrough just use Personal Shield with Rank 4 upgrade. But that requires you to dump Overload. Shield run is definitely viable (Musashi did that kind of run in 47 minutes or so, which is insane), but it's out of the scope of this guide, which focuses on Overload related shenanigans.

VI. Use of Weapons (Passive)

Upgrade it to:
  • Must-have: Rank 1
  • Re-spec for certain encounters: Rank 5

Rank 1 doubles your melee weapon charges, which means you spend exactly 100% less time to search for a new weapon when your current one breaks. It's very cost-effective and should be upgraded as fast as possible.

The rest of the upgrades are too costly when you get them, since you'll have Overload and other stuff to worry about. But for Mother fights you should probably always take UoW Rank 5 to get more energy for your Frag Thrower grenades. Unless you're trying to poke Mother with a sword, in which case you should rethink your life choices.

Pair Rank 5 of this skill with BRT-Lancer, Vulcan Minigun or XAAR. Or anything else that you have lying around, it's going to be useful anyway.

VII. Supply Drop

Upgrade it to:
  • Must-have if you have this skill: Rank 1
  • If you crave weapons: Rank 2

The most reliable supplier of weapons of any kind. Use it for when you need a specific weapon (two-handed melee before a boss fight, or a gun before a Mother fight, etc)

Note the caveat: when choosing what weapon to call in, the speedrun timer doesn't stop. So you need to memorize the weapon wheel and choose your weapons really quickly. Or you can choose one weapon you will call in all the time, and never open this menu again (my preferred choice).

Useful weapons to call in:

  • TAS-6 - shotgun, good and easy to use
  • AT-FUSION MAX - upgraded shotgun, use over TAS-6 if possible
  • BRT-Lancer - big DPS, easy to use, high accuracy
  • Raijin - great for when you need that extra precision (i.e. Angel Cores)
  • Electra - can stun enemies

  • Armour Breaker - longest reach, good DPS
  • VIS Carver - medium reach, highest DPS
  • HF Blade - long reach, high DPS (author's preferred melee)

VIII. Resource Optimizer (passive)

Upgrade it to:
  • Must-have: Rank 0

Get the ability itself as soon as possible. You will need that increased value from regular health & energy pickups, especially on boss fights.

Additional Health upgrade (Rank 1) is always useful as well, but it's not mandatory. I never upgrade it until the very end of the game, cause I need spare points to shuffle around.

IX. Grid Converter

Upgrade it to:
  • Must-have if you use it: Rank 3

This ability allows you to funnel your health into energy or vice versa. Energy -> Health routing is not recommended unless you really need those extra HP on a tough boss battle or something. When paired with Use of Weapons Rank 5 you can also regain energy back while spraying the boss from a safe distance.

Health -> Energy on the other hand is almost always useful. With Rank 3 you should be able to convert one point of health into ~1.5-2 points of energy. Most common use case: Overload Dashing. Activate Grid Converter to restore energy, activate Overload and spam that Dash button.
Step 2: KILL BOSS(es)
Here are the boss strats. Copied from

Jurek (Creeps Nest)

Haul AT-Fusion + Nano-7 from previous room. 5 good meatshots (first shot will usually be blocked by his shield) and then finish him off with Nano. Try to activate the laser trap for a faster kill: shoot Jurek with the shotgun to knock him back towards the elevator, dash through the tripwire and immediately dash back to the original position, keep shooting the boss. The trap will finish him off. Wait until skillpoint appears.

Donvius (Creeps Firehole)

Prepare at least 2 shotguns for the fight (one AT-Fusion can be hauled from suiciders room) and optionally a Nano-7. Use Stun Grenade to stun him and knock him towards the northern side of arena. If you knock him towards the exit to Nerve he will start running around, repositioning, which can tamper with your aim. If you didn't kill him with 2 shotguns, finish him off with Nano-7 / Pipe + Shield Bash. Skillpoint is behind a hackable door, so don't wait for it near his body.


You need to haul Armour Breaker from Creeps Firehole to kill this guy quickly. Use Power Attack with it to deal massive damage to him. Be mindful of his personal shield - if your first hit of whirlwind connects to the shield - all other hits will miss by default. Shoot with TAS-6 (hauled from Firehole as well) to deal damage from range if you need to. Charge your power attack before he appears and stay clear of the center of the arena - as soon as he spawns there - dash and release the attack.

Cpt. Bogdan (Hanza Compound)

Haul HF Blade from previous corridor. It's important to have Use of Weapons 1 now to have 16 weapon charges. When Bogdan lands, stun him and use Power Attack. Slow-mo will activate, during this you have plenty of time to check if you have enough energy for second stun + Power Attack (3 power bars) and if he doesn't have his shield on. If all checks out - stun him and spin, should be a kill or at least a very close kill. If he has a shield or some other ♥♥♥♥ happens, try to attack him from behind the shield, but don't use stun nades - preserve energy. Try not to kill him near the eastern side of the arena, since skillpoint can fall out of bounds there.

Mother 1 (Hanza Assembly)

Use TAS-6 from previous level or Shepherd from Bogdan. Frag Thrower 1 + Dash 2 is important. You want to make sure you don't take too much damage and that your nades reach the target, because this fight starts pretty badly - there's a small delay before you can actually deal damage to the Mother. Test it with grenades and only then start using your main weapon. You want to Dash to evade her beam and use grenades + shoot while you're not dashing. Go to southern Angel after the fight.

Mother 1.5 (Hanza Assembly)

If you went south for the first Angel, you will come from the northern corridor. There will be AT Fusion - take it. Once again, throw nades and shoot with your main weapon (should be AT-FUSION), but this time you can start unloading as soon as you enter the arena. She will have much less health right now, so you can kill her before her first beam appears.

