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Notes on more than the Zomboes
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Some of my observations on the zombinis & some other things.
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Zamboni genetics & reproduction
After killing any one zambro, several 'Children' suddenly appear, when off-screen. Because of this, there isn't a good way to get rid of them.

From observing the Zamboni stats, I found out that they actually geneticly pass on clothes & other traits. (this could mean there could be a zamboni clone of you somewhere...) Also, they carry a sort of 'home' Which is passed geneticly too.
Model numbers have very little in common between generation, and their series appears to be random.

However, there is a stat that will actually affect their behavior, and is genetic. It's their sensory (senso) stat!

So, their is a way to 'breed' Zambronees!
... you can't get rid of bad ones tho.

Homes are the places Zombos like to stand at. They are all passed geneticly and have a related stat that can let them (sort of) wander off.

If you examine any Zombo you will get something like this:

Health: ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█
Model: 870897-98
series: 98414
Mood: Giddy* * Note: Mood will change to a ton of different emotions very quickly.
Sensor: 3
Target: none
Home: lon 12, lat 86 (5ti)
Wi He Bo Pa Se No

38297 7714897 87109847

On the 'home' stat notice the (5ti). That is suposed to mean five tiles, which is the area which the zombo will wander around in.
So far, I've seen it go from (2ti) to (15ti), which can be pretty lucky.
How the Zombos sense
Zombos, oddly enough, Will only sense things within their sensor range that are moving.

Their sensor range is the radius, NOT the diameter, around them where they can sense things.
Since you can 'breed' zombos, you should kill the ones with the smalles sense.
Anima body shapes
When animas have children, their body shapes can change alot. this should be no suprise to you, at least if you've seen two animas from the species that look completely different. A small change in Masso can also change the look into some other shape.
However, more suttle changes can ocur.
As you can see, these are two brothers from gen 41 that have virtually the same stats. For some reason, on the upper chest of the first anima there are lighter diagonal lines then on the second. This *may* indicate sutle changes in bone structure, but I can't verify this.

This is father and son. The left anima is the father, and the right anima is the son. Note the fact their surface area is similar, but the perimeter is not. This is probably because while Masso and the shape is saved, there is always the same chance to change bone shape. It works like this:

1 1 1 A=chance to change Masso - • - = --- B=change to change shape A B AB
1 Komentar
masterminer176 26 Mei 2018 @ 8:30am 
Neat facts! I also like the funny names you called the zombitrons! :)