Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

92 次評價
Japanese Civ Pack GodsandKings
8.274 MB
2013 年 3 月 10 日 下午 2:33
2013 年 7 月 14 日 上午 4:25
6 項更新註記 (檢視)

Japanese Civ Pack GodsandKings

--Updated for BNW compatibility--

This mod adds twelve Japanese samurai clans, plus the Ryukyu Kingdom, as playable civilisations.

South Kyushu - Shimazu Nariakira
UA: Open to Trade: Double luxury resource quantity available when trading. +50% Science from Research Agreements.
UU: Tanegashima: Replaces the Rifleman. In addition to its normal melee attack, can also perform a slightly weaker ranged attack.
UB: Tenmonkan: Replaces the Observatory. Does not require a mountain.

North Kyushu - Kato Kiyomasa
UA: Pride in Punishment: +25% Production across the civilisation. +50% Unhappiness from Population. (nerfed since last release)
UB1: Banikuya: +4 Food and +2 Gold. Requires 2 Horses and a source of Horses nearby. Replaces the Stable, but does not confer any of its original benefits.
UB2: Onsen: Replaces the Colosseum. +3 Happiness, +1 Food, no maintenance.

Tokaido - Tokugawa Ieyasu
UA: The Final Unification: Start with 3 Settlers and an Archer.
UU: Shinobi: Replaces the Knight, but is almost completely unlike it! Basically a submarine on land, it is invisible until it attacks or moves adjacent to a unit.
UB: Kabukiza: Replaces the Amphitheatre. +3 Culture and +2 Gold.

Kansai - Toyotomi Hideyoshi
UA: Kitchen of Japan: +3 Food from Fishing Boats.
UB: Osaka Castle: Replaces the Palace, but with much more defence and produces more gold.
UB2: Kabunakama: Replaces the Bank. Is available at Guilds. +10% Production.

Shinshu - Takeda Shingen
UA: People of the Mountain: Units ignore terrain cost on hills. +1 Gold from Mines.
UB: Dojo: Replaces the Armoury.+2 Happiness. +30 XP for land units only (no XP for naval and air)
UB2: Yamajiro: Replaces the Castle. Requires a Mountain. All units trained in a Yamajiro city get Drill 1.

Hokuriku - Uesugi Kenshin
UA: Forts of Rock: Units are 33% more effective in friendly territory and 20% less outside it.
UU: Kuruma Gakari: Replaces the Longswordsman. Can move after attacking. Starts with the March promotion.
UB: Bishamonten Shrine: Replaces the Barracks. +2 Faith, +1 Happiness, +15 EXP.

Shikoku - Sakamoto Ryoma
UA: To Defy Sakoku: Military units can embark on ocean from the start of the game. +1 naval movement.
UU: Farmer Militia: Replaces the Pikeman. Can build Farms, Camps and Plantations.
UU2: Kurofune: Replaces the Frigate, but has a range of 3.

Chugoku - Mori Motonari
UA: Takatora's Wisdom: Civilisation starts with Himeji Castle.
UU: Atakebune: Replaces the Galleass. Has a lot more melee strength, but still can't melee attack (read: is harder to kill).
UB: Floating Torii: Replaces the Shrine. Provides 2 Faith, plus another 2 for each sea resource worked by the city.

Tohoku - Date Masamune
UA: Land of the Emishi: Units treat forest tiles as road (like Iroquois). All units gain the Indirect Fire promotion.
UU: Abe Pioneer: Replaces the Settler. Can defend itself.
UB: Inari Shrine: Replaces the Temple. +3 Faith from Furs and +2 from Deer nearby.

Kanto - Hojo Ujiyasu
UA: Legacy of the Minamoto: Civilisation starts with 1 free Social Policy. Future policies cost 10% less Culture.
UU: Kyuba no Michika: Replaces the Chariot Archer. Is stronger and ignores terrain cost.
UB: Gojunoto: Replaces the Temple. +3 Faith, +10% Culture.

Ryukyu - Sho Hashi
UA: Gateway to the Middle Kingdom: Earn a Great Scientist upon researching Optics, Engineering, Steam Power, and Flight. (Archer bug has been fixed in this release).
UU: Nunchaku: Replaces the Pikeman. Bonus against Melee units. No bonus against Mounted.
UU2: Gushiku: Replaces the Castle. Provides Scientist specialist slots and Great Scientist points. Doesn't provide Defence or HP.

Vanilla Japan has been changed to Chubu. The Zero has been removed and replaced with the Kajiya, which replaces the Forge and provides iron instead of requiring it.

The two other samurai clans are the Akechi and the Konishi. I would give you their unique details but I've hit the character limit.
109 則留言
DracoTheGreat 2018 年 1 月 30 日 下午 4:49 
Is this compatible with YnAEMP?

If not, may I suggest compatibility?
elrallinde 2017 年 12 月 18 日 上午 6:11 
Does not matter which civ I pick it always gives me a white map when starting game and then goes straight to defeat screen.
SenPie69 2016 年 10 月 9 日 上午 3:18 
all factions dont spawned starting units :/ fix plss :D
Encolpius  [作者] 2015 年 8 月 30 日 下午 12:26 
@nthebrave: I tried and failed, and have retired from Civ modding anyway, so... sorry, but no.
@Daweasaurus: I can't actually fix this for the reasons shown above, but I remember having the same bug and I can tell you how to fix it. In the Civilisations.xml file, there's a section called TerrainBias or something like that. If Takeda's is set to TERRAIN_HILL, switch to TERRAIN_HILLS, and vice versa.

P.S. This has been out for over two years now, and this is the first time someone's played as Takeda Shingen?!
Tobira 2015 年 8 月 22 日 下午 2:14 
takeda shingen doesnt work for me, i have the dlc required but whenever i pick shingen it always automatically kills itself, it doesnt spawn and units.
please try and fix this at your earliest convinience, thank you.
nthebrave 2015 年 8 月 22 日 上午 6:19 
would you consider making a scenario for this, where you win by taking all of japan?
DerigarsChairman 2015 年 7 月 21 日 上午 5:41 
Hokuriku - Uesugi Kenshin; In that sense Kuruma Gakari seem viable still but, should be enhanced phisically i guess with more strengh
DerigarsChairman 2015 年 7 月 21 日 上午 5:38 
I was in a rush sorry; civ select screen being weird; or you could just replace the default longswordsman with samurai ( it really isn't unique in this sense so that would be very fitting. (it would not be a unique unit at all)
Leldy 2015 年 7 月 20 日 下午 1:48 
True dat
Encolpius  [作者] 2015 年 7 月 20 日 下午 12:08 
I like how Emperor Hadrius misspelt samurai in two different ways, neither of which I have seen before. To answer the question, if I did give every clan the samurai unit, people would complain about the civ select screen being weird.