Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

713 valoraciones
Item and Weapon Traits/Properties
Por Diana
List of all traits (known) and properties an item or weapon can have.

I just wanted to consolidate the reddit info and not have to alt tab out of game. :P

Can use this info in your guide if you want to localize it to another language or if you are making a weapons tier list.
Welcome to Vermintide 2. In this guide I am hoping to clear up some confusion about what properties/traits do. Also, on what items and weapons they can roll on.

Important to note that traits can only roll on Orange and Red rarity drops.

Feel free to help contribute to this guide, I will list you at the bottom of the guide. :)

These are properties that you can randomly roll on most items/weapons, except where noted in each sub-section

+10-30% Block & Push Angle
Increase the blue cone area on melee weapons

+10-30% less Block Stamina Cost
Costs less shields to block an attack

+10-30% Stamina Recovery
How fast you recover your block shields

+0.5-2 base Stamina
Each shield is 2 stamina or each half shield is one stamina

+10-20% player health
Your max total health pool (hard to determine since no hp numbers are given on the bar)

+5-20% Power vs Chaos OR Skaven OR Armored OR Monsters OR Infantry OR Berserkers
You do more dmg to the specified type (Monsters being bosses, Infantry being Hordes, and Armored being Choas warriors/Storm Vermin/Some end of act bosses/Rat Gunner/Warpfire Thrower)

Google Docs table for enemy HP and armor types[docs.google.com]

  • Power vs Infantry - critter_rat, critter_pig, Rasknitt, Nurgle Sorcerer(Blightstormer), Lifeleech Sorcerer, Poison Wind Globadier, Gutter Runner, Mauler (head is considered super armor), Raider, Bulwark, Fanatic (white horde zombies), Sack Rat, Clanrat, Clanrat with shield, Skavenslaves (pink rats)
  • Power vs Armored - Stormvermin with shield, Stormvermin Commander, Stormvermin, Ratling Gunner, Warpfire Thrower, Parts of the Stormfiend (backpack skaven, right arm, left arm, head)
  • Power vs Monsters - Rat Ogre, Packmaster, Stormfiend, Bile Troll, Blessed Gatekeeper Naglfahr (chaos spawn form), Spawn of Chaos, Deathrattler (parts of Deathrattler are super armor - backpack, right arm, left arm, head), Burblespue Halescourge
  • Power vs Berserkers - Savage (chaos), Plague Monk (Skaven)

+10-30% damage reduction from Chaos OR Skaven OR AoE attacks
You take less dmg from these sources (AOE = Troll Bile, fire barrels, gas clouds, warpfire flames(?), explosions from the environment, etc)

+11-33% Curse Resistance
You dont lose as much health from holding a Grim (in the pictures only the elf and dwarf have the 33% curse resist trinket on while holding 1 Grim)

+10-20 Crit Power
Every time you get a random crit it does more dmg than it would without this property

+3-5% Crit Chance
Increases you chance to score a crit (melee weapons will have a orangish glow on the animation to signify this)

+5-10% Cooldown Reduction
This only affects your career skill's charge rate and stacks with talents

+10-30% Revive speed
You get fallen teammates up faster

+10-30% Respawn speed
You respawn faster after dying (not much value since you have to die to make it worthwhile and some Heroic Deeds just kill you if you get downed)

+5% Movement speed
You run faster (gotta go fast Sanic!)

+3-5% Attack Speed
Affects your weapon attack speed (possibly how fast you charge a heavy attack?)
Weapon Descriptions/Characteristics
Generally speaking every weapon will have a few green tags on it to let you know what the weapon does/its playstyle and what utility you get out of it. Most tags can be found on either Melee or Ranged with exceptions like Rapid Fire being only ranged

Lots of guides go into deapth with each of the weapons so I will only touch on the green tags and leave a link to the Melee and Ranged weapons list so you can discover more about the weapon

Melee Weapons[vermintide2.gamepedia.com]

Ranged Weapons[vermintide2.gamepedia.com]

High Damage
Pretty straightforward, it either will be very high burst damage or fast/sustained damage(its potential DPS if you prefer).

Shield Breaking
Has two qualities -
  • A: When fighting infantry, the weapon deals more damage to an enemy's stamina if they are blocking. Also If the opponent is using a shield that is wooden, the shield will break (Stormvermin shields are metal).

