Sniper Elite V2

Sniper Elite V2

277 ratings
Complete 100% Achievement Guide | Sniper Elite V2
By Rhizzy
A complete achievement guide for Sniper Elite V2, including DLC's.
Everything is properly categorized, organized, and formatted, for easier tracking.
Approximate Time to Complete: 20 - 30 h[]
Number of Achievements: 47
Story: 36 | Online: 5 | DLC: 6

1. Finish the game on Sniper Elite difficulty
You can accomplish this in one playthrough if you want. Or you can select a lower difficulty and enjoy the game at your own pace, worry and stress free. You can use this playthrough to get all the collectibles and other achievements, you can replay all the missions later for the Sniper Elite difficulty.

2. Find all the collectibles
Follow the video guide for the location of gold bars and wine bottles. You can choose to do this in your first playthrough. Or if you want to enjoy the game without having to check the guide every few minutes, you can always replay the missions and pick them up later.

3. Move to co-op
Find a friend and get all the online Overwatch co-op achievements. There are only 5 of these and it shouldn't take you too long, they are pretty straight forward. If you need a buddy, I'm sure you'll be able to find somebody by asking in Discussions.

4. Complete the DLC's
In order for Steam to show full 100% you will need to separately purchase 3 DLC's (excluding Hitler) which will set you back around $15 ($10 on sale). They are not too hard but a little time consuming. I've included video guides for all of them. All the credit goes to Durexiq for making them.
Story Related
Most of these are story related and cannot be missed. Some of them are part of missions and very hard to miss.

Front and Center
Get a scoped headshot over 150m

You should be getting this right away in Prologue. Just make sure to hit your target in the head (or eye for Deadeye).

Snipe an enemy through his eye

While you are here you might as well try to hit your target through the eye and get this over with. If you don't, you are bound to get this randomly at some point in the game.

Mousetrap Fuse
Use a trip mine to kill an enemy who is trying to assault your position

Also in Prologue, as a part of the tutorial, you will set up a trip mine that will kill an enemy and get you the achievement.

Trainee Sniper
Escape the German assault

Fuel Tank
Destroy a tank by sniping the fuel supply

You will find your first tank in Mission 2 - Schöneberg Convoy. Just destroy it by shooting it's fuel tank in the back of the tank.

Novice Sniper
Stop the convoy

Ear Plugs
Snipe an enemy while your rifle fire is masked by a loud sound

Your first opportunity for a masked shot will come at the beginning of Mission 3 - Mittelwerk Facility.

Apprentice Sniper
Destroy the V2 Facility and escape to safety

Journeyman Sniper
Hold off the Russian advance

Skilled Sniper
Stop the execution

Pro Sniper
Collect intel from the church and make it out alive

Expert Sniper
Eliminate Müller

Master Sniper
Uncover Wolff's plan

Veteran Sniper
Discover the location of the V2 launch site

Feared Sniper
Destroy the V2 rocket

Legendary Sniper
Prevent Wolff from escaping

Sniper Elite
Complete all missions on highest difficulty

You can do this in your first playthrough or later through mission select. Some useful tips: memorize enemy positions, go stealthy when you can, use cover all the time, use traps to cover your back, use grenades, don't rush and take your time! If you get stuck anywhere and need help, here is a playlist to guide you.
Mission Specific
Make Every Bullet Count
Complete a level with 100% accuracy, using only rifles

After you finish the Prologue go back to mission select and start it again on Cadet. Make sure you skip the tutorial. Use only your rifle and don't miss (and don't get shot for Hide and Hope).

Hide and Hope
Complete a level without being shot a single time

Go for this one while getting Make Every Bullet Count. Simple - while not missing, also don't get shot. Use cover and take your time!

Double Dose
Snipe 2 people with one shot

You will have lots of opportunities for this but it can be done at the very beginning of Mission 2 - Schöneberg Convoy. After stealth killing the first guy, wait for the next 2 to line up and get them both.

Cooking Off
Snipe a grenade on an enemy's webbing from 100m

You will probably get this one randomly but in case you don't there is a spot in Mission 2 - Schöneberg Convoy near the beginning. Follow the video.

Get Off the Ground
Kill everyone in the convoy from ground level, except for Kreidl

In Mission 2 - Schöneberg Convoy, after you stop the convoy by shooting at the explosive. From this position ONLY kill your target - Kreidl, do not kill anyone else! After that, run down to the ground level and kill everybody else.

Fish Tank
Send the tank into the river by blowing up the bridge

In Mission 4 - Kaiser-Friedrich Museum, you will plant 2 explosives under the bridge and then go to a vantage point. Wait until the first tank is on the bridge and shoot the explosive.