Hongshi (Hanza Cargo)

HF Blade will be in corridor beforehand. If you have full energy (you probably wouldn't) you can use Stun Grenade + Overload + Power Attack. without full energy, use Overload + Power Attack if you have at least 2 energy bars. In worst case scenario, just power attack him. Activate overload as soon as you get some energy pickups. Try not to dash along with his whirlwind, wait until he stops and comes back to you.

Shadow (Hanza Cargo)

Use Supply Drop before the fight for a weapon of your choice. Overload + Power attack. No need to stun, just attack aggressively and he will die very fast. Once he teleports, he cant use it for a while, this is a great time to charge at him.

Traffic King (King's Lair)

Pickup HF Blade before the last elevator on previous stage. it's located to the left side of the corridor, near a hackable weapon container.

On chase stage, use Dash 5 + Overload 1 to navigate through the gauntlet. Shoot the barrels to inflict self-damage and get energy for overload dashing.

On fight stage, don't forget to respec into Overload + Dash 1 + Power Attack 1 + Use of Weapons 1. Dont use Overload until you activate the fans and Traffic King becomes exposed. You can activate the fans with Frag Grenades if you want to, make sure you have these maxed out for reduced energy usage. Once the Traffic King is exposed, charge Power Attack, use Overload - unleash. He should die quickly.

Mother 2 (Hell)

Grab Vulcan on northern side of the arena before you approach her. spec into Frag Thrower 2 + Use of Weapons 5 + Dash 1 to take her out. Spam nades, shoot gun, dash from beam, it's all simple. If you have very low health when you kill her, kill yourself by taking damage from the spawned Cyborg.

Cyborg 1 (Hell)

You should have a melee weapon from previous levels. If you don't - quicky summon one via Supply Drop 1. Respec after Mother 2 into Overload 3 + Use of Weapons 1 + Dash 1 + Resource Optimizer + Power Attack 2. Overload + Power Attack the Cyborg. His abilities are easily telegraphed. You want to dash away when he swings his hands for the slam attack, then quickly dash back as soon as he finished the slam. When he shoots his energy ball projectile, you want to dash sideways. If you see that you have full health and energy, don't dash anywhere, just smash him.

Nayaak (Furnace)

Prepare melee weapon beforehand. You can try the following combo: Charge Attack, release before he appears as a targetable enemy, use Stun Grenade when he appears (you should still be spinning), activate Overload. It requires precise timing so if you don't want to risk it, just use regular strats. Overload + Power Attack. Reflex Booster is very good on this fight so you can react faster to where he teleports after your attack. He can teleport much more often than Shadow, keep that in mind. He has very low HP and usually will die in 1 good Power Attack.

Cyborg 2 (Mother's Womb)

Same as Cyborg 1. HF Blade is located on northern side of the arena if you need a weapon. Destroy Vampires ASAP if you don't have enough energy to quickly kill the Cyborg. Use Reflex Booster 3 for invulnerability if you take too much damage.

Traffic King Cyborg (Mother's Womb)

The strats are the same as for other Cyborgs. If you take too much damage - spec into Reflex Booster 3 then pick up BRT-Lancer at the bottom of the arena, activate Overload, shoot & kite him around until he drops health or until the drone brings some health. Usually you want to deplete his health within 1-3 power attacks. Cheese strats work perfectly here (Projected Barrier + Gun Fever), but they are a tad slow.

Khog (Mother's Womb)

Overload + Power Attack + Frag Grenades (you will have a lot of energy on this fight). If you want to preserve some energy for The Heart level navigation, don't use nades, regular Whirlwind will be enough.

The Sisters (The Heart)

Frag Grenades 2 + Use of Weapons 5 + Resource Optimizer 2 + Dash 1. BRT-Lancer is located in the very first corridor of the level. Approach Sisters from point blank and spam grenades + your weapon, dash from beam, use grenades to also kill the Hosts that will spawn and approach you from behind. Resource Optimizer 2 used for extra health & energy and also because there aren't really any other skills you might wanna use.

Cyborgs 3 & 4 (Heaven)

Usual cyborg stuff. Prepare weapons beforehand (you will have a lot of free time in Heaven so it's not a problem). Overload, Power Attack, you can also use Grenades here since energy is plentiful - take damage from suiciders or kill guards for easy pickups.
Step 3: Execute! (also TL;DR)
At this moment you probably have a general picture how to run through this game quickly. Here are some final notes you should memorize.

  • Use Overload Rank 1 + Dash to navigate through the levels (Unlocked after Shadow fight in Hanza Cargo level)
  • Use Overload + Power Attack (Whirlwind, with two-handed weapons) to kill bosses fast
  • Use Frag Thrower grenades at Mother & Angel fights
  • Use Supply Drop to call-in weapons for your convenience
  • Re-spec unnecessary or unused abilities
Final words
I wish you well in your endeavours. If you have any questions - add me on Steam or in Discord: Major#4057

Get 'em Puppy!
Počet komentářů: 5
Adrien 2. srp. 2021 v 8.33 
I had a strange bug for this achivement (1h rush). After many tries, i did it in 1h09mins and the achivement unlock himself along with the suit Mcfly.
I guees the game took my best time by level, instead of the whole run.

If someone can confirm or deny this ^^.
vert  [autor] 8. kvě. 2018 v 15.28 
Thank you for making the game. It's been a long time since singleplayer felt so fun.
Ruiner_Dispatcher 8. kvě. 2018 v 15.10 
Thanks for sharing it with our community :)
vert  [autor] 8. kvě. 2018 v 0.17 
Not exactly how I do it but the general idea is the same :)
Ruiner_Dispatcher 5. kvě. 2018 v 7.35 
So that's how you do it ;)