Dungeons 2
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[ENG] Dungeons 2 - Achievements Guide
От Painapple
There are some guides that describe how to get achievements on steam subforum - but they are non english...so here is english version.
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What this guide is?
This "guide" will show you what to do, to earn all achievements. If it is necessary I will expand topic a little more to give you all necessary info to brace yourself (winter is coming) enough.
Most of them are campaign related so there should not be any problems with obtaining them.
But be warned, few of them are time consuming.

Basic introduction:
There are total of 25 achievements for Dungeons 2. Three of them are hidden. You don't need any DLC's to "catch them all". All achievements are collectible in base game.

After mission 6. "Hell Trolls" you can play 4 next missions in few orders, that's why in this guide you have no numbers before mission name. Every mission which has achievement/s will be covered.

Last mission gives you a choice to play as horde or deamons. I highlighted where you can change this option, but I might suggest sticking to horde - you were playing them for majority of story mode, so you should feel more comfortable.

Most pictures are in gray-scale for better readability and Steam image size limits.
They are taken in non-english version of the game, but beside language everything is the same.
In the brackets before map name/mode, you'll see a number with amount of achievements. I used some tools show whole map.

I was playing on version v1.6.1.32-@145a894 (Early January 2018)
This is just a detail, but earlier versions of game had problems with some achievements - so be sure to keep game updated (steam update games automatically, unless you specified otherwise in options).

*note* If you need help with winning "king of the hill" (cause you are nerd without friends [like me]) - go here: Multiplayer Group and ask people there for help. Even though maps on the 'king of the hill' mode are at least for 3 players, you just need 2 to start a game and earn this achievement.
[1]The Battle for King's Ending
First map in story mode. Only 1 achievement here. To get it you need to kill your guy.
You have only your hero on this map. #moba
Just go near ranged units and click HOLD POSITION. There is a good spot for this just after picking tome of regeneration. After your dead friendly minions you will see high-ground (general Kenobi) with 2 siege weapons. Stay close to them and you should be killed in ~10 secs. Dying on this mission doesn't equal to losing. Your evil lord will be resurrected in no time.
[0]New Hope
Tutorial level. Not much to obtain here, but you can grind some gold for gold specific achievements. Killing spider will end mission.
[2]King Robert has to Die!
First mission where you defend dungeon against bot. Attacks are weak. Few orcs are enough to defend. Don't forget to recruit more if any of your soldiers died.
You will learn new mechanics, that was not present in 1st Dungeons - attacking the overworld. There is achievement for that, and second one is for killing king Robert last objective for this mission. Both quite easy. Also you can grind more gold here, but don't kill king Rob if you want to. You can kill pixie if you want.
[2]In the swamplands
New map, new things. Blue crystals (also called meth mana) and nagas.
One achievement require you to walk with any unit to the south where human ambush is waiting for you in the overworld (6 crossbowmen). Your unit will die pretty quickly, but it can escape from there - preferably orc because he has high HP. There is tome of regeneration +1. Also you can't break gate near it - it will be destroyed after mission - so don't bother.
Second is just beating this level. You can grind gold and meth crystals here for their respective achievements. If you want to do that, don't kill Krowtoes.
(1)Occupy Wall $treet
Only achievement that you can get here is to kill unicorn. It's in the center of the map. He has 850HP and 24attack. Also he can charm your units just like pixies. Charmed units can do nothing (kinda like stun), but 1 caster can charm only single unit. Later in that game, when you feel comfortable enough to def and "plunder" overworld - do mass orcs (support them with nagas) and kill that disgusting brony...pony...dat horse! Don't forget to grind gold and crystals.
Before killing unicorn, i suggest to find hermit - you will unlock next tier for orcs with that discovery - orcs chieftains. If you don't want to kill unicorn now - you will have at least 1 more opportunity later in campaign to do this (battle for elf forest).
(1)Trolls from Hell
New units will be presented to you - trolololls, and their working zone - smithy.
Only 1 achievement here, to destroy all human bases. There are 3 human bases here, and you can destroy them only just before last objective. Don't bother rushing it.
On this map of overworld you can see few colours which represent:
RED - story related dungeons. that red circle with cross are your last objective on this map - you can go inside, but do not kill boss there before destroying human bases because mission will end.
BLUE - human bases; 3 of them; #alliance
PINK - the barrier with deamons near it; after barrier lowering you will have access to all human camps. When barrier is down - huge wave of deamons will start marching at your dungeon, so brace yourself! (it is quite far in questlog, so I remind you - don't rush it; deamons are quite powerful so macroeconomy first! then army! then conquest! - IMPORTANT! this order or bust >_>)
GREEN - entrances to your dungeon

