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How to use Helicopter effectively
By Hijong park
This guide is for someone who mastered handling helicopters but can't use it effectively and dies quickly. Follow this guide and become the terror from the sky.
About the guide
Helicopter is in my opinion the best vehicle in ravenfield. It has both the power and mobility, allowing you to contribute to the battle much more than any other vehicles.

But some people says that the helicopter is very weak or useless, While i rather think it's a bit overpowered. it seems many people have no idea how to effectively use the helicopter in ravenfield, so I decided to write The walkthrough for playing helicopter in Two maps : Dustbowl and Archipelago.

I won't do custom maps and island walkthrough. I'm sorry to say this, but every custom maps in the workshop are terribly designed for helicopters. They didn't seriously considered using helicopter in the maps that you can't do anything good other than getting killed. And island isn't a map suitable for helicopters. It's so small and has a conical shape that most of the time you have to stick at the point and do spawn killing. I think this map should have a small chopper, like little bird instead.
3 Important things when you play helicopter
1. Fly low

Helicopters and planes are two different vehicles. Planes have Very fast movement speed, But Can't stop, so they have to fly high to avoid crashing into the ground and enemies.

However, Helicopters have much slower movement speed. If you try fly high, You'll eventually get hit by Dagger or SLAM-R due to the slower movement speed. How about flying REALLY high ? Then planes will get you, and you can't do anything in that extreme altitude as Helicopters are specialized at ground attacking.

Instead, helicopters have the special ability that planes don't have : Hovering

Planes have to fly high because they'll crash into the obstacles otherwise. But helicopters can just stop and avoid the obstacles. So, The obstacles are enemies for planes but not so dangerous for helicopters and rather can be friends. Why? see 2.

2. Take cover

With the Hovering ability, You really have to be a friend with obstacles like hills or buildings.
Ravenfield is not a multiplayer game. enemies don't prepare to deal with helicopters unlike battlefield series. They just attack when they found you, and stop when they can't see you.
So you have to pretend yourself as a flying assassin and shouldn't show yourself until you start attacking.

Taking cover is a very crucial thing determining your survival or death in helicopter. using cover effectively saves you from not only all kinds of AT weapons but also your predator, planes.

If you don't show yourself, they can't even attack you.

3. Cooperate with your squad

The main objective of Ravenfield is capturing points. However, You can't capture the point alone in helicopter. For This reason Helicopter is a defensive / supportive class rather than offencive.

The most suitable vehicle to work together is Tank. Tanks can take several AT weapons, so they can survive longer than others and attack the point effectively. once you made the tank squad, order them to move to the point you want to attack, and go together to the point. Once Your Tank squad reached the point, Hide around the point and kill the enemies who are attacking your squad. Since they are busy to deal with the tank They usually don't see you, so you can kill them more safely. If the tank is destroyed, Hide immediately and run away from there. You can't do anything effective alone at the point, unless you are about to win in battalion mode, so gather New squads and try it again.
Archipelago walkthrough

Archipelago is a relatively easy map to play helicopter. There are fairly good places to hide and enemies are easy to predict as the islands are narrow and boats are always move to the exactly same routes. When you started from the carrier make the Ribs to join your squad and attack Airfield first. In this way you can wipe out enemy planes and make the game much easier. After capturing Airfield, order your squad to take jeef and helicopter and attack outpost. outpost is very important point for having Tank. Once Attackign outpost is succeed, (if failed keep sending your squad) All you have to do is working together with tank to capture the other points and saving your points. Look the map frequently and see if there are enemy Ribs attacking Airfield or Outpost. Defending your point is always your first priority.

Reverse mode is more harder. When you started from the Carrier you can quickly get the Airfield, But now enemies have the carrier. Capturing carrier Is nearly impossibe without luck, So Never go to the carrier and just focus on defending the island. This time you can't get the air superiority easily, so enemy planes will always attack you. check the enemy plane's position (There are only 2 planes, It's not that hard) frequently and never forget flying low. Some places like under the bridge are useful to avoid planes.

You also have to watch out the TOW at the carrier. If you hover in the air for long time they will destroy you. When you are at the Tow's range, Especially around The landing point, Don't show yourself to the carrier.

