Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

38 ratings
Rising Storm 2: Beginner's Guide
By Carasar
This is a beginner's guide for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Hello guys, welcome to my guide for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam. In this guide I will step by step teach you the basics of the game and how it's supposed to be played. The guide is mainly made for beginners, but maybe even more experienced players can learn something new.
1: What is this game about?
Rising Storm 2 is a tactical, teamplay based first person shooter.
What does that mean?

It means that this game is not like Call of Duty. It wants to be somewhere realistic.
You die really quick if you do not pay attention to what's happening around you. A single bullet is enough to kill you. On the other hand, a single bullet of yours is enough to kill your enemy too.
It is set in the Vietnam war between the south and the north side. This basically means that it's viets vs. US military (and Aussies).
Both sides do have unique abilities and classes. I will explain that later.
2: Gamemodes
In Rising Storm 2: Vietnam are two main gamemodes:


VNTE is a gamemode where one team has to conquer certain points in a row to win the game. The other team needs to defend these points at all costs.

Chu Chi, VNTE

As you can see on the map, the US Marines are currently attacking the points Echo (E) and Delta (D).
They already successfully captured Alpha (A), Bravo (B) and Charlie (C).
The VVA (Vietnam) is trying to prevend the US forces from capturing all objectives (A-G).


VNSU is a domination gamemode. There are several objectives on the map. To win the game, the opposing teams need to conquer as many objectives as possible at the same time. This will give them points. Both teams need to achieve 1000 points or kill every opponent in order to win the game.

An Lao Valley, VNSU

In both gamemodes, every team has a specific amount of tickets. Everytime a player respawns, one of the tickets of his team will burn. In VNTE, the attackers usually have more tickets then the defenders. If one team runs out of tickets, no player will be able to respawn.
3: Classes and abilities
There is a total of 12 different classes in the game. 3 of them are only available to the US and one is VVA only. All classes - except the rifleman - only have a limited amount of slots to pick. That's how balance is brought to the game. All classes have different weapons and abilities which make them unique.

As a beginner, I would suggest you to only pick the regular rifleman in your first couple games.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is highly teamplay based and for winning the game it is very important to have good players doing certain roles such as the commander.


The regular rifleman is armed with an assault rifle and two grenades. He represents the core of the military and is pickable without a player limitation.

Scout / Pointman

This class is equipped with close quarter weapons and smoke grenades. Scouts / Pointmen are able to easily spot and defuse traps and explosives.

Machine Gunner

Machine gunners are armed with a Light Machine Gun (LMG) and a sidearm. They are very goodat suppressing the enemy to secure his comrade's push. They also are higly effective at shooting down enemy helicopters, when used properly.

Sniper / Marksman

This class speaks for itself. It is present in almost every shooter. Snipers are equipped with a sniper rifle (it acutally is the only class in the game that can use a scope - all other classes are left with iron sights only) and a sidearm. They are effective at spotting and eliminating single targets and securing certain sectors.

Sapper / Combat Engineer

Sappers and combat engineers are using traps and explosives to fight. They are armed with an assault rifle.


The RPG is can only be used in the VVA. This soldier is armed with an assault rifle and a RPG. This class is mostly used for anti air purposes but it's also great at infantry combat.

Grenadier (US)

The Grenadier is the US counterpart to the RPG. This class is armed with a grenade launcher. It can easily wipe a whole enemy squad if used rightly.


The radioman is important for the commander, which I will cover later. Do not pick this class in the beginning as it is crucial for your team performance. He is armed with an assault rifle.

Combat Pilot / Transport Pilot (US)

The pilot classes are only available for the US or Australian side. They are able to fly helicopters and either deal heavy damage to the enemy forces, providing covering fire for the own military or serve as a mobile respawn point.
Do not pick this class in the beginning, because flying helicopters requires great skills. Combat helicopters are able to shred both your enemy and your allies into pieces.

Note: helicopters are not available at all maps.