Also don't forget to do some grinding - as always.
[1]The Living Dead
Now you have choice to do 4 missions in any order before entering last mission in story mode.
We will focus on missions where you still play as horde (WAAAAGGGHHH!; dakka dakka dakka and mushroom reproduction #justorcthings).
Only one achievement here - and it's not story related. You have to come near ice wall at the north of the map with at least one of your units. Wall is at the East from last city you have to destroy.
Again map of overworld:
BLUE - wall, simple
GREEN - place where you have to go with your unit to get this achievement
RED - city to destroy (last objective on this map)
PINK - entrances to your dungeon
[2]Blood-Red Wedding
Two most challenging achievements are completed here on this map. Map is pretty hard, and what is even worse than pixie/bard/crossbowmans rushes every 5 mins? Time. If you like to chill and slowly get win defending wave after wave and replenishing your army, then you will hate this map.
You gotta go fast, like Sonic.

I saw no specific details other than youtube videos and truethropies/psnprofiles/truesteamachievements/achievementstast/gamefaqs/gamershell bull.sh.it where you can see what you have to do, but actually still have no info how to do this. I hate such sites. Pathetic editors...(youtube videos are actually good walkthroughs, but those sites...meh...)
So i had to do reaserch hard way - playing whole map again for your knowledge.
Here are approximate timestamps:
00:03 - map starts
08:00 - Edd Stark(dwarf) comes from East Road, he's stopping under pixies base for 1 minute
08:40 - he's stopping at crossroad just outside the city
09:40 - he's starting walking to city
10:00 - BOOM! he's safe in city. no return from now on
10:10 - first wedding attack is coming to your dungeon, entering south-east gate; also pixies sends another attack from South-West gate
~12:10 - you have 5-8 minutes until next nobles arrive
17:10 - Waldo Frey(paladin) coming from North-East road
17:30 - he stops at half-way to the city
17:20 - he's starting to walk to the city
17:40 - he stops at crossroads
18:40 - hello city! Waldo is coming!
19:10 - Waldo is safe; 2nd wedding attack imminent! - 8 minutes until next noble comes
19:40 - wedding attack from the North; pixies coming from South-West
27:10 - Jamie Lanchester(mage) coming from South road
28:00 - pit stop
29:00 - Jamie is safe; 3rd wedding attack incoming; also pixies; 8 minutes till next noble
29:30-30:00 - both waves entered through west entrance
37:00 - Jontron Snow(bard) incoming from the North East road; pit stop at first stop
37:50 - going to crossroad stop
38:55 - to city we go!
39:28 - Johntron Snow is safe; 5mins until next noble; 4th attack incoming (yup - fairies too)
40:00-40:20 - attack from north entrance; fairies went west entrance
44:30 - Middlefinger(fairy) is coming from South road
46:00 - pit stop - wood dam makes their march longer; no additional stops on blue road
47:00 - middlefinger and crew walking to the city
47:30 - middlefinger is safe; attack incoming/fairies; 5 mins till next noble
48:00 - faires entered South-East dungeon entrance; 5th wedding attack still marching
49:30 - 5th wedding attack entered dungeon; West gate
42:30 - Bolton(princess) entered map through east road; pistop under fairy camp
43:35 - to the city! onward!
44:10 - "i'm tired" crossroad pitstop
45:13 - city calls bolton!
45:40 - Bolton is safe, pity... huge attack incoming+fairies; 5 mins till next noble
