

62 beoordelingen
Basic Subnautica Guide
Door Emperor Ketsukane
A Simple Guide that shows stuff in Subnautica!
Please, give this a rate and tell me how you liked it in the comments. Point out any errors too!
Credits to the Subnautica Wiki for locations of the creatures & other stuff.
If this guide can get some stars i will expand it to have more then just creatures, but also Vehicles.

Update 1:
Some spelling errors fixed and videos of Leviathans added.

Update 2:
Vehicles Added - More videos coming soon.

Update 3:
Vehicle Upgrades added, Deceased Creatures added, videos on the way.

Start Date: 02/06/18
Finish Date: 02/09/18
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Scavengers & Parasites

This small creature can attack and attach to your arm and deal damage overtime. The Player must use the PropulsionCannon to get it off.

State: Aggressive
Class: Scavengers & Parasites
Threat: 4
Biomes: Aurora, Deep Sparse Reef, Grassy Plateaus, Grassy Plateaus Caves, Kelp Forest, Kelp Forest Caves, Lost River and Sparse Reef


A Spider like creature that can jump at the player and bite them. They are found mainly in the Blood Zone Areas and the Lost River.

State: Aggressive
Class: Scavengers & Parasites
Threat: 6
Biomes: Lost River, Blood Kelp Caves and Blood Kelp Zone


A Small spider like creature, looking similar to the Blood Crawler. They can be found all over the Aurora's Hull and to the entrance of the ship.

State: Aggressive
Class: Scavengers & Parasites
Threat: 4
Biomes: Aurora, Dunes(Zone and Caves), Floating Island, Mountain Island, Primary Containment Facility and Underwater Caves


A small grub looking creature that lives in the Lava Zones, and can be seen floating around. They can stick to your Cyclops/Seamoth/Prawn and drain your power.

State: Passive
Class: Scavengers & Parasites
Threat: 2
Biomes: Lava Lakes and Innactive Lava Zone


A Weird looking creature that just swims around most areas. They are completly passive and are no harm to the player.

State: Passive
Class: Scavengers & Parasites
Threat: 0
Biomes: Crag Field, Crash Zone, Dunes, Deep Sparse Reef, Grassy Plateaus Caves, Bulb Zone, Mountain Range Caves, Mountains, Mushroom Forest Caves, PCF Aquarium, Sea Treader's Path and Sparse Reef
Herbivores - Small


A Harmless Specimen that looks like a usual fish, except with 2 huge bulging eyes that are used to look at surroundings. The player can catch them and cook them, or put them in an aquarium or containment aquarium.

State: Harmless
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Primary Containment Facility Aquarium, Crash Zone, Crash Zone Mesas, Dunes, Grand Reef, Safe Shallows, Sparse Reef, Mountains and Northeastern Mushroom Forest


A Harmless Specimen that has a very usual design. They can be caught and cooked, or can be used to make Filtered Water. The player can catch them and cook them, or put them in an aquarium or containment aquarium.

State: Harmless
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Grand Reef, Grassy Plateaus, Kelp Forest, Primary Containment Facility, Mushroom Forest, Safe Shallows and Underwater Islands


A Harmless Specimen that's body is shaped like a boomerang, and they have 2 eyes on each side of their head and a very small mouth. The player can catch them and cook them, or put them in an aquarium or containment aquarium.

State: Harmless
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Crag Field, Crash Zone, Deep Grand Reef, Dunes, Grand Reef, Grassy Plateaus, Grassy Plateaus Caves, Kelp Forest, Kelp Forest Caves, Bulb Zone, Primary Containment Facility Aquarium, Mountain Island, Mountain Range Caves, Mushroom Forest, Safe Shallows, Safe Shallows Caves, Sea Treader's Path, Sparse Reef, Underwater Islands Caves and Underwater Islands


A Harmless Specimen that has a goofy look to it, and looks somewhat like a catfish. The player can catch them and cook them, or put them in an aquarium or containment aquarium.

State: Harmless
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Crash Zone Mesas, Dunes, Primary Containment Facility Aquarium, Safe Shallows
Safe Shallows Caves and Underwater Islands


A Harmless Specimen that has one huge massive eye like a Cyclops.The player can catch them and cook them, or put them in an aquarium or containment aquarium.