  • B: Enemy armor reduces your damage. Normal weapons will do minimal to no damage. Shield Breaking reduces the armor mitigation damage penalty. A 50%-20% reduction in the penalty depending on the weapon.

Armor Piercing
It determines if a light attack will damage an armored opponent. Armor will always reduce the damage of an attack. Weapons with Armor Piercings dont suffer the same mitigation penalty as regular weapons(damage reduced greatly or to 0).

Crowd Control
The weapon has high stagger value. These weapons can usually push and/or stagger enemies with normal attacks.

Fast Attacks
As implied the weapon will have very fast attack animations. Think Bardin's Dual Axes

Wide Sweeps
The weapon may swing slower generallly, but it has increased range on its attack. This can even be a form of crowd control depening on how fast you attack.

Heavy Charged Attack
The charge attack on the weapon will do a large amount of damage. Usually it takes a long time/has significant wind up to charge the attack for the damage.

Powerful Blocks
Found almost entirely on shields, it implies that you have a great amount stamina and a wide block angle on this weapon

Damage over time(DOT)
Weapons will continue to do damage(to enemies and friendly fire) for a set duration after the first hit. Amount and duration of the damage varies between weapons.

Headshot Damage
Headshot damage is increased. Not all enemies can be headshot though.

The attack/move set of the weapon is varried. It could do both horizontal sweeps and diagonal slashes. Best to experiment with these ones to get a feel for how they are optimally used.

High Mobility
It can increase the hero's move speed, but generally it will mean that your attacks cause your hero to move a bunch. Good example is Kerillian's spear

Ignore shields
Found mostly on Saltzpyre's Flail, its attack pattern will wrap around an enemy, thus ingnoring their sheild.

Rapid Fire
Fires fast for a ranged weapon.

The weapon has a zoom-in function for accuracy.

Piercing Bolts
You have a 10% increased crit chance while using an aimed shot (e.g. holding RMB or left trigger)

The ranged weapon uses the charge mechanic instead of ammo. Generally is a fire DOT weapon.

Close Ranged
Ranged weapon usually with a wide spread and a limited distance. Generally like a shotgun, has high damage most of the time.
Melee Weapon Traits/Properties

Swift Slaying
Crits increase attack speed by 20% for 5s

Timed blocks cost 100% less stamina

Off Balance
Blocking an attack increases the amount of dmg the attacker takes by 20% for 3s

Increases push strength +50% against an attacking enemy

Heroic Intervention
Assisting an ally under attack grants both of you a temporary damage absorption shield

Resourceful Combatant
Melee crits reduce your ultimate's cooldown by 5%. Effect can only trigger once every 4 seconds.


+5-10% Power vs Chaos/Skaven

+10-30% Push/Block Angle

+3-5% Crit Chance

+10-20% Crit Power

+3-5% Attack Speed

+10-30% Block Cost Reduction

+0.5-2 base Stamina

Ranged Weapon Traits/Properties

Heat Sink
Critical hits remove the overcharge used for an attack. Functions on Drakefire Gun and Flamestorm Staff non-charged attacks

Thermal Equalizer
Weapon generates 20% less overheat

Crits restore 5% of your maximum ammo. Can only trigger once per shot.

Conservative Shooter
Headshots restore 1 ammo

Resourceful Sharpshooter
Ranged crits decrease ultimate's cooldown by 5%. Effect can only trigger once every 4 seconds.

Inspirational Shot
Headshots give nearby allies +stamina

Consecutive attacks against the same target increase power by 5% for 5s

Critical hits increase attack power by 25% against targets with the same armor class for a short time


+5-10% Power Vs Chaos/Skaven/Berserkers/Monsters/Armored/Infantry

+3-5% Crit Chance

+10-20% Crit Power

Necklace Traits/Properties (Healing)

Shallya's Boon
Increases effect of healing on you by 30%

Natural Bond
Passive HP regeneration: 1 health every 5 seconds. Healing yourself with healing draughts and first aid kits only heals for temporary health. Clears any wounds/downs

Healer's Touch
25% chance to not consume health item

Hand of Shallya
Healing an ally with a medpack also heals you for 50% of your missing health

