Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

52 人が評価
Milk Bar Ad Pack
Assets: Prop
9.678 MB
2018年3月5日 15時44分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Milk Bar Ad Pack

A pack of 16 Australian ads of various vintages to add to your commercial buildings and would not be out of place on an Australian milk bar. There are 14 rectangular ads and 2 pennant shaped that will fin on the awning of my milk bar.

Asset Stats:
Main Mesh: 1207 Tris
Custom LOD Mesh: 87 Tris

Main Textures: Various: 512x128, 384x192, 256x256
Maps: Diffuse, specular, illumination and colour

Milk Bars are chock full of advertisements and I wanted to give you the opportunity to deck it out the way that you wanted, either a bit more modern or a bit vintage. I found a collection of ads online and spruced them up a bit. For reasons unclear, my modern Pura Ad wouldn't display, so I gave up. You still get an old Pura decal on the window of the milk bar if you subscribe. You will need to use the More Beautification and Move It! mods to place these in the game.
2 件のコメント
pdelmo 2018年3月8日 23時47分 
very coool
girlfromverona 2018年3月6日 1時31分 
Very cool! Thanks.