State: Harmless
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Crash Zone, Dunes, Grand Reef, Jellyshroom Cave, Kelp Forest, Bulb Zone, Bulb Zone Caves and Sea Treader's Path


A Harmless Specimen that has a unique design that has a single hammerhead like head and a hole in its tail, making its name, the Holefish have a reason. The player can catch them and cook them, or put them in an aquarium or containment aquarium.

State: Harmless
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Crash Zone, Primary Containment Facility, Bulb Zone Caves, Mushroom Forest Caves, Safe Shallows and Safe Shallows Caves


A Harmless Specimen that has a unique design that looks like a normal fish but it has 2 antennas on its head that come around and attatch to its head. The player can catch them and cook them, or put them in an aquarium or containment aquarium.

State: Harmless
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Crag Field, Grand Reef, Kelp Forest Caves, Bulb Zone, Primary Containment Facility, Sea Treader's Path and Underwater Islands


A Harmless Specimen that has a unique design that looks sort of like a Hovercraft, with 6 arms or fins that look like propellers. The player can catch them and cook them, or put them in an aquarium or containment aquarium.

State: Harmless
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Crash Zone, Crash Zone Mesas, Primary Containment Facility, Kelp Forest


A Harmless Specimen that has a design that looks similar to the Peeper, exept with pink neon eyes and a more complex design. The player can catch them and cook them, or put them in an aquarium or containment aquarium.

State: Harmless
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Primary Containment Facility and Jellyshroom Cave


A Harmless Specimen that has a design that looks like an Ocean Sunfish, exept smaller and without the fat body. The player can catch them and cook them, or put them in an aquarium or containment aquarium.

State: Harmless
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Primary Containment Facility, Crag Field, Crash Zone, Crash Zone Mesas, Deep Sparse Reef, Grassy Plateaus, Lost River and Mountain Caves


A Harmless Specimen that has a design in the shape of a spade, with a tail as the spear hold.The player can catch them and cook them, or put them in an aquarium or containment aquarium.

State: Harmless
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Primary Containment Facility, Dunes, Deep Sparse Reef, Grand Reef, Grassy Plateaus, Mushroom Forest, Sea Treader's Path and Underwater Islands
Herbivores - Large


These Herbivores are Defensive and if the player comes too close they will spew out a cloud of toxic gas that can kill the player in seconds.

State: Defensive
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0 if not close, 7 if close
Biomes: Crash Zone, Dunes, and Safe Shallows

-Ghost Ray-

These Neutral Creatures are very beautiful to look at and they are one of the many kinda of Ray in the game, and are found roaming the Lost River.

State: Neutral
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Lost River

-Crimson Ray-

These Ray's are just like the Ghost Ray's exept they are Crimson Red, and they live in the Lava Zone(s). Just like their Ghost relatives, they are Docile, and will want nothing to do with the player.

State: Neutral
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Lava Lakes and Inactive Lava Zone


This Ray is the most unique looking Ray and in my opinion the most elegant. They will want nothing to do with the player just like the other Ray's.

State: Neutral
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Mushroom Forest and Deep Grand Reef

-Rabbit Ray-

A smaller Ray then the other Ray's in the game. It is called a "Rabbit Ray" Because of its Bunny Ear shaped fins or ears on the top of its head.

State: Neutral
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Crash Zone, Kelp Forest, Primary Containment Facility and Safe Shallows


This creature is Supposed to be an Alien bird. It can fly and can be found on land places of the game and on top of your lifepod.

State: Neutral
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Crash Zone *Air*, Floating Island, Mountain Island and Lifepod 5


This Creature is known for its intelligent nature and attachment to humans. You can interact with one if you find one and it will follow you around.

State: Neutral
Class: Herbivores
Threat: 0
Biomes: Lost River Laboratory, Deep Grand Reef Base, Dunes Sinkhole and Mushroom Forest Caves

Predators - Small

The Biter isn't much of a threat. It can simply bite you but it doesn't even damage the player a considerable amount.

Class: Predators
State: Aggressive
Threat: 2
Biomes: Crash Zone Mesas, Dunes, Grassy Plateaus, Jellyshroom Cave, Mountains and Mountain Island


A close relative to the Biter, this creature looks like the standard Biter exept has a different skin color and has ghostly white eyes. It isn't as aggressive as the biter, and has a slower speed.

