Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

631 คะแนน
The Story behind the Shield: BIG Mont.
โดย Over9000nukes
No One Cared who he was until he put up the Shield. A story of a Nerd who came to protect his fellow Nerd.
Guide Warning: This will make u cri, very emotional story. :**( !!11!1! u hav been warn.

<--- This is u if u read.
Le Epic music!!1!!11!
(Listen to epic naruto music here as you read for better effect.))

In The Beginning
  • Ever since little boi, Mont be B I G.
  • Always a B I G Guy.
  • Be B I G makes you an outcast.
  • Be B I G got him bullied.
  • Be B I G got him round-house kicked by bully in face everiday.
  • Be B I G made him feel Smol.
The Nerd grew strong.
<--- Actual image of Big Mont from childhood.
  • Was B I G nerd.
  • Only 1 fren, Thermite.
  • Play video game like stupid nerd to escape reality.
  • Probably play stupid tacticle shooter game too, like all nerds do.
  • Favorite catchphrase: "y u bully me?"
  • When bully got hard, Mommy Mont (aka, Momty) Took Mont to karate classes.
  • Lil Mont Lern 2 fite bully.
But... Bullies always won.

  • Bullies grab Big Mont head.
  • Locker SMASH
  • Oof
  • Bully throw big mont in trash-can behind school after beating him for 72 hours straight.
  • Teachers didn't even try to help.
  • Teachers even joined in to beat him up.
  • It seem like Big Mont lost again.
But Fite not over.

  • Trash lid flies open.
  • NANI?
  • Bullies look around, teachers too.
  • Where he be???//.?/?!?/!/1/
  • BIG MONT teleports behind them, sitting in a corner behind the school, with a peice of cardboard in his hand from the trash, shielding him, giving them a plain face look, as if he were ready for what was to come.
  • Everyone in shock, Lead bully remains composed, stands there, folding arms, before commanding his legion of teachers and bullies "What r u waiting 4? Get him, My minions!!!!1! !!1!!11oneone !1!111 eleven!1!!"
  • 500 students and teachers run straight at him in the corner.
  • Battle lasts 7952 straight hours.
  • Kids and adults alike take turns beating him in his cardboard shield
  • Still, B I G Mont is unphased standing in his corner staring at them with a plain face.
  • All the school nerds start cheering him on, from science fair project nerds like Pulse and his heart detector, and lesion with his toothpicks, all the way to his dear friend thermite.
  • Bullies and Teachers dont pay attention, just want to beat BIG MONT for acting too cool.
  • After the battle is over, Teacher & bullies worn out,
  • B I G Mont and the nerds... finally won.
The Emergance of a Hero: From Nerd, To Protecter of Nerds.
  • B I G Mont walked hallways.
  • Struck fear into bullies.
  • Protected his fellow nerd and loners, Like Thermite, Pulse, and Lesion from bullies like Caveira, Ela, Bandit, and the rest.
  • Brought his folded cardboard shield everywhere he went.
  • Whenever a bully struck, B I G Mont would grab his fellow nerd, unfold his shield, and take the beating for them.
The Legend of B I G Mont.
  • Not much known about Mont today, He is a quiet man, as if he had a shield around his heart.
  • His one golden rule is to protect his friends, and most of all, protect the weak.
  • To This day, they say he still sits in corners around the world, taking beatings from all sorts of bullies, all in the name of protecting nerds.
  • If you read this text, your mother will die in her sleep tonight, the only possible way of reversing this is by thanking B I G MONT in the comment section for protecting u, nerd, as well as giving a thumbs up and favoriting this guide.
  • He still faces challanges to this day that he must overcome. (Like people shooting him through his shield, plz fix ubi))
  • Let this be a lesson for you nerds, You can be an Alpha Male one day too, and If you ever see a fellow nerd being bullied, ask yourself what B I G Mont would do.
Check out My other Guides:
720 ความเห็น
Жербани 13 ก.ย. 2024 @ 1: 35am 
Go to the gym to be like B I G mont.
Tacobite 12 พ.ค. 2024 @ 8: 50pm 
thank you B I G mont
Monkeyz 12 ม.ค. 2024 @ 2: 57pm 
thank you B I G mont
human 24 ก.ย. 2023 @ 5: 59am 
Thank you B I G mont
Lurkiel 26 พ.ย. 2022 @ 6: 58pm 
thank you B I G mont maybe i could be like you someday your my inspiration
Dark Pumis 22 พ.ค. 2022 @ 9: 44am 
very sad story, but the music definitely added to the experience in a positive way
Perhaps one day we can all be like B I G mont
unexactriot299 19 มี.ค. 2022 @ 2: 45am 
thank you B I G mont
rvolt against the modrn world 19 ม.ค. 2022 @ 8: 56am 
mont hard ./.
bobes sponja 27 ต.ค. 2021 @ 12: 19pm 
thank you B I G mont
Foxtrot 17 เม.ย. 2021 @ 10: 11pm 
This is why mont has a fat cock he went through all of this