This video was recorded when helicopters were slower and planes were even stronger, so It's easier now. Bombers are not your enemy as getting hit by the bombs requires extreme luck, so don't care about them.
Dustbowl Walkthrough

Dustbowl is a very hard map to survive with helicopter. The map is widely opened and There are less covers to hide compared to Archipelago. When you are started as Eagle the situation is worse. Ravens have some great places to hide at Airbase and Checkpoint, But eagle's points are mostly opened.

and once the enemy captures Quarry and Town, enemies will appear all over the place and The perfectly placed Tow at The Town will destroy you.

So you have to capture Quarry and Checkpoint as fast as possible and focus on defending them. Don't go to the Airbase. That place is a completely opened Hell, So just gather suicide squads and send them to the Airbase until they capture The point.

During doing this, enemy infantries will keep trying to capture checkpoint and quarry and enemy planes will attack you. So you have use Buildings and sand hills as a cover. When you move around the map, change the direction freauqntly and always fly around the buildings. This can trick the planes to keep losing their aim and turing around.

when you have to defend the point, Hide at hills or buildings and repeat Jumping and shooting by pressing W and S. In this way enemies will continously forget your existance and you can kill them more easily and safely.

If your Team succeed to capture the Airbase, Use The giant building next to the Airbase as a cover and keep attacking enemies coming from Fortress until you win. Don't forget to destroy tanks who are going to the checkpoint.

Reverse mode is much easier. After capturing Checkpoint and Town, Get 2 Tank squads and Attack Airstrip. Capturing Airstrip is a piece of cake. After this, attack the Quarry and keep defending Airstrip and Quarry with jumping and shooting action. If your Tank squads are dead, make another new tank squads quickly so you can defend 2 points easier.
Using Mi-28 Havoc

Mi-28 Havoc is the first Custom helicopter of ravenfield created by Sui DEagle, and it's extremely overpowered.

You can wipe out the enemies with incredibly fast rockets and planes are not your enemies anymore with the powerful 'Hunter' missile. Having more HP is also a good bonus.

But this helicopter's most powerful feature is that you can capture the points yourself. not only that, You can fill 2 more soldiers at Havoc's secret compartment. Now You don't need Tanks anymore and can destroy everything on sight, also you can do the Heliborne action by transporting 3 soldiers to the point. it's very useful and shows how effective the transport helicopters would be in ravenfield if it is added.

Ending the guide
I hope This another helicopter guide would be helpful for you and increase your helicopter skill.

I want to see No death helicopter plays done by others.
Hijong park  [author] 15 May, 2023 @ 10:53pm 
When using keyboard and mouse I just used default controls and later I bought HOTAS and rudder.
Presence 15 May, 2023 @ 6:14pm 
So what are your controls? like Mouse up is forward, mouse downward is back, mouse left is turn left, mouse right is turn right, a is roll left, d is roll right, etc?
justanotherguy_y 7 Nov, 2022 @ 12:28pm 
domt forget the missile spam bots use when u give them a OP anti air launcher for weapons
goodneighborheat 23 Sep, 2019 @ 12:51pm 
This is so sad :(
Hijong park  [author] 24 Jan, 2018 @ 6:01pm 
I recommend to set turning for A,D and yawing for mouse x like battlefield. Both pitch and yaw determines where the helicopter is moving, so it's better to control yawing with mouse
Hijong park  [author] 24 Jan, 2018 @ 5:59pm 
I reverse mouse y for pitch, because that's easier to aim. Also i set the sensitivity to 2 because i have to react quickly.
lokeene 24 Jan, 2018 @ 5:17pm 
what controls do you recommend for the helicopter? (sorry if I missed it in the guide if you added them) Since in the options, you can change how to control the vehicles, what do you recommend?
Hijong park  [author] 21 Jan, 2018 @ 6:48pm 
sorry, english is not my first language...
paraphid 21 Jan, 2018 @ 6:16pm 
This person isn't very literate but is sure as hell a strategist
Hijong park  [author] 12 Jan, 2018 @ 2:06pm 
Once DG-CL become completely balanced vehicle, i'll do it.