Team Fortress 2
65 оценки
How to get into Div 4 Competitive TF2
От hache
A brief guide on how to get into Div 4 written by Div 5
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1. Spawn
2. Walk to mid
Taunt during the start of the rollout
because you're gonna walk to mid and there's this freezetime which is time wasting might as well taunt to show off how rich are you

Here's the medic-taunt-during-rollout rollout

Common Strategies
1. Spy to mid
2. Heavy to mid
3. Battle medic
4. 5 man decoy so medic can frag
5. Defend last during rollout

Very common strat: scouts use the boston basher to build uber during rollout/after spawn even when medic is not around to farm heals for medic, it's alright if you die during the process of building uber as it have a slight chance to confuse your enemy. Once the enemy team is in confusion (you acn know when they typoe "LOL" or "???" <-- confused), they have a 45% chance of pushing and a 5% chance of being in a state of confusion and a 50% chance of copying this strat to counter your 200IQ strat you just performed. Okay, the real thing comes in here, right after this strat is performed, you are probably respawning with a respawn time of 5-7 sec, your team will now push and force the enemy team to retreat.
  • 1 Medic 1 Demoknight 2 Snipers 7 spyhahaicantcount
  • 2 Pyro 1 Spy 1 Rocket Jumper soldier (must be jumper main (proj umper)
  • 1 Spy 1 Medic 1 Demoknight 1 Huntsman sniper 1 Stock pyro (stockhats!!)
  • 1 Engi (defend last when game start) 1 heavy (defend last when game start) 1 Demoknight (useful 200 IQ decoy) 1rocket jumper soldier (150IQ decoy) 1 spy (unexpected!!) 1 pyro (defend last when game start) <-- this strat must be used during rollout to mid !!
Uber building with 200 IQ
1. use stock bat
2. ask medic for heals

original inspiration by cylics
Team Communications
Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh borger?
Callouts should be as detailed as possible to avoid CONFUSION

Example below:

Calling out a scout flanking behind:
Greetings, my fellow comrades, just now when I was looking 45 degrees from North, there was a scout who went from the room in brown decorated with a few frying pans on the walls, towards our medic which was dressed in a pink pom pom santa hat which in my opinion I think it is very fluffy and adorable (this works well when your medic is a girl), yes you are adorable, I like you. But no worries, I see our scout using his 200 IQ offclassing as a man or woman dressed in pyrotechnics suit, I did not assume gender. Could you guys, also known as my fellow teammates/comrades, I now seek for your help to get rid of this scout by dealing damage on him please thanks. Today was a great day so I wish we won't lose this fight.

Calling out damage done:
Blu scout in recognisable lime green billshat with a lime green backpack was shot by my Strange Professional Killstreak Scattergun with currently 3 kills, it also comes with a few strange parts: Damage dealt, Not crits nor minicrits kills, Revenges, Heavies killed, and scouts killed which is my favourite strange part because I can boost my ego telling others how many enemy scouts have I killed, anyways, my scattergun dealt 3 damage to the enemy scout from a long range shot, which is 125 - 3 = 117, which in this case he is left with 117 hp which we have a high chance of killing him if we fired a pipe that can hit him and deal 100dmg to him, and then I will finish him off by dealing 17 dmg to him so that I get an extra scout kill in my strange part: Scouts killed.

Calling out enemy medic position:
Guys, guys, guys, there is a german guy equipped with medigun that is capable of healing on 11 o clock which is about there, right there, if you can see me pointing my finger towards the direction, which is the way to the enemy german guy equipped with medigun that is capable of healing also known as the medic or nursey, this german guy is now alone which means that there is now other enemies around protecting him. If we can kill him we can successfully prevent them from building uber using the scout strat I listed way above, which means that the german guy could not heal his teammates which is our enemeies because he will be killed by us forcing him into a 7 second respawn time. This means that in this 7 second respawning duration, they will get 0 heals or buffs from their german guy with medigun that is capable of healing. Guys let's go he is right there, RIGHT THERE WHERE I POINTED omg i said right there not right side.
This guide is specially requested by Cylics
7:12 PM - Cylics: Cannot do rollout when have 5 ping
7:12 PM - Cylics: Any tips
7:12 PM - Cylics: ?
7:12 PM - farn: walk to mid
7:13 PM - farn: 200IQ
7:13 PM - farn: get some killsteal
7:13 PM - Cylics: Hmmm...
7:14 PM - Cylics: Brb masturbate
7:14 PM - Cylics: To boost ego
7:14 PM - Cylics: Oooo
7:14 PM - Cylics: Oh yeah
7:14 PM - Cylics: :d
7:14 PM - farn: gay
7:14 PM - Cylics:
7:14 PM - Cylics: What
7:14 PM - Cylics: Ffufu ♥♥♥♥ you
7:15 PM - farn: gay
7:18 PM - Cylics: Write another tf2 guide about comp
7:18 PM - Cylics: So I can get div 4
7:19 PM - Cylics: 💩
7:19 PM - Cylics: 🖕
7:19 PM - Cylics: 🖕
7:19 PM - farn: ok
7:19 PM - Cylics: 👉💦👌
7:19 PM - Cylics: 🍆💦👌
7:20 PM - Cylics: 👉💦👌
Ending speech
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude on all of you homosapiens (lol ♥♥♥♥!) who spent your time reading this guide which would definitely drastically enhance your gaming experience. Next, I would like to specially thank Cylics for requesting me to make this guide to contribute to this wholesome community as a part of this community. I am delighted to be given this precious chance to give birth to this useful guide for you all haha thanks. Most importantly, before I forget to thank these two important people in my life, I would like to do so right now. Thank you to my parents, my mom and my dad haha(mymomnotgay), if my dad did not gave birth to me, I would never exist in this world and I will never have this chance to write this guide for you all. Thanks to my mom for not being gay haha. I was inspired to write this guide after listening some wise words from a wise man. A wise man once said to me: 'ur m0m gay lol'. This sentence deeply inspired me to write this guide for you all. Last but not least, I would like to pizza on pineaple, those who are unable to appreciate piza on pianeapel, pardon me oh lord

Thank you and have a nice day! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

43 коментара
[VAD] NewVeinPattern 20 авг. 2024 в 12:48 
Rozster1 26 авг. 2020 в 23:31 
farn deserves the fucking noble prize
Weebz 11 май 2020 в 5:58 
200iq move
ThatGuyNameZack 19 апр. 2020 в 11:17 
i have become more pro now because of you
Michele Lee Strinova 23 септ. 2019 в 21:28 
this callout is IELTS 9.0
p4ga 30 авг. 2019 в 5:57 
ur mom gay l0l
AS ABOVE, SO BELOW 30 юли 2019 в 2:12 
noob fart lol
IFUCK 7 май 2019 в 20:52 
Reagan 7 май 2019 в 14:25 
Thank you so much for this guide. I've finally reached div4!!!!!!!
Ninja 7 май 2019 в 7:57 
Wrong title.
I pondered long and hard for why i am in div 1, then i realized this guide was read 1 month before afc started.
Rename title to how to get in div 1 and i will give it a 5 star rating.