Remember Me

Remember Me

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Skip Intros & Pre-rendered Cutscenes
By dinosauriac
How to disable intro videos and enable skipping (some) of the cutscenes in Remember Me.
What this guide helps you to do...
Remember Me has a problem with cutscenes, namely that they are unskippable. Unfortunately there's no way to skip the in-engine real-time scenes, but we can make the intro videos and pre-rendered cinematics skippable with a few simple steps.

Option 1: Overwriting the config files
The quickest and easiest way of making the intros and pre-rendered cutscenes skippable is downloading a modded config file and overwriting the original.

Click here to download the edited config file!

Installation instructions:
  • Copy the downloaded Zip file to:
  • Right click and extract the file
  • When prompted, click Yes to replace the file already in that folder with the new version.
  • That's it! Run the game and you can skip pre-rendered videos by pressing any key/button.

Option 2: Editing the Config files
If you don't wish to download a modded version of the file, you can manually edit it yourself by following the instructions below...

Navigate to:

Right click and open the file DefaultEngine.ini using Notepad.

Copy all the text lines that start with "+SkippableMovies" below:


Search for [FullScreenMovie] in the DefaultEngine file, scroll down slightly from there to where it says "then the looping movie is never played." and paste the copied text underneath. If you just want to skip the intros and not cutscenes, only copy the first four lines.

Save the file and voila!
You can now skip pre-rendered videos by pressing any button.

Option 3: Deleting video files
A slightly more extreme but quicker option is to simply delete the Bink video files from the game's folders, so the movies will never play. This could potentially cause issues, such as the game locking up, but in my limited testing seems to do no harm.

The movie files are located here:
Steam\steamapps\common\Remember Me\ExampleGame\Movies

Pre-rendered Bink files are used all over Remember Me, from intro videos to advertisements on billboards. Because of this, you need to delete the right files to make sure you don't cause any graphical glitches. Listed below are all of the Bink videos that are not shown in-world that should be safe to delete...


They all end with the .bik file extension and range anywhere from 1MB to a couple hundred in size.

Deleting these files will of course mean the game never plays them, so you might experience abrupt ends to certain scenes.

Delete only the Bik_Boot videos if you just want to remove the intros.

Notes & Restoring Movies
Any update to the game (however unlikely that may be to occur) will probably void the config file, removing the edits you have made. You can get around this by right clicking the file, opening its properties and setting it to Read Only.

Should you want to get the cutscenes and intros back to how they were originally for some bizarre reason, it's fairly simple to do.

If you edited or replaced the DefaultEngine config file, you can delete the changes by opening it with a text editor such as Notepad and removing the +SkippableMovie lines. Alternatively, you can just delete DefaultEngine.ini itself and verify the game files using Steam to restore it to factory defaults. This may remove some of your user settings such as resolution options, though.

If you have deleted the video files themselves you can get them back by right clicking the game in your Steam library and using the Verify option to re-download the bink movies.

It's unfortunate that the in-game cinematics will likely remain unskippable. In a game where rewinding and fast-forwarding plays a key role, it's pretty hilarious that you can't skip this stuff. Dontnod team did learn from their mistakes in their future games, but it's a pity Remember Me was forgotten. With the changes here at least we can bypass some of the lengthy scenes that make it less appealing to go back to. Hope it helps people wanna return to Neo Paris a bit more.

Shade 26 Jan, 2022 @ 6:49pm 
I made a bounty for actual cutscene skipping if you want to take a look!
Big Frog Love 9 Dec, 2021 @ 2:17pm 
The speedrunning community actually reached out to Dontnod about this and they said that they had wanted to add a patch to allow skipping cutscenes but that any future patches had to go through Capcom because as the publisher it was Capcom's say whether any more money or dev time would be spent on the game and Capcom never gave the go ahead. So it's not that Remember Me was forgotten just that they weren't allowed to go back to it.
dinosauriac  [author] 22 Sep, 2021 @ 10:38am 
As specified in the guide, this allows you to skip pre-rendered cinematics only. In-game realtime cinematics are unskippable as they take place in the game world.
Hamstersex 21 Sep, 2021 @ 2:08pm 
Yep, can't skip anything with this guide :(
Baraz 10 Apr, 2021 @ 8:11pm 
Adding the skippable codes in DefaultEngine.ini or ExampleEngine.ini does not work. The movies are never skippable.

Maybe setting bForceNoMovies=true in DefaultEngine.ini might work (?) to accelerate re-runs, but I have not tested it yet.
Baraz 9 Apr, 2021 @ 1:49pm 
I found it on Google only (due to the language filter on Steam not showing guides that have no language selected).
Things 31 Oct, 2020 @ 12:42am 