Class: Predators
State: Aggressive
Threat: 2
Biomes: Blood Kelp Zone & Caves


The Crashfish is a Defensive Predator that will give its life to defend its home. They will warn the player by sticking their head out of their plant and hissing if you get too close to their sulfur plant. If the player goes closer the Crashfish will emerge from its plant and chase the player, then after a certain amount of time they will explode.

Class: Predators
State: Defensive
Threat: 6
Biomes: Safe Shallows and Kelp Forest Caves


Size is not everything with this little guy. This Predator is capable of manipulating the player's mind and telling them to come closer to it. It can be seen using this as a self-defense tactic against other larger predators.

Class: Predators
State: Defensive
Threat: 5
Biomes: Bulb Zone, Crag Field, Kelp Forest, Lost River, Lost River Bones field and Mushroom Forest
Predators - Large

An Aggressive/Passive Creature that has a design that looks like a transparent Squid with a Vampire like head. If the player happens to meet one of these, the warpers will chase the player until they decide to give up, or they go away. The Warpers can teleport you out of your Prawn/Seamoth and attack with their claws.

State: Aggressive when player is infected, Passive when cured
Class: Predators
Threat: 9
Biomes: Blood Kelp Zone, Deep Grand Reef, Dunes, Grand Reef, Inactive Lava Zone, Lava Lakes, Lost River, Mountain Island and Sea Treader's Path


An Aggressive Predator that dwells around Creepvines and likes to pick up Metal Salvage and carry it around. They have an appearance that looks like a crocodile/shark mix. They're not very aggressive but will attack if they notice you or you come to close to their Metal.

State: Aggressive
Class: Predators
Threat: 4

-Sand Shark-

These Predators hide in sand and wait for their prey to come near and then they jump out of the sand and attack. They have an appearance or a armored shark.

State: Aggressive
Class: Predators
Threat: 4
Biomes: Crach Zone, Dunes and Grassy Plateaus


These Sneaky Predators will conceal themselves within Jellyshrooms and then when their prey gets close enough they will jump out and devour them with their long crab-like pinchers.

State: Aggressive
Class: Predators
Threat: 6
Biomes: Jellyshroom Cave


Crabsquids are a very aggressive predator that will attack anything it can see. They can use EMP to disable electronics and power to bases and they can cut you with their sharp pincers.

State: Aggressive
Class: Predators
Threat: 7
Biomes: Deep Grand Reef, Northern Blood Kelp Caves, Northern Blood Kelp Zone and Lost River

-Lava Lizard-

Lava Lizards are an aggressive predator that live in the Lava Zones. They can bite you or spit fire out at you.

State: Aggressive
Class: Predators
Threat: 5
Biomes: Lava Lakes, Innactive Lava Zone, Innactive Lava Zone Corridor and Lava Castle


State: Aggressive
Class: Predators
Threat: 5
Biomes: Crag Field, Crash Zone Mesas, Bulb Zone, Mushroom Forest, Primary Containment Facility, Underwater Islands Caves and Underwater Islands


The Ampeel is a large eel like creature with a bunch of pole like shockers sticking out of their body, and they can bite and shock, making them a considerable threat.

State: Aggressive
Class: Predators
Threat: 5
Biomes: Blood Kelp Zone and Bulb Zone
-Reaper Leviathan-

A Hostile Leviathan that has the appearance of a sea-snake and is red and white. These Predators use their strong tentacles on their head to crush their prey, and then eat it. They will grab your Seamoth if you approach one, and they will crush it.

State: Aggressive.
Class: Leviathan.
Threat: 8
Biomes: Aurora, Crash Zone & Crash Zone Mesas, Dunes, Mountain Island and Mountains.

-Ghost Leviathan-

A Hostile Leviathan but appears to display Defensive behaviour, that has the appearance of a transparent sea-snake, and has a hammerhead shark-like head. These vicious predators will eat anything in sight and can wreck a Cyclops in less than a few minutes. You can find them as a Juvenile or Adult.

State: Defensive/Aggressive
Class: Leviathan
Threat: 10
Biomes: Dead Zone, Grand Reef, Lost River Bones Field $ Ghost Forest, and Northern Kelp Zone.

