Assassin's Creed Origins

Assassin's Creed Origins

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Loading Screen Tips | WIP
jobosno 님과 1명의 기여자가 작성
A list of tips from the loading screen. All keybinds are default for mouse+keyboard.
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Loading Scren Tips
Gameplay Basics
Autonomous Vehicles: While on a mount, Hold X to let it take control. It will keep heading towards any marker you’ve placed on the world map while following any roads you come across.

Benchmark: Before running the game, check out its performance with the Benchmark function. It can be accessed from the Title Screen.

Crouch: Press C to enter or exit crouch navigation. You can use it to hide in high grass and approach your enemies undetected.

Difficulty Levels: You can change the game difficulty at anytime in the Gameplay section of the Option Menu.

Dual Sword: The leaping heavy attack will get you in range to finish your enemies off with lightning fast light attacks. Its Overpower ability charges and knocks an enemy down.

Fight Basics: Move Mouse to switch locked target

Fire Arrows: You can light your arrow on fire by approaching a fire source.

Hello Buddy: The blue icon shows you Reda the merchant’s position. Look for him to obtain daily quests and unique items.

Hidden Blade: Upgrade your hidden blade to deal more damage and assassinate enemies with a higher level.

Hunter Bows: The hunter bow is built for power, not speed. While it takes time to fully draw the string, the increased damage and range can be devastating.

I See You: Your eagle can tag enemies: in hover mode, aim at them. You will then see them through walls and floors, and feel their presence even when you aren’t looking at them.

Know Where Your Enemies Are: You can tag an enemy with your eagle or by aiming at them with your bow.

Nomad’s Bazaar: Every day, Reda offers a new quest to help someone in need. Succeed before the time runs out and you’ll be greatly rewarded for your efforts.

Quest Log: You can sort your quest log by distance, level, or how recently you accepted the quest.

Ratatat!: The light bow is optimized to let your fingers hold a bunch of arrows, and quickly let them fly sequentially. It’s the submachine gun of two thousand years ago!

Scepter: With a mix of short rapid jabs and powerful long ranged strikes, the scepter is a versatile weapon. Its Overpower ability increases its wielder’s movement and attack speed.

Show Me The Money: If you’re short on money, you can sell the old items in your inventory. Alternatively, weapons, animal goods and most items can be dismantled to get crafting materials.

Sickle Sword: Its hooked blade can be used to spin enemies around, allowing you to attack their backs. Its Owerpower ability increases the wielder’s attack speed and damage.

Spear: Its reach allows the wielder to dispatch enemies from a safe distance. Its Overpower ability is a short range strike That will impale an enemy for massive damage

Store Gear: All items purchased in the Store cannot be dismantled, so you never risk losing them. You can also redeem them again for free in all your playthroughs by visiting the “Owned” tab of the Store.

Track Crafting: You can track a crafting recipe in the crafting menu to follow the required materials.
Gameplay Hints
A New Quest Awaits You: Visit Reda (blue camel symbol) and complete his daily quest to receive an Heka Chest.

Chemical Warfare: Poison a corpse, put it on a horse, lean back and let it do the work.

Cleanup Duty: Guards will take care of dead bodies if you don't. They don't want them lying around any more than you do.

Desert Visions: Crossing a desert is a difficult experience, you will be exhausted, thirsty and the sun will burn you so much that you might start hallucinating and see things that don't exist...

Enemy Auto-Level: You can activate or deactivate this option in the Gameplay section of the Options menu. Enemy Auto-Level automatically scales lower level enemies to your level.

Good Senu: Make sure to reward Senu once in a while. She works hard and deserves some praise.

Good Luck!: War elephants are the strongest enemies in the game. Only the best players have a chance to...maybe...defeat them.

Lights, Please: Even a well-rounded Medjay has trouble seeing in the dark. You can always try throwing your torch to see what lies ahead.

Nightmare Mode: Activate the Nightmare difficult mode if you're up for a real challenge!

Nomad's Bazaar: If you're looking for exotic weapons from around the world, Reda is your best chance at scoring something truly unique.

Slippery Slopes: Have you tried sliding down the side of a pyramid? What're you waiting for? Give it a go!

Store: Want to enhance your playthrough with cool items? The Store has a collection of unique outfits, weapons and mounts for you. Access it through the Pause Menu.

That's Not My Style!: If you can't stand the sight of blood, you can unequip your weapon in your inventory and fight unarmed. Instead of killing, you will just incapacitate your enemies.

Undercover: Ever heard of "ghosting"? Infiltrate a fort, and make sure no one could think that anything other than a ghost passed by. No blood, no sighting, no trace, no nothing.

Watch Out!: Phylakes are after you. Stay far away from them as they are powerful bounty hunters and will attack you on sight.

You Are So Strong!: But you can be stronger. Master skills can be acquired repeatedly.

Possible Spoiler:
The Final Weighing: Bayek and Aya journey to Siwa on the trail of Flavius and the Oracle's Relic.
Keybindings / Controls
Combination of Keys: Assign a combination of two keys to any action: go to key mapping, select an action you want to assign a combination, hold first key, then tap the second key.

