Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

41 ratings
Getting Food
By Ege
If you are a new player and you want to make it through winter this guide will really help!
I already made a guide about crockpots so after this guide you should check that one out to make better food!
Base Locations
The base location is really important because you can't reallocate ponds, gigantic beehives etc.
This list is not in any order just pick which one suits you or one that you found.

  • 𝐍𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬
Gigantic beehives spawns in grassland biomes along with a few killer beehives
You can get up to 4 honey every 6 minutes and a %1 chance of gettinng a honeycomb

Compared to a normal beehive


-Killer bee hives
This isn't really a issue if you have a weapon but if you don't know how to kite it could be difficult

-Not enough food
This is the main problem, honey doesn't give that much hunger and isn't really used in hunger recipes you can make honey ham or nuggets if you have some extra meat. You can hit the beehive 4 times before having a chance to spawn in the boss.

A full beehive


With infinite honey you have a really good supply of honey poutice, honey ham, honey nuggets etc.

-Bundling wrap and royal jelly
You can build a bunnyman farm around the beehive and kill it pretty easily

Once you have the royal jelly you can make Jelly Beans

The jelly beans gives 2 health per second for 2 minutes. The healing doesn't stack up if you eat multiple

  • 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐦𝐩 𝐁𝐢𝐨𝐦𝐞
Swamp biome is really good for food becouse there is always a fight going on when the war ends just collect the spoils of war

A merm and a tentacle fighting


If you are planning a base on the swamp biome the you should really watch out for tentacles

They can kill you pretty easily but if you manage to kill them you can get a tentacle spike or tentacle spot which can e used in many things ex: wickerbottoms books feather hat rain coat...

-Far away from resources
In the spawn there ins't any trees boulders etc so you have to travel a long way to get to them or you could just make you base near the spamps

-Everythings trying to kill you
Mosqitos, spiders, merms, tentacles all of them are dangerous mobs so be carefull when you are trying to get dinner or you might become one!


-Easy food
You don't even have to kill anything you just wait for them to kill each other

Easy food if you ask me!

-Cut reeds
Cut reeds can't be reallocated like cut grass so you have to come to the swamp everytime to get some and if you are really luck you might even find the setpiece

This setpiece is amazing!!!
With cutreeds you can:
-Craft blowdarts
-Craft books as wicker
-Craft pan flutes

  • 𝐏𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬

Ponds can be a really good place for food because frogs spawn in day and if you place a couple
of pig houses they can kill the frogs pretty easily and you can collect frog legs/meat.


-Annoying frogs
If you didn't build any pig houses frogs will start attacking you which is REALLY annoying

To prevent this you can build pig houses but they are a bit expensive


-A lot of meat
Pigs and frogs drop meat so you will get a lot of meat with 2 pieces of it you can make meaty stews

You can fish on the lakes for fishsticks which gives 40 health

I already mentioned this on my crockpot guide

Thats about it!!
If you have any more recommendations for base locations leave them in the comment section
Getting Food
There are a lot of ways to get food but i will be talking about the most effective ones

  • Berry Bushes/Juicy berry bushes

If you are Wickerbottom this method is really good becouse you can just grow them all back instanly

With 1 book you can solve your food problem for a season but the problem is sanity you will lose a lot of sanity

  • Farms

Farms can be a really good food source because if you have enough manure you don't have to wait

Also dragonpies are really good they give 40 health 70 hunger which is amazing for a seed but it has a really low chance of appearing i would recommend giving the first dragonfruit you have to a bird to get 2 dragonfruit seeds that way you can get infinite amounts of dragonpie

  • Koalefants

Koalefants are really easy to kite and drop 8 pieces of meat with trunks with the trunks you can make puffy wests which is really helpfull in winter.

First you have to find the "Suspicious Dirt Pile" then you just follow the path

Now you have to kill the koalefant like i said they are really easy to kite you just hit them once dodge hit 5 times dodge. The only problem would be hitting them since they run away.