The commander is probably the most important soldier on the field. He is able to call in airstrikes or napalm on marked positions. He can also use an instant revive on all dead allies or provide anti air.
Do not select this class in the beginning. The commander is not easy to play since he can easily decide over victory or defeat of his team. His airstrikes can wipe the whole enemy army or - in the worst case - his own. Only experienced players should pick the commander role.
4: What is a squad?
The team you are playing in is divided into serval squads. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie,...
Every squad can take up to 6 members, regardless of their class (except pilots and the commander which will form an own squad).

The squad leader
Now, one of the 6 soldiers in the squad will get promoted. This player is now the squad leader (SL).
Squad leaders are in charge of their squad. They can give commands and lead their squad members.
But more importantly, squad leaders are - regardless of their class - equipped with an additional sidearm, a smoke grenade and binoculars.
Why bincoculars? That's where SL get important. Squad leaders are able to mark positions of their choice as artillery targets. Once marked, the commander can request artillery support on this very position. Therefore it is important to give good marks. If they are too far, you will not kill the enemy. If they are too close - danger close - chances are that you actually wipe your own team and you probably do not want that.
So, if you are new and happen to be selected as the SL, you most likely want to give that role up. You can do that by pressing the "." key on your keyboard. On your right side you can now see your squad. There you can promote another soldier in your squad. I recommend picking the player with the most points or the highest rank.
Notice that the purple smoke you get also serves as a tool to mark positions. That's how you can mark a position without actually seeing it, just by throwing your purple smoke grenade.

Hint: Your smoke and binoculars are not the only way to mark a target. By pressing and holding B you can left click a position to give your squad orders or right click a position to mark it as an artillery target for your commander. That is quick and you do not have to put your weapon away.

Squad leaders and respawning

SL aren't only good for marking targets for your commander.

On the US or AUS side, players can directly spawn at their SL position, as long as he stays alive and out of VVA tunnels.

On the Viet side, SL do have a pickaxe. With this pickaxe they can dig a respawn tunnel at a position of their choice. As long as the tunnel doesn't get destroyed, the squad can respawn at this position. Note that you cannot place a tunnel too close to a mission objective.

A viet respawn tunnel
5: I got it. How do I play now?
So now that you are familiar with the different classes it's time for you to finally start playing.
Choose a server, pick a side and then a class. Pay attention to what gamemode you are playing and roll in.

As I said before, Rising Storm 2 wants to be realistic. You won't have much success with rushing in and 360 quickscoping 3 enemies in a row while eating pizza and watching TV.
In order to succeed in this game, you need to stay low. Try rush from cover to cover and spot your enemies. Prevent exposing yourself unnecessarily, peek (get out of cover to see) with caution.

This is one, simple way to play. There is another way though. This is more effective when done well, but it's also more dangerous;
Rush in. Make use of smoke grenades to provide soft cover for you and your teammates. Try to simply overwhelm the enemy forces.

I can not give you advise on how to see your targets - that is just experience and skill. This will come with time, trust me. What I can tell you though is what your enemies will look like. This will also help to prevent teamkills. Yes, teamdamage is enabled and your comrades will fall as easily as your enemies - always keep that in mind.

VVA soldiers usually have a black / grey or blue uniform. Some players are using a rather bright camo uniform too. The VVA is using brown or black hats and helmets.

VVA soldiers

The US Army and the US Marines are wearing green or green camouflaged uniforms. They use green helmets or boonie hats.
The Australian Army also wears green uniforms. They usually have boonie hats.

A US soldier

An Australian soldier

Another very easy way to tell if the guy infront of you is an enemy or an ally is to watch him running.
US and AUS soldiers will keep their weapon in both hands, while VVA soldiers will take their weapon in their right hand while running - it looks completely different.

You are not playing team deathmatch

Killing your enemies is good and it is necessary, but to actually win the game you need to play the objective. Try to get into the cap zone (press M for your map, there you can see where you need to go).

For every kill you do, you get 5 points. For every attacking kill (you are or your enemy is in a zone that your team is currently attacking while killing an enemy) you get 10. This also applies to defending kills (you are or your enemy is inside a zone that your team is currently defending.)
For defending or taking an objective, you get 50 points.