-Sea Dragon Leviathan-

A Hostile Leviathan that has the head of a Dragon and a body of a Squid. These Leviathans will spit out fireballs at their targets, and have a very hostile nature. They are known for killing Smaller Leviathan-Class Predators by dragging them down to the Lava Zone and eating them. You can find then as a Juvenile or Adult

State: Aggressive.
Class: Leviathan.
Threat: 10
Biomes: Lava Lakes and Inactive Lava Zone.


A Passive Leviathan that has the appearance of a coral reef itself, with 3-5 giant Tentacles sticking out of the back of the creature, they simply swim around near the surface of the water. They can appear as a Juvenile or Adult.

State: Neutral.
Class: Leviathan.
Threat: 0
Biomes: Blood Kelp Zone, Crag Field, Dunes, Grassy Plateaus, Bulb Zone, Mushroom Forest, Sparse Reef and Underwater Islands.

Sea Treader
A Defensive Leviathan that has an appearance similar to a spider, but only with 3 legs and a beak as a mouth. They will not attack if you don't get to close to them. They will Kick and Stomp as their attacks.

State: Defensive.
Class: Leviathan.
Threat: 4
Biomes: Grand Reef (Sea Treader's Path and Caves)

Sea Emperor Leviathan

A Passive Leviathan that has a similar design to the Sea Dragon, there is only one in the game left alive, untill you hatch that ones babies. They only eat small micro-organisms. The Sea Emperor you find alive can talk to you telepathically and turns out to be female.

State: Passive.
Class: Leviathan.
Threat: 0
Biomes: Primary Containment Facility.
After Releasing Babies: Crag Field, Dunes, Grand Reef, Mountains, Northern Blood
Kelp Zone.

(Note, i own this video.)
Deceased Creatures
-Gargantuan Leviathan Fossil-

This super-predator is 3 times the size of the Ghost Leviathan and Sea-Emperor, making them look like tiny babies. Skeletal-Remains can be found in the Lost River, with a Ghost Leviathan in the same area. According to the PDA, the massive fossilized remains are only 1/3rd of the full creature, indicating that this creature must have been around 1200–1500 meters long, and the remains are over 3,000,000 years old. Fortunately for the player, they are no longer living and are all Deceased.

PDA Info: The fossilized remains of an extinct super predator. Its sheer size would have prohibited it from entering such an enclosed space, suggesting the geography of the planet has shifted around it over time. A true apex predator.
  • Dated at approximately three million years old.
  • Rib cage measurements suggest the creature was eel-like in structure.
  • Calculations suggest this is only the front third of the specimen.
  • The remains now support a vibrant microcosm of life.

-Unknown Ancient Skeleton-

An unknown and unusual skeleton, belonging to an unknown Leviathan-Class Predator. The Head and Teeth of the animal are much larger than the Player. The player can swim inside the fossil through the missing teeth on its head. The Species of this massive creature is unknown, but what is known is that it is a carnivore and it appears to be Leviathan-Class.

PDA Info:
  • The skull of a million year old armored carnivore. Projections suggest this lifeform would have been larger than any living specimen encountered on the planet.
  • The oceans of 4546B must have been very different to support lifeforms of this size, with more open geography and many more lifeforms in the leviathan range.

-Alien Research Specimen Theta-

A very odd looking skeleton of a larger predator, sharing similar traits to that of the Sand Shark,
Boneshark, Biter and Blighter. It was unknown why this species died off but it was most likely assumed that the Kharra Bacterium killed off this species, and the one found in the Desease Facility was being tested on.

PDA Info: The skeletal remains of a vast predator, housed within an artificial habitat.
  • The environment constructed to house the specimen suggests it was kept alive in containment for research purposes for months, or even years. Organic matter indicates the habitat once supported extensive plantlife, though it has since decayed. When the facility collapsed this specimen was either left to die, or killed on the spot.

  • While it shares some skeletal traits with the biter and sandshark, including its distinctive double eye sockets, this fossilized specimen is significantly larger, and features unusual forearms rarely seen in aquatic species. This species has likely gone extinct in the past thousand years, and its evolutionary relatives have evolved almost beyond recognition.

