Serious Sam 3: BFE

Serious Sam 3: BFE

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How to complete "Hatshepsut" achievment easily
By TheRickr0llingGod
Guardian Of Time level. Complete this level without dying, respawning or saving - is the goal of the achievment. The main thing You need to keep following after is spots. I can't unfortunately explain You step-by-step how to do it right in the text, but i have a video. See at the end of the text. First, You should get rid of the Sandwhale first by going away, and then, running to the right side, attracting Whale in the same time, and hiding in one spot, where it won't eat You, and make sure Sandwhale is still travelling somewhere away under You. Then just run by the edge of the cliff, and get to a certain turn where You need to stop in order to glitch the Sandwhale off. Sounds of it's travelling will go away, FPS will get extremely lower. Now You can freely explore this level's map, but to complete the achievment, get to the trigger of the boss. After this DON'T TOUCH THE SAND. Whale will come back. That is all. Link - . Make sure to rate the guide if it was helpful! Thank You :)
Achievments Guides