There is a really usefull mod if you want to farm koalefants called Koalefant family dst which lets koalefants have babies you just trap 1 inside a pen and they will multiply

  • Bees

This can get you alot of food but you have to build this away from your base if not in spring they will be REALLY annoying

  • Butterfly Wings

This is one is probably the best one early game because you only need some flowers and it gives 10 hunger!

And also you can make butter muffin which gives 20 health points

Bad Ways Of Getting Food
These are the bad ways of getting food in my opinion because
-The food isn't worth it
-It requires too much resource
-The food is too dangerous

  • Rabbits/birds

    The reasons why i don't like this way of getting food :
    -Morsel doesn't give that much hunger and in crockpots it is a 0.5 value meat
    -You have to check them everytime
    -The traps cost resources

    And the bird doesn't always give morsels it sometimes gives feathers

  • Birchnuts
    When you cook birchnuts it gives 10 hunger which isn't worth it you can just replant it for usefull

  • Pigs/Bunnyman

    Attacking these mobs probably isn't a good idea because they usally are in groups and will attack together making them almost impossible to kite. But you can always make them fight by feeding one then making your friend go on a one way journey.
Improving Food
There are 2 main ways to improve food

  • Crockpots
    Im not going to go over all the recipes again i already made a guide about crockpots
    So that guide goes over best crockpot recipes for health/hunger/sanity
    so check that out ^-^

  • Drying Racks
    Drying racks will turn meat into jerky which gives sanity and will make it last longer
    Normal meat takes 2 days to turn into a jerky

  • Birdcage
    Idk if this is improving or not but the eggs come in handy.
    You can make pierogi which gives 40 health
    You can trade it if you want some gold
bigzthegreat 27 Jan, 2022 @ 11:26am 
need food? 1 monster meat and 3 berries or any filler besides twigs. You a starvin? 1 monster meat 3 meat 1 filler for a meaty stew that gives 150 hunger.
kill your local spiders for meat and beefalo and koalaphants for regular meat.
also, farming potatoes is a good idea all round. shove some potato seeds and tomatoes together for inf food
Papa Canis 24 Mar, 2018 @ 11:13pm 
Heads up, your guide is a tad bit hard to read for some people. I'd recommend making good use of [h1] and [b] , which can be really useful in making your guide seem more organized.
iik4yx 17 Mar, 2018 @ 10:14am 
Wow, this was way longer than I expected, although really good info. They just need better grammer... :steamsalty:
memebucko 6 Mar, 2018 @ 6:56pm 
for when you don't know how to place your cursor over a bush and click
SiongMao 4 Mar, 2018 @ 9:22am 
didnt say forbid berries i just traps arnt so bad because their useful at the beggining plus getting a bird would be one of the steps to doing the farm soo... thats pretty much what i ment
Ege  [author] 4 Mar, 2018 @ 9:11am 
@Eren_22 thanks for the advice but the reason why i said the traps were bad because you have to constantly check them, it just wastes time and in this game wasting time is not an option because in day 30 deerclops comes banging on the door.The bunny trap is a lot less expensive but the bird trap costs 8 silk which isn't all that easy to get. And with the berry bushes the reason i find it usefull because you only need manure for it making it really cheap and like i said if you are wickerbottom you can grow them back instantly.
SiongMao 4 Mar, 2018 @ 8:35am 
nice guide didnt help me much.. i agree with 99% of everything buts its better if you mentioned how traps are pretty good in the beggining of the game as its enough for meatballs + you also said berry farms are good so if they make farms and use traps it will suffice them for a while.. also it didnt help me me that much because i already know all that stuff pretty good at the game but good guide pretty usefull for begginers
Ege  [author] 1 Mar, 2018 @ 4:04am 
Yep totally
shuds 😩 1 Mar, 2018 @ 3:56am 
how could you possibly die if you eat monster meat.

that shit healthy
Ege  [author] 1 Mar, 2018 @ 3:49am 
@shaouoads well my first time playing i always died because i starved or i was starving and i ate monster meat. As a beginner i couldn't even see deerclops