Dead by Daylight
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Dead By Daylight - The Pig / Amanda Young Guide v2.5 (Outdated)
Από Rindragon και 1 συνεργάτες
This is an in-depth guide for The Pig / Amanda Young, written by a Pig main, for people who enjoy playing Pig or plan on maining Pig. Outdated and all updates have ceased as of June 6th 2020. I refuse to play Pig anymore and will continue to refuse to since BHVR has nerfed her into the ground. Hard to test things on Pig when she is the single most unfun character in the entire game.
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Hello, if you've clicked on this guide then you want to learn how to play The Pig or Amanda. This guide will attempt to go in-depth on Amanda, her abilities, add-ons, perk builds, and much more. I personally main The Pig, she is my favorite killer as of right now and I can compete in the higher ranks as her. I hope you find this guide to be informative and helpful.

Disclaimer: I'm not the best Pig player out there and I don't know everything about her. I'm sure there is someone out there who knows more than I do and is a better player than I am. If you know something I don't, please post it in the comments below. If I verify it to be true then I will credit you in this guide.
Meet The Pig!
The Pig or Amanda Young is the 11th killer in Dead By Daylight. She is also the fourth licensed killer to be added to the game. She was one of the most well received characters added to the game as well, with people on both Killer and Survivor sides stating that she was fun to play as/against. The Pig primarily relies on her Reverse Bear Traps and her stealth abilities to stall the game for as long as possible.
How Difficult is it to Learn/Play The Pig?
Amanda, in game, is classified as an intermediate killer. Meaning she isn't hard to play, but she isn't necessarily easy either. If you are new to playing Killer, I would recommend you try Leatherface or Trapper instead of Amanda. Amanda should be a killer you pick up after you have some time in killer under your belt and you have a good grip on the game's mechanics. She could easily seem complicated or daunting at first, with all the numbers and the wall of text that her power description provides. She is however easy to learn. You could get an extremely good grip of how her power works and what her strengths and weaknesses are by spending a few hours playing as her. She does have quite a bit of a skill ceiling however. Learning where and how to use her power to its maximum potential will take practice and a decent amount of time.
Jigsaw's Baptism (The Pig's Power)
Amanda's power is an absolute wall of text. It's complicated, it doesn't do a great job of describing exactly HOW it works either (in my opinion). I'll do the best I can to describe all the ins and outs of her power.

Amanda's power has two major portions to it, her sneaking ability and her Reverse Bear Traps (RBT). While playing as Amanda you can use the Secondary Power button prompt (without changes to your settings this is Lcntrl) to enter into a crouching position. While crouched Amanda is even shorter than she was before and has no Terror Radius (No heartbeat, she could be breathing down your neck and you wouldn't know it). Amanda is still able to kick pallets, kick generators, vault windows, and check lockers in this state. Checking lockers pulls her out of this state but, everything else keeps her in stealth mode. Amanda can not grab survivors in this mode. This is not instantaneous, it does take time to switch between the stealth stance and normal stance. Also the switch between the different stances has a slight delay towards affecting your terror radius. Amanda is slowed in this state.

Amanda while crouching can channel an Ambush attack. After she channels the attack, she lunges forward at an increased movement speed to try and land a hit. You can choose when to end your attack (like Hillbilly except, it does have a limited distance). Survivors are warned of you attempting an Ambush attack by a lion's roar audio cue.

When you successfully put a survivor into the dying state (they are crawling on the ground), Amanda then can use the second part of her power. Her Reverse Bear Traps. Amanda gets only 4 Reverse Bear Traps per game. Amanda can place these traps onto the survivor's head. When survivors successfully complete a generator, the timer on the Reverse Bear Trap starts to tick down. When the timer reaches 0 the trap snaps, instantly killing the survivor. If survivors try to leave with the Reverse Bear Trap on their head, the trap snaps and kills them instantly no matter what the state of the timer is. Survivors can still leave through the hatch without fear of the Reverse Bear Trap going off. Timers on the Reverse Bear Traps do not tick down when you are chasing a survivor with one on, they are in the dying state, or they are on a hook.

Survivors can remove the Reverse Bear Trap by searching one of the four Jigsaw boxes scattered around the map. As Amanda, you CANNOT see how much time is left on a survivor's timer. Survivors can see auras (outlines) of Jigsaw boxes as soon as they have a trap on their head. If they search a box, 2 scenarios can occur, it's the wrong box and the puppet sitting on the box (His name is Billy) laughs and that box is locked off or it's the right box and the survivor successfully gets the Reverse Bear Trap off. When a survivor gets their trap off, it becomes unusable and you loose that trap, permanently (until the next game of course).

As of the Endgame Collapse update, Reverse Bear Traps no longer activate after the final generator has been completed. Meaning that Survivors can walk out if the traps have not been armed by a generator starting. It is important to use all of your traps before this point in the game occurs.

Amanda's power, like I stated earlier, seems extremely complex. The only way to truly understand it is to either play as her, or watch someone else play her. Timing is EVERYTHING when it comes to her power, timing and knowing how to utilize your ambush attack to its max potential. A new Pig will probably use all their traps too late or too early and miss their ambush attacks, a good Pig will make good use of her traps to successfully apply pressure to survivors while hitting cheeky ambush attacks, but a god Pig, will make survivors sweat bullets by constantly applying pressure and being extremely devious with her ambush attacks.
The Pig's Stats and Numbers
- Movement Numbers

Survivor Speed (running) - 100% or 4m/s

Survivor Sprint Movement Speed (Sprint burst/Lithe/Balanced Landing/Adrenaline) - 150% or 6m/s

Survivor Movement Speed While Using Dead Hard - 250%

Amanda's movement speed - 115% or 4.6m/s

Amanda's Crouch Movement Speed - 92% or 3.68m/s

Amanda's Ambush attack Movement Speed - 160% or 6.4m/s

- Other Stats

Amanda's Terror Radius is 32 metres when she is not crouching or under the effects of Insidious/Monitor and Abuse.

Amanda one of the shortest killers in the game, being barely taller than a survivor. If you ever wondered what a 1st person survivor perspective would look like, Amanda is your answer.

