

219 ratings
How to Die
By TheTrueBrawler
1. Buy Terraria
You will need a copy of Terraria. Most people here may already have one, but to the one person reading this who doesn't, you need to get $10 and buy Terraria. What's this? You don't have or want to spend $10? You can use a friend's copy I guess. That's cool too.

2. Make a new Character and World
Obviously to even start playing, this is nessasary. Of course, you can use a character and/or world you already have, but that's no fun.

3. Remove all Armor and Equipment
All people who followed every step up to this point already have this one done, but if you are one of the many people who ignored step two, having nothing equipped is vital for this process to work.

4. Find a Green Slime
Slimes are hard to attack hopping machines and are one of the first enemies the player encounters. They can be fatal to new players. You want to find one. If you ignored step two, this may be hard as it is possible the world doesn't have much land that isn't Corrupted, Crimsoned, or Hallowed.

5. Let it Attack You
They deal a hefty blow to players without defense. You want this to happen as it ensures death quicker. Be ready to fight off any unwanted enemies like the possible flying fish if it starts raining. If you ignored step two, this will be harder as you have more health, and hardmode enemies can interupt the process 10 times easier than normal mode enemies.

If you followed all these steps, then congradulations. You died. You really achieved something big today. You should give yourself a pat on the...wait, you didn't do it yet, and read this to the end before completion? What are you waiting for? Finish what you started reading.
1. Buy Terraria
You will need a copy of Terraria. Most people here may already have one, but to the one person reading this who doesn't, you need to get $10 and buy Terraria. What's this? You don't have or want to spend $10? You can use a friend's copy I guess. That's cool too.
2. Make a new Character and World
Obviously to even start playing, this is necessary. Of course, you can use a character and/or world you already have, but that's no fun, and it can slow down and/or hinder the upcoming steps.
3. Remove all Armor and Equipment
All people who followed every step up to this point already have this one done, but if you are one of the many people who ignored step two, having nothing equipped is vital for this process to work.
4. Find a Green Slime
Slimes are hard to attack hopping machines and are one of the first enemies the player encounters. They can be fatal to new players. You want to find one. If you ignored step two, this may be hard as it is possible the world doesn't have much land that isn't Corrupted, Crimsoned, or Hallowed.
5. Let it Attack You
They deal a hefty blow to players without defense. You want this to happen as it ensures death quicker. Be ready to fight off any unwanted enemies like the possible flying fish if it starts raining. If you ignored step two, this will be harder as you have more health, and hardmode enemies can interrupt the process 10 times easier than normal mode enemies.

If you followed all these steps, then congratulations. You died. You really achieved something big today. You should give yourself a pat on the...wait, you didn't do it yet, and read this to the end before completion? What are you waiting for? Finish what you started reading.
Chair 12 Sep, 2022 @ 3:55pm 
Instructions unclear, purified the world, killed the moon lord, and became immortal with my copper shortsword
terkle 12 Jun, 2022 @ 6:08pm 
instructions unclear, became god
EricFiredragon 14 Jul, 2020 @ 9:37am 
Instructions unclear. I ventured into the dungeon to find a slime because it ran into there, and a big skeleton skull Shrek'd me.
EricFiredragon 14 Jul, 2020 @ 9:36am 
━━╮ This is memedog. Help
╰┃ ┣▇━▇ memedog take over
 ┃ ┃  ╰━▅╮ Steam by pasting
 ╰┳╯ ╰━━┳╯ him in other
  ╰╮ ┳━━╯ comment sections or he
 ▕▔▋ ╰╮╭━╮ will never be a meme dog
▏  ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔  O O┃
 ▏╳▕▇▇▕ ▏╳▕▇▇▕
 ╲▂╱╲▂╱ ╲▂╱╲▂╱

do it.

No, I don't think I will.
Azzy Dreemurr 22 Jun, 2020 @ 7:02am 
Alternatively, get owned by the Moon-Lord.
Sundown707 24 Feb, 2020 @ 7:04pm 
╭━━━━╮ This is memedog. Help
╰┃ ┣▇━▇ memedog take over
 ┃ ┃  ╰━▅╮ Steam by pasting
 ╰┳╯ ╰━━┳╯ him in other
  ╰╮ ┳━━╯ comment sections or he
 ▕▔▋ ╰╮╭━╮ will never be a meme dog
▏  ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔  O O┃
 ▏╳▕▇▇▕ ▏╳▕▇▇▕
 ╲▂╱╲▂╱ ╲▂╱╲▂╱

do it.
Sundown707 24 Feb, 2020 @ 7:02pm 
instructions unclear, my Macintosh exploded when i tried to launch it
Catarian 22 Feb, 2020 @ 5:49pm 
it was wearing a top hat...
Catarian 22 Feb, 2020 @ 5:49pm 
Instructions unclear. my legs appeared where my head was when i poked a squirrel with my pickaxe.
Duck 21 Feb, 2020 @ 6:50pm 
instructions unclear. my nokia 3310 crashed when launching the game