Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown

Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown

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Shadowrun Chronicles Achievement Guide
By catgov
A guide on how to earn all achievements in Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown.
A simple and concise achievement guide for Shadowrun Chronicles.
Achievements are sorted in the order you will be earning them.
Be warned! This guide will contain spoilers!

Main Campaign
Classic Enabler - In the Partycrashers mission talk to the janitor through the intercom, go buy him a beer from the beverage machine and then return to him.

Finders Keepers - In the Jailbreak mission just break in and loot the evidence vault (as you enter the mission the room to the right).

Slot Machine! - In the Who Let the Dogs Out mission pull all four levers. Achievement is granted as you pull the last one. Pull lever number two (from right to left) last as it frees Alex.

Overachiever - In the mission Tunnel Rats do not finish the mission and after the lockdown, wait for the horde and fight all the mobs to earn this achievement.

These are the mobs you have to fight:

Goody Two Shoes - In the Breakout mission make sure all the Knight Errand survive. Split your party to cover both the left (through the interrogation room) and central path, rush ahead of the knights. A rigger will help a lot as you can rush in front with the drones so they will be taking hits instead of people.

Mac Gyver - In the mission Bomb Scare just wait until you have one turn left and defuse a bomb. Just disable four bombs while clearing everything and then wait until one turn is left before disabling the fifth bomb with a character you position close to it.

Note: Might be bugged, a friend got this achievement with four turns left on his timer for some reason...

Linebacker - In the mission Linebacker do not allow any enemy to get into the escape zone.

Respectful Step - In the Calling all Stations mission do not step in the Zen Garden, walk only on the wooden floor. Achievement is earned after you finish the mission.

Humanitarian - Spare Jane in the final mission (just walk away and go to the mission entrance). To get the other achievement you must do the mission again with somebody that is at the final mission.

An Eye for an Eye - Do not spare Jane in the final mission (click on Jane with a team member).

Congratulations! You have earned all the achievements in the base campaign!

To be able to play the challenge missions you must finish the main campaign.

Boston Riot Robots - Finish the first wave in the Red Challenge.

Chain Reaction - Finish the second wave in the Red Challenge.

Army of One - Finish the third wave in the Red Challenge.

Gunbomber made a very good guide for the Red Challenge, it can be read here:

Beastmaster - Finish the first wave in the Blue Challenge.

Technowave - Finish the second wave in the Blue Challenge.

Kill all Bugs - Finish the third wave in the Blue Challenge.

A short guide for the Blue Challenge (the general strategy used by runners):

To make the the first wave very easy just just position your team in a corner, kill the big ones and let the small ones surround you.

Before starting the 2nd wave position your team in the center and start the challenge. Kill the battle droids first. Let the commandos come in melee range and waste them (2 waves). Fairly easy compared to the first wave.

In the final wave you must fight four bosses. Just make sure you are fighting one at a time. Careful! They hit hard and can be immune to stuns!

The four bosses are:
  • Ameoba is a Collector with a minigun (ranged).
  • Reach is an Eagle Shaman (caster).
  • Mantis is a Cyborg (melee).
  • Bedbug - Neonet Commander (tech).
Congratulations! You have earned all the achievements in the challenge missions!
Infected DLC
You must finish the base campaign before you can play the Infected DLC missions.

It's Spreading! - Tied to the storyline. You will get it in the first mission. Impossible to miss.

Get the last Boze! - This achievement is a bit random. In the first infected mission you have to find Bozeman. You earn this for finding him in the last crate. I did not earn this achievement yet but during the mission your character will make comments when you open boxes like "this has Bozeman written all over it". If you read something along these lines go for the boxes furthest from the area where you got the message in. If anybody has a better explanation please share!
A walk in the park - In the Escape from Below Mission (2nd Infected mission) defeat the team of shadowrunners (five runners). Just take the shortcut (demolition skill required). To get to the shortcut just as you start the mission go forward until you reach the street. Pass the street and you should see a fence with a demolition skill check on it like in the screenshot.

Ain't no Stargate! - At the end of the third mission try to walk in the Dissonance Pool with any character (the character will die).

Paydata - Activate all 8 laptops in the ECSE mission (Infected mission four). To activate the laptops you must walk with a character close to the first one. Check the screenshot for the exact position of the first laptop.

I am number one! - In the mission Breaking and Entering (fifth mission) hack the terminal then go to the room to the right of the terminal and kill the shadowrunner team there for the third time then finish the mission.

