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Melee/Psionics Won't Explode Purifiers
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4 mar, 2018 @ 19:38
4 mar, 2018 @ 22:14
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Melee/Psionics Won't Explode Purifiers

Purifiers will not explode when killed by melee attacks, or psionic abilities that don't do environmental damage. The ability list is configurable.

If the ability is not on the list, it will fall back to base game rules:

- configurable 50% chance to explode
- purifiers killed by explosions will always explode
- for technical reasons, skullmining is guaranteed not to make purifiers explode (this is why skullmine is not in the mod's default config)

Edits the trigger for PurifierDeathExplosion
Can be safely un/installed on tactical saves
13 kommentarer
Rusty | SkyPaladin 19 dec, 2021 @ 20:50 
Is this LWOTC compatible?
GargakOfTheEast 25 jul, 2020 @ 11:50 
It doesn't work. They still blow up.
Latis 11 aug, 2018 @ 19:26 
The rain of swords (dunno how is the skill name on english) made this one and the shyntoids explode
Latis 25 jun, 2018 @ 7:29 
well, one puriefier just killed my best melee unit in my ironman legend campaing because he explodes :( never happened before today
Din 29 mar, 2018 @ 22:46 
Think this way , a melee specialist would be able to cut the enemy with his expertise without hitting the tank, so i apreciate the mod.
SentySent 13 mar, 2018 @ 5:09 
How do I make the Purifiers to not explode when they get killed by the ADVENT Priest's Holy Warrior feedback?
Deadput 5 mar, 2018 @ 13:43 
Like Purifiers needed to be more useless then they currently are.

It's a good option though for those who want it.
Schadenfreude 5 mar, 2018 @ 12:29 
Personally I like that Purifiers force you to adapt your playstyle, but a lot of people will appreciate the option. Thanks for adding to the community!
Conefed 5 mar, 2018 @ 6:03 
@shadow79 The way I see it, the skilled swordsman can strike with such precision that it never touches the tank - useful for when trying to protect nearby supplies.
MrShadow 4 mar, 2018 @ 23:03 
It's good to have options like this for those that don't want it so all in all good mod.