-Deceased Sea Dragon-

This Sea Dragon has died from Head Trauma in an attack on the Desease Research Facility to get its eggs back. The Remains are around 1000 years old. The Aliens most likely took the Sea Dragons eggs to study them and watch them hatch to see if there is any way to hatch the Sea-Emperor eggs. The Sea Dragon attacked and destroyed the facility, but died shortly after. There is still 3 known Sea Dragons living in the Lava Zone.

PDA Info:The semi-intact skeletal structure of a leviathan class predator.
  • There is clear evidence of massive physical trauma to the head. The damage is so severe it was likely the cause of death, and must have occurred somewhere nearby. Damage is consistent with a high speed collision with a solid object.
  • Something in the environment has helped to preserve these remains, but calcium decay suggests an approximate time of death one thousand years ago. Bone growth suggests the creature was in the egg-laying stage of its lifecycle.

-Deceased Reaper Leviathan-

This Reaper Leviathan appears to have died because of a Sea Dragon wanting a meal. This Reaper has recently died in the past few months, meaning that one of the Sea Dragons killed it. The Reapers are not built for high tempature envoirments so the Sea Dragon had little of a fight.

PDA Info: Reapers are ill-suited to high temperature environments, suggesting this creature was forced down into the active lava zone by conditions outside its control.
  • Trace muscle tissue remains on the bones, indicating the specimen died in recent months.
  • Burns and other physical damage to the skeletal structure.
  • Likely became prey for something bigger.


The Seamoth is a one-man Submarine/Spacecraft that can be used as a means of transportation in Subnautica. They are fast and if given upgrades, can be even better. The Seamoth can travel up to a depth of 900 meters with max upgrades.
PDA Line: The seamoth is a fast, safe mode of transport, but remember that swimming is good for your glutes and endorphin levels.

Crafting Recipe
The Seamoth is Crafted with:
-x1 Titanium ingot
-x1 Power Cell
-x2 Glass
-x1 Lubricant
-x1 Lead

-Prawn Suit-

The Prawn Suit is a one-man exosuit that is used to walk on the seabed in deep places. It can go up to 1700 meters down with max upgrades. The Prawn Suit is a much better choice for exploring dangerous zones like the Lava Zones and the Grand Reef as they are much heavily armored than a Seamoth.
PDA Line:
It is normal when first piloting a Prawn suit to feel a sense of limitless power. Prawn operators receive weeks of training to counteract this phenomenon. You will have to make due with self-discipline.

Crafting Recipe
The Prawn is Crafted with:
-x2 Plasteel Ingot
-x2 Aerogel
-x1 Enameled Glass
-x2 Diamond
-x2 Lead


The Cyclops is a massive underwater submarine that is the largest vehicle the player can controll. It has internal storage, a docking bay for a smaller vehicle, and even (with upgrades) a Shield Generator and 3D Sonar, and many other devices. The Cyclops has 3 camera systems on the ship, and has 3 different speed levels (ahead slow, ahead standard and ahead flank). The Cyclops is suceptable to Leviathan-Class Predators but has many ways of fighting back.
PDA Line: Be advised: the Cyclops is designed to be operated by a three-person crew. Only experienced helms-people should attempt to pilot this vehicle solo.

Crafting Recipe
The Cyclops is crafted with:
-x3 Plasteel Ingot
-x3 Enameled Glass
-x3 Lead
-x1 Lubricant
-x1 Advanced Wiring Kit

-Neptune One Escape Rocket-

The Neptune Plans were developed at Alterra headquarters specifically to get you off 4546B and back to the nearest phase gate. This Vehicle is massive but cannot be piloted by the player. This vehicle is possibly the hardest to craft in the game. The player must construct 5 individual parts of the rocket. Once the player constructs the entire rocket, the player must get inside and activate all of the systems and then prepare a Time Capsule, and then they can leave.
PDA Line: Neptune One Rocket, online.

Crafting Recipe:
The Neptune One is crafted with:

Launch Platform:
-x4 Lead
-x2 Titanium Ingot
-x1 Computer Chip

Neptune Gantry:
-x1 Plasteel Ingot
-x1 Copper Wire
-x1 Lubricant

Neptune Boosters:
-x3 Nickel Ore
-x2 Aerogel
-x1 Wiring Kit
-x1 Plasteel Ingot

Neptune Fuel Reserve:
-x4 Kyanite
-x4 Crystaline Sulfer
-x2 Ion Power Cell
-x1 Plasteel Ingot

Neptune Cockpit
-x1 Cyclops Shield Generator
-x1 Plasteel Ingot
-x1 Enameled Glass
-x1 Computer Chip

Vehicle Upgrades

Storage Module

Compatible with the Prawn and Seamoth, this storage appears on the outside of the Seamoth and is a 4x4 storage locker, with storage capabilities.

