Serious Sam's Bogus Detour

Serious Sam's Bogus Detour

43 人が評価
The First Encounter v0.27c
8.056 MB
2018年1月9日 7時01分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

The First Encounter v0.27c

Play the first four level from the first encounter in bogus detour.

-Please keep in mind that this mod is not nearly finished, there are a lot of placeholder enemies which need to be replaced at a later time but also some balance problems between weapon damage and incomming damage from enemies.
7 件のコメント
AlcoholicFemboy69 2020年5月16日 10時23分 
its sad to see that the workshop died out, it was a pretty cool bullet hell in my opinion 2019年2月25日 1時42分 
Yes, i want continue.
Atlas 2018年5月15日 19時58分 
So when will this be continued?
Sam 2018年5月4日 12時31分 
Looks good, hyped for the final version 2018年1月22日 7時08分 
Its cool! Keep at it, I'd love to see more levels from the original!
agro_tom 2018年1月20日 1時31分 
Wow, i wait so long! Thanks you!
Pinkatchu 2018年1月10日 11時52分 
It is really nice job so far! You also implemented secrets which are basically in the same place as in original but obviously (since it's 2D) with a different way to get them. I liked that too!

And I have to say I had a same idea (to remake levels of TFE, TSE or even BFE) just a week ago but once I've got in the editor I realized that It is going to take huge amount of my precious time. So I thought it would be cool if somebody would make that happen. And you did. OR fair to say are doing (since it's only pre-alpha or sort of version).