Amanda's Ambush attack let's you travel a maximum of 16 meters in 2.5 seconds.

The timer on a Reverse Bear Trap is 2 minutes and 30 seconds long without add-ons.

It takes 4.4 seconds for Amanda's terror radius to fade out by crouching. It takes 2 seconds for the heartbeat to fade in after uncrouching.

Amanda's red stain vanishes instantly after starting a crouch.

- Bloodpoint Rewards

A successful Ambush attack gives 250 bloodpoints.

Starting an Ambush attack gives 50 bloodpoints.

Placing a Reverse Bear Trap gives 500 Bloodpoints.

Getting the Game Over score event (A Reverse Bear Trap snaps) gives you 500 bloodpoints.
The Pig's Teachable Perks
Each perk is listed with its ability and my personal view on it written below the perk.

Hangman's Trick
Your ingenious modifications to Hooks alert you of tampering.

Gain a notification when a Survivor begins sabotaging a Hook.

Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading abilities.

While carrying a Survivor, see the Aura of any Survivor within 2/4/6 metres of any Hook.

Unique to The Pig until Level 30, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.

My opinion: Hangman's Trick received a rather interesting rework with the Chains of Hate update, I personally find it alright. It isn't as good as it was during the Chains of Hate PTB, but it isn't totally awful. It needs a larger range to be actually considered good in my book.

Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability.

All regressing Generators  will be highlighted by a white Aura . Once regression ends, Generators will be highlighted by a yellow Aura for 8/12/16 seconds.

Noises created by Generator Repairs are audible at an additional 8 metres.

Unique to The Pig until Level 35, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.

My opinion: A HUGE upgrade from the horrendous meme it was before, not only does this perk give you information on where survivors are and what they are doing, it helps set up for a easy gen grab. I absolutely adore the reworked Surveillance and do not hesitate to recommend picking it up.

Make Your Choice
When a Survivor rescues another from a Hook at least 32 metres away from you, Make Your Choice triggers and applies the Exposed Status Effect on the rescuer for 40/50/60 seconds.

Make Your Choice has a cool-down of 60 seconds.

Unique to The Pig until Level 40, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.

My opinion: Make Your Choice is probably the best teachable perk Amanda has. It promotes anti-camping and gives you the ability to end a chase with the rescuer instantly. The downside is, the survivor gets a little Exposed symbol on the side of their screen. Any competent survivor knows to hide from you immediately when they see that, and it also gives away that you're running Make Your Choice. It's not that good on Amanda either, on Hillbilly and Nurse, yeah it's great, but this isn't a guide about them. You can run it on Amanda and you won't necessarily be punished for it, just remember you're less likely to get use out of it than some of the other killers. Also it's worth noting unless you saw who unhooked the survivor, you have no idea who has the status effect.
The Pig's add-ons
The add-on is listed with its effect and I give my opinion on it below the description.

- Common Add-ons

Workshop Grease
- Slightly increases the Skill Check trigger odds when interacting with a Jigsaw Box.

My opinion: The skill checks on the Jigsaw boxes arn't hard to hit at all, so unless you plan on somehow making the skill checks harder, I wouldn't recommend this.

Shattered Syringe
- Slightly decreases the Ambush Attack miss cool-down.

My opinion: If you're learning her ambush dash, this can be a good add-on for learning to hit those cheeky ambush dash attacks. However, the penalty for missing isn't that big anyways, so it's up to you.

John's Medical File
- Slightly decreases the Ambush Attack charging time.

My opinion: Having the decrease towards charging time feels nice. For a brown add-on, it's not bad, I use it a lot because of how much it shows up in the blood web.

Combat Straps
- Slightly decreases time it takes to crouch.

My opinion: With the new crouch change, what used to be one of Pig's best add-ons is now more of a "It's ok" type of add-on. You can still pick it up off the bloodweb, but it isn't any where near what it used to be.

- Uncommon Add-ons

Video Tape
- Slightly decreases the Ambush Attack charging time.
- Slightly decreases the Ambush Attack miss cool-down.

My opinion: It's not bad, it gives one good add-on benefit and one mediocre one. So it definitely is worth having.

Utility Blades
- Survivors caught in a Reverse Bear Trap suffer from the Hemorrhage Status Effect.

My opinion: They bleed more. That's all it does. So unless you're running Bloodhound, I wouldn't give this add-on attention.

Razor Wires
- Moderately increases Skill Check trigger odds when interacting with a Jigsaw Box.

My opinion: Same with Workshop Grease, unless you somehow make skill checks harder, it's not worth it.

Last Will
- Increases available Reverse Bear Traps by 1.

My opinion: Because Amanda has no way to recover used Reverse Bear Traps, any increase to her supply is great in my book. This is probably one of the best add-ons for Amanda.

Face Mask
- Survivors caught in a Reverse Bear Trap suffer from the Blindness Status Effect.
- Does not affect the Jigsaw Box Highlight.

My opinion: It definitely applies more pressure to survivors, because with it on, they can't see any team mates that have been downed or hooked. If you want a slug build this add-on is a must. If you arn't running a slug build, it still is a nice add-on to compliment Amanda's power.

- Rare Add-ons

Slow-Release Toxin
- Survivors caught in a Reverse Bear Trap suffer from the Exhausted Status Effect.

My opinion: Sprint Burst and Dead Hard are definite counters to your ambush attack, so deleting any Sprint perks from the game is an amazing thing you can capitalize on.

Rusty Attachments
- Survivors caught in a Reverse Bear Trap suffer from the Mangled Status Effect.

My opinion: Personally, I've noticed that survivors like to heal teammates, after they unhook them, even if they have an active trap on their head. Mangled makes that process take longer and anything that buys you more time is excellent. SWF can counter this however, so take it with a grain of salt.

Jigsaw's Sketch
- Increases available Jigsaw Boxes by 1.
- Moderately increases the Reverse Bear Trap death timer.

Note: Currently in game, Jigsaw's Sketch and Jigsaw's Annotated Plan, have their names switched. I have that mistake corrected here.

My opinion: Why would you want to increase the timer of the Reverse Bear Trap? It already takes too long to snap, this is one of the worst add-ons for Amanda.

