Toukiden 2

Toukiden 2

26 ratings
Toukiden 2 (some weapon) Playstyle Guide
By Tomoya Aaron
I play toukiden 2 since first release, and want to share what i know about this game

This is my first guide and based on my own experience, and i am just human being so pardon me if i make some mistake. I can't give you video since i have crappy laptop, but i try my best to describe and explain about this guide.

I only give longsword, spear, bow, rifle, daggers, and swordshield only for this guide. I never touch other weapons.

Basically there 4 special "kind" of attack you can improve with your own mitama
1. Normal Attack => Normal damage
2. Precision damage attack => Based on Your Dexterity
3. Elemental damage attack => Based on Your Elemental weapon damage and The Oni elemental "defenses" . Fight water with fire, fight earth with wind and so on. You can check oni Weaknesses on the wikipedia.. Uh.. Encyclopedia :D
4. Affliction damage = "poison (purple bubbles) and stun (thunder/lightning) icon

In here i only give Precision damage, elemental, and affliction based :D
This is my favourite weapon, since TOUKIDEN KIWAMI. Fast, easy combo, and when you know how to do "shadow gouge" (red gouge) it will produce devastating damage.

Role of this combination IS DAMAGE DEALER. NOT THE VANGUARD, NOT THE ONE WHO MAKE OPENING!!! Wait for your chance to show your shadow gouge, and TEAR EM UP :D

Just like the way of the sword in Japanese (kenjutsu), u know when, where you strike, and.. SLICE EM!! Thats philosophy behind this build

WHY i shouldn't rush. I can rush on my own right??
Here is the reason....
1. U can only do heavy damage with shadow gouge, while its really drain your focus so fast
2. There is no significant damage if u do normal combo without gouge
3. Longsword combos isn't fast, and you can't def against attack (only evade OR u using def mitama)

1st Build -> FULL DEX BUILD (ATK)

answer : Weapon with "HIGHEST DEX" in your weapon list.
Weapon that i use = Oka sword, but i really suggesting that you should use Mike Tenta/Great Tenta
The highest dexterity on Longsword

Important Mitama :
1. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro (REALLY IMPORTANT)
2. Miyamoto Musashi (Mr. Important No. 2)
3. Minamoto no Tametomo
Abilities List :

Guide :
Because of "Paragon of Might" your aspd (attack speed) will improve whenever you begin "gouge" (shadow or normal gouge), and Might skill will improve your aspd MORE FASTER...
MIGHT is your main skill... It have focus absorb based on your precision strike. Sounds cool, but be advice, if u fight same level as your weapon.. Don't count on it too much, even elemental absorbtion still do same effect-same level. so like i said before.. Now your timing...
Priority skill :
1. Might
2. Illuminance
3. Carnage

How to do combo :
1. Tiger's den (up to u if u want to full charge or quick slash) then continue to cleansing strike (yellowish effect)
2. THIS STEP IS REALLY CRUCIAL. If you want to harrasing enemy its your choice but if you really want to deal some damage, wait for your teammates... MAKE SURE.. You aren't being targeted by the Oni...
3. Open up your shadow gouge and begin slashing. NOT ORDINARY 4 combo. Do 6-7 combo.. Why? The strong combo (blue slashing) will deal large area so, it will help to make gouge mark on unreachable part. Ordinary 4 combo deal minimum damage, while mix it with strong attack i will guarantee you will have precision strike 3-4 times in 7 combos
5. TWISTING SLASH (Why?? Positioning, its really important to make sure you are on right place to attack... No focus drain whenever you do twisting slash after Cleansing strike.. Wide area damage)
6. Then begin continue do 6/7 combos again, repeat...

When we use Might, Illumination, and Carnage?
Based on my experience i never use Might on first attack. If u can do clean sweep without getting hit, then i guarantee you can deal really high damage...

THEN.. When oni down because of destroyer OR Oni Burial.. Its your chance!! Use all 3 skills together!!! BAM... You reach your maximum damage...

But.. If you want to use 1 by 1, its a good thing too.. No rush, find your own Pace....
Pros : Good for long time battle, can kill easily without skill, effective against horizontal part Large Oni
Cons : Kinda bit hard to master, not effective against humanoid

2. Elemental focus absorbtion
This build is almost same with above, the differences is elemental damage convert to focus

answer : Weapon with "HIGHEST Elemental Damage" in your weapon list. But becareful, u should know what Oni Elemental weaknesses. You don't want to get ugly by fighting fire with fire :D

The mitama :
1. Sakanoue No tamuramaro
2. Fujiwara No Fuhito
3. Jigoku Dayu

Abilities List :

This build almost same like before. It's just Illuminate change with Contagion, almost deal same damage when u use Illuminate. Wait... There is no Gouge master... Yes.. I swap it to Fujiwara no Fuhito since "transpotition attribute" really make your elemental attack stronger while decrease your attack. SO... You get more focus restoration :D

How to combo : Same as above :D
The differences is.. MAKE SURE.. You purify oni part, so it will release decoy :) Its gonna helping you do gouge combo

Pros : Dealing devastating damage to Oni with weak to your weapon element, More focus
Cons : Gonna be real hard if the Oni have same element as your weapon (ruin stage)


Okay.. so.. Have you know Oka? From Toukiden Kiwami series? Nope.. Okay. I give you "supposed to be her" build


Mitama list :

Def Mitama? .. Yes..