Reduces damage taken after the first attack by 40% for 2 seconds. This effect can only trigger once every 2 seconds


+10-20% (Max) Health

+10-30% Block Cost Reduction

+10-30% Push/Block Angle

+5-10% Damage Reduction vs. Skaven/Chaos/Area of Effect

+0.5-2 base Stamina
Charm Traits/Properties (Potions)

Home Brewer
25% chance to not consume potion

Increases the duration of potions by +50%

Consuming a potion spreads the effect to nearest ally

Drinking a potion grants the benefits of ALL potions, 50% duration

Concentrated Brew
Drinking a potion deals damage to yourself instead of consuming the potion


+5-10% Power Vs Skaven/Chaos/Monsters/Infantry/Berserkers/Armored

+3-5% Attack Speed

+10-20% Crit Power
Trinket Traits/Properties (Bombs)

Explosive Ordnance
Increases explosion radius +50%

Grenades cause hit enemies to take 20% increased damage for 10s

25% chance to not consume bomb


+11-33% Curse Resistance (Grimiores take less health from you when equipped in your party)

+3-5% Crit Chance

+10-30% Stamina Recovery

+5-10% Cooldown Reduction

+5% Movement Speed

+10-30% Respawn Speed

+10-30% Revive Speed
These specific people helped to make this guide better:

Professor Oak;
wew WEW;
Sir Duckyweather;

May Sigmar Bless You

49 comentarios
Dunno 9 FEB 2019 a las 1:40 p. m. 
Off balance works for 5 seconds, not 3.
Heroic Intervention gives 15 Temporary Health Points to both players.
Hunter duration is 10 seconds.
Dunno 9 FEB 2019 a las 1:29 p. m. 
@Sore Loser
Concoction only applies to Potions and those are: power, speed and consentration. Healing DRAUGHTS and Medical Supplies are not Potions, and so are not affected.
Sore Loser 9 FEB 2019 a las 1:11 p. m. 
Can someone please explain the "concoction" trait more specifically? What I'm wanting to know is if it includes health potions. I only used this trait for a little while and I never noticed health gains when I drank speed/strength/concentration pots. I was usually in the middle of hordes when that happened, however, so maybe that's why I didn't notice.
Diana  [autor] 16 DIC 2018 a las 12:43 p. m. 
@The Dude Yes it was tested. I dont understand why it would add 10-30% of 360. That would make it clearly better than other properties if it functioned that way. You would be adding 108 degrees of block at 30%. On something like a dagger with a small cone, that would be insane. It would also make you have almost a 360(288) degree block/push on a shield user. Balance and thematically I dont think that makes sense.
Gallyx 16 DIC 2018 a las 10:12 a. m. 
Just what I was looking for, very well done my dear sir
sixfitdip 10 DIC 2018 a las 2:01 a. m. 
@Custer Was it tested or it's just a theory?
Diana  [autor] 9 DIC 2018 a las 2:55 p. m. 
@The Dude each weapon has a cone on it for the block angle, indicated by the blue bit. It is in the picture in the guide. You are adding the 10%-30% onto that. Eg: you have +10% block angle and the weapon's base angle is a 90 degree angle, you should have a 99 degree block angle after.

I dont have the specific values for all the weapon's block angles, but I'm sure the wiki or reddit has a table somewhere of the values for them.
sixfitdip 9 DIC 2018 a las 7:58 a. m. 
+10-30% Block & Push Angle

30% from existing angle or 30% from 360 degrees?
Sir Duckyweather 25 NOV 2018 a las 7:36 p. m. 
General consensus on the forums is that stats on weapons only apply to those weapons specifically, while stats on accessories apply to everything. In your example you would only have 7% on the sword and 8% on the blunderbuss, unless you have a Charm that also adds to vs. Skaven.
Sir Duckyweather 25 NOV 2018 a las 7:33 p. m. 
Not to be a butt, but it looks like you missed the tooltip change for Off Balance when you updated the guide. It also looks like you might've accidentally mixed up Boon of Shallya with Hand of Shallya.

As said in a previous comment, Off Balance is 20% for 5 seconds and Hand of Shallya is 50%. Boon of Shallya is shown as 30% in-game.