Interlocking Razor
- Tremendously increases the penalty of failed Skill Checks on Jigsaw Boxes.

My opinion: Garbage. A complete waste of time. Nothing effects box skill checks and box skill checks are super easy, so this add-on is a waste of time.

Bag of Gears
- Slightly increases the time it takes Survivors to search a Jigsaw Box.
- Slightly decreases the time it takes to put on a Reverse Bear Trap.

My opinion: A very nice rare add-on, anything that makes those Jigsaw box searches longer is worth it. The slight decrease towards attaching a Reverse Bear Trap is also a nice little effect.

- Very Rare Add-ons

Tampered Timer
- Moderately reduces the Reverse Bear Trap death timer.

My opinion: This is one of the best, if not the best add-on for Amanda. It shaves 30 seconds off the timer, meaning that the survivors will more likely have their jaws snapped open. Bag of Gears and Crate of Gears with this add-on is a MUST if you want survivors dropping like flies.

Jigsaw's Annotated Plan
- Increases available Jigsaw Boxes by 1.

Note: Currently in game, Jigsaw's Sketch and Jigsaw's Annotated Plan, have their names switched. I have that mistake corrected here.

My opinion: It's Jigsaw's Sketch, but without the horrendous downside. Definitely would recommend.

Crate Of Gears
- Considerably increases the time it takes Survivors to search a Jigsaw Box.
- Moderately decreases the time it takes to put the Reverse Bear Trap on a Survivor.

My opinion: This is Bag of Gears, but on steroids. This add-on is extremely good and I definitely recommend grabbing it if it shows up in your bloodweb.
Amanda's Secret
- Disables The Pig's ability to see Jigsaw Boxes' Auras.
- Gain a notification when a Survivor removes a Reverse Bear Trap
- Auras of Survivors removing a Reverse Bear Trap are revealed to you for 6 seconds.

My opinion: You can't patrol your boxes with this and it only takes effect AFTER they remove their Reverse Bear Trap. If you want to equip this, just know that you might as well be shooting yourself in the foot. Because that is what this add-on does, it cripples you.

- Ultra Rare Add-ons

Rules Set No.2
- Disables the Survivors' ability to see Jigsaw Boxes highlighted until their Trap is activated.

My opinion: The add-on Rules Set, I used to consider to be decent. However the more I used it and tested it the more I realized that the add-on actually hurt Amanda more than helped her. The entire point of your traps is to keep survivors off generators. A smart survivor once a trap has been set will see the lack of box auras and just go back to doing generators. An add-on that relies solely on incompetence of the opposing side is definitely not worth it if you ask me.

Amanda's Letter
- While crouched, see outlines of Survivors within 12 metres of range.
- Reduces available Reverse Bear Traps by 3.
- Reduces available Jigsaw Boxes by 2.

My opinion: Remember what I said about Amanda's Secret? Yeah, you went from shooting yourself in the foot to blowing your ENTIRE foot off. You start with 1 Reverse Bear Trap. Just 1. Well good luck stalling the game with that. Also you reduce the amount of Jigsaw boxes by 2, which makes that one Reverse Bear Trap almost useless. What's the benefit you ask? The Wraith All-Seeing Spirit add-on made in China. This is the absolute worst add-on, not even for Amanda, IN THE ENTIRE GAME.
Becoming a Disciple of Jigsaw (Gameplay)
To start off, let's get one thing out of the way, the Reverse Bear Traps ARE NOT supposed to be used for killing survivors. They are made to stop generators from being done and to buy you time. The ENTIRE existence of The Pig is based on the Killer main complaint that generators are being done too fast. DO NOT FOLLOW THE SURVIVOR WITH A BEAR TRAP ON THEIR HEAD AROUND THE MAP IN CROUCH MODE. I can't stress that enough, that tactic hurts you more than helps you. Her power revolves around the fire and forget mindset. You down them, you trap them, then you hook them. Leave them on the hook and go find someone else and screw up their day.

- Being Sneaky Beaky like (Stealth)
Amanda is more stealthy than you think, even with the crimson coat and massive pig head on her shoulders, she is still able to fool survivors into thinking she is another survivor. By hiding your face in tall grass and other vegetation, it's not hard to mistake her for another survivor. Because her terror radius is 0 in this state, Borrow Time no longer can take effect and if you stay hidden, you can jumpscare the survivors and cause them to make mistakes. But what is a good time for going stealthy? Glad you asked. Using her crouch ability to sneak close to generators allows you to set yourself up for an easy hit or a possible grab. If you hear them working on the generator, then go into stealth mode to try and ambush survivors. If they are running for the unhook, go into stealth to negate Borrowed Time. It's all about reading the situation. Sneaking up on objectives and survivors doing actions like healing, sabotaging, searching a chest, or searching a Jigsaw Box, are all generally good times to sneak up on survivors.

Another little trick I personally love doing is grabbing survivors off generators as Pig. If you remember, I stated that Pig has a fade in and fade out timer for her terror radius while crouched. Well by using this window of opportunity, you can uncrouch near a gen and run up to it. If you time this correctly you can pull a survivor off the generator for a free hook.
Here's an example:

- Ambushing Your Prey
Let's start this subject by clearing a common misconception, Amanda's Ambush attack is NOT for ambushing gens. It's best use comes from outplaying survivors at pallets. It's all about the mind games here. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ your direction and tricking survivors to run right into you for an easy hit is always satisfying. It's a bit hard to explain with writing. I highly recommend watching The DbD: Pig guide by Pyrus on YouTube, as he does an excellent job at showing how effective her ambush can be for getting easy hits at loops. However if you want something a bit more in-depth, Scorpionz made an excellent guide himself, it's a bit lengthy but full of useful info. Which you can find below.

- Reverse Bear Traps
Amanda's true potential is realized through her Reverse Bear Traps. While currently they have a bit of a lengthy timer to them, they still do a good job at buying you time. When a survivor has one of the Reverse Bear Traps on their heads, they will doing nothing except Jigsaw boxes most of the time, regardless on whether the timer is ticking or not. That means that's one less survivor doing generators. Less survivors on generators means more time for you to down and hook survivors. A common Pig game is primarily based around the Reverse Bear Traps.

