

The Life of a Precursor
由 TheStray 制作
This is my original guide, as far as I know nobody else has done this. I was GOING to do the life of myself but then Ivan of Spades beat me to it, then I was going to be a Crabsquid but another guy beat me. This one is original. Now, this guide might be boring, because I'm talking like I assume a Precursor would. ANYWAYS

This PDA-like tech contains many unintelligible sequences, and a supposed diary of a Precursor. The diary was the only part you PDA could translate, and even then, some is corrupted. Read at your own risk; who knows what Precursors do for fun.
Lysec 1
"Lysec" appears to be the Precursor term for three Human days. Time seemed to be different for Precursors, so who knows if this assumtion is correct.

The Kharaa took out 5367A today. Moving faster and faster. Can't be stopped, it seems. We MUST find a cure. But none exists. We've checked 5480A, 4370B, and 6721B already. Those were the only likely options. The only one left is 4546B, and there isn't much hope for finding a cure there. But we have to check. Right now I'm on my way there. We plan to establish an enforcement platform there, to keep from spreading Kharaa. We'll see what happens.
Lysec 2

PDA: Lysec 2 is completely unintelligible. But basing it off of Lysec 3, we assume the Precursors are nearing 4546B. Luckily, this databank was the only one I was unable to decipher.
Lysec 3
Just landed. Skandar told me to get the rifles out, and that we'd start building right away. I go into the vessel, get twelve rifles, and come out. The Framers are already up and running. A few hours, and we'll be done.


The Enforcement Platform is done, on the outside. Now all we need to do is install a teleporter, rig up an Ion power source, and we'll be done here. We already have the sites for the Research Facility and Thermal Plant planned. Time to start testing the wildlife.
Lysec 4
Here we go. Time to go deeper. We switch the vessels from Fly to Submerse, and get going, collecting specimens small enough to take with us on the way. An extremely aggresive vessel-sized predator attacked us. It was amusing. We took care of it, and decided to put it behind our Enforcement Platform. It would make a fine guard. Then, we headed back to the designated areas. We decided to build the Research Facility in a underground area, filled with advanced flora and fauna life. The Thermal Plant would be placed in an active volcanic area, with extreme predators. Skandar believes we really will find a cure here. I'm not so hopeful.


We have reached the desired spot for our Research Facility. The Framers are already up and running. This will be quick.
Lysec 10
The QEP, DRF, and ATP are complete. So far, all the specimens tested have not shown any resistance to the Kharaa. Most have hope, I do not. There is only one creature that has potential in my opinion. A large, passive specimen, about twice the size of a Reaper. We have yet to test on it, but we will. We will. Last Lysec, the past few I have forgotten to record, an idea was proposed to us by Hurwed. He thought that if we could create a self warping creature and program it to target all creatures infected more than 50% it could slow the infection spread. We would make it 70% machine, of course, that way it doesn't get infected itself. The idea intrigued me. We all decided we would try it. Make an underwater version, so we could test it's warping abilities here, and then go to the land/sky versions. Today we started creating them. It was an interesting process. When we were done, it was almost the end of the Lysec. We will start testing them tomorrow. Meanwhile, we shall finally test the species with the most promise for a cure. Okheim, out.
Lysec 11
This Lysec we started testing the S.W.Q.E.U, or "Warpers". They have quite some promise. We already turned their quarantine enforcement functions on, to see how they react to uninfected lifeforms. They are quite amusing. While that was happening, our most promising specimens were being tested. The Sandshark ancestor, Ghostray, and Reefback were among the list. All of them came back negative. Now we only have a few lifeforms to test. And those being leviathans. At least the Warpers are functional. Now all we must do is mass produce them. Tomorrow we shall test the so called "Reaper" and "Ghost". Next will be the Sea Treader. Then, finally, the Sea Dragon and Sea Emperor. We plan to test both their eggs and bodies. We shall see.
Lysec 13
The Ghost, Reaper, and Sea Treader game back negative, though the Sea Treader showed great promise until the end of testing. Today we shall test Sea Dragon eggs, and the last healthy Sea Emperor. The Warpers are through testing, and we have already dispatched eight of them to different areas. Who knows, soon we might actually need them.


Finally. We were growing so weary from the all the testing... Oh. I have forgotten to explain. Today, we tested the only specimen I thought had any promise, the Sea Emperor. It came back positive. The Primary Containment Facility is already under construction in the only non-deadzone area big enough to fit it. We are still going to test the Sea Dragon, just in case. I wish to go help the construction of the PCF, but I was told to stay here at the Research Facility to create more Warpers. Oh well.


The Sea Dragon egg was just delivered. The PCF is already done on the outside, Ion fabricators and an aquarium are currently being established. We shall begin testing immediately
Lysec 14
All eighteen Warpers have been finished and dispatched. The Sea Dragon egg tests came back negative. Which proves we need to be extra cautious with our only positive specimen. A strange shape is approaching the Research Facility. Seems to small to be a threat. Probably just a juvenile Ghost. Hm. It's getting bigger. Maybe it was farther away than I thought. Perhaps I should - TURN ON ALL ALARMS! SKANDAR! SKANDAR!! PREPARE FOR ATTACK!! I SAID PREPARE FOR ATT-

*Leviathan noises*

*Metal screeches*

*Rifle noises*
Lysec 15
It was... A disaster. Utterly humiliating. The Precursors can destroy an entity large enough to fit this planet in their mouth, but a surprise attack from a leviathan and what? WHAT? WE CAN'T REACT?!