47:20 - 6th attack goint west gate; fairies from north one
50:40 - Clegane(paladin) coming from south road
55:40 - Clegane is safe; huge attack incoming + fairies; 2 mins till next noble
57:00 - 7th wedding attack from north game; fairies from west entrance
58:00 - Karl Franz(elf archer) coming from North-East road
61:30 - Karl Franz is safe; huge attack is coming + fairies; 2 mins till next noble
62:00 - fairies entered dungeon south-east - 8th wedding attack is coming same way
62:55 - 8th wedding attack entered dungeon South-East entrance
63:30 - Arthur Minotrill(druidess) coming from east road
67:00 - Minotrill is safe; huge attack incoming+ fairies; 2 minutes till next noble
68:00 - 9th wedding attack entered dungeon North gate; fairies still marching
68:50 - faries entered dungeon, North entrance
69:00 - Oberin Mattel(elf archer?) is coming(last noble)
73:30 - Oberin is safe, huge attaack incoming + fairies; you have 6 minutes until nobles attack
74:10 - faries entered dungeon through west gate; 10th wedding attack still marching to SE gate
74:40 - 10th wedding attack entered dungeon through south east gate
79:30 - the biggest attack is coming ~17 units, very varied; no fairies coming
73:00 - huge wave entered dungeon through west entrance (this attack almost killed my dungeon lord spawned through ability "evil strikes back" - very dangerous wave)
75:00 - city spawned wardens just in front of city gates - mission ending is now available.
Counting for next noble arrival starts when he's killed or when he is safe (storyteller will inform you about that).
You have to complete this mission twice*. Once killing all nobles, and other one sparing them all, and defending from huge alliance waves afterwards (they are described later).
This is quite long mission, so don't forget about grinding and save often - you might need to load game a few times.
*To get "thou shalt not pass" achievement you only need to kill all nobles without ending mission.
*Blood-Red Wedding - nobles info
There are 10 nobles at this map. Every noble will do a pit stop twice at marked locations on the road which they walking on (black cross).
Their breaks from march vary from 50-65 seconds - this is additional time when you can kill them(or not, if you are doing "spare them" achievement).

They will be coming in this order from such directions (nobles not like enemy enemy, has constant spawn points; also their followers seems to be same each time, but be prepared for minor composition twists):
*8 minutes break
1.Stark(dwarf) - 1 crossbowman; EAST
*8 minutes break
2.Frey(paladin) - 1 bard; 2 crossbowmans; 2 peasants; NORTH-EAST
*8 minutes break
3.Lanchester(mage) - 1 dwarf; 3 pikemans; SOUTH-WEST
*8 minutes break
4.Snow(bard) - 1 pikeman; 1 pixie; 1 druidess; 1 princess; NORTH-EAST
*5 minutes break
5. Middlefinger(fairy) - 2 dwarfes; 2 pixies; 1 bard; SOUTH-WEST
*5 minutes break
6. Bolton(princess) - 2 dwarfes; 2 pixies; 1 bard; 1 pikeman; 1 crossbowman; EAST
*5 minutes break
7.Clegane(paladin) - 4 mages; 1 pixie; 1 paladin SOUTH-WEST
*2 minutes break
8.Franz(archer) - 1 paladin; 1 pixie; 1 mage; 1 archer; 1 druidess; 1 bard
*2 minutes break
9.Minotrill(druidess) - 2 druidess; 3 pixies; 2 paladins; 2 bards; EAST
*2 minutes break
10.Mattel(archer) - 2 druidess; 3 archers; 2 mages; 1 bard; 1 pixie; NORTH-EAST
*6 minutes break

In brackets, after surname of noble there is unit type which they are transformed into if not killed before reaching the city. This units will be defending city as addition to normal wardens.

