Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

104 人が評価
44-161 Kv Wooden Power Line
Assets: Electricity, Road
1.971 MB
2018年2月12日 17時59分
2018年3月30日 14時51分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

44-161 Kv Wooden Power Line

This is a 44-161 Kv wooden power line modeled after the 100's of kilometers of similar types which crisscross America and Canada!

This works just like the default powerlines, to connect different power grids.

This is my first powerline, however I plan on doing more soon!

Special thanks to Simtropolis users Badi_Dea and Tim the Terrible aswell as Kollati, this would'nt be possble without their help!
14 件のコメント
2014 Toyota Corolla 2021年11月13日 7時57分 
Anyone Know what that map is?
eXcalibre_ 2021年7月19日 21時32分 
can you fix the misalignment of the wires please? the two side wires are hovering in mid air ;-;
marti_e_n 2019年6月14日 14時44分 
Doesn't work. Error message. After, problem loading my game.
conno  [作成者] 2018年6月5日 15時06分 
@ Nabla Thank you so much it really means a lot and wants to make me continue this!
Keynes 2018年6月5日 14時52分 
Ahh, I see. I must say, I really love your assets. You're one of the best asset creators in the workshop. The best at making North American buildings!
conno  [作成者] 2018年6月5日 14時40分 
@Nabla That really sucks, I will try to repackage the asset, It appears that it is the The power line towers asserts that are brooken
Keynes 2018年6月5日 14時19分 
Hi Conno. I've been getting error messages regarding these power lines mods for a few months now. Any idea what causes it? I suppose I'll unsubscribe from them in the meantime.

Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 1306065893.Big Utility Pole_Data: Duplicate prefab name
Custom Assets: 1306065893.Utility Pole_Data: Duplicate prefab name
Custom Assets: 1300028611.Wooden Pole Power Line Big_Data: Duplicate prefab name [BrokenAssetException]

No details
randy_ralphson 2018年5月4日 4時56分 
Stupid question are they draggable?
Lextacy 2018年3月17日 21時08分 
I once got zapped by these. Would do it again now with these assets :)
philclark20 2018年2月15日 7時01分 
finally, a decent set of rural power lines! great work