It spread the Kharaa everywhere. I was one of the only 4 to make it out alive, and the only one to make it out uninfected. Currently we are all staying at the PCF, the three infected in quarantine. Skandar didn't make it out. Neither did Hurwed. All of our forces on this planet are currently testing the Sea Emperor. The Kharaa is spreading fast. Very fast. It's what it does best. We are trying our best to slow it down without getting infected ourselves. The Warpers are doing their jobs quite well. We hope they keep doing it like they are. Okheim, out.
Lysec 16
Each one of us are slowly getting infected. I am one of the only ones still clean. This is a complete failure. Even though the Sea Emperor is immune, it seems it is unable to produce a cure due to its age. In order to find one, we must hatch the eggs non-artificially. But we don't know how. The Sea Emperor seems to be trying to talk to us, but we know it is just a mindless beast. The only hope we have for keeping this planet alive are... Peepers. Sounds strange, I know. Earlier this day we noticed them swimming through our vents and pipes. We were about to exterminate them, when Iswein noticed they were carrying a less-concentrated version of Enzyme 42 to the surface, which was acting as a way to slow the Kharaa down. But it won't last forever. Even with the combined services of the Warpers and Peepers, we still need something more. But what?
Lysec 18
At least every one of us is past 50% infected, save me, being at 40%. The Warpers have started attacking US. And we can't stop them. The only way to disable them was contained in the DRF, and... Well. We are going to conduct a few last-minute tests on the Sea Emperor as our last hope, and if nothing comes back positive we'll be on our way to the Sanctuaries to transfer ourselves into Ion crystals.
Lysec 19
We are on our way to the Sanctuaries. Our plan is to tranfer our minds into Ion crystals and remain there for however long it takes, so the rest of the Precursors can come and get us when they find a cure. Three vessels are going towards the Blood Kelp Sanctuary, four vessels are on their way to the Sparse Reef Sanctuary, and my two vessels are going towards the Meteor-Impact Crater Sanctuary in the Dunes. We hope at least one of these expeditions is successful.


Two of the vessels on their way to the Blood Kelp Zone have been terminated. One by a group of Warpers teleporting three Reapers and about seven Bonesharks. The other was destroyed by some unknown creature they encountered while traveling through the void. One of the vessels on its way to the Sparse Reef was terminated by another group of Warpers. So far the two I am leading have had no issues. We are nearing the impact crater, and have already killed two Reapers. What is that... shape on the horizon? Ragnar, give me an analysis. No scientific datalogs? Ragnar, we have literally dug through this planet to find every possible lifeform, how could there be no datalogs? WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN SCANS SHOW THAT IT CAN FEIGN DEATH WITH ALARMING ACCURACY?! WE STILL WOULD HAVE TESTED IT! Unless we thought we already had, of course... Oh no. GIVE ME A SCHEMATIC ON THE SIZE OF THAT THING NOW. Equivalent to the size of the skeleton in the Lost River... of course. It had to be the gargantuan beast, eh? Not the Sea Treader-sized Sandshark ancestor? TURN ALL ION CANNONS ON, FIRE AT WILL. WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WHAT IF IT'S THE LAST OF ITS KIND'?! I DON'T CARE! KILL IT NOW!

*Huge leviathan noises*

*Cannon noises*


We have lost vessel two, I repeat, we have lost vessel two! Turn around and retreat, full speed! Deeper into the Deadzone! No, I am not crazy, you should know that. It's gaining! That's enough! We're hopeless anyways. I want you to rig every bit of the Ion cargo we have in here to the explosive detonators. How big will it be, you ask? Big enough to take this thing with us. Keep going! We must get deeper! Alright, that's far enough! Turn around and go straight down it's throat! You heard me! If anyone has any personal logs, jettison them now! FOR THE PRECURSOR EMPIRE!

*Enormous explosion*

To anyone who happens to have gone down this deep and find this log, deliver it to the Precursor Empire immediately.
23 条留言
Radio Tower 2022 年 11 月 18 日 下午 7:43 
Even tough it was't exact, the creativity makes up for it, thanks for making me laugh, hadn't found something like this in a while!
vibez<3 2022 年 11 月 13 日 下午 3:00 
Nice story, keep it up
A strange sphere 2021 年 3 月 26 日 上午 8:12 
Perhaps it was ALAN. But then he wouldn't be waiting in a slushbog waiting for Robin to upload his mind into her brain.
Herobrines best minion 2020 年 2 月 8 日 上午 6:21 
a nice try of thinking about our life - Al-An
KevinPlaysGames 2018 年 11 月 6 日 上午 11:46 
NP :) happy to help
TheStray  [作者] 2018 年 11 月 6 日 上午 5:46 
K lol. Thank you for the info.
KevinPlaysGames 2018 年 11 月 5 日 上午 6:24 
i meant they were released at the 20th Lysec not made i was a bit tired
KevinPlaysGames 2018 年 11 月 5 日 上午 6:23 
i found out that the precursors tested the warpers at Lysec 13 and somehow i found something hidden while trying to mod it was a hidden databank entry that said the warpers were theoreticly released after 20 Lysec the data download is super hard to find within the files
TheStray  [作者] 2018 年 11 月 4 日 下午 3:42 

You realise a Lysec is 3 days?

So the precursors made the warpers 60 days after they landed?

Considering the Precursors were not on planet 4546B for very long, and that they made their S.W.Q.E.U in the early part of their journey, 60 days is quite hard to believe. Might I ask where this info was found?
KevinPlaysGames 2018 年 11 月 3 日 下午 12:48 
AHEM! the warpers was made by the precursors 20 Lysec after they landed