

123 ratings
Antichamber: Hintthrough
By greatmaccao
This guide seeks to provide help in a way that doesn't instantly give you the answer. It will give you clues and ideas for how to solve a puzzle if you are stuck, but will not give away the solution.
For me, part of the fun of Antichamber was stumbling through and happening across new secrets inside the game, and I wanted to create a "walkthrough" that didn't instantly give away the answer - to better fit with the way the game plays.
Basic Tips
-This game is illogical! If it feels like you're going in circles, think sideways.
-The walls with eyes vanish if you stare at them.
-The red gun allows you to create infinite cubes, provided you have two of them.
-Orange forcefields erase blocks in the gun, not inside of the field.
-Purple forcefields erase any blocks in or out of the gun.
-If you're stuck, go back to the beginning and try a different way.
-The timer is inconsequential.
Getting The First Gun
  • This is very straightforward, as transparent as glass.
  • Holding doors open may be a way to satisfy others.
  • Returning can change things wholly.
  • When nothing seems to work, find another way.
  • Pits are made for falling into most of the time.
Still not sure? Try peering deeper into the darkness.

From Blue To Green
  • Not all puzzles can be completed without the right equipment.
  • Paths through the labyrinth are no longer so straight.
  • Consider all colours of cube yours to take, but not always yours to use.
  • Puzzles are still straightforward, if you can get your head round your new ability.
  • Attempt to keep your cubes, as they are vital.
Still don't get it? Not all the puzzles you meet are solvable first go. Try a different approach, and then admit defeat. Sometimes the map is roundabout, but keep in mind that it isn't yet possible to go everywhere.

Advancing To Yellow
  • Growing up means new abilities, and ways to replicate what you have.
  • Old impossibilites can be overcome with experience.
  • Build bridges for burning.
  • Keep your eyes open for things reflecting your new colour.
Unsure? This is pretty much the most difficult phase of the game, so don't give up. Connecting points can let you break more than one at once.

Finding The Final Gun
  • Your powers are now fully-fledged, but there is room to grow up yet.
  • Revisit your past, and find the little things you can fix now.
  • Power is nothing without wisdom.
  • Answers are easier when you know what you need to do,
  • Not all obstacles are truly there.
Stuck? Your new "pull" ability can move things around for you! This lets you make lifts, bridges and knock down what is in your way!

Destroy The Tapestry
  • The end of life brings the greatest challenges of all.
  • Leaving behind your past is a fatal mistake.
  • Above all else, remember how close the end has been before.
  • Seeking out finality brings it faster.
  • Drawing in what you find around you will solve all life's mysteries.
Helpless? Find where the "ghostly cube" has gone.


  • Finally, the end.
  • Giving up is not an option now.
  • Find something akin to what you seek in the night sky.
  • Yield your knowlege, else nobody will ever become wise.
No way forward? Jump.

Finding the Last Places
  • Dead ends hide the valuable secrets.
  • There are no further paths beside what you have already found.
Stuck? There is no being stuck anymore. Try harder.
greatmaccao  [author] 15 Jan, 2018 @ 3:29am 
Yep, you can do that! It's super easy to sequence break in Antichamber. Speedruns can be very impressive with the ways they get around obstacles.
Enty 14 Jan, 2018 @ 12:01am 
Funny little thing - i already played, got a new computer after a long while, and now have slurped the black cube with a yellow gun. YELLOW.
ekisacik 22 Aug, 2015 @ 10:00am 
v Try not to quintiple post. :acleap:
JonDaBoss1 21 Nov, 2014 @ 1:18pm 
another way to get to that place i was talkin bout earlier:go to stairway to heaven then turn around and try to go to baby steps or strengh in numbers but if you do...youll find yourself at breakin the ark and just follow the rest of the steps im running out of space so hope you find it
JonDaBoss1 21 Nov, 2014 @ 1:10pm 
+ shaped place?
JonDaBoss1 9 Oct, 2014 @ 3:11pm 
when you get to tower 7 go to the door right click any block and you'l find yourself in a strange place now there is two sides to open the door(you might need the red gun for this:( )when you solve this puzzle go on a faith plate and look up you have now gotten to a hard area
JonDaBoss1 9 Oct, 2014 @ 2:22pm 
how to get there:find the room with wtf turn around and you'l see hmm... put bricks(it'sa yellow one)on the ledge of it and move them around until you get across now go through the door and you'l find climbing the tower 7
JonDaBoss1 9 Oct, 2014 @ 2:16pm 
did you know that if you look left before you solve the puzzle before the you get the red gun you can see an area you can go into? well i got into that was hard but i did it
||||| 19 Jul, 2014 @ 11:22am 
tip: use use the middle mouse click skill and move blocks through orange force fields
greatmaccao  [author] 19 Jul, 2014 @ 2:14am 
Yeah, purple fields are kinda like Emancipation Grills from Portal. You're not meant to take blocks through them, so you can't shoot through them or carry blocks through.
Hope that helped!