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Mount & Blade: Warband

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The Napoleonic Firearms Guide
De Snow
A comprehensive guide to Napoleonic Wars guns written by Veteran players of the game. Featuring stats, usage and capabilities of every gun on the game. As well as the class system and its effects.
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Introduction to Napoleonic Era Firearms
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Most firearms of this era are of the flintlock breed, with the exceptions of outdated wheelocks and air guns used by some Austrian light infantry. They work by a muzzle loading a musket ball and gunpowder. The hammer is then pulled back and when the trigger is pulled, the hammer snaps forwards colliding with a piece of flint causing sparks. The sparks then ignite the powder that effectively explodes sending the musket ball out of the muzzle of the musket at large velocities. This is not an accurate weapon, nor does it provide fast and efficient reloading times. Because of the flaws in this weapon, infantry tends to stand together in lines, to mass their firepower. A well trained fusilier could fire 3-4 times a minute, in Napoleonic Wars, the reload times are accelerated slightly for more interesting gameplay.
Infantry Musket
Infantry Musket
The basic Infantry armament is an infantry musket. It's effective at all ranges but struggles to hit targets at longer ranges. The infantry musket was a weapon used by line infantry and some light troops. In this game it features a faster reload time than other standard weapons with about 14 seconds yet much slower than most cavalry firearms. One of the main capabilities of the infantry musket is its attached bayonet, this is the melee weapon of choice for a lot of infantry men and it is arguably the most effective weapon in close quarters. It is because of this bayonet that the infantry musket is a remarkably balanced weapon, effective at both medium ranges and close quarter as well. This weapon is exclusive to "footsloggers," it cannot be used on horseback.
By the time of the Napoleonic Wars, most Major powers in Europe had realised the potential of rifles and equipped their elite light troops with rifles. Historically it featured vastly superior accuracy to its musket counter-parts, in this game however rifles are more accurate than muskets but not to the same extent as historically. Because of this superior accuracy, rifles are superior at longer ranges to every other weapon. This superiority at medium and longer ranges comes at a price however, it features a longer reload time of 16-17 seconds. The main drawback however is its venerability in close quarter melee. The rifle butt becomes a club, with shorter range and far less damage the user is put at a distinct disadvantage against a line infantryman in melee. This weapon can be fired on horseback but cannot be reloaded on horseback.
Cavalry Muskets and carbines
Cavalry muskets and carbines were used by light cavalry and dragoon regiments. As a general rule, cavalry firearms are generally less accurate than the weapons used by the "footsloggers," as they are sometimes referred to. In the hands of a light infantryman the cavalry musket does out preform the infantry musket, carbines however are less accurate. Because of this limited accuracy, cavalry muskets and carbines cannot engage in long range fire fights, they are limited to short ranges where they excel. Something worth mentioning is that the faster the rider is going, the more the accuracy decreases. They do however have a faster reload speed, muskets reload in 12 seconds and carbines in 11. Many dragoons either dismount or stop to fire, thus increasing their accuracy and allowing instant reloading. In the game Napoleonic Wars, no ranker firearms can be reloaded on the move. Cavalry of this era used firearms as more of an axillary armament rather than a primary means of engagement. They were used to wear the enemy down and harass them before charging with sabres. Cavalry muskets are also used by light infantry and militia forces in the Napoleonic expansion.
A musketoon is a shotgun of sorts. It serves the same purpose as a modern shotgun but has an even more limited range. The maximum range a user can expect a kill at is about the length of two horses and a half. This extreme limitation in range is made up for in brute firepower. You only have to aim in the direction of the enemy and the shards of shrapnel will do their bloody work. It can also kill multiple enemies with one shot, unlike every other firearm, its bullets don’t stop after shredding one opponent but they continue. With a speed of 16.5 seconds, the musketoon suffers the longest reloading time of all weapons. It is however the weapon of choice in close quarter but its lack of an effective melee mode makes it more effective for firing and retreating rather than entering a prolonged melee. This weapon is also used by Austrian Grenzers as an infantry weapon.
Pro tip!- Do not attempt to use a musketoon at any type of range, although watching noobs attempting this is usually hilarious
Pro tip!- NEVER EVER EVER, fire into a melee with this weapon. It will shred both your enemies and your team mates. Even if you are not bothered about butchering your team mates, it will get you hated and you will look like a troll/hopeless noob

