Dota 2
275,852 avaliações
7.36c (Core) Standard Position 2, Facet 2 |
Por Torte de Lini
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7 comentários
Miso 9 ago. 2017 às 23:39 
muy bueno
龙装大树守卫 12 fev. 2017 às 4:44 
this is my favorite
Aexenotheist 17 mai. 2016 às 18:22 
I don't understand! D:
ThunderWarrior 16 ago. 2015 às 1:49 
You should max laser and rockets otherwise this is fine and get rearm on lvl 9
Themail 18 dez. 2014 às 17:31 
Dullahan 7 nov. 2013 às 15:13 
The ability build doesn't seem to match the rest of the guide... (shows laser-march but the guide says rocket-march)
mogpt 27 out. 2013 às 19:27 
Is the Ability Build correct? It says in your description that March of the Machines is first, but no points are recommended till level 10.