Now you can more "rushing" forward and dealing damage, slow but sure...
Question on this build : I tot Sakanoue No tamuramaro.. Nope.. "tempered blade" almost same with "paragon of might" but dont have speed buff for gouge combo. AND IT DOESNT STACK for damage..
Remember you still have focus absorbtion and Gouge don't deplete quickly as shadow gouge..
AND.. You still have atk skill from SPD mitama "mirage" which can make you attack faster and you can use it as much as u want :D

answer : Weapon with "HIGHEST DEX" in your weapon list.
Weapon that i use = Oka sword, but i really suggesting that you should use Mike Tenta/Great Tenta
The highest dexterity on Longsword

How to do combo is almost identical, same as above...
1. Open gouge
2. 6-7 combos
3. CLEANSING STRIKE *important*
4. Twisting slash
5. Back to number 2
I can make 3 spot purple while my focus still on top, i do on expert mission...

If someone says their focus is infinite, thats a big lie OR.. They just do normal mission while using +12 rank 6 weapon. Trust me :D Even when i use shadow gouge and beat maneater (which really weak to slashing attack) my focus still depleted until half.

That is for my Longsword build, this is based on my experience so, if you have better combo, share with me :D
If you are more to rushing forward, create opening to your friends. THEN THIS IS YOUR PERFECT BUILD..

1. Elemental Focus absorption Build
Mitama list :

Abilities List :
"BREAKTROUGH = Heavy stab attack* <--- Delicious damage dealer :D

DCT (Deceit Mitama) Why?
1. Its more easy to do precision - elemental strike while attacking from behind
2. Daggers build is basically for destroying upper part Oni. So with this build i guarantee you can fly away as long you keep hitting them both from behind OR in front
3. Don't worry about focus too much, not like Longsword u can have abudant amount of focus while do aerial attack

How to combos :
Up to you.. This class is really versatile, but i usually do in this build :
1. Use charge attack to deal heavy stab attack (improve from this mitama build)
2. Keep slashing until normal 4 combos aerial attack
You know beyblade? YOU CAN BE BEYBLADE!!! NYEASHHH!!!
Uhmm Sorry...
I mean...
Spinning attack...
After you reach the upper most part of the oni, go become Beyblade.. The damage will be awesome while your focus stay

Control : Decoy.. PLUS => enhance your elemental abilities
Support Mitama : Quicksilver.. PLUS -> Katsura Kogoro dagger skills enhancement

Pros : Fast damage dealer
Cons : If u fight with same elemental

2. Attributes Focus Absorption
STUN OR POISON <-- Yeap.. This is semi support/attacker Build

Mitama List

Abilities List

This build is mainly "EXPLOIT" attributes. The more you give poison/stun to your enemies, THE MORE damage you deal.
Deceit Mitama always giving you more chance to inflict status ailment if you attack from Behind..

How to do combos :
Same as above
Important rule : ATTACK FROM BEHIND :P

Oni is stupid
Use your brain..
Be cunning...
thats the way of Deceit Mitama :D

If you think that bow isn't damage dealer then.. Today after you read this u will know :)

That quotes already describe whats this build attack style..

1. Full Attack Bow Build

Mitama List :

Abilities List :

Way of the Bow = Recover focuse when Cursed Mark explode
Matchless archer = More damage + more wide on homing arrow (almost same like Hangaku ultimate skill) and sadly it doesnt stack, thats why i swap to recovery :)

1. Relase Cursed Mark (once or twice up to you)
2. STRONG DRAW (yellow buff effect)
3. Homming arrow, wait until your focus is depeleted to half

And poof.. Your focus gonna come back
as long your homing bow hit your Cursed Mark, you gonna be fine..

Support the front line ---> CURSE MARK from SPT evasion skill
DESTROY ONI PART!! --> You have PLN attack skill
This is my 2nd favourite Attack/DPS combination
Pros : Good against all
Cons : if you swarmed by little oni.. Well.. Its hard, Kill them first!!!

