

716 ratings
Thick Armor
Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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188.467 KB
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24 Mar, 2024 @ 2:29pm
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Thick Armor

In 1 collection by Uuugggg
Uuugggg's RimWorld mods
29 items
Multi-layer armor applies its armor value for each layer it occupies.
How effective this is can be configured in the settings. Recommend ~50% and reduce armor penetration


In vanilla, Armor is applied to an attack for each layer of apparel separately. Marine Armor takes up two layers, but its armor is only applied once. A flak vest and jacket could equal marine armor (for sharp attacks on torso with low armor penetration).

This mod simply treats multi-layer armor (like Marine Armor, which occupies middle + outer layer) as two separate layers of armor, so its armor applies twice to every attack. A 50%(configurable) rating multiplier is applied to the second layer, and that seems about right for a ~40% buff.

Plus, shouldn't Marine Armor be obviously better?


A second option for Armor Penetration reduction:

This one is more complicated. First, it'll reduce penetration for future apparel layers e.g. toughskin.

Second, the reduction is not a flat %, but proportional to the penetration(P) : armor rating(R) ratio.
The Penetration rating is doubled for this proportion, so we're comparing 2P and R
If 2P>R, the penetration is not reduced
- If the damage rips through the armor, penetration is not reduced at all
Otherwise, Penetration is multiplied by the ratio 2P/R
- if the armor rating is a little more than 2x the penetration, penetration is slightly reduced
- if the armor rating is 4x the penetration, (2P/R = 2/4 = .5), penetration is reduced 50%
- if the armor fully absorbs the attack (R>>>P), penetration is reduced to near-zero (albeit damage may get through, that's a separate chance)


The % improvement depends on a few factors. So there is : SPREADSHEET DATA : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YP7TjO7LszixJSDiHwoGGj2gLZ1BKly3ym-_4zBexTc/

DATA is probably old and doesn't consider penetration reduction.


This will work with any modded armors if they have multiple layers.

No effect on saves, applies to old saves.


Ludeon Forum (modlist) : https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=40701
Github Source : https://github.com/alextd/ThickArmor
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4 Jul, 2023 @ 11:16am
Bug Reports
Uuugggg  [author] 17 Feb @ 11:26am 
#1 you should be looking at the source: https://github.com/alextd/RimWorld-ThickArmor/blob/b7b05c8510c111c3eea333e6db5709339be47ffd/Source/ApplyArmor.cs#L50 which yes would be a simple edit there with some basic understanding of code
vincent_renevot 17 Feb @ 6:58am 
@Uuugggg Hello, how can i modify the dll for the penetration reduction is =P-A and can't be <0 ? i think it is here isn't it? {
GetPostArmorDamage_Patch.ApplyArmor(ref damAmount, armorPenetration, armorRating, armorThing, ref damageDef, pawn, out metalArmor);
if (Mod.settings.penetrationReduction && (double) armorRating > 2.0 * (double) armorPenetration)
armorPenetration *= 2f * armorPenetration / armorRating;
armorRating *= Mod.settings.secondLayerEffectiveness;
GetPostArmorDamage_Patch.LogMessage(string.Format("After {0}:\t\t{1:0.0}\t\t{2:0.0%}\t\t{3:0.0%}\t\t{4}\t\t{5}", (object) num, (object) damAmount, (object) armorPenetration, (object) armorRating, (object) damageDef, (object) metalArmor));
my idea is that the armor should always reduce the penetration by the armor value itself and the resulting penetration can't be less than 0.
Thanks for your help.
yyy888444a 14 Feb @ 4:00am 
It's not ce compatible, there is a source on gitbub next time you can look yourself look for CombatExtended in the code
gooberone 12 Feb @ 11:56pm 
there are two types of mods in rimworld.. ce compatible and not ce compatible... i don't know which one this is
Roach05 20 Dec, 2024 @ 8:37am 
CE Compatible?
jl9594 5 Oct, 2024 @ 3:42pm 
If I may ask, does anyone know how well this mod works together with Vanilla combat reloaded (VCR)? VCR by default seems to double the armor & armor piercing values of apparel & weapons, will that cause conflict with this mod's second option for armor penetration reduction?
Why oh why in the name of all that is holy is vanilla combat armor calculations so revolting XD. (is there any mod other than CE that reduces the damage taken even when armor is penetrated in proportion to the amount of armor the attack had to overcome? )
Dr Jimothy 18 Sep, 2024 @ 3:23pm 
Just had to blast an imperial hussar with so many bullets that their armour broke before they even started taking damage.
I am not complaining: it feels right that armour made to be super-protective will literally break apart before it lets the person beneath be hurt.

Fun fact: Quality Increases HP mod works in 1.5 and yes, legendary marine armour does basically make your pawn invincible.
VelxraTV 4 Aug, 2024 @ 3:19am 
could you make a patch for the SOS2 eva armor? pawns unequip their eva for flak jacks or flak vests.
Nanao-kun 29 Jun, 2024 @ 10:42pm 
Does this have any weirdness with Vanilla Combat Reloaded? One setting changes how armor penetration works a bit and doubles armor penetration of all weapons, would that cause any issue with this?
🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺 18 May, 2024 @ 4:49am 
Is there any way you could add the increased stats to the info cards of the armor?