Also here you have walking time for all roads[seconds]. (pit stops marked with white cross)
(this only refer to noble caravans - alliance attacks as well as pixie camp one, will vary quite much depending on target entrance and wave size(bigger wave have tendency to do random pit-stops when they streach too much [one of last waves in one of my games, did 4 random pit stops before entering the dungeon - this equal about 1 minute more for preparation])):
Time was measured for units with speed 2,5. All enemies at this map has speed 2,5 so it is quite accurate. Consider other timing for your units, as their speed might be different.

*note* Destroing wood pile won't add any pit stop to South road, just extend walking time between "wood dam"-"city" pit stops.
**Blood-Red Wedding - wave infos
Attacks on this map will be coming only after noble is safe (also pixie camp will send additional waves, so I suggest to destroy it as early as possible - this camp is not achievement related so BURN IT!). When you kill noble no wave will come from city, but if pixie camp is not destroyed, it will send it's own wave (not really big, but no trouble is better than little trouble).
If you kill noble, and pixie camp is destroyed as well - no enemies will harass you. #profit
*note* You can earn "a Glorious Dungeon" here. After destruction of pixie village, upgrade for your evil hall to lvl 3 will be available.

After some "terrain research" (playing map over and over) - i'm sure that wave composition, and quantity of units are selected randomly; as well as attack direction.
Still I write down all units composition from one whole game, for you to have overview on enemies that you might face:
1.Stark wave - 2 pikemans; 2 crossbowmans; dwarf
pixie wave - 2 centaurs

2.Frey wave - 2 druidess; 2 pixies
pixie wave - 4 centaurs

3.Lanchester wave - 1 druidess; 1 princess; 1 dwarf; 1 pixie
pixie wave - 4 centaurs; 1 pixie

4.Snow wave - 3 princesses; 1 dwarf; 1 bard; 2 pikemans
pixie wave - 2 centaurs; 2 pixies; bard

5.Middlefinger wave - 4 pikemans; 1 paladin; 2 dwarfs; 1 pixie; 1 bard
pixie wave - 2 centaurs; 2 pixies; 1 bard

6.Bolton wave - 4 princesses
pixie wave - 2 centaurs; 2 pixies; 1 bard

7.Clegane wave - 4 mages; 3 pixies; 1 paladin; 1 bard
pixie wave - 2 centaurs; 2 pixies; 1 bard

8.Franz wave - 3 archers; 2 mages; 2 pixies; 2 paladins; 1 dwarf; 2 druidess; 2 bards
pixie wave - 2 centaurs; 2 pixies; 1 bard

9.Minotrill wave - 4 mages; 3 druidess; 3 pixies; 2 bards; 2 paladins
pixie wave - 2 centaurs; 2 pixies; 1 bard

10.Mattel wave - 3 druidess; 4 mages; 2 paladins; 3 pixies; 2 bards
pixie wave - 2 centaurs; 2 pixies; 1 bard

11.Final wave - 3 paladins; 4 mages; 2 druidess; 4 bards; 2 pixies; 1 dwarf
no pixie wave
[0]Another Evil Awakens
You will play as 2nd playable race here - demons. No achievements here.
[1]Battle for Elven Forest
Another map with deamons. Just end mission. Defend, expand, counquer, grind. izi
[1]Battle for King's Ending - This time it's for real
Last mission, not as hard as bloody marriage. There is only 1 entrance to your dungeon - this should make defensive play easier(watch out for Dwarf King - he will attack your dungeon when you destroy all villages outside the city; he's very tanky, but not unkillable). Also in this mission you can play as horde or deamons. You can change it in bottom left corner. As for achievement - just end mission (race does not matter).
[13]Other achievements

Gold mining achievements. Mine 1,000,000 gold in your all games. Straightforward and not as grindy as you may think. You need gold for everything, so it will be slowly going up almost always. izi

Mana collecting achievements. Collect a total of 250,000 mana in your all games. The most grindy achievement in this game. After doing all the missions in story mode + playing 2nd time to get all achievements there #redbloodwedding, I still had to grind 6h-7h straight to get this achievement.
If you're playing deamons, spell "gold into mana" does not count as mana collected.
Only way to do it, is hard way.