As soon as the game starts you are going to want to get a Reverse Bear Trap on a survivor's head as soon as humanly possible. The faster you get your first trap out, the better. I personally use one Reverse Bear Trap at the beginning of the game, two traps around the time 2-3 generators have been done, and one for after the exit gates have been opened. Remember, you only get 4 Reverse Bear Traps. Use them wisely and always keep track of how many times you've hooked a survivor. Wouldn't want to waste a bear trap on a survivor who has only 1 hook left now would you? Also, if you notice a survivor that's injured and has a trap on their head, don't ignore them. Get them and hook them again, even if it's their last hook. Don't follow the person with a Reverse Bear Trap on and don't ignore them. You're generating free hooks and potentially taking them away from a Jigsaw Box which puts them out of play for even longer. Be sure to check nearby Jigsaw boxes when your victims are unhooked to see if they are trying to remove their trap, and check on any nearby Jigsaw boxes in your area when people have been trapped.
I Want to Play a (mind)game. The art of (H)ambushing
Pig's ambush is by far one of the most if not the most underestimated parts of her power. In the hands of someone who truly knows how to use it, it turns almost every single map in the game into a complete nightmare for survivors. A large majority of the pallets in the game, as of the time of this writing, are ambushable if you're able to successfully ambush using the right method and/or tactic. Let's look over some of Pig's more common ambush attacks.

Special thanks to PsychoScorpionz for suppling the following footage <3

DISCLAIMER: While this guide lists several different ways to use her ambush, this is far from all of them. If I were to list all of the places Pig was able to ambush by going through every tile of the game, this guide would easily quadruple in size, as showing each tile individually takes HOURS to accomplish.

- Basic Mindgame

The most basic and well known of the Pig mindgames. This is the starting mindgame you should practice. It works by either taking control of a undropped pallet or crouch parallel to a dropped pallet. Charge your ambush and try to predict where a survivor will go. This can be done by either ♥♥♥♥♥♥ your direction or by committing in one direction. This requires you to read the survivors movements to accurately predict where they will end up. Most short loops are the prime spots you want to use this ambush attacks.

Advanced Mindgames

- Jungle Gym Dashes

Ahhhh, jungle gyms, every Bloodlust Killer's worst nightmare. While Jungle Gyms give many killers problems if you don't know how to run the tiles, Pig suffers a lot less than any other killer when it comes to Jungle Gyms. As you can see in this clip, Jungle Gyms are more complex than normal mindgames because it requires you combine basic mindgames in order to pull them off. As you can see in this clip where PsychoScorpionz starts the dash with a moondash and then transitions into a normal ambush attack.

- Wallriding

One of the more situational mindgames, this mindgame works by knowing how the world geometry works and where exactly the actual game engine starts and ends a clipping mesh. This mindgame requires a fair bit of map knowledge because you have know exactly what you can and cannot walk on. This one requires a immense amount of practice, it's a lot harder then it looks, but deeply rewarding when you can pull it off.

- Tile Surfing

I named this type of mindgame Tile surfing because only certain tiles allow you to do this type of mindgame and the movement remind me a lot of my days in Surfing servers from games like Team Fortress 2 and Counter Strike. This requires extensive map knowledge and knowing where to place yourself within a tile a pull off. If you can pull it off however, you ascend to Assassin's Creed levels of shenanigans.

Bonus Mindgames

These are mindgames that combine everything you just witnessed into a single dash, they are some of the most challenging mindgames to do in the entire game and are not for the faint of heart.

-Harvestor Dash

Harvestors in DbD, are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. But for the first time, they're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in our favor. This requires pixel perfect precision and you must know EXACTLY where to look and stand while doing this mindgame. Great mindgame for dealing with someone camping that window.

- Aslyum Window Dashes

Everyone hates the middle of the Aslyum map, it's heavily punishing to anyone who doesn't know that tile. But it's a playground of easy hits for a Pig player who knows what they're doing. Knowing the different variations of this tile that can spawn is key to being able to pull off these mindgames. Hitting them successfully however, gives everyone a full moment of bliss.

Perks, What's Good/Bad on The Pig?
Below you will find EVERY single killer perk listed in alphabetical order, along with a rating and brief description of how I personally would use this perk on Amanda. Please keep in mind that my play style may be different than yours, so certain perks will be more/less useful to you than others. The best way to find what works for you is experimentation.

- Perk rating
1 - This perk offers little to no benefit at all towards Amanda or is just a bad perk in general. Don't waste bloodpoints on this unless you have too.
2 - This perk offers a benefit, but doesn't fit well with Amanda as a character or is too "niche" for me to recommend.
3 - They arn't bad perks and you can run them on Amanda with little to no issue, but they are a bit situational.
4 - Good perks. This perks work well on Amanda and compliment her in a useful and helpful way. Grab these if you can.
5 - Necessary perks for Amanda. These perks are a MUST in any serious build for Amanda.

Disclaimer: The actual descriptions of perks are not listed here because I don't want to make looking through this part of a guide a chore. If you want to know the perk's descriptions, you can look at all the perks here

- A Nurse's Calling
Rating: 3
This perk relies entirely on whether survivors heal or not, within the current meta of DbD, survivors prefer not to heal and do gens instead. While it still sees some use, generally speaking its lost its former luster.

- Agitation
Rating: 4
This is one of those perks that works well on any killer. You don't necessarily need to run it, but it is helpful.

- Barbecue and Chili
Rating: 5
Bonus Bloodpoints and the ability to see someone doing something you don't want them to do (like removing your Reverse Bear Traps), a staple in any build.

- Bamboozle
This perk is too situational for me to recommend. Ambush the windows.

- Beast of Prey
Rating: 1
Have you ever thought to yourself while playing as killer "Hey, you know what would be great right now? Beast of Prey!", No? That's right, because this perk is about as useful as Amanda's Letter, so, not useful at all.

- Bitter Murmur
Rating: 3
The information to be gained from this perk isn't bad, it's a lot better than what it used to be. I personally wouldn't use it, but if you want to then it isn't terrible to use.