Drifting: Holding [Spacebar] while turning with a War Chariot will let you take turns much easier.

Smile!: Press F3 to take a photo!

Time Passes So Fast…: Hold M to make time speed forward. The Dawn & Dusk skills allows you to go from night to day or day to night.

Weapon Parameters: Press [L] in the Gear page to view a detailed description of all weapons parameters.
Historical / Trivia
Ancient Skyscrapers: Houses in urban areas such as Memphis were built upward, sometimes up to four stories tall.

Back-up Plan: Egyptians were so worried about mummified bodies being lost that they would make a miniature beeswax model as a spare.

Celestial Travels: The souls of the dead were thought to fly out during the day and return to the safety of the mummified body by night.

Change of Pace: Hatshepsut was Egypt's first female pharaoh. There were no conquests during her time, instead, Egypt received a fresh helping of delicate art and elegant temples.

A Common Courtesy: Mummies were anointed with perfume in order to render them acceptable to the gods.

Cultured Elite: Alexandria was filled with temples, theatres, museums, and libraries.

Got Time?: The mummification process lasted anywhere between 40 and 70 days, and would require up to 600 pounds of natron for drying.

Greatly Founded: Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE.

Insurance Policy: Having children was one way of conquering death, as a child would look after their parent's tomb.

It's a Wonderful Ancient Life: Egypt was home to two of the seven wonders of the Ancient world: the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

Party Like It's 49 BCE: Cleopatra would host lavish parties, and guests could expect to be given horses and other expensive gifts.

Plant Protection: Silphium was known for its many medical properties, and was most commonly used as a contraceptive.

Play It Again, Phanos: Phanos the Younger is a huge fan of the Alexandrian Pleiad, a group of poets from 300 BCE.

Precious, Precious Rocks: Granite, one of the hardest rocks, was used on occasion. The great pyramids were originally covered with it. Obelisks, weighing hundreds of tons, were carved from it.

Preventative Measures: According to Herodotus, Egyptian priests shaved their whole bodies to get rid of lice and other impure things.

A Protestor By Any Other Name: Alexandrians were passionate about their city and would often publicly decry any decision made by the Pharaoh they disagreed with.

A Rare Material: Wood was so scarce that when a building was abandoned, all wooden parts such as doors and scaffolding were removed to be reused somewhere else.

Scrollful Life: The Library of Alexandria held somewhere between 40,000 and 400,000 scrolls.

Statuesque: According to ancient texts, statues of gods could nod and talk, and even served as judges in courts of law.

True or False?: Egyptians used kites to lift construction stones and bring them to the top of the pyramids.

Underwater Adventure: The Pharos was lost to time until 1968, when it was rediscovered by a team led by marine archaeologist Honor Frost.

Wonderful Builders: The lighthouse of Alexandria, otherwise known as the Pharos, was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
댓글 8
EbonHawk  [작성자] 2020년 6월 27일 오전 11시 46분 
I wish that too, Horsedancingwithcrow. I like it when I can play games without the hand holding, but since 99% of games have floaty objective markers to light the way, devs don't put in enough clues for my liking to be able to play the game without a serious struggle.

They are either too hard (the minority) or way too easy (the majority).
[BRE] Léonard 2020년 6월 27일 오전 8시 52분 
I play games No HUD this game is a must to play no HUD despite around 30% of quests are not supporting that since the game simply doesn't have design like voicelines or else that can help knowing where to go or where actually to look, or simply where you are or what you are looking for could be (even if mostly these "clues" are there some of the "clues" you read in menu since I do not track etc, are not good as Odyssey (despite I dnt praise odyssey which is extremely inferior game and many clues are written in a horrible way or simply the game NPC behavior doesn't respect what the game is saying - probably bugs related).

I wish there were more readings\suggestions\hints related a no hud gameplay (for example one that relates to this philosophy is using a torch or 2 to enlighten dark spaces (since I also use dark graphics to enhance the night in a real night effect.
EbonHawk  [작성자] 2019년 1월 4일 오후 3시 27분 
Good for you.
.Nitro 2019년 1월 3일 오후 1시 30분 
I filled up one of those small shallow rectangular pooles in Alexandria with bodies, i should have taken a screenshot with F3( I'm assuming thats how people get their screenshots onto the map)
EbonHawk  [작성자] 2018년 2월 6일 오전 11시 58분 
I think I grabbed a screenshot of that one the other day, but forgot to update.. Will check when I get home tonight and see. Thx for the reminder.
Xeth 2018년 2월 6일 오전 8시 57분 
There is a unique Loading Screen tip with the arenas. It'll talk about how Gladiatorial battles are of Etruscan origin.
jobosno  [작성자] 2018년 2월 5일 오전 2시 49분 
Fun Fact: You don't have to click on the guide -- I just thought it would be interesting
Bush Slayer 2018년 2월 5일 오전 1시 22분 
Why do i need to know this