Space Engineers

Space Engineers

39 人が評価
Working Scale End Loader No Mods
Type: Blueprint
580.700 KB
2018年2月6日 22時20分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Working Scale End Loader No Mods

Malacanth 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Construction Yard
16 アイテム
Working with pistons and rotors again, practicing for trying my hand at mechs again.

I created this, a working, somewhat scale, clang free(ish) end loader modeled after the CAT 980K. It is still a lot of fun to play with, sorry no articulated pivot point on the chasis until Keen developes away to control wheels on sub grids. It's a bit bouncy with the bucket up unloaded because of counterweights in the rear, tip happy (like the real thing) so speed has been limited pretty low but may still have to watch it.

Just a funsy for your enjoyment, or prop.

Hope you enjoy! Please remember to rate, if you find an issue, leave a comment below and I will see what I can do to reslove it.
11 件のコメント
LLC Mandalore 2019年7月8日 9時32分 
all right let me know the container i made is on my workshop with a couple ships i made
Malacanth  [作成者] 2019年7月8日 8時09分 
@LLC Mandalore Taking a break from SE to catch up on some other games, but I might when I come back :)
LLC Mandalore 2019年6月30日 18時16分 
can you make a top loader or the loader crane they use at ports? i have a cargo container i need to be able to move on the ground
Malacanth  [作成者] 2019年4月13日 23時15分 
@Lander1 Gonna take awhile on that pivot, can I get the wheels to function with that script, yes, but it acts strange when I do, only way I think I am going to manage it is to use pistons like the real ones do to stabilize and articulate the front. Which will probably require a pretty major rework of the front end entirely which is ok, because I always thought the arms were just a little too long, but fear not, I will find a way! =)
Malacanth  [作成者] 2019年4月13日 20時17分 
@Lander1 I was actually just thinking about that =)
Lander1 2019年4月13日 16時17分 
Hey now that we have Whips wheel control script how about that articulated chassis pivot point?
Juice Miginty 2018年5月11日 10時51分 
Malacanth  [作成者] 2018年4月11日 3時10分 
zeckmon3 2018年4月10日 23時11分 
Yes something i need!
great job btw
Ravenbolt 2018年2月8日 7時55分 
Looks really nice. Well done. Going to try it when I get home.