- Bloodhound
Rating: 2
Unless you're running Sloppy Butcher or the Utility Blades add-on, this perk shouldn't even be given your attention.

- Blood Warden
Rating: 3
Amanda already does a good job at stalling the game, especially if you go for an end game strategy. But, this perk is far too situational for me to say that's it's good on her. It isn't bad, it's just not good either.

- Brutal Strength
Rating: 2
While looking at side by side comparison footage of breaking pallets with and without the perk, it appears the perk is more placebo than anything. Only reason it isn't a 1 is because the generator break speed is actually a large difference.

- Coulrophobia
Rating: 2
You're a Pig. Not a Doctor. You want a small terror radius.

- Deerstalker
Rating: 2
Almost pointless unless you plan on running a slugging build. I wouldn't recommend this perk, simply because slugging is NOT one of Amanda's strongest strategies.

- Distressing
Rating: 3
Interestingly enough, running this with Unnerving Presence makes going through those Jigsaw boxes a lot harder. Also, bonus bloodpoints.

- Dying Light
Rating: 3
While the new Dying Light is not great, it is certainly better than what it was before. If the numbers had a slight buff I think it could be a pretty good stall perk. At the moment it really just feels underwhelming.

- Enduring
Rating: 3
Makes pallet stuns less of a thing. I personally don't like this perk and don't really see a use unless you just really don't like being stunned. Easy hits at gens and challenging pallets/ambush means stuns are pretty much meaningless.

- Fire Up
Rating: 2
This perk is a discount Brutal Strength that DIRECTLY contradicts what Amanda's power does. It rewards for generators being done which is what you DON'T want. The only reason it's rating is 2 instead of 1 is because it fits ok in an late game Amanda build, but only if you don't have Brutal Strength.

- Franklin's Demise
Rating: 3
Franklin's is nice on any killer, that is a fact. Being able to knock items out of a survivor's hands is always a nice ability to have. The reason it isn't a higher rating is because it's situational and simply staring at a wall counters flashlights.

- Insidious
Rating: 0
Equipping this on Amanda would be the single most stupid thing you could do. Because she comes with this ability in her power, but it's better.

- Iron Grasp
Rating: 3
If you don't have Agitation, than you could run this instead. It isn't a bad perk to include in a loadout.

- Hangman's Trick
Rating: 3
It's alright, but it needs a bit of a range boost in my opinion.

- Hex: Devour Hope
Rating: 2
While Hex: Devour Hope, is a guilty pleasure of mine, on Amanda it's not too great. Besides patrolling the area around the totem or equipping Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, Amanda has NO way to protect the totem. If you can pull it off, then it's great.

- Hex: Huntress Lullaby
Rating: 1
Disabling the survivor's ability to hear a skill check warning sound before a skill check is SO GOOD on Amanda, it stalls searching a box SO MUCH. Shame survivors are given a warning about it before you can get 5 stacks on it, oh and it's a Hex Perk.

- Hex: No one Escapes Death
Rating: 3
While this isn't a bad perk, it teaches bad habits. You DON'T want the exit gates opened as a Killer in general. This also contradicts Amanda's stalling abilities unless you are running a late game build.

- Hex: Ruin
Rating: 3
What I oringinally thought was a MUST have for Pig has lost its luster to me. It's not a bad perk exactly but it rarely ever works. It's gone in the first 30 seconds of the game most of the time and when it does work, it's an easy win.

- Hex: The Third Seal
Rating: 1
This perk is the definition of disappointment. After reading the effect you would think it would affect the auras of Jigsaw Boxes right? If it did this perk would be a REALLY GOOD perk on her. Shame it doesn't. But even if it did, it is still a hex perk, and hex perks are generally destroyed in the first few minutes of a game.

- Hex: Thrill of the Hunt
Rating: 2
Extra bloodpoints are nice, when the bonus bloodpoints are actually of a decent amount. The only redeeming factor this perk has is the fact that it gives Amanda a little more protection for her Hex Totems.

- Knock Out
Rating: 3
This perk is mediocre at best. I ran it for a while on my build and it definitely has a good effect that could fit into most builds, but it still could be replaced with something better.

- Lightborn
Rating: 1
This perk is outclassed by Franklin's Demise anyways, and even if you didn't have Franklin's, you could always look at a wall while picking a survivor up. But, even if you can't face a wall, you can still chase away a person with a Flashlight and come back to pick them up.

- Make Your Choice
Rating: 4
Make Your Choice is (like stated above) probably the BEST teachable Amanda has. While she can't get as much use out of it as a Nurse or Hillbilly, it still is a really nice perk to add into your build.

- Monitor and Abuse
Rating: 5
What was something I viewed as a good choice has been upgraded to the MUST HAVE status. The smaller terror radius is amazing and the extended FOV while crouched feels heavenly. I almost can't play without it.
Perks, What's Good/Bad on The Pig? Pt. 2
Steam limits you on how much you can write in a section, so I can't have all 48 (that number is subject to change) killer perks in one section.

- Monstrous Shrine
Rating: 1
If it affected ALL hooks, yeah it would be great, except it doesn't. Absolutely pointless perk to take on Amanda or any killer.

- Overcharge
Rating: 5
This perk is an amazing boost to Amanda's overall stall potential. It helps stall the game (which goes hand in hand with Amanda's power), it damages generators more, and it lets you know when a survivor is working on a generator. A highly recommended perk

- Overwhelming Presence
Rating: 2
Like with Lightborn, it's outclassed by Franklin's and for the same reasons as well. It does affect medkits, maps, keys, and toolboxes however, so it isn't entirely useless on Amanda, just remember Amanda has a smaller terror radius.

- Remember Me
Rating: 2
It doesn't play along with Amanda or her power AT ALL. Like with Fire Up, the only thing keeping this perk from being rated a 1 is the fact it isn't bad in a late game build.

- Play With Your Food
Rating: 1
The only thing that this perk has going for Amanda is the fact that the Ambush attack turns Amanda into Sonic when you have you have full stacks on Bloodlust and this perk.

