Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Number of Players: 2, 3, 4
Mots-clés : Custom Models, Dungeons, 4+
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25 déc. 2017 à 13h11
25 déc. 2017 à 18h53
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Dans 1 collection faite par samantha
Tabletop Games ❤
20 objets

You’ll choose to play as one of ten heroes,
each with their own special cards and

In 5-Minute Dungeon, there are no turns.
Everybody will be racing against the clock to
slap down symbols that match the current
card from the Dungeon.

Tip: Double Resource cards can also act as either resource or can be used when both resources are needed.


To begin your adventure:
• Select which hero you want to play. Place your
Hero Mat in front of you with your chosen hero
• Grab the deck that’s the same color as your Hero
Mat, shuffle it, and place it on the “Draw Pile” space
on your Hero Mat, face down.
• Draw a starting hand from your deck. The number
of cards you draw depends on how many people
are playing

If you’re playing a two-player game, you’ll
need additional cards to defeat the Dungeon.
Each of you should select a second deck and
shuffle both decks together.

• Place the Boss Mat for the dungeon you are attempting in the center of the table.
Form the Dungeon:
• Count out the number of Door Cards as indicated on the bottom of the Boss Mat.
• Add 2 Challenge Cards (ORANGE) per player in your party.
• Shuffle and place the cards on top of the Boss Mat so that it hides the boss’ symbols.
• Set a timer to 5 minutes.
• Start the timer when you turn over the first card in the dungeon.

Anytime you play or discard cards, immediately refill your
hand back to its starting size.
Anytime you have more cards in your hand than your
starting hand size, do not refill your hand until you have
fewer cards than your starting hand size.

If you’re out of cards in your hand and draw pile, you can’t do anything until
one of the following cards brings you back into the game: Donation, heal, healing herbs, health potion, confusion


There are three ways to deal with most cards in the Dungeon:

You can defeat a Door Card by playing Resource Cards to
the center of the table until all the symbols are matched.
They don’t all have to come from the same player.
Resource Cards used this way are put in the middle of the
table, not on your Discard Pile.

You can also defeat a Door Card with certain Action Cards.
One example is Fireball, which defeats Monsters.
Like Resource Cards, you must play Action Cards to the
middle of the table when you use them. They do not go on
your Discard Pile.

Each hero has a special ability that they can
use to help the team. The ability for each hero
is described on the bottom of their Hero Mat.
To use your ability, discard 3 cards face-up
to the Discard Pile space on your Hero Mat,
announce your ability to the party, and
perform the action on your Hero Mat.

note: 1. If you don’t have 3 cards to discard, you cannot use your ability.
2. If your ability allows you to defeat a certain Door Card type (Monster, Obstacle or
Person), then you can only use your ability when facing a Door Card of that type.
All other abilities can be used anytime.
3. Using an ability does not count as playing a card. That means you can use your
ability while time is paused without restarting the clock!

Anytime you play or discard cards, immediately refill your
hand back to its starting size (see table to right).
Anytime you have more cards in your hand than your
starting hand size, do not refill your hand until you have
fewer cards than your starting hand size.

If you’re out of cards in your hand and draw pile, you can’t do anything until
one of the following cards brings you back into the game:

Donation: give your hand to another player
Heal: Choose a player to put their discard pile back on top of their draw pile
Healing herbs: choose a player to draw 4 cards from the top of their discard pile
Health Potion: all players draw 3 cards from their discard piles.
Confusion: All players pass your hand to another player.


When creating your Dungeon, you’ll shuffle in two Challenge Cards for each player in the game.

Challenge Cards have a horned skull on the back of the card, and come in two varieties:

Mini-Bosses: are extra-tough creatures that require more symbols to defeat
than a normal Door Card. In addition, they cannot be defeated using a hero
ability since they do not count as a Monster, Obstacle, or Person. Only the
Holy Hand Grenade can instantly defeat a Mini-Boss without needing to
match the symbols.

Events are special cards that require the
team to do a specific action. Whenever you
flip over an event card you must immediately do whatever the card
says. Only the action cards Cancel and Holy Hand Grenade can stop
an Event card before you have to do what is written on the card.



If you defeat all the Door Cards, Challenge Cards and the Baby Barbarian, you have conquered the first
Your adventure is not over yet. You’ll have to fight through four more dungeons and ultimately
defeat The Dungeon Master to win the game.

• Gather all of the cards and sort them back into their respective
decks and return Hero Decks to the appropriate players.
• Put the Boss Mat for the next Dungeon in the center of the table.
• Construct the Dungeon for the new boss as indicated in the section
“Preparing the Dungeon”.
• Reset the timer to 5 minutes and go defeat the new Dungeon!

There are three ways the dungeon can get the best of your party:
• If time runs out before you and your party defeat the
Dungeon Boss, or
• If all players run out of cards, or
• If your party is unable to match the symbols of a card in
the Dungeon and cannot use a hero ability or action card
to defeat it.
If you find yourself in any of these situations, your party has
perished in the dungeon! Start over at Baby Barbarian (Boss #1)
and try again.

Want to mix it up? In between dungeons, you can choose new
heroes, add players or remove players, as needed.


Want to mix it up? In between dungeons, you can choose new
heroes, add players or remove players, as needed.

There are 5 Player Mats, each representing a type of hero. These mats are double-sided and have a different
hero on each side. Each Player Mat has its own deck matching their color that you have to use.

There are two types of cards in the Hero Decks:
Resource Cards have one or more large symbols in the
middle. These are used to defeat cards in the Dungeon
by matching the symbols (scroll, jump, sword, shield, arrow).

Action Cards s are cards unique to each Hero Deck. Some of these
allow you to defeat certain types of cards in the Dungeon, while
others let you draw, steal, or give away cards. All Action Cards have
a black border (ex. wild card, fireball, magic bombs).

Mr Stump:

6 commentaires
gold 26 déc. 2019 à 18h48 
thank you so much!!
Shy Gal 27 juin 2019 à 22h46 
Awesome game :))
Rob_odd 2 oct. 2018 à 10h58 
I played this in real life and on higher levels you have to be very fast with placing cards. I can imagine, that it is difficult here in TTS to be fast enough before the time runs out. ^_^ But I will give it a try.
Taunker 15 juin 2018 à 16h50 
Topio's Pizzeria 28 mai 2018 à 17h06 
thank you :8bitheart:
darleth 27 déc. 2017 à 1h09 
Thanks a lot...