I suggest doing skirmish mission where you have 3 or more crystals. Tick endless mode and set your dungeon starting level up to 3 before starting (ofc easy difficulty). At first focus at enemy. Destroy him as fast as possible. Because it is endless mode you are able to play after "no targets" are left to destroy. But this is an opportunity. No enemies = you need no army = easy grind.
Have 4 mana collectors per crystal (you have to upgrade crystal with shrine before 4 minions can work there) and set almost whole dungeon with space for mana storage. Don't forget to have small brewery/worship pit and small treasury. Your minions need beer/adoration (depending on race which you play) and gold, without them they will strike which is equal to not grinding. Don't forget to upgrade mana collecting speed and mana storage capacity. They can still be upgraded, even when you're starting with dungeon lvl 3.

When you prepared everything - save game and wait.
Mana storage will vary from 100-300k per dungeon depending on it's size. If it's bigger - you don't need save, if it has less space than 250k, do a save.
This game, is quite stable - but just in case do a save anyway because something like this might happen:
-random electricity shutdown;
-your sister is giving birth[www.worldometers.info], and you have to go to hospital ASAP;
-overheating PC;
-annoying sibling;
-Emperor issued an Exterminatus[warhammer40k.wikia.com] decree;
-nuclear fallout;
-Winter is coming[www.hbo.com];
-Winter is leaving;
-John Cena is coming;
-Parents heard your moaning during masturbation[en.wikipedia.org] when you were "grinding" mana, and want to talk to you;
-new season of Constantine[en.wikipedia.org] was announced;
-Jehovah's Witnesses[www.jw.org] knocking at your door.

Now set game to windowed mode in options (so you can do something else while your minions are grinding; in window mode, game is not paused when window is not focused) and wait.
Don't forget to check from time to time your dungeon, because gold is limited resource per map(unlike mana) and if you have no gold - your minions will strike (we don't want that).
When all gold is depleted or your mana storage is full, just load save you created earlier and execute order "more waiting". (loading save game is faster than spending mana, and you have to do nothing other than doing something else - make sense eh?) Simple as that but time consuming.
Also I might suggest playing as deamons, because lvl 3 shades (that mana collecting guys, equivalent to nagas) have ability to create mana from afar. I was amazed as well. I'm not sure if tier 3 nagas can do that. If you are not comfortable with deamons stick to horde.

Check list before commencing to masturbate do something else, when your filthy minions grind (step after step):
-You are playing skirmish with deamons (horde is ok too);
-Your dungeon starting level is set to 3;
-All your enemies are killed;
-You upgraded mana storage, mana collecting speed and dungeon population to it's capacity;
-You researched all other upgrades (they are not necessary but faster gold collecting, or brewing can decrease your minions count by few);
-You have four living mana collecting workers (all on tier 3) per crystal - no more, no less;
-All your crystals are upgraded with shrine;
-You have admire pit (1 admire stands per two/tree minions(other than gold diggers) should be enough), or brewery with at least 2 kegs, and about 50 storage capacity per 7-8 minions;
-You have treasury that will handle your minions needs for gold (this can be checked at left top corner, how much gold you will spend every 6 minutes for salary - treasury should be at least twice as big, as your minions need);
-You have just enough workers to collect gold, and admire your minions or brew beer (10 should be ok, when there is nothing to do beside these 2 acitivities on 2 crystal map);
-When your minions and workers are upgraded, rest of population points spend on orcs/succubuses. They will cheer your workers, to extract mana faster. *note* Cheering minions need gold and beer/adorsment as well. They are not neccesary - but if you want them, you have to make brewery/admiration pit and treasury bigger. Also create more snots to handle their needs;
- Your whole dungeon is mana storage (minus aforementioned exceptions).
-If all above is done, save. Preferably twice using 2 different save files. This is just in case one gets randomly corrupted. From now on, it is your grinding save.