- Pop Goes the Weasel
Rating: 4
Like with Overcharge, this perk helps stall the game. It's reason for it's lower rating is because you need to hook someone before you can get it's effect.

- Predator
Rating: 3
Having a smaller trail of scratch marks if helpful if you have trouble following them, a good utility.

- Save the Best for Last
Rating: 4
A once terrible perk made pretty damn good with the 2.1.0 change. The reduced attack cooldown feels great. Especially if you use her stealth to get free hits a lot like I do.

- Shadowborn
Rating: 3
The expanded FOV is really nice on her. It helps to see through corn easier and helps in finding survivors.

- Sloppy Butcher
Rating: 4
With the recent healing changes, this perk has quickly reached an almost meta status. The math shows it to be an excellent perk, not just for Pig, for any Killer.

- Spies from the Shadows
Rating: 3
A really nice tracking perk, although the cooldown on it is a little harsh.

- Stridor
Rating: 3
The improved survivor breathing and fixed (for the most part) sounds allows Stridor to become a useful perk that can fit nicely into a build.

- Surveillance
Rating: 4
THE MEME IS ACTUALLY GOOD NOW. Helps with information and gen grabs, love this perk.

- Territorial Imperative
Rating: 2
It could help you punish greedy survivors, but otherwise, this perk is too situational for me to recommend in an Amanda build.

- Tinkerer
Rating: 2
Well it's not useless anymore..............entirely. While it seems nice on pen and paper, for Amanda it seems kinda pointless. She can already do this, whenever she wants. The only thing that keeps it from being rated 1 is the fact that you don't have a movement speed penalty with this perk like you do with crouching.

- Thanatophobia
Rating: 2
If the values were bigger and it also gave a debuff towards dead survivors, then this perk would likely be right up there with Overcharge and Ruin, because it would stall the game. The only thing Thanatophobia actually does well is promote over-altruism, because survivors HATE seeing that red bar when they are doing something.

- Unnerving Presence
Rating: 3
Goes well with Distressing and the Interlocking Razors add-on. I recommend pairing this with those and using a Bag/Crate of Gears to make searching Jigsaw boxes an absolute nightmare.

- Unrelenting
Rating: 2
It's a good perk for beginners who miss their attacks a lot, but as you get better at the game you'll need this perk less and less. If the perk included successful attacks again, then this perk would probably sit at a rating of 3, maybe 4.

- Whispers
Rating: 3
You either love or hate this perk. You think it's good or bad. On Amanda, it can be good, because it could tell you sooner if a survivor is on a generator and it's useful in a Hatch standoff. I personally wouldn't recommend this perk, unless you like it.
Perks, What's Good/Bad on The Pig? Pt. 3
DISCLAIMER: THESE ARE ALL THE PERKS THAT WERE ADDED AFTER THE SPIRIT DLC FROM OCTOBER OF 2018. It was done this way because organizing it like how the above two sections are organized after each chapter proved to be difficult and tedious

- Corrupt Intervention
Rating: 5
Easily one of the best perks for Pig that has come from the past few updates. This perk outclasses Ruin 100% and is an extremely nice stall perk to add into any Pig build.

- Cruel Limits
Rating: 2
Blocking all windows may sound sound good on pen and paper but in practice it doesn't do much for Amanda, especially if the generator is completed on the opposite side of the map.

- Furtive Chase
Rating: 1
It's only useful for the Obsession switch because the token is absolutely and completely borked.

- I'm All Ears
Rating: 5
Mindgame potential, information gathering, and a learning tool all rolled into a nice delicious package of an amazing perk. I adore I'm All Ears and highly recommend running it if you're trying to learn your ambushs.

- Dark Devotion
Rating: 3
A very interesting perk to be sure, while switching your TR onto another survivor has it's uses, for Pig it seems kinda pointless at first but other times it's actually good because you're not moving your slow crouched movement speed constantly. I am personally really torn on whether this perk is any good or not, I hope more research will give me a more distinct view on it. As of right now, it sits at 3 because it has potential.

- Discordance
Rating: 3
It's essentially a different version of Surveillance, a nice perk but Pig already has a perk that outclasses it. Running both of them together does however give you a lot of map information. Not a bad perk.

- Hex: Haunted Grounds
Rating: 4
A very nice perk that turns Pig's ambush and surprise attacks into instadowns for 60 seconds at Max level on top of protecting your hex totems. A lovely edition to a Insta-Down build and/or a Hex Swarm build.

- Infectious Fright
Rating: 3
For every down you get it reveals survivors within a radius around you, while it's not necessarily good on Pig, it is a nice perk overall.

- Mad Grit
Rating: 1
Oh boi, we got Surveillance fixed but passed on the title of absolute meme to Mad Grit! This perk is completely terrible. Not only is it situational, it's hard to get it's effect, it's effect doesn't do much, AND survivors know that you have it the first time you use it. It's useful against body blockers but outside of that, it really isn't worth a perk slot.

- Mindbreaker
Rating: 4
Sprint Burst can perish.

- Rancor
Rating: 4
I ADORE this perk. It's an information giver throughout the game and gives you a punishment kill towards your obsession at the end game, which saves a trap for another person in an end game build. A really fun perk to play with in my opinion.

- Spirit Fury
Rating: 4
The last of Spirit's perks and definitely not the least. This is an amazing perk to run with Brutal Strength and/or Enduring. It instantly deletes pallets if you get stunned and is a great compliment to my playstyle (that being, disrespect every pallet in existence).

- Surge
Rating: 3
Her ambush doesn't activate it but it is still a fairly nice perk given how you can get easy hits at generators and the entire point of the perk is to down others near generators. Better with an exposed perk however.

- Thrilling Tremors
Rating: 3
It's essentially a discount BBQ that also provides a little bit of stall. Not bad at all.
Tips and Tricks
- Thickened fog helps Amanda greatly. The thicker the fog, the more likely survivors will mistake you for another survivor, especially when looking at you from behind.

- If a survivor has a ticking Reverse Bear Trap on their head, you can find them easily. Because of the constant beeping noise that the trap gives off.

- Searching a Jigsaw Box is an extremely noisy process. Survivors constantly groan while searching one.