The top left gun is a musketoon, top right is a Russian short musketoon, bottom right is a cavalry musket, bottom left is a cavalry carbine

Officer Pistol
Pistols are not devastatingly effective weapons. They do not strike fear into the hearts of enemies but they do have some very interesting characteristics. They have the shortest reloading time of all firearms by a long shot, 7 seconds. The user can also move whilst reloading. The pistol is a hugely inaccurate weapon though, the effective range of a pistol is about 3-4 horses length. If you do manage to hit anything with a pistol, it deals rather limited damage. It takes about 3/4 of a man’s health at close range, however for a skilled shooter, a headshot guarantees a kill every time. Even though this weapon is the most ineffective firearm there is, it does have its uses. In close range, its speedy reloading and movement can be a huge advantage over conventional weaponry. This is the only officer firearm available and is issued to all officers except artillery, who don’t have firearms.
The class system
If you want detail about classes follow this link.
But here is just a quick overview of infantry, I strongly sugest taking a look at the link, most of the stuff on there I didnt even know about.

Line infantry are the standard infantry class, they stand in closely packed lines to mass their fire power.. They feature regular accuracy and regular health.

Light infantry and riflemen are skirmishers, they have improved accuracy in comparison to the other infantry classes. However this accuracy comes at a price, they have reduced health meaning they suffer greater losses to enemy small arms fire and melee attacks.

Foot Guards were the elite troops of the army. They are better at melee, slightly faster attacks and slightly more damage. This is only a small differance.

These effects are small, although it is worth thinking about when you are chosing your class.
Thanks for Reading
Written by TheSnowHindu
Some Newbish help by PrideOfNi
Images by Affjoris
Thanks for taking the time to read this, i hope it has helped you. Feel free to comment and rate. If you are interested in joining an active and skilled regiment that trains its recruits, feel free to add me. Thanks.
125 commentaires
Larold 18 janv. 2018 à 9h25 
They just nerfed pistols even more, now they are, from point blank, a three shot fucking kill.
GinGin 25 déc. 2016 à 20h24 
Any Body Who Wants To Join A Organized Team With Mincraft, Shougun 2 And Rome 2 Tournaments and Mount and Blade Events Join The 126th Divsion Today!
a 5 nov. 2016 à 20h14 
Dead, you are also not entirly correct. You do pour a pinch into the pan, but afterwards there was not much more process. You do not pour the powder into the barrel seperately, you ram the ball and powder together.
Also, Wheellocks were actually effective weapons, they were not issued to rank-and-file due to their expensive nature and complicated workings.
RukiTheFox 2 oct. 2016 à 2h45 
Decent guide straight off Wikipedia. Lel jks.
Mariner108 24 juil. 2016 à 14h03 
Only because you tried to end it because you had been proved wrong. Im not replying again but just stop trying to avoid being wronged and just accept it, its no big deal anyway. I dont care. I was only giving you a tip.
Snow  [créateur] 24 juil. 2016 à 12h57 
and he carries on Q_Q
Mariner108 24 juil. 2016 à 12h46 
Im fine with that, you were the one who caused the problem because you didnt like to be corrected by me so you tried to act like a big man and insult me for but that just gave me another thing to criticise you with.
Snow  [créateur] 24 juil. 2016 à 12h27 
lets leave it there everyone :P
Mariner108 24 juil. 2016 à 5h13 
Mariner108 24 juil. 2016 à 5h13 
Sounds like Buister Heimann is jelous of my great knowlage of firearm history because it is not useless knowlage and you the one being an asswhole by using immature insults like "mental masturbation" and "Insufferable dick". When you tell somebody that they are being offensive, best not be alot more offensive to them when telling them.