6: Tips & Tricks
1. As a VVA soldier, always try to shoot US helicopters, regardless of your weapon. Aim for the cockpit or the door gunners. You can get great kills by taking out the pilot.

2. Try the training option in the main menu. Here you can test all weapons, the commander role and savely improve your helicopter skills.

3. Communicate with your team. With the "o" key you can swap the channels, with the "Capslock" key you can speak via VoIP.
Also there is a textchat. "Z" for all players, "U" for your team and "I" for your squad.

3. Don't give up. In the beginning this game can be a little frustrating. Spotting enemies can be difficult and you will most likely die a lot. But this will change with training and experience :)

4. When you feel comfortable with the game, try new roles. Try new things, learn new things.

5. Make use of your grenades. Grenades are a great way to kill enemies or at least push them out of their cover. But be careful, its also easy to hit your own teammates.

6. If you do a teamkill, simply apologize. This can happen to everyone. I still sometimes tk too. Just say sorry. When you get teamkilled, a window shows up where you can decide if you want to punish the tk with +15 sec respawn time for the teamkiller. If it was an accident and he apologizes, just forgive him. In the end it could be that man who will decide if a zone is yours or not. 15 seconds can be a long time in Rising Storm 2.
The end
Thank you for reading my little beginner's guide. If you miss something, just let me know in the comment section and I'll eventually add that.

Fight for your rice :)
Rasta 14 Nov, 2022 @ 8:16am 
Yeaaah!) Its 2022 and this game still alive, and its awesome!)))):steamhappy:
LuCallofDuty1 29 Sep, 2021 @ 1:01pm 
how do i connect to a server knowing its IP adress?
he will decide 6 Apr, 2019 @ 10:18pm 
america fuck yeah
KISTU^^^ 21 Nov, 2018 @ 12:15pm 
hello people! we need help!! 16 of ex Vietcong players, starting to play Rising Storm 2 - Vietnam, but 90% of us NEVER played anything else but Vietcong.. we played CTF (even theese days). What is the best multiplayer game mode for us? We will need time to catch a game, but must start somewhere, but where? Please help as much as you can. Tnx
Carasar  [author] 25 Jul, 2018 @ 2:23pm 
@Mr Spock,

Unfortunately I can't really recommend any particular server. I usually join the server that fits best (ping / population / gamemode). The lack of communication in RS2 grew immensely since I wrote this guide. This is unfortunate, but was to be expected. With all the updates the game pushed out, more and more people joined it, too. And the majority of them are casual players that might not be interested in communicating at all. The new casual players scare away the tactical community of the game and so communication starts to shrink. It happens to a lot of games.

But don't let that stop you from using the VoIP yourself. You can be the one guy who starts speaking and maybe you'll encourage somebody else to do so :)

Btw, this guide is quite outdated. I'm not into the game as much as I was before (one of the reasons has been stated above) and I just couldn't be bothered to update this guide. I'm actually surprised that I still get comments on this :D
HPLoveThat 18 Feb, 2018 @ 8:49am 
Great guide, my dude. Looking forward to putting it to use.
Master of Medieval 16 Feb, 2018 @ 11:29am 
thats a good guide I think it will helps a lot. Especially the explanation how I can see the opposite soldiers better. thank you (:
Carasar  [author] 14 Feb, 2018 @ 4:34am 
Thank you for your comments :)

unfortunately I never played any previous Red Orchestra / Rising Storm games. But from what I can tell just by checking out some gameplays, they really are different.
Rising Storm 2 is a worthy title though, it is an overall great game.
sam17 13 Feb, 2018 @ 2:52pm 
Thanks, helps a lot! Experienced Rising Storm/Red Orchestra player, Rising Storm 2:Vietnam is a lot different.
~{1E}~℟εįḉђȿ₣ϋḩřS 10 Feb, 2018 @ 3:19am 
Awesome .Oversite TY.