Arma 3
34 betyg
European Tactical Realism - Public Server
European Tactical Realism is a miltary realism unit based around Arma 3. We play using light infantry combat tactics utilising a range of current military equipment,tactics and communication procedures,always seeking to achieve a balance between gameplay and fun. We run a 24/7 Public Arma Server which is available to all players (not just members/recruits). The Public Server missions are developed by the Group and incorporate a combination of third party mods and our own Group developed mods and functions to provide a challenging and immersive experience.

In addition, Recruits and Members may participate in Operations created by the Members within our community, these Operations run every Fortnight on Saturdays at 7pm UK time.
Our Members/Recruits come from a wide range of countries including the US,UK,Germany and the Netherlands amongst others. We recognise that Arma is a game and have a very flat and relaxed structure and also understand that people have other interests and affiliations and therefore do permit ‘dual clanning’.

At the heart of our Community is our dedicated Teamspeak server ( Whether you are an Arma novice or an experienced player please feel free to hop on and say hi or ask for any help that you might need either with Arma or to play on our Public Server.
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