Kilroy was Here
Make it through the tower to the winch room without being spotted

In Mission 7 - Tiergarten Flak Tower. Just follow the video for the best way to do this.

Pass the Buck
Get a sniped ricochet headshot

The best spot to get this is in Mission 8 - Karlshorst Command Post. See the video, it may take a few tries.

High and Mighty
Wipe out the Elite Russian Sniper Team from the rooftops

In Mission 9 - Kreuzberg Headquarters. Near the end of the mission, there is a cutscene in which you are getting sniped and end up going prone. There will be a total of 8 snipers to take down, just bait them until you see exactly where they are.

There is this excelent guide on YouTube to help you with this. You can do these in your normal playthrough or later through mission select.

Gold Rush
Find and retrieve all the stolen gold bars

Jungle Juice
Find and snipe all the hidden bottles throughout the game
You will get these over time, both story and co-op count. Some of them you will get in your normal playthrough while others will require a little bit of grinding.

Potato Masher
Kill 100 enemies with explosives

Make sure to use grenades and shoot at barrels whenever possible. Can easily be farmed by finding a checkpoint near a few enemies, nading them and restarting.

Career total of 50 shots on explosives

Just like with Potato Masher, find a checkpoint near a barrel, rinse and repeat.

Silent but Deadly
Covertly kill 25 unaware enemies

Melee kills, stealthy pistol kills, and masked sniper kills count towards unaware enemies.

Go the Distance
Get a cumulative sniped kill distance of a marathon

Iron Lung
Hold your breath for a cumulative time of half an hour

Gung Ho
Snipe 100 moving targets

Head Honcho
Get 100 sniped headshots

World Record
Get 506 cumulative sniper kills
Overwatch Co-Op
You will need a buddy for these. Do 3 Overwatch missions and 10 Bombing Runs while tagging 50 enemies for your buddy, killing 50 enemies tagged by them, and reviving them 10 times.

Target Eliminated!
As a sniper in Overwatch, snipe 50 enemies tagged by your partner

Target Spotted!
As a spotter in Overwatch, tag 50 enemies

Bedpan Commando
Resuscitate your partner in coop 10 times

Bomb Happy
Survive 10 Games of bombing run

Can Do!
Complete all co-op Overwatch Missions
The Neudorf Outpost Pack
Silence is Golden
Complete Neudorf Outpost without alerting any AI

Smoking Kills
Kill 6 smoking soldiers on Neudorf Outpost

A video guide for both:

The Landwehr Canal
Eliminate all 5 Snipers watching the meeting point on Landwehr Canal without them spotting you

You were only supposed to...
Allow all 3 commanders to enter the command centre in Landwehr Canal, then blow the doors

A video guide for both:

St. Pierre
Secret Service
SAINT PIERRE – Kill all the guards before getting to the church without being detected

Shoot the Alps
SAINT PIERRE – Get a total shot distance of over 4000 meters

Evelynn 24 Apr @ 5:04pm 
Alguien me ayuda con los logros del dlc? yo no los tengo, pero creo que en coop deja si uno lo tiene de los dos
ApocalypticAI 27 Oct, 2023 @ 12:54am 
Easy trick for the 100% accuracy: Play in co-op. Get 1 kill by headshot. Let you friend do all the other shooting for the rest of the level. Then reverse the roles and you both have it. It only counts for the player, not the mission. You can do hide and hope right away in the same way, just stay back and don't get shot.
Flitzpiepe the O 7 Jul, 2022 @ 11:45am 
I forgot: In the beginning there is a total of 13 soldiers in the village.
Flitzpiepe the O 7 Jul, 2022 @ 11:43am 
Just a headsup for anyone going for 'Secret Service':
As soon as loud music plays, it is over with.
Try not to use grenades.
I was never seen or shot at, but once the music got louder - achievement didn't pop... I hate that one, and it is the last one I am missing.
Egz3kut0r 29 Jun, 2022 @ 7:58am 
in prologue you cant use only rifle - game don't let this, because in one step we need to use pistol.
Rhizzy  [author] 27 Jan, 2022 @ 8:40pm 
Thanks for confirming Klingsi! I have replaced the link in the guide now.
Klingsi1992 27 Jan, 2022 @ 11:39am 
Yes Collectables are at the same locations :BC_ThankYou:
Rhizzy  [author] 30 Nov, 2021 @ 6:54am 
I wonder if the locations for collectables are the same in the remastered version. You could try this and let me know if they are the same, then I can put it the guide. Otherwise I have other videos I can put in.
GS 30 Nov, 2021 @ 12:34am 
Collectables youtube guide got removed. any other videos you recommend?
banaroo 28 Jul, 2020 @ 1:50am 
Good job!