Picked a winner! - In the mission Breaking and Entering choose the correct nanite container from the first go without grabbing a defective one. Pick the same nanite tank repeatedly until you get the correct one (the correct one is random, we kept clicking the one to the left of the console and got it after five tries - we were lucky). If you do not get it the first try restart the mission and try again.

It Wasn't his fault. - In the final mission do not kill Bozeman (just walk away with your team).

Sweet Revenge - In the final mission kill Bozeman (click on him). To get the other achievement you must redo this mission with somebody that is on this respective mission.

Congratulations! You have earned all the achievements in the Infected DLC!
Repeatable Missions (Shadowrun Chronicles: Missions DLC)
You must finish the base campaign before you can play the repeatable missions.
There are four missions in this DLC. The missions reset on a three hour interval. Two missions are randomly set as normal difficulty while the other two are set as hard difficulty.

The Way of the Fist - In the mission Rescue Ops, kill an enemy with the prisoner. The prisoner does between five and six damage. Clear the area, get an melee enemy low on health and stun it then kill it with the prisoner (somebody with the haste spell is very useful as you can give the prisoner another turn in case the first hit was not enough to kill him.

Welcome to the Bomb Squad - In the mission Bomb Squad do not use more than three generators before disabling the bomb.

Mano a Mano - In the mission Hold the Fort do not use the demolish skill on any of the valves. Achievement will be granted after killing the last enemy. An easy way to do it is to just bunker your characters in a room (one of the spawn points of the mobs) and just kill them as they come (summons and drones are good for drawing fire away from your team).

The Flash - In the Collectibles mission just rush to the points as fast as you can, collect the four samples then return to the starting point before thirteen turns.

Note: Achievements can be earned on the normal difficulty mode of the missions.

Congratulations! You have earned all the achievements in the repeatable missions!
Acknowledgements and Copyright
Thank you Othragan for replaying the whole game and all of the bonus content with me.
Thank you Sentinel, Shiva and Loki (members of the team I finished the Blue Challenge for the first time with).

The image used in the guide's thumbnail is from the Shadowrun Online official cover art.
If you plan to reproduce any part of this guide please give mention or link to this guide. Thank you!
catgov  [author] 4 Nov, 2018 @ 9:57am 
@Luke Really? I did not know this. Thank you!
Luke 4 Nov, 2018 @ 9:41am 
Great guide!

You actually can get them with just the base game. We're doing it now -- just need to group up with people who have the expansions and you can get them.

...for anyone trying to finish it out before the game goes offline
catgov  [author] 26 Oct, 2018 @ 1:34am 
@yao199 (UA) Sadly you need the DLC to get 100% completion.
yao199 25 Oct, 2018 @ 1:14am 
This may sound as a stupid question, but I just want to be sure that I don't start a game that I cannot complete on 100% (since the dlc's are no longer enabled for purchase): Is it enough to own only the base game to be able to get all of the achievements or I actually need to own some of them to access the additional content?
catgov  [author] 13 Sep, 2018 @ 4:48am 
About 40-50 hours on an average estimate. The problem as I mentioned is the achievements that are RNG based and you cannot repeat at will. With "Pick a winner!" you can abandon the mission and start again but "Get the last Boze!" requires help from other players from what I remember because you cannot repeat missions by yourself and the achievement requires mission completion.
Strategius 12 Sep, 2018 @ 4:17pm 
Thanks for the detailed answer. Well I as an achievement hunter am used of playing without having fun or force myself to finish someting to get all achievs. It is of course nice to have fun on the other hand while huntin those cheevos ;)
Then my question should be: How long do you think will it take for someone who is absolutely new to the game to 100% it (regardless enjoyment)?
catgov  [author] 12 Sep, 2018 @ 1:40pm 
Howdy Strategius4!
I do not really know how to answer that question but I will try (enjoyment being a relative affair in itself).
I will say from the start there are a lot of things that make this game not fun to 100%. The achievements that are luck based like "Pick a winner!" and "Get the last Boze!" (I did not get the latter one to this day) are the worst offenders.
Time wise, if you want to finish the game with most of the achievements, me and my friend Othragan spent thirty hours doing so. But I was playing with a high level character while he played with a new one so this estimate is not indicative of what you might experience.
The game can be fun with friends but it also can get boring very fast. If your goal is to get 100% and have fun the whole way, I do not recommend it (sadly).
Strategius 12 Sep, 2018 @ 8:00am 
First of all thank you very much for taking the time and making this guide. My question is how long does it take to enjoy + 100% the game? Just estimated, if you want some fun and all the achievs when you have finished the game.:itsmyground:
3rr0r 27 Feb, 2018 @ 11:42am 
Nice guide. Good job