Hull Enforcement

Compatible with the Prawn and Seamoth, this Hull Enforcement Eliminates damage under 'normal' conditions.

Engine Efficiency Module

Compatible with the Prawn and Seamoth, this engine module decreases power used.

Seamoth Solar Charger

This Seamoth Solar Charger allows the Seamoth to restore its own powercell in the sunlight.

Seamoth Perimeter Defense System

Generates a Shockwave around the Seamoth to fight aggressive fauna and to defend yourself.

Seamoth Torpedo System

A Torpedo System delivered to fire Gas Torpedos and Vortex Torpedos.

Seamoth Sonar

Similar to the Cyclops Sonar, it prints the enviorment in a 3d grid around your Seamoth.

-Prawn Suit-

Storage Module

Compatible with the Prawn and Seamoth, this storage appears on the outside of the Seamoth and is a 4x4 storage locker, with storage capabilities.

Hull Enforcement

Compatible with the Prawn and Seamoth, this Hull Enforcement Eliminates damage under 'normal' conditions.

Engine Efficiency Module

Compatible with the Prawn and Seamoth, this engine module decreases power used.

Prawn Suit Thermal Reactor

Generates heat above 35º to Power for the Prawn.

Prawn Suit Jump Jet Upgrade

Increases power of the thrusters greatly, giving the Prawn a more Powerful jump.

Prawn Suit Drill Arm

With this arm you can now drill large deposits. Once drilled they break down into normal size.

Prawn Suit Grappling Arm

Fires a grappling hook so that you can climb up steeper surfaces. Works well with the Jet Upgrade.

Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon

Functions identically to the normal Propulsion Cannon, exept much stronger.

Prawn Suit Torpedo Arm

Can store up to 6 Torpedos that can be fired from this arm, working liekt he Seamoth system.


Cyclops Shield Generator

Creates an unbreakable barrier around the Cyclops, but uses a lot of power.

Cyclops Docking Bay Repair

Repairs any Damaged Vehicle docked to the Cyclops.

Cyclops Fire Suppression System

This Upgrade locks down the entire Cyclops so that smoke doesn't spread though the cyclops and auto puts out the fire. I find this upgrade very useful.

Cyclops Decoy Tube Upgrade

Increases the Cyclops Decoy tube capacity by 4, for a total of 5 Decoys.

Cyclops Engine Upgrade

This Engine upgrade reduces power used by 200%.

Cyclops Sonar

Works exactly like the Seamoth Sonar, exept with higher range.
50 opmerkingen
ERROR 13 dec 2022 om 21:25 
somethings you should add
- Bladderfish can also be found in the Lost River Tree Cove (LRTC)
- Cuddlefish do NOT spawn naturally
- Smaller skulls of the Gargantuan Skeleton can be found in the Lost River Ghost Forest (LRGF), which give you the same entry
Richard Trains 13 dec 2022 om 4:08 
you know that seamoth cant go were lava lare
Labrat_09 5 dec 2022 om 15:22 
you missed the spine fish
Ꞩ𖼝𐍅𖼝ⴼ𖼝 4 dec 2022 om 16:38 
I Bet @Sweet Beatz Would LOVE This!
kingdomcattlenm 13 mrt 2022 om 20:15 
the mesmer bites u when u get to close when u are hypnotised thingy
Feanor 15 mrt 2021 om 10:57 
The info at the bleeder is wrong. "The Player must use the PropulsionCannon to get it off." It can be any tool but the blade is the most efficient.
ToxcBrgr 13 mrt 2021 om 2:42 
bro this isnt a basic guide this is basically everything u need to know ever XD
Emperor Ketsukane  [auteur] 11 jan 2020 om 5:41 
@SSandbox I am redoing this entire guide soon.
DREAMIECXRE 10 jan 2020 om 21:10 
Kind of a pointless comment, but this bothered me. You spelled 'too' wrong on the Stalker post.
crab 6 jan 2020 om 23:19 
like what exactly it is/was