- If you think survivors are nearby, try sneaking around a point of interest (generators, hooked survivors, exit gate, the hatch etc), this possibly can lure survivors out of hiding.

- Amanda has a large amount of control while using her ambush dash. It can be difficult at first to take sharp turns with it going but enough practice will allow you to do all sorts of crazy maneuvers.

- Using tall grass and other sorts of vegetation can help hide Amanda and lure survivors into a false sense of security.

- Using the slight delay for your terror radius to change when crouching/standing up you can sneak up behind survivors and grab them off generators and other objectives.

- While crouching you can fall off a ledge to cancel the movement speed penalty you receive for crouching. (Not the permanent reduced movement speed, just the speed penalty you receive during the actual crouch)

- The red stain slowly fades after crouching. It takes 6 seconds for the stain to fade away.
Builds for the Pig
These are all builds that I have made, the perks used will be listed along with a small description on how I play with these builds.

NOTE: All the perks listed below are taken into account at tier 3.

My Personal Build

- BBQ and Chili
- Hex: Ruin
- I'm All Ears
- Monitor and Abuse

My build, the one I use 90% of the time I play Pig. Hex: Ruin allows me to find a survivor at the start of the match without losing a lot of gens, BBQ for extra points and information gathering, Monitor and Abuse to give me an edge in sneaking around objectives, and I'm All Ears for the delicious bush mindgame potential.

PsychoScorpionz Build

- Brutal Strength
- Enduring
- Monitor and Abuse
- Whispers

The build for fellow Pig main PsychoScorpionz. Combining Whispers and Monitor Abuse to know when to crouch along with the combination of Brutal Strength and Enduring to help deal with pallets. A reliable build that works consistently within most situations.

Late Game Pig

- Remember Me
- Blood Warden
- Hex: No One Escapes Death
- Rancor

This build revolves entirely around keeping survivors in the game. Don't use any of your RBTs until only 1 generator is left. Then start smacking them on survivor's heads. Now before that time comes around you should just sneak around, ambush and try to down survivors normally. If you kill anyone, cool, if you kill everyone beforehand, even better. Remember that after that last generator is finished, then this build really shines. Your ambush attack is affected by NOED so keep that in mind. Running Jigsaw's Annotated Plan and/or Tampered Timer works really well.

Stealth Pig

- Monitor and Abuse
- A Nurses Calling
- BBQ and Chili
- Make Your Choice / Hex: Devour Hope

This build revolves entirely around Amanda's stealth mechanic. You can use your reduced Terror Radius to get even closer to objectives than you could before, A Nurses Calling allows you to ambush any healing players, BBQ and Chili for the extra bloodpoints and so you could potentially ambush survivors on objectives, and Make Your Choice / Hex: Devour Hope for the instant ambush downs. Any add-ons that affect your ambush attack greatly help this build (except Amanda's Secret and Amanda's Letter).

Stall Pig

- Dying Light
- Thanatophobia
- Overcharge
- Remember Me/Hex: Ruin

Do you like slowing games down to a crawl? If you answered yes than this build is for you! If you can find your obsession (you may want a Momento Mori for this build) and kill them, you already slow the game down. Thanatophobia adds further penalized action speed, and Overcharge slows gen progression. Remember Me is for just in case they get to end game or you could run Hex:Ruin to buy you more time to find your obsession. This combined with your RBTs slows the game down to a painfully slow crawl.

Pig Meme Build

- Brutal Strength
- Enduring
- Hex: Ruin
- Overcharge

Because I hate pallet loopers and generators being done too fast. Challenge EVERY SINGLE PALLET and keep those generators on lockdown with Overcharge and Ruin.

Woke Pig

- Mad Grit
- Insidious
- Monstrous Shrine
- Fire Up

Legends tell of a Pig main who was able to climbs the ranks of Dead by Daylight all the way from rank 15 - 1 with this build. The tales also say that this Pig main now dines with the ancient gods and even The Entity itself and they honor him because of his permanent Woke status.

Why isn't there a slug build?
Because despite what people say, slugging is NOT good on Amanda. She has no sort of built in one-shot potential nor is she able to protect downed survivors very well. While you can slug as Amanda, I will never recommend this tactic for her because of the various flaws the play style has on this character and the simple fact that slugging nets you very little points and pips.
Fun Facts and Trivia
- Amanda is the 4th female Killer to be added into the game and also the 4th licensed Killer to be added to the game.

- The name of the puppet located on the Jigsaw Box is Billy. Billy was a repurposed puppet that Jigsaw originally made for his son Gideon.

- The Jigsaw Boxes (appearance wise) look to be inspired by the 10 Pints of Sacrifice or 10 Pints of Blood Trap that appeared in SAW V.

- Amanda is the first Killer to have a secondary interaction with downed survivors other than a Momento Mori.

- The Reverse Bear Trap is arguably the most iconic trap in the entirety of the SAW franchise. It makes an appearance in most of the films.

- Amanda was originally was one of Jigsaw's test subjects. The game she had to pass involved the Reverse Bear Trap.

- Amanda is the first female killer to wear a pair of shoes.

- The Game or Gideon's Meat Plant, is largely based off the location and events that take place in SAW III.

- In The Game, there is a bathroom on the lower floor. On one of the toilets located in this bathroom is a heart drawn on with questionable materials. This is a reference to the first SAW movie.

- The pig head that Amanda wears is not an actual pig's head. It is instead a latex mask.

- Amanda has a fully textured face underneath the pig mask.

- Amanda is the first Killer to have two successful hit animations. (She wipes her hidden blade on the sleeve of her coat after a normal successful attack and she inspects the blade after a successful Ambush attack)

- Getting a "Game Over" score event counts towards getting the "Blood on your hands" achievement.

- The name of the perk "Make Your Choice" is a reference to Jigsaw's tapes in the SAW franchise. In these tapes, Jigsaw almost always ends with the line "Make your choice".

- Despite being included in the DLC, Detective Tapp and Amanda have little to no interactions with each other in any of the SAW movies.

- The Game is also called Gideon's Meat Plant. The location is called this because Jigsaw named the building after his murdered son, Gideon.