To be honest i rarelly use Might or carnage when using this build, since this build really dealing Big Piercing damage. So.. When you face oni that have part weak against pierce/thrust damage. You are the King.. Or... The Queen

2. Berserk Healer Elemental Bow Type
I havent found normal/dex based attack that have good combination with healing. Thats why i make elemental attack on this build

Mitama List :

Abilities List :

Combo :
Almost same like above. Cursed arrow end it with Homming arrow

Why pick this build?
1. U gain focus whenever u explode it
2. U gain health and focus based on your elemental attack
3. Unity gauge restored so much whenever u use "PANACEA"
4. 50-75% restock your skill "AMAKUSA SHIRO" Mitama :D <- Love this mitama

U can deal big damage (if u fight on right Oni) while u can become really good support for your team

Pros : Versatile class, damage dealer + Support
Cons : Bad against same elemental oni
Spear Build
"I WILL SHOW YOU HOW SANADA FIGHT" Quotes By Sanada Yukimura

Some people always said that spear never dealing big damage... You sure eh?
Nope i don't think so... Here is the formula
This build is Vanguard DPS role...
U can protect your own teammates by using brace OR... Go nuts and dealling massive damage :D

1. Build Vanguard Dps Role

Mitama List :

Abilities List :

This build utilitize all attacking style of spear..
Start from Brace, Rush, Hawk Swoop

Yukimura Mitama : Your rush trust more faster
Goto Matabei : Your brace dealing more damage
Maeda Keiji : Hawk Swoop dealing More damage

How to play?
1.Start with 2 normal combo stab, then finish it with trust Rush...
2. Continue with Hawk swoop
3. Positioning a bit
4. Repeat
#prepare your brace whenever oni on rampage or oni gonna rush towards u

Dont worry about focus since every precision strike gonna recover your focus..
Health + focus low? Still have evasion skill from Support Mitama
WHile you using Providence (attack skill from LUCK Mitama) this is really Lucky when you have Illumination since gonna give you CARNAGE effect. When this happen.. GO NUT!!!!


Mitama List :

Abilities List :

How to Combo :
Same as above...

Speciality :
Might range from Minamoto no Yorimitsu (your team will have might effect)
Precision strike => Faster increasing weapon gauge

Basically almost same like 1st build, but this build is more focus to attack the oni..

Pros : Really effective against tall/humanoid Oni (hawk swoop is your ultimate weapon)
Cons : Slow evade, and still have charge time *if u not carefull they will slap your butt :P*
Naginata Build
"Hyperskilled Frenzy Wooosh woosh woosh" Quote by myself
Naginata is 3rd favourite weapon type..
1. Can do Mid air attack (all around from top to bottom)
2. Hyperskilled state (identical with hyperpowerd state from club *doki-doki* oops)

In my entire gameplay, i never see Benizuki down facing the earth.. I don't know why.. She is so skillfull to parry :D

1. Frenzy-Destroyer Build
This build using Benizuki Mitama.. Yeap Amaterasu...

Mitama List :

Abilities List :

How to do combo :
1. do 5 normal combo on ground / air
2. Reach Level 1 hyper skilled "yellow"
3. Do 5 normal combo on ground / air
3. Maximum hyperskilled "red"

This time, your frenzy is really effective..
This build is really fast on build up Weapon Gauge / Destroyer..

Your main skill to use is
1.Agility (if you aren't sure how to do good parry)
2. Mirage (wraith effect -> faster destroyer gauge)
3. Vigor (wraith effect -> faster destroyer gauge)

What if i mirage/vigor is on cooldown?
Your frenzy are more faster because of amaterasu
Your weapon gauge still refill fast (expert destroyer PLUS frenzy attackspeed)
And finally.. Keep your health to the max..
Max hp -> more faster weapon gauge refill + damage more

This is more suitable to advanced user of naginata
Pros : +++ unbeatable destroyer maker +++
Cons : Really need to see oni movement attack + watch your focus gauge

2. Full attack Dps Naginata Build
The difference from above is, you aren't relying your speed or destroyer, but more to your Hyperskilled state + Evening Star

Mitama list :

Abilities List :

How to combo :
1. 3 normal attack ground/air
2. Hyperskilled state "yellow"
3. 3-4 normal attack ground/air
4. Max hyperskilled state
5. EVENING STAR (after that your hyperskilled state turn to yellow)
6. Return to number 3

Why evening star? More damage PLUS AOE than u use frenzy / normal damage

Yeap. Thats because dancing grace from Sakamoto Otome u only do 3 combo to enter hyperskilled state..

Ok.. so whats the good thing from this build?
Whenever you ready to deal awesomely fast big damage
Put that skill ON
Carnage martyr will deplete bit by bit your health, but in return you will deal bigger damage..
But don't worry, Sanada Mitama give you Carnage + link which Leech + might got activated too, so... You know..... RUSH EM!!!! SLICE EM!!!