Have 200 barrels of beer at one time in 1 game. You can do it as fast as 2nd campaign mission. Just be sure you have big enough brewery.

When you don't have enough gold or beer to pay your creatures for - they will start a strike. Striking creatures will gather in your hall. When you see such worker, just drop it in the pit.

Play for 25 hours (I got mine after 23h in-game). Kinda bugged.

This trap must be first researched by your goblins. After placing it in your dungeon, It must be triggered by enemy units. Watch out for bards/goblins who are disarming traps.

Only multiplayer achievement. You can't do it against bots, because there is no ability to add AI on multiplayer matches. You have to do it with "friends". If you are seeking for people who can help with that, go here: http://steamproxy.net/groups/Dungeons2MultiplayerMatches#

Use once last ability in your arsenal. It is available for horde and deamons. It must be researched before using it.

Upgrade your hall of evil to lvl3. Unlockable on skirmish, multiplayer and later campaign maps (like red-blood wedding). Just conquer the overworld, and evilness meter will fill, when you have enough, just upgrade your hall.
Sources and credits
Big thanks to this guy, for helping me out with King of the Hill achievement.

For nice picture of achievement (thumbnail): Exophase[www.exophase.com]
Image editing: Gimp[www.gimp.org]
Image capture: MS Snipping Tool [www.microsoft.com]
Sharing is carrying but be respectful - intellectual property speech
Words on intellectual property:
If you want to copy this guide somewhere else for free just for sharing purpose - just add link to my steam account at the end of it with postscript, that I was a creator.
There is no permission from me of any kind to share this anywhere for profit.
If sharing it, you'll agree to not change anything of this guide - just copy it as it is.
For any other purpouse, ask me for permission.

Link to my Steam profile: http://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198018122414/

You can support me at: https://ko-fi.com/sh33p_2587

Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.
Комментариев: 18
Painapple  [создатель] 3 мая в 5:00 
Thank you for correction. I edited the guide to include this info.
Nog 2 мая в 10:05 
Small correction for "Thou shalt not pass": there is no need to finish the mission, achievement is granted as soon as the last noble is killed.
missiloon 31 дек. 2023 г. в 18:25 
Thank you for this guide!
Konstantin 9 июл. 2022 г. в 13:23 
About Blood Red Wedding I found 4 weddings and no funeral surprisingly easy. You can just stay there, wait and prepare. Meanwhile the outside is harder.
Gen.Hackmi 31 янв. 2022 г. в 13:30 
note of appreciation for how jokes this guide is :steamhappy::steamthis:
Spittledog 17 янв. 2022 г. в 11:34 
To farm mana, in the last level of the campaign just before killing the second hero (with the village destroyed) the game goes into standby and does not send new adventurers until the boss is killed.

With a full army of nagas, you can get the achievement while AFK. Can take a couple of hours, but it is the best way to get these achievements in my opinion,
Aernox 10 янв. 2022 г. в 3:57 
Thanks a lot for all those explanations
i was searching for like 2 hours how to fired a furious one
:steamthumbsup: :steamthis:
Desperalaw 1 дек. 2020 г. в 1:21 
Thanks for the guide, very informative and helpful :cozybethesda:
TreeRex11 14 июл. 2020 г. в 23:56 
k thx i just thought it might be confusing since it confoozled me although i am a potato
Painapple  [создатель] 14 июл. 2020 г. в 14:09 
@TreeRex11 *wooosh* Changed templars into paladins.