- Amanda's Momento Mori animation also contains a reference to the films. The part of the animation where the survivor gets their throat cut open is a reference to a scene from the end of the film SAW.

- The lion's roar sound effect is another reference to the SAW films. Everytime someone gets ambushed or abducted in the films, a distinct roar can be heard.
Q: Where would you place The Pig in the tier list?
A: She's definitely a solid mid-tier killer, I'll say that much.

Q: How often do you play Pig?
A: I play her every single time I log onto the game and usually it's only her that gets attention. So, a lot more than what's considered healthy.

Q: Which of the SAW movies should I watch to learn about the character?
A: Amanda is present in every single SAW movie except for the 8th one (Jigsaw). You can find out the most about her by watching SAW, SAW II, and SAW III.

Q: Why did you make this guide?
A: To help any future Pig mains or anyone who enjoys playing as Pig.

Q: How would you buff Pig if you could?
A: Reverse Bear Traps now activate during the time between the start of the endgame collapse and the last generator being powered.

- Skill checks for Jigsaw boxes are made significantly smaller. The skill checks are now slightly larger than the skill checks of a generator affected by level 1 Overcharge.

- Skill checks for Jigsaw boxes now appear randomly on the screen in different areas. Similar to the madness affliction.

- The first Jigsaw box is now alays a false box. Survivors will not be able to get traps off at the first Jigsaw box anymore. But will instead get a trap off on one of the subsequent boxes.

- Make her ambush count as a basic attack please.

Q: How would you feel about any nerfs towards The Pig?
A: Depends. If it's a slight nerf that I can work around, I'll call for it to pulled back, if it's a Freddy level nerf, then I'm quitting the game because that would show Behavior is absolutely clueless when it comes to character balance.

Q: I know something about Pig that isn't listed here, how do I tell you about it?
A: Comment below and if I can verify it to be true then that knowledge will be added to this guide with your name credited in the "I would like to thank" section of this guide.

Q: I have some questions regarding Pig and/or want tips, can I ask you?
A: I'll answer everything to the best of my ability. Just ask below in the comments.

Q: Do you give KYF lessons on Pig? Would you be willing to have an actual in-game "class"?
A: No, that window closed and that ship has sailed. Being a teacher proved to be both stressful and difficult so I've decided to forgo that. I will answer any questions however in the comments below.

Q: I like your stupid profile picture, where did you get it?
A: I'll never tell :^)

Q: What are some of the other killers you play?
A: I play all the killers except Doctor and Hillbilly. I probably play Huntress, Trapper, and Hag the most not counting Amanda.

Q: Will you ever write another guide for another killer?
A: Probably not.

Q: What happens if they add a killer that you like more than Pig? Will you delete this guide?
A: Even if I do change my personal main, this guide will still be updated and maintained by me so it can remain a reliable source of information. It would take a lot to get me to change mains however.

Q: If I go from Rank 20, all the way to Rank 1 with the Woke Pig Build, what do I get?
A: If you can successfully do this and provide video proof of you progressing through each and every single rank, then you will receive my undying respect and a permanent section of this guide devoted entirely to you and your woke status.

Q: Do you have Pig at Prestige 3?
A: Yes I do,

Q: Do you record gameplay of you playing Pig?
A: As of the time of this writing, I have recently started recording gameplay and uploading it to YouTube. The link to my channel can be found in the description of my Steam profile or you could just look up Peppa Pigsaw on YouTube and I should come up.

Q: Why do you call Amanda Pig Waifu?
A: Because that's who she is in my heart. :^)

Q: What's wrong with you?
A: Everything.
I Would Like to Thank
- Special thanks to Scorpionz for supplying the footage in the Ambush section and reading over that part of the guide. Couldn't have done it without him. Here's his Twitch, he's one spicy Pig player so give him some support <3

- Croquedead for supporting the making of this guide from the beginning and pointing out all the dumb mistakes I made in the guide before making it public.

- The Dead by Daylight wiki admins for providing information that helped immensely in the making of this guide.

- Reddit user Mudmallow for the amazing picture under the "I want to play a (mind)game" section.

- All the people on Reddit and the Steam Community forums who had information about The Pig I didn't know.

- Charlie Clouser, the man who composed the SAW theme "Hello Zepp". I constantly listened to it while writing this guide.

- My father for making me fall in love with the SAW franchise and for getting the "Blood on your hands" achievement via Reverse Bear Trap.

- All the human guinea pigs who died in game while I was testing everything on and about The Pig.

- EpixWill for noticing an error where Dead Hard had its speed marked as 150% instead of the correct value 250%.

- MyNameIsJustNumbers for telling me about the tip that involved falling off a ledge while crouching.

- And you. For reading this guide.
187 σχόλια
Rindragon  [Δημιουργός] 1 Δεκ 2020, 20:35 
Considering the guide is horribly outdated, the fact that it still helps people is something that means a lot to me, thank you
FastSharkND 1 Δεκ 2020, 19:50 
(BTW, I gived you an award. Hope you like it!)
FastSharkND 1 Δεκ 2020, 19:49 
I find this really helpfull. Thank you for taking the time to make this guide!
Rindragon  [Δημιουργός] 24 Ιουλ 2020, 9:48 
Im not speed hacking and Im not a streamer either. I think you both have the wrong Pig. Sorry you had to deal with that.
Elusive_spectre 24 Ιουλ 2020, 9:46 
well done for standing up for yourself when he was trying to bully you on his stream also..I've personally reported him to twitch for bullying, hopefully something comes of it and you aren't put offf playing DBD :)
Elusive_spectre 24 Ιουλ 2020, 7:47 
@spicybarbecue it's kinda nuts that he is still getting away with leat all EU killers know he's doing it even if the devs refuse to acknowlege it
spicybarbecue 24 Ιουλ 2020, 7:42 
still speed hacking, what a baby
Rindragon  [Δημιουργός] 23 Ιουν 2020, 9:14 
Im not a speed hacker, but ok
spicybarbecue 23 Ιουν 2020, 7:23 
well known spped hacker makes a guide...yikes
spicybarbecue 23 Ιουν 2020, 7:23 
just speed hack 4head