Pros : Everything is good
Cons : Not so much
Sword / Shield Build
"New weapon, you can def, parry, counter, and go full NUTS... AWESOME"

1. High speed attack DPS & DESTROYER
Yeap... You the more you attack the faster you get your destroyer

Mitama List :

Abilities List :

This Combo mitama really depend on your assault gauge..

How to do good combo :
1. In your shield stance, do SPRING MOON
2. DO 4 different combos! 4 DIFFERENT COMBOS!! (if keep pressing same button, your assault gauge increasing very slowly)
3. Keep do that until your assault gauge full
4. Switch to assault mode
5. Do normal combo
6. After finish, press strong attack (OWL BLADE/ large horizontal slicing animation)
7. End it with Swift Needle (the charging special attack on assault stance)
If you do that right.. I will guarantee that your assault gauge still stuck on 85-90%
8. Get back to your assault mode again (you will reach maximum state after few attack, trust me)

This build really depend on your assault gauge, the more u actively attacking when your assault gauge full the more faster you have your destroyer. SWIFT NEEDLE IS A MUST.. Since you have skydriller augment, which make it faster PLUS.. That attack is the strongest from S/S weapon

Legendary Kings combo give you more damage when you do destroyer attack..
PLUS.. You have 1 bonus destroyer from PLN attack skill
In my record, i do expert mission "absolute zero" on 10 minutes i can put up 14 destroyer

Don't rush when you want to use vigor, watch your assault gauge, and you gonna be bad ass destroyer :D

2. SUPPORT S/S build
Yeap... Support is always suitable for this weapon...

Mitama List :

Abilities List :

You can use this build when there is no one who can become healer...
Life safer -> give your allies more health when ressurected
Amakusa Shiro => Restocking your skill "LUCKY"
Jeanne d'arc => Supperb SUPPORT MITAMA (atk + def up + AOE passive skill)

How to Play
1. Keep using your Altruism... Its really good for supporting your teammates (atk + Def up)
2. When your weapon gauge on 1/2 or 3/4 use your diffusion.. Its gonna share your Weapon gauge proportion
3. Always fill your assault gauge (more easier to do precision strike when you are on assault mode)
My build is almost identical to Kaihime's SPT Rifle build

Mitama List :

Abilities List :

This Build really have good damage for their SPT skills..
Is it Attacker? Yes..
Is it Support type? Yes...

Well.. From start many people who play TOUKIDEN 2 (without playing TK Kiwami) always make mistake on "HOW GUNNER SHOULD ACT"

Distancing is good, but "WAY TOO FAR" from your teammates make frontline melle lost their momentum... Especially when the oni pursue you (BASED ON MY OWN EXPERIENCE WHEN I PLAY WITH RANDOM STRANGER THAT TOO FAR AWAY, WHICH MAKE ME LOST MY MOMENTUM TO ATTACK)

So this build perfectly match with rifle that have DLY or ABS ammo.. FORGET ABOUT EXPLOSION, SNP, PIERCE..

DLY is the best u can have if you using this build, mid range, dealing high damage PLUS.. If you use lobe granade.. Explosion everywhere LOL

DLY only good for SLOW MOVING oni

Playstyle :
1.Swap your ammo all to DLY (or ABS for supporting melle fighter)...
2. Wait melle team to go first
3. "Curse" them (make em slow)
4. while you in mid air keep push your button until your ammo depleted (aim at horn or upper part, and i guarantee on expert level with same level weapon, Oni defense gauge gonna be depleted when you touch the ground)

If you really confident with your aim, use normal ammo :D, piercing is good for dealing damage but for destroying part, normal snp Ammo is the best bet :D

5. Use fountain when they unable to move
6. Pursuit is hard to use "aim isnt good" LOL.. SO becareful when u use it, but when you hit the oni with pursuit.. Dang.. Dealing big damage because Yoshida SHoin mitama augment
7. For Eruption.. Whatever you like :D

Since rifle.. i can say, is the easiest weapon to understand the situation YOU... Rifle wielder should me more cooperative to melle user. Thats why i suggest ABS or DLY ammo.. No need to aim, just shoot.. Bam bam bam.. Breaking more bonds :D
Ibuki 3 Feb, 2021 @ 7:54am 
I have some questions as to why you did not put single draw focused build in the bow build part because with enhance single draw and several other different boon all buffing it and god speed against any 4 legged or horizontally wide oni I have really good time, plus since you can move around freely when you use single draw and god speed makes your charge speed on crack there's not much for you to worry about, or maybe it just gets out damaged by the homing arrow build?
pokeroots 6 Oct, 2020 @ 5:46pm 
Arthur and Siegfried should really be reversed for the SnS damage build, mirage is crazy good
Dogma 24 Jan, 2019 @ 7:04am 
melhor do que eu fazia,quando eu uso o arco eu só uma